Agile Planning for Software Products Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer]

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About Agile Planning for Software Products Course

This course covers the techniques required to break down and map requirements into plans that will ultimately drive software production.

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Agile Planning for Software Products Quiz Answers

Module 1: Assessment (Graded) Answers

Q1. What term corresponds to the definition, “a duty that a person takes on or plays”?

  • Role
  • Milestone
  • Work Product
  • Task

Q2. Which of the following is an example of a milestone?

  • When the project is ready to be released.
  • The end of a two week sprint.
  • One month after the beginning of the project.
  • The date the product is due to be released.

Q3. What does an uncertainty space diagram measure?

  • When a product is going to get built
  • What you are going to build / How you are going to build it
  • Ends / Means
  • Ends uncertainty / Means uncertainty

Q4. When a product is built, what would you expect the ends uncertainty and means uncertainty to be?

  • Low ends uncertainty, Low means uncertainty
  • High ends uncertainty, Low means uncertainty
  • High ends uncertainty, High means uncertainty
  • Low ends uncertainty, High means uncertainty

Q5. What does a Work Breakdown Structure represent?

  • The ends and means uncertainty.
  • Breaking down a product into work products or tasks.
  • The demonstration of task dependencies.
  • The variability in a project.

Q6. What can a Work Breakdown Structure be used for? Select three answers that apply.

  • Generating developer tasks.
  • Identifying work products.
  • Determining the uncertainty in a project.
  • Creating estimates.

Q7. _____ is what you are agreeing to deliver. _____ is a guess for the time it will take for your development team to complete a task. _____ is a point in the schedule to meet.

  • A commitment / An estimate / A target
  • An estimate / A target / A commitment
  • A target / A commitment / An estimate
  • A commitment / A target / An estimate

Q8. Which of the following are non-negotiable? Choose all that apply.

  • Commitment
  • Estimate
  • Target
  • 1,2 and 3

Module 2: Assessment (Graded) Answers

Q1. Why is it suggested that story point values be chosen from a Fibonacci sequence?

  • Larger user stories have more uncertainty, so they are estimated more coarsely.
  • You can check whether an estimate is accurate if it is a Fibonacci number.
  • Fibonacci numbers are well known to managers and developers.
  • It is a good idea to round up estimates because management will cut them back.

Q2. Suppose completing user story A is estimated to be 2 story points. Relative to that, completing user story B is estimated to be twice the effort. How many story points are needed to complete both user stories? Use a Fibonacci number for each user story estimate.

  • 5
  • 6
  • 8
  • 7

Q3. Within a sprint, suppose a user story estimated at 13 story points is partly completed. The developers say the work for it is half done. How many story points would the partial work contribute toward their velocity for the sprint?

  • 8
  • 6.5
  • 0
  • 5

Q4. A development team estimates their velocity to be 15 story points per sprint, based on data from a similar project with the same developers, type of software product, and sprint duration. For the current project, after the first few sprints, their actual velocity was calculated to be 12 story points per sprint. What should be done for the next sprint?

  • Use 12 story points per sprint as their estimated velocity.
  • Continue to use 15 story points per sprint as their estimated velocity.
  • Inflate all the story point estimates by 25 per cent.
  • Increase the sprint duration by 25 per cent.

Q5. Suppose there is a project for a software product with an inception phase followed by 5 development sprints, ending with a target date to present the product at a trade show. What needs to be flexible to apply Scrum to plan this project?

  • The sprint time box.
  • The definition of “done”.
  • The target date.
  • Scope.

Q6. A development team is planning their fourth sprint, and have three prior sprints of actual velocities. To estimate their velocity for the upcoming sprint using this data, what issues should their estimation technique address? Choose the 2 that are correct.

  • Review whether the velocity numbers would be representative for the next sprint.
  • Weight highly the most recent actual velocity number.
  • Consider that the velocity numbers may not be stable early on in a project.
  • Generate a Fibonacci number.

Q7. Besides task planning, how can Gantt charts be adapted to do release planning? Choose the 2 that are correct.

