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Exploratory Data Analysis Answer
Week 1 Quiz
Question 1
Which of the following is a principle of analytic graphics?
1 point
- Show box plots (univariate summaries)
- Only do what your tools allow you to do
- Show causality, mechanism, explanation
- Make judicious use of color in your scatterplots
- Don’t plot more than two variables at at time
Which of the following is a principle of analytic graphics?
Make judicious use of color in your scatterplots (NO)
Don’t plot more than two variables at at time (NO)
Show box plots (univariate summaries) (NO)
Only do what your tools allow you to do (NO)
Show comparisons
Question 2
What is the role of exploratory graphs in data analysis?
1 point
- Axes, legends, and other details are clean and exactly detailed.
- They are typically made very quickly.
- Only a few are constructed.
- They are made for formal presentations.
Question 3
Which of the following is true about the base plotting system?
1 point
- The system is most useful for conditioning plots
- Plots are created and annotated with separate functions
- Plots are typically created with a single function call
- Margins and spacings are adjusted automatically depending on the type of plot and the data
Question 4
Which of the following is an example of a valid graphics device in R?
1 point
- The keyboard
- A file folder
- A Microsoft Word document
- A PNG file
- A socket connection
Which of the following is an example of a valid graphics device in R?
A file folder (NO)
The computer screen
A Microsoft Word document (NO)
A socket connection (NO)
The keyboard (NO)
Question 5
Which of the following is an example of a vector graphics device in R?
1 point
- Postscript
Which of the following is an example of a vector graphics device in R?
Question 6
Bitmapped file formats can be most useful for
1 point
- Scatterplots with many many points
- Plots that require animation or interactivity
- Plots that are not scaled to a specific resolution
- Plots that may need to be resized
Question 7
Which of the following functions is typically used to add elements to a plot in the base graphics system?
1 point
- hist()
- boxplot()
- plot()
- text()
Which of the following functions is typically used to add elements to a plot in the base graphics system?
Question 8
Which function opens the screen graphics device for the Mac?
1 point
- quartz()
- bitmap()
- pdf()
- png()
Which function opens the screen graphics device on Windows?
Question 9
What does the ‘pch’ option to par() control?
1 point
- the plotting symbol/character in the base graphics system
- the line width in the base graphics system
- the orientation of the axis labels on the plot
- the size of the plotting symbol in a scatterplot
9. What does the ‘pch’ option to par() control?
- the size of the plotting symbol in a scatterplot
- the plotting symbol/character in the base graphics system
- the orientation of the axis labels on the plot
- the line width in the base graphics system
Question 10
If I want to save a plot to a PDF file, which of the following is a correct way of doing that?
1 point
- Construct the plot on the screen device and then copy it to a PDF file with dev.copy2pdf()
- Construct the plot on the PNG device with png(), then copy it to a PDF with dev.copy2pdf().
- Open the screen device with quartz(), construct the plot, and then close the device with dev.off().
- Open the PostScript device with postscript(), construct the plot, then close the device with dev.off().
Peer-graded Assignment: Course Project 1
Week 1 Assignment :
Week– 2
Question 1
Under the lattice graphics system, what do the primary plotting functions like xyplot() and bwplot() return?
1 point
- an object of class “plot”
- an object of class “trellis”
- an object of class “lattice”
- nothing; only a plot is made
Question 2
What is produced by the following code?
xyplot(weight ~ Time | Diet, BodyWeight)
1 point
- A set of 16 panels showing the relationship between weight and time for each rat.
- A set of 11 panels showing the relationship between weight and diet for each time.
- A set of 3 panels showing the relationship between weight and time for each rat.
- A set of 3 panels showing the relationship between weight and time for each diet.
Question 3
Annotation of plots in any plotting system involves adding points, lines, or text to the plot, in addition to customizing axis labels or adding titles. Different plotting systems have different sets of functions for annotating plots in this way.
Which of the following functions can be used to annotate the panels in a multi-panel lattice plot?
1 point
- panel.lmline()
- lines()
- points()
- axis()
3. Annotation of plots in any plotting system involves adding points, lines, or text to the plot, in addition to customizing axis labels or adding titles. Different plotting systems have different sets of functions for annotating plots in this way.
Which of the following functions can be used to annotate the panels in a multi-panel lattice plot?
- axis()
- text()
- panel.abline()
- points()
- lines()
Question 4
The following code does NOT result in a plot appearing on the screen device.
p <- xyplot(Ozone ~ Wind | factor(Month), data = airquality)
Which of the following is an explanation for why no plot appears?
1 point
- The object ‘p’ has not yet been printed with the appropriate print method.
- There is a syntax error in the call to xyplot().
- The variables being plotted are not found in that dataset.
- The xyplot() function, by default, sends plots to the PDF device.
Question 5
In the lattice system, which of the following functions can be used to finely control the appearance of all lattice plots?
1 point
- trellis.par.set()
- splom()
- par()
- print.trellis()
Question 6
What is ggplot2 an implementation of?
