Cybersecurity for Everyone Coursera Quiz Answers 2023 [💯% Correct Answer]

Hello Peers, Today we will share all week’s assessment and quiz answers of the Cybersecurity for Everyone course launched by Coursera, free of cost✅✅✅. This is a certification course for every interested student.

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Coursera, India’s biggest learning platform launched millions of free courses for students daily. These courses are from various recognized universities, where industry experts and professors teach very well and in a more understandable way.

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These answers are updated recently and are 100% correct✅ answers of all week, assessment, and final exam answers of Cybersecurity for Everyone from Coursera Free Certification Course.

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About Cybersecurity for Everyone Course

This course is for students with little or no experience in information technology or cybersecurity. Engineers and computer scientists will learn about the bigger picture and business side of cybersecurity. The course will teach students the basics they need to understand the current debates that are shaping a security landscape that is changing quickly.

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Cybersecurity for Everyone Quiz Answers

Week 01: Cybersecurity for Everyone Coursera Quiz Answers

Q1. The definition for the term “cyber” includes the interplay between technology and human systems.

  • True
  • False

Q2. The primary challenge in managing the problem of cyber security is the complexity of technology and human processes that create vulnerabilities that can be exploited by threat actors.

  • True
  • False

Q3. The size and complexity of an organization’s publicly facing internet presence is known as the firm’s

  • Targeting Presence
  • Attack Surface
  • Hacking Index
  • Emergence Coefficient
  • None of the above

Week 02: Cybersecurity for Everyone Coursera Quiz Answers

Q1. The origin and evolution of the internet was a product of:

  • A far-sighted government agency who envisioned, designed, developed, and scaled the protocols and technology into today’s modern infrastructure.
  • A series of brilliant breakthroughs by university academics who envisioned, designed, developed, and scaled the protocols and technology into today’s modern infrastructure.
  • An evolutionary process that only included university researchers and the private sector.
  • None of the above.

Q2. The federal government’s role in developing the internet can best be described as:

  • The chief inventor of the technology used everyday by billions of people around the world.
  • The original group to conceive of a set of interconnected systems used by billions of people around the world.
  • The group that scaled the use of the internet from a niche service to a global utility used by billion of people around the world.
  • An early supporter of a radical concept that helped bridge an academic concept into a service leveraged by corporations and users around the world.
  • None of the above.

Q3. The federal government was the chief developer of internet technology in the 1960s and 1970s.

  • True
  • False

Q4. The introduction of Senate bill 2594, the “Super Computer Network Study Act” of 1986, by former president Al Gore helped:

  • bring together industry, academia, and government in a joint effort to accelerate development and deployment of gigabit networking
  • create the ICANN organization
  • create the first carpool lane in the information superhighway
  • provide funding for Microsoft to develop Windows 3.1

Week 03: Cybersecurity for Everyone Coursera Quiz Answers

Q1. The OSI model is:

  • a) A representation of how information from a user is encapsulated, transmitted, and received across networks, and the global telecommunications infrastructure.
  • b) Can be used to understand the motivations of hackers
  • c) Is used by national intelligence agencies to map attacks against critical infrastructure.
  • d) b and c
  • e) None of the Above

Q2. The OSI Data model utilizes the concept of ____________ to move data from one point of the earth to another:

  • encapsulation
  • conscription
  • uniformity
  • complexity
  • emergence

Q3. What is the key protocol that is leveraged to “provide the map” between networks?

  • Telnet
  • IP
  • BGP
  • IXP
  • SSL

Q4. Which definition best describes an Autonomous System?

  • The physical infrastructure through which Internet service providers (ISPs) and content delivery networks (CDNs) exchange Internet traffic between their networks
  • A collection of connected Internet Protocol (IP) under the control of one or more network operators
  • A sentient computer system
  • A geo stationary satellite used to transmit and receive packets of information

Q5. Which definition best describes an Internet Exchange Point (IXP)?

  • The physical infrastructure through which Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) exchange Internet traffic between their networks
  • A collection of connected Internet Protocol (IP) under the control of one or more network operators 
  • An e-commerce platform that allows for the exchange of services between two or more companies
  • A geo stationary satellite used to transmit and receive packets of information

Q6. The global telecommunication infrastructure is managed by nation states who come to agreement on where to invest and who should have access.

  • True
  • False

Q7. One major limitation of terrestrial microwave technology for use in long haul communications is:

  • It can create significant health hazards to birds
  • The curvature of the earth prevents long distance communications, without the need for a repeater
  • It is extremely expensive to install and operate
  • None of the above

Q8. Which description best describes The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)?