  • Define release tasks.
  • Show a time period spanning the current and next couple of sprints.
  • Label each task with the sprint it is for.
  • Use user stories rather than tasks as the items of work.

Q8. Release planning considers the priorities of the user stories in the product backlog, where “should do” means ___, and “could do” means ___.

  • out of scope / important but not necessary
  • important but not necessary / out of scope
  • low priority / medium priority
  • medium priority / low priority

Module 3: Assessment (Graded) Answers

Q1. Suppose, at the point in a project when requirements are elicited, the variability of estimates is 0.5x to 2.0x. And, at the point when potential approaches are formulated, the variability of estimates is 0.8x to 1.25x. You just started eliciting requirements for an app, and the development team estimates the activity to formulate potential approaches would take 2 days. What should be used as the estimated time to complete this activity?

  • 1.6 to 2.5 days
  • 1 to 4 days
  • 2 days
  • 4 days

Q2. In estimating the duration to complete a project, the optimistic duration is 3 days, the pessimistic duration is 15 days, and the most probable duration is 6 days. What is the interval that would contain the actual duration about 95% of the time?

  • 3 to 11 days
  • 0 to 8 days
  • 5 to 9 days
  • 3 to 15 days

Q3. For a software requirement, a development team is planning a task to write the implementation code and a task to write and run unit tests for that code. The two tasks can happen in parallel, but they specifically want some of these tests ready before writing the implementation code. What kind of task dependency is this between the coding and testing tasks?

  • Start-Start
  • Start-Finish
  • Finish-Finish
  • Finish-Start

Q4. A software product manager has a task to analyze the usage data for the features of a web application. After that task is done, there is a task to decide which popular features to incorporate into a mobile version of the application. What kind of task dependency is this between the analysis and decision tasks?

  • Finish-Start
  • Start-Start
  • Start-Finish
  • Finish-Finish

Q5. In a CPM chart, the ___ represented tasks, while in a PERT chart, the ___ represented tasks.

  • nodes / edges
  • critical path / program evaluation
  • arrows / boxes
  • edges / nodes

Q6. In a PERT chart, the nodes represented milestones. When multiple tasks lead directly out of a node, what does that mean?

  • The tasks can be done in parallel.
  • The tasks need to be done sequentially.
  • The tasks are on the critical path.
  • The tasks end by synchronizing at the milestone.

Q7. For a project, the critical path from beginning to end, has ___.

  • the most tasks
  • the longest duration
  • slack
  • the shortest duration

Q8. In Scrum, an iteration plan is generated in a ___ meeting. The developers break down each user story into ___ with estimated times, which are ___.

  • sprint planning / features / self-assigned
  • sprint planning / tasks / assigned by a manager
  • sprint / a work breakdown structure / assigned by a manager
  • sprint planning / tasks / self-assigned

Module 4: Assessment (Graded) Answers

Q1. An anti-pattern is a ___ occurring solution or situation in projects, with ___ consequences.

  • recently / probable
  • rarely / unintended
  • commonly / positive
  • commonly / negative

Q2. The project for a software product is stuck in the specification phase, waiting for the product requirements to be perfected. Which anti-pattern is this?

  • Analysis paralysis
  • Perfectionism
  • Specification procrastination
  • Cart before the horse

Q3. The project for a software product has separate teams that do not communicate well with each other, leading to an incoherent product. Which anti-pattern is this?

  • Silos
  • Not seeing the whole
  • Groupthink
  • Independent teams

Q4. The development team is deciding between two data compression libraries for a mobile app. To avoid groupthink and make an effective decision, what should the team do?

  • Have each member independently make their choice, reveal the choices at the same time, and discuss.
  • Have each member independently make their choice, use ballots to record the votes, and take the majority choice.
  • Let the team lead decide for everyone.
  • Decide to produce a new data compression library to avoid vendor lock-in.

Q5. Which of the following would be an indicator of a fire drill anti-pattern?