1 point
- a 3D visualization system
- the S language originally developed by Bell Labs
- the base plotting system in R
- the Grammar of Graphics developed by Leland Wilkinson
Question 7
Load the `airquality’ dataset form the datasets package in R
I am interested in examining how the relationship between ozone and wind speed varies across each month. What would be the appropriate code to visualize that using ggplot2?
1 point
- 1
qplot(Wind, Ozone, data = airquality, facets = . ~ factor(Month)) - 1
qplot(Wind, Ozone, data = airquality) - 12
airquality = transform(airquality, Month = factor(Month))
qplot(Wind, Ozone, data = airquality, facets = . ~ Month) - 1
qplot(Wind, Ozone, data = airquality, geom = “smooth”)
Question 8
What is a geom in the ggplot2 system?
1 point
- a method for mapping data to attributes like color and size
- a statistical transformation
- a method for making conditioning plots
- a plotting object like point, line, or other shape
Question 9
When I run the following code I get an error:
g <- ggplot(movies, aes(votes, rating))
I was expecting a scatterplot of ‘votes’ and ‘rating’ to appear. What’s the problem?
1 point
- The object ‘g’ does not have a print method.
- The dataset is too large and hence cannot be plotted to the screen.
- There is a syntax error in the call to ggplot.
- ggplot does not yet know what type of layer to add to the plot.
Question 10
The following code creates a scatterplot of ‘votes’ and ‘rating’ from the movies dataset in the ggplot2 package. After loading the ggplot2 package with the library() function, I can run
qplot(votes, rating, data = movies)
How can I modify the the code above to add a smoother to the scatterplot?
1 point
qplot(votes, rating, data = movies) + geom_smooth()
Week- 4
Peer-graded Assignment: Course Project 2
![Exploratory Data Analysis Coursera Quiz Answer [Updated Answers‼️] 2022 2 plot1](https://i.ibb.co/n6C3KXj/plot1.png)
Copy and paste the R code file for the plot uploaded in the previous question.
# libraries
require(cairoDevice) # anti-aliasing figure
# download, load data and subset
fileUrl <-
destfile = ‘./Data.zip’,
method = ‘curl’, quiet = T)
if(file.exists(‘./Data.zip’)) {
# Extract data file
# Delete original Zip file if it exists
## This first line will likely take a few seconds. Be
NEI <- readRDS(“summarySCC_PM25.rds”)
SCC <- readRDS(“Source_Classification_Code.rds”)
# Delete data files .rds
‘Source_Classification_Code.rds’))) {
# Create the png
png(‘./plot1.png’, width = 500, height = 450,
res = 55, type = ‘cairo’) # default is 480px X 480px
# Make Plot
with(aggregate(Emissions ~ year, NEI, sum),
plot(Emissions~year, pch = 18,
xlab = ”, ylab = ‘Total PM2.5 Emissions (tons)’,
main = ‘Total PM2.5 Emissions by Year’,
col = “blue”, type = “b”, xlim = c(1999, 2008),
lty = 2, lwd = 1.5, lab = c(10, 5, 7)))
# Close png file
![Exploratory Data Analysis Coursera Quiz Answer [Updated Answers‼️] 2022 3 plot2](https://i.ibb.co/wdMDcms/plot2.png)
Copy and paste the R code file for the plot uploaded in the previous question.
# libraries
require(cairoDevice) # anti-aliasing figure
# download, load data and subset
fileUrl <-
destfile = ‘./Data.zip’,
method = ‘curl’, quiet = T)
if(file.exists(‘./Data.zip’)) {
# Extract data file
# Delete original Zip file if it exists
## This first line will likely take a few seconds. Be
NEI <- readRDS(“summarySCC_PM25.rds”)
SCC <- readRDS(“Source_Classification_Code.rds”)
# Delete data files .rds
‘Source_Classification_Code.rds’))) {
‘Source_Classification_Code.rds’))) {
# Create the png
png(‘./plot2.png’, width = 500, height = 450,
res = 55, type = ‘cairo’) # default is 480px X 480px
# subset data
NEI_Baltimore <- subset(NEI, fips == “24510”)
# Make Plot
with(aggregate(Emissions ~ year, NEI_Baltimore, sum),
plot(Emissions~year, pch = 18,
xlab = ”, ylab = ‘Total PM2.5 Emissions (tons)’,
main = ‘Total PM2.5 Emissions by Year in Baltimore City’,
col = “blue”, type = “b”, xlim = c(1999, 2008),
lty = 2, lwd = 1.5, lab = c(10, 5, 7)))
# Close png file
![Exploratory Data Analysis Coursera Quiz Answer [Updated Answers‼️] 2022 4 plot3](https://i.ibb.co/JHJ6zMD/plot3.png)
Copy and paste the R code file for the plot uploaded in the previous question.