  • An international organization located in Geneva, and is part of the United Nations
  • A global multi-stakeholder forum that facilitates public policy issues pertaining to the internet
  • Internationally organized non-profit responsible for coordinating the maintenance and procedures of several databases related to the namespace on the internet
  • A private sector corporation responsible for coordinating the maintenance and procedures of several databases related to the namespace on the internet
  • None of the above

Q9. Regional Internet Registries are:

  • a) Managed by ICANN
  • b) Managed by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
  • c) A core part of the internet that help facilitate the association of domain names with internet protocol addresses
  • d) Both a and c  
  • e) Both b and c 

Q10. The organization that focuses on short-term immediate needs for the efficient development of internet technology is:

  • The Internet Engineering Task Force
  • The Internet Research Task Force
  • The International Telecommunications Union
  • The Mission Force One Task Force
  • None of the Above

Week 04: Cybersecurity for Everyone Coursera Quiz Answers

Q1. APT is an acronym for:

  • Advanced Process Threat
  • Advanced Persistent Threat
  • Aggregated and Pernicious Threat
  • Advanced Personal Threat
  • Aggregated Parallel Threat

Q2. Which of the following is NOT considered a cyber threat actor?

  • Individuals or groups who use information technology to promote a political agenda
  • Nation states who utilize information technology and network access to acquire data or to disrupt operations.
  • Criminal gangs who use information technology and the internet to steal information for profit, or utilize technology to solicit a ransom.
  • People who are curious about how technology works and report vulnerabilities to organizations and authorities they discover in their own devices and networks.
  • None of the Above

Q3. A hacker who defaces a government website to protest the arrest of a political prisoner would be considered what type of threat actor?

  • Freedom Fighter
  • APT
  • Hacktivist
  • White Hat Hacker
  • None of the above

Q4. How would you best describe the capabilities and motives of an APT?

  • They are lightly skilled, uncoordinated and primarily motivated by curiosity.
  • They are lightly skilled, coordinated and primarily motivated by economic incentives.
  • They are heavily skilled, highly coordinated, and usually motivated by national objectives such as espionage.
  • They are heavily skilled, uncoordinated, and motivated due to moral objections to corporate policies.
  • None of the Above

Q5. Fancy Bear is a threat actor that is best categorized as what type of threat actor?

  • Hacktivist
  • Basement Hacker
  • Criminal Syndicate
  • APT
  • None of the Above

Q6. Criminal organizations engage in hacking activity primarily to:

  • Steal national secrets
  • Protest unpopular policy positions by a national government
  • Illegally obtain monies from their victims
  • Increase their reputation in the hacking community or to simply understand how to take advantage of vulnerabilities in technology
  • None of the Above

Week 05: Cybersecurity for Everyone Coursera Quiz Answers

Q1. The best way to describe hacking is as a single effort or activity conducted quickly and effortlessly by the threat actor.

  • True
  • False

Q2. Spear phishing is a tactic in which part of the Lockheed Martin Attack Kill Chain Model?

  • Delivery
  • Reconnaissance
  • Weaponization
  • Installation
  • Command and Control

Q3. Investigating the organizational chart of a target is part of which phase of the Lockheed Martin Attack Kill Chain Model?

  • Delivery
  • Reconnaissance
  • Weaponization
  • Installation
  • Command and Control

Q4. IT System Administrators often can easily identify who attackers are and submit their identities to law enforcement for prosecution.

  • True
  • False

Q5. The phase of the hacking process where a threat actor’s code is executed onto a victim’s device is called:

  • Delivery
  • Reconnaissance
  • Exploitation
  • Installation
  • Command and Control

Q6. Writing an exploit to leverage a vulnerability in the windows 10 operating system would be included in which phase of the Lockheed Martin Cyber Kill Chain?

  • Delivery
  • Reconnaissance
  • Weaponization
  • Installation
  • Command and Control

Q7. The use of _______ often makes it difficult for victims of cyber-attack to identify the threat actor involved.

  • social media
  • IXP
  • proxy servers
  • ISP
  • routers

Q8. Attribution can be difficult for victims of cyber attack primarily due to:

  • The difficulty for IT workers to work with technology in their own network
  • The interplay between proxies, encryption, and threat actors hiding in plain network traffic
  • The difficulty of security organizations to communicate with one another
  • The generally slow nature of government response to cyber attack
  • None of the Above

Week 06: Cybersecurity for Everyone Coursera Quiz Answers

Q1. A threat actor can only create direct effects on the victim cyber-attack can only generate impacts on the system it directly hacks.