  • Little is heard from the development manager, until a problem arises with a user story to be shown at the sprint review.
  • Little working software is created, but documentation is shown instead at the sprint review.
  • Little movement happens on a task board until just before the sprint review.
  • Little value is provided by the product for a while, but the developers are forced to keep completing user stories for the sprint review.

Q6. Suppose a mobile application has a growing user base and the underlying server-side platform is not scaling with the demand. What main type of risk is happening, which could cause the product or project to fail?

  • technology risk
  • personnel risk
  • stakeholder risk
  • scope risk

Q7. From the version of the impact versus likelihood matrix presented in the course, a risk with low impact and high likelihood would be a ___ risk. A risk with high impact and medium likelihood would be a ___ risk.

  • medium / medium
  • low / medium
  • medium / high
  • high / high

Q8. Backed by market data, a software product manager wants a new video game to support the iOS mobile platform, natively. The past games by the development team were Android apps. In a risk plan, there is a risk identified and indicated that the development team is inexperienced with iOS. What would be a suitable action for this risk?

  • Arrange formal iOS training for the developers and allow time for learning.
  • Set up development machines for iOS.
  • Develop the product for Android, and use a converter to create an iOS version.
  • Do nothing and just monitor the situation.

Course Final Assessment (Graded) Answers

Q1. On an uncertainty space diagram, if you have low means uncertainty, what does that indicate?

  • You know how you are going to build your product
  • You don’t know what product you are going to build
  • You know what product you are going to build
  • You don’t know how you are going to build your product.

Q2. On an uncertainty space diagram, what does the navigation path depict?

  • The level of means and ends uncertainty at specific points in time for a project.
  • A trail of the resolved uncertainties as the project progresses.
  • The critical path from the beginning to the end of the project.
  • The optimal path to go from high uncertainty to low uncertainty.

Q3. On an uncertainty space diagram, from high means and high ends uncertainty, a waterfall process would tend to navigate toward which way initially?

  • low means uncertainty and high ends uncertainty
  • high means uncertainty and low ends uncertainty
  • low means uncertainty and low ends uncertainty
  • high means uncertainty and high ends uncertainty

Q4. For a software product, what is an effective initial basis to form a work breakdown structure for its implementation?

  • Use the activities in the phases of a software process.
  • Break down the product into its constituent parts.Let the team lead decide for everyone.
  • Determine a key task and connect other tasks to it.
  • Consult the roles of the development team.

Q5. What would be a useful way to determine the specific project risks for a software product?

  • Form a work breakdown structure, and discuss the potential risks for each work product with the developers.
  • Refer to a book on management anti-patterns to collect people risks.
  • For a risk, consider its likelihood and impact.
  • Consult an article on project failures to gather common risks.

Q6. A software product team is applying Scrum, and is breaking down the work for a user story into required developer tasks. They have identified an implementation task to write the source code. To meet a typical definition of “done” for this user story, which other tasks should be identified?

  • Write/run unit tests, integrate the code, review the code, write documentation, write/run acceptance tests.
  • Write unit tests, write documentation, write acceptance tests
  • Write the code, commit the code, integrate the code, test the code.
  • Test the code, document the code, accept the code.

Q7. A software team is breaking down the work for a user story into required developer tasks. They have identified a task to add a section to the user manual for the feature. They also have a task to spellcheck the new section. Would this be appropriate?

  • Yes, because having a separate task for spellchecking ensures it is not missed.
  • Yes, because user manuals are useful to have.
  • No, because spellchecking is too small a task and should be merged with the other.
  • No, because no one reads user manuals.

Q8. A development team thinks that it should take them four months to complete everything that the client has asked for. The client wants it delivered in two months, on New Years Day. The development team and client determine that they will complete half of the requested requirements. Which of these is the commitment?

Q1. On an uncertainty space diagram, if you have low means uncertainty, what does that indicate?

  • You know how you are going to build your product
  • You don’t know what product you are going to build
  • You know what product you are going to build
  • You don’t know how you are going to build your product.