# libraries
require(cairoDevice) # anti-aliasing figure
# download, load data and subset
fileUrl <-
destfile = ‘./Data.zip’,
method = ‘curl’, quiet = T)
if(file.exists(‘./Data.zip’)) {
# Extract data file
# Delete original Zip file if it exists
## This first line will likely take a few seconds. Be
NEI <- readRDS(“summarySCC_PM25.rds”)
SCC <- readRDS(“Source_Classification_Code.rds”)
# Delete data files .rds
‘Source_Classification_Code.rds’))) {
# Create the png
png(‘./plot3.png’, width = 700, height = 370,
res = 75, type = ‘cairo’) # default is 480px X 480px
# subset data
NEI_Baltimore <- subset(NEI, fips == “24510”)
# Make Plot
NEI_Baltimore %>%
group_by(year, type) %>%
summarise(sum = sum(Emissions)) %>%
ggplot(aes(year, sum)) +
geom_point() + geom_line() +
facet_wrap(~type, ncol = 4) +
labs(title = ‘Total PM2.5 Emission by Year in Baltimore
subtitle = ‘Subsetted by Type of Source’) +
xlab(”) + ylab(‘Total PM2.5 Emission (tons)’) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks =
unique(NEI_Baltimore$year)) +
# Close png file
![Exploratory Data Analysis Coursera Quiz Answer [Updated Answers‼️] 2022 5 plot4](https://i.ibb.co/G23XCxz/plot4.png)
Copy and paste the R code file for the plot uploaded in the previous question.
# libraries
require(cairoDevice) # anti-aliasing figure
# download, load data and subset
fileUrl <-
destfile = ‘./Data.zip’,
method = ‘curl’, quiet = T)
if(file.exists(‘./Data.zip’)) {
# Extract data file
# Delete original Zip file if it exists
## This first line will likely take a few seconds. Be
NEI <- readRDS(“summarySCC_PM25.rds”)
SCC <- readRDS(“Source_Classification_Code.rds”)
# Delete data files .rds
‘Source_Classification_Code.rds’))) {
‘Source_Classification_Code.rds’))) {
# Create the png
png(‘./plot4.png’, width = 700, height = 370,
res = 75, type = ‘cairo’) # default is 480px X 480px
# merge data and make Plot
NEI %>%
inner_join(SCC, by = ‘SCC’) %>%
dplyr::filter(str_detect(Short.Name, ‘[Cc]oal’)) %>%
group_by(year, type) %>%
summarise(sum = sum(Emissions)) %>%
ggplot(aes(year, sum)) +
geom_point() + geom_line() +
facet_wrap(~type, ncol = 4) +
labs(title = ‘Total PM2.5 Coal Emission by Year’,
subtitle = ‘Subsetted by Type of Source’) +
xlab(”) + ylab(‘Total PM2.5 Emission (tons)’) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = unique(NEI$year)) +
# Close png file
![Exploratory Data Analysis Coursera Quiz Answer [Updated Answers‼️] 2022 6 plot5](https://i.ibb.co/Jz77ZXf/plot5.png)
Copy and paste the R code file for the plot uploaded in the previous question.
# libraries
require(cairoDevice) # anti-aliasing figure
# download, load data and subset
fileUrl <-
destfile = ‘./Data.zip’,
method = ‘curl’, quiet = T)
if(file.exists(‘./Data.zip’)) {
# Extract data file
# Delete original Zip file if it exists
## This first line will likely take a few seconds. Be
NEI <- readRDS(“summarySCC_PM25.rds”)
SCC <- readRDS(“Source_Classification_Code.rds”)
# Delete data files .rds
‘Source_Classification_Code.rds’))) {
# Create the png
png(‘./plot5.png’, width = 700, height = 370,
res = 75, type = ‘cairo’) # default is 480px X 480px
# Make Plot
NEI %>%
dplyr::filter(fips == ‘24510’,
type == ‘ON-ROAD’) %>%
group_by(year) %>%
summarise(sum = sum(Emissions)) %>%
ggplot(aes(year, sum)) +
geom_point() + geom_line() +
labs(title = ‘Total PM2.5 Emission by Year in Baltimore
subtitle = ‘Subsetted from Motor Vehicle Sources (“On-
Road type”)’) +
xlab(”) + ylab(‘Total PM2.5 Emission (tons)’) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = unique(NEI$year)) +
# Close png file
![Exploratory Data Analysis Coursera Quiz Answer [Updated Answers‼️] 2022 7 plot6](https://i.ibb.co/dGyRh77/plot6.png)
Copy and paste the R code file for the plot uploaded in the previous question.
# libraries
require(cairoDevice) # anti-aliasing figure
# download, load data and subset
fileUrl <-
destfile = ‘./Data.zip’,
method = ‘curl’, quiet = T)
if(file.exists(‘./Data.zip’)) {
# Extract data file
# Delete original Zip file if it exists
## This first line will likely take a few seconds. Be
NEI <- readRDS(“summarySCC_PM25.rds”)
SCC <- readRDS(“Source_Classification_Code.rds”)
# Delete data files .rds
‘Source_Classification_Code.rds’))) {
invisible(file.remove(‘./summarySCC PM25.rds’
# Create the png
png(‘./plot6.png’, width = 700, height = 370,
res = 75, type = ‘cairo’) # default is 480px X 480px
# Make Plot