  • True
  • False

Q2. The direct impacts a threat actor has on a system is called a:

  • Primary effect
  • Secondary effect
  • Second Order effect
  • Cumulative effect
  • None of the Above

Q3. Secondary effects capture each of the following consequences except for:

  • Impacts to a firm’s revenue
  • Impacts to a firm’s reputation
  • Costs tied to the remediation of systems and services for the firm
  • Decreased technical system performance
  • None of the Above

Q4. Second-order effects are best described as:

  • Effects on society that stem from actions taken by threat actors but whose actions generate failures to a critical organization’s systems and processes
  • Effects on a organization’s ability to produce products and generate revenue
  • Effects on a specific IT system that results in a 24 downtime for that device
  • Effects on the reputation of the business as a result of a hacker’s efforts
  • None of the Above

Q5. Determining if a cyber attack is a private problem versus a public concern is primarily a function of:

  • The scope and severity of the primary impacts on the victim’s computers and networks
  • The scope and severity of the secondary impacts on the victim’s revenue and product or service delivery capability
  • The scope and severity of the second-order impacts to a community because of the loss of capabilities of systemically important organizations
  • The sophistication of the techniques used to engineer the hack of the target’s computers
  • None of the Above

Q6. A firm’s stock price that falls 20% after a cyber event is an example of a:

  • a) Second Order Effect
  • b) Secondary Effect
  • c) Primary Effect
  • d) Complex Effect
  • e) c and d

Q7. Use the Following Narrative for the questions that follow.

In 2017, a cyber attack against Maersk Line, a large container transport company, resulted in thousands of their devices disrupted by the NotPetya ransomware by having the contents on those devices encrypted and made inaccessible to the company. The firm eventually rebuilt over 45,000 desktops and over 2,500 servers. Port operations in 76 countries were impacted, costing the company $300M in lost revenue and remediation costs. Hundreds of companies had their logistics chains stopped or severely degraded. Researchers have tied the distribution of the ransomware to efforts by a Russian APT.

According to the classification system presented, the primary effect to Maersk’s devices is best described as a:

  • Data Attack
  • Sensor Exploitation
  • External Denial of Service Attack
  • Internal Denial of Service Attack
  • Message Manipulation Attack

Q8. The $300M dollar loss by Maersk Line would be considered a:

  • Primary Effect
  • Secondary Effect
  • Second Order Effect
  • Physical Effect

Q9. The degradation to the central European logistics supply chains stemming from this attack would be an example of a:

  • Second Order Effect
  • Primary Effect
  • Secondary Effect
  • Data Attack

More About This Course

Cybersecurity affects everyone, even when basic goods and services are delivered. If you or your organisation want to learn more about how to deal with cybersecurity, this is the course for you and your coworkers, whether they are experienced professionals or not.

Your teacher, Dr. Charles Harry, has worked on the front lines with the National Security Agency (NSA) and as an expert advising corporate and institutional leaders on how to manage cybersecurity risk. And he has a unique and interesting point of view that will help you learn about cybersecurity from the bottom up.

Cybersecurity for Everyone lays the groundwork for understanding and exploring the key issues that policymakers face when trying to deal with cybersecurity, from its technical foundations to the domestic and international policy considerations around governance, privacy, and risk management, as well as applications for achieving the goals of an enterprise, an institution, or a nation.

This course is for students with little or no experience in information technology or cybersecurity. Engineers and computer scientists will learn about the bigger picture and business side of cybersecurity. The course will teach students the basics they need to understand the current debates that are shaping a security landscape that is changing quickly.


Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of the Cybersecurity for Everyone Quiz of Coursera and grab some premium knowledge with less effort.

If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them know about this excellent training. You can also check out our other course Answers. 

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    Blackjack offers everything a player could wish for; easy rules, action and good chances of winning. Considered one of the oldest card games in the world, we are unsure of its origins. Similar games existed in 18th century France, including ‘21’ one of the most popular versions of the game. The game reached the US via French colonialists in around 1800, and quickly spread across the company until it earned its official name in the first half of the 20th century, when it became a hit. Fun Fact: Dealers can only Hit or Stand – they cannot Split Pairs or Double Down. Quote: unJonQuote: acesideThe probability of a dealer or player blackjack is 4.7%;The probability of a dealer non-blackjack 21 is 7.3%, but that of a player 7.2%. With these numbers, we have4.7%^2 +7.3%x7.2% = to original post

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