Q2. On an uncertainty space diagram, what does the navigation path depict?

  • The level of means and ends uncertainty at specific points in time for a project.
  • A trail of the resolved uncertainties as the project progresses.
  • The critical path from the beginning to the end of the project.
  • The optimal path to go from high uncertainty to low uncertainty.

Q3. On an uncertainty space diagram, from high means and high ends uncertainty, a waterfall process would tend to navigate toward which way initially?

  • low means uncertainty and high ends uncertainty
  • high means uncertainty and low ends uncertainty
  • low means uncertainty and low ends uncertainty
  • high means uncertainty and high ends uncertainty

Q4. For a software product, what is an effective initial basis to form a work breakdown structure for its implementation?

  • Use the activities in the phases of a software process.
  • Break down the product into its constituent parts.Let the team lead decide for everyone.
  • Determine a key task and connect other tasks to it.
  • Consult the roles of the development team.

Q5. What would be a useful way to determine the specific project risks for a software product?

  • Form a work breakdown structure, and discuss the potential risks for each work product with the developers.
  • Refer to a book on management anti-patterns to collect people risks.
  • For a risk, consider its likelihood and impact.
  • Consult an article on project failures to gather common risks.

Q6. A software product team is applying Scrum, and is breaking down the work for a user story into required developer tasks. They have identified an implementation task to write the source code. To meet a typical definition of “done” for this user story, which other tasks should be identified?

  • Write/run unit tests, integrate the code, review the code, write documentation, write/run acceptance tests.
  • Write unit tests, write documentation, write acceptance tests
  • Write the code, commit the code, integrate the code, test the code.
  • Test the code, document the code, accept the code.

Q7. A software team is breaking down the work for a user story into required developer tasks. They have identified a task to add a section to the user manual for the feature. They also have a task to spellcheck the new section. Would this be appropriate?

  • Yes, because having a separate task for spellchecking ensures it is not missed.
  • Yes, because user manuals are useful to have.
  • No, because spellchecking is too small a task and should be merged with the other.
  • No, because no one reads user manuals.

Q8. A development team thinks that it should take them four months to complete everything that the client has asked for. The client wants it delivered in two months, on New Years Day. The development team and client determine that they will complete half of the requested requirements. Which of these is the commitment?

  • New Year’s Day
  • four months
  • two months
  • half the requirements

Q9. What are story points?

  • A numeric estimate on the relative effort to complete a user story.
  • An estimate on the relative business value of a user story.
  • A numeric estimate on the size of a user story based on the number of developer tasks.
  • An estimate on the effort to implement a user story in hours.

Q10. What are the consequences of having an inflated story point estimate for a user story?

  • The user story is an epic, and should be divided into smaller stories.
  • An estimate should always be inflated, to accommodate for optimism.
  • The development team is gold plating the product.
  • When the story is completed, the points received to compute the velocity could mislead about higher productivity.

Q11. How do you calculate the actual velocity of a team for a sprint?

  • Take the number of tasks that developers completed within the sprint.
  • Take the number of user stories completed within the sprint.
  • Take the total task hours for the tasks that developers completed within the sprint.
  • Take the total number of story points of the user stories completed within the sprint.

Q12. A development team calculates their velocity to be 20 story points in their recently finished sprint. They had completed a user story estimated at 5 story points. However, later in the project, it is noticed that the user story needs some enhancements, estimated at 1 story point. How should their previously calculated velocity be revised?

  • Reduce by 1 story point.
  • Reduce by 6 story points.
  • No change.
  • Reduce by 5 story points.

Q13. In release planning, what user stories should be planned first for development in the earliest sprints?

  • must do, low risk
  • could do, low risk
  • could do, high risk
  • must do, high risk

Q14. Suppose, while release planning, the total number of story points of user stories chosen for the next sprint exceeds the development team’s estimated velocity. What should be done?

  • Start reducing the story point estimates.
  • Start extending the sprint durations.
  • Start removing one or more user stories from the sprint.
  • Start hiring more developers to increase the estimated velocity.

Q15. In release planning, a development team estimates their velocity to be 20 story points. For the next sprint, they plan to finish 2 high priority user stories of 5 story points each. With 10 story points left, which of the following combinations of user stories should they choose (assuming the stories are independent and equal risk)?

  • 3 medium priority stories of 3 points each
  • 1 high priority story of 2 points, 1 medium priority story of 3 points, 1 low priority story of 5 points
  • 1 high priority story of 2 points, 2 medium priority stories of 3 points each
  • 2 low priority stories of 5 points each

Q16. Suppose a release plan has a user story to be completed in the current sprint. At the end of the sprint, however, the tasks for the user story have not started. How should the release plan be updated?

  • Move the user story into the next sprint of the release plan.
  • Have developers work overtime to complete the user story before the next sprint starts.
  • Move the user story to the product backlog, and redo the release planning for the next sprints.
  • Drop the user story if the product owner does not notice it is not completed.

Q17. What does the cone of uncertainty mainly illustrate about estimates?

  • Start the project with detailed design so that estimates have less variability.
  • Estimates become more accurate if you just wait long enough.
  • Estimates for a large project have higher variability than estimates for a small project.
  • Estimates need higher variability early in a project when there is more uncertainty.

Q18. A team of 3 developers is estimating the time to complete a user story. One developer forms an estimate by determining the tasks needed, estimating their times, and deriving a total. Another developer implemented a similar user story for another product, and derives an estimate based on personal experience. The third developer looked at another user story with the same number of story points and used its time estimate. How should they come to a final estimate?

  • Have them reveal their estimates at the same time, and discuss to agree to a final estimate.
  • Reveal each estimate one at a time, and discuss after each reveal to agree to a final estimate.
  • Take the smallest and largest estimate to form the interval for the final estimate.
  • Take the arithmetic mean of the estimates.

Q19. In estimating the duration to complete a project, the resulting interval that would contain the actual duration about 68% of the time is 14 to 24 days. What is the interval that would contain the actual duration about 95% of the time?

  • 12 to 26 days
  • 10 to 34 days
  • 9 to 29 days
  • 4 to 34 days

Q20. For a software requirement, a development team is planning a task to write the implementation code and a task to inspect a reviewable version of the code for defects. After the inspection, the coding task addresses the discovered defects for the final version. What kind of task dependency is this between the coding and inspection tasks?

  • Start-Finish
  • Finish-Start
  • Start-Start
  • Finish-Finish

Q21. A product support team has a long-term task to operate version 1 of an invoicing service. Version 2 is almost ready for to replace version 1, so another long-term task is planned to operate that version. The service must be available at all times, so if version 2 is not in place, version 1 is used. What kind of task dependency is this between the version 1 and version 2 operations tasks.

  • Start-Finish
  • Start-Start
  • Finish-Start
  • Finish-Finish

Q22. In a PERT chart, the nodes represented milestones. When multiple tasks lead directly into a node, what does that mean? Choose 2 responses.

  • The tasks need to be done sequentially.
  • The tasks can be done in parallel.
  • The tasks end by synchronizing at the milestone.
  • The tasks are on the critical path.

Q23. Suppose for the tasks of an iteration plan, the critical path from begin to end to implement the user stories for the sprint has a total duration of 80 hours. There is an independent path from begin to end to prepare training materials for a separate set of features, and there is 16 hours of slack on that path. How much time is planned to prepare these training materials?

  • 64 hours
  • 80 hours
  • 16 hours
  • 96 hours

Q24. Suppose while iteration planning, the total story points for the user stories of the sprint is below the estimated velocity, but the total estimated task hours for the tasks of these stories is above the available time for the team members. What should be done?

  • Allow that the user stories may not be completed by the end of the sprint.
  • Stop planning, since that is reducing the available time for work.
  • No change, since the estimated velocity is more reliable than the available time.
  • Start with choosing a user story and its tasks to remove from the sprint, to reduce the total task hours to no more than the available time.

Q25. Within a sprint, for a user story, one developer finished their tasks earlier than expected, allowing some spare time. What should the developer do with the spare time?

  • Add some extra features to the user story to impress the client.
  • Help with other tasks that need finishing to complete other planned user stories.
  • Relax as a reward for finishing early.
  • Start work on an independent user story not planned for this sprint, to get ahead.

Q26. At a development meeting to decide the underlying technology for a software product, one of the developers used their expert knowledge about one technology to pressure the rest to use it. The other developers are not convinced, but to avoid conflict, decide to follow using this technology. Which anti-patterns are happening here?

  • loose cannon and conflict avoidance
  • intellectual violence and groupthink
  • bullying and being bullied
  • persuasion and groupthink

Q27. The development team is deciding between two platforms for a software application. One involved proprietary tools around a proprietary language, and the contract would create a long-term relationship that would allow a relative of the team lead to profit. The other platform is open, with alternative tools. Which anti-pattern results from choosing the first platform?

  • Conflict of interest
  • Something for something
  • Overengineering
  • Vendor lock-in

Q28. A development team decides to tune an existing algorithm for more speed rather than implement a better algorithm. One developer disagrees with the decision and works on the new algorithm without telling anyone. The new algorithm is taking a lot of effort, which results in not finishing other tasks, and planned user stories are not being completed for the sprint. What could the team have done to avoid this? Choose the two that are correct.

  • Arrange the developers to work in pairs.
  • Put up a poster near the team that says “loose cannons sink ships”.
  • Monitor daily what each developer intends to work on and actually finishes.
  • Have the team lead send a daily email detailing what each developer must work on.

Q29. For risk planning, an impact versus likelihood matrix combines a ___ and ___ to derive a single value of its ___, reducing 9 combinations into 3 categories to consider.

  • risk’s severity / probability of occurrence / risk amount
  • product’s competitive strength / chance of favorable market conditions / investment strategy
  • risk’s urgency / chance of occurrence / risk importance
  • product’s value / probability of success / viability

Q30. For a project, the developers will follow Agile practices and the Scrum methodology. The impact of running out of funding for further development is relatively ___.

  • high, because they are integrating late and none of the software is working together
  • low, because agile projects can be easily turned into an open source project for further development
  • low, because they delivered working software and value in every sprint
  • high, because they may not have a chance to perform a phase of validation and verification activities

Q31. Suppose a Scrum development team for a software product is located across two sites, 3 time zones apart. In a risk plan, there is a risk identified and indicated of poor remote communication. What would be suitable actions for this risk? Choose the two that are correct.

  • Divide duties so that one site focuses on implementing the product and the other site focuses on testing the product.
  • Divide duties so that one site focuses on the user interface and the other site focuses on data storage.
  • Set up globally accessible online collaboration tools for the work products of Scrum-based development.
  • Set up easy-to-use communication tools and use them for the usual Scrum meeting events.

Q32. An experienced Agile team is forming a release plan, and there are two user stories, both with high value. However, one user story is low risk and one is high risk. Which should be done first and why?

  • The high risk user story, because it is better to find out early if it is feasible.
  • The low risk user story, because completing it shows progress on the product, which is a credibility boost.
  • The low risk user story, because deferring the high risk user story will allow more time for the team to think about how best to complete it.
  • The high risk user story, because Agile developers like to live dangerously.

More About This Course

This course covers the techniques required to break down and map requirements into plans that will ultimately drive software production.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: – Create effective plans for software development – Map user requirements to developer tasks – Assess and plan for project risks – Apply velocity-driven planning techniques – Generate work estimates for software products


  • Create effective plans for software development
  • Map user requirements to developer tasks
  • Assess and plan for project risks
  • Apply velocity-driven planning techniques


  • Software Development
  • Agile Management
  • Program Evaluation And Review Technique (PERT)
  • Agile Software Development

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532 thoughts on “Agile Planning for Software Products Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer]”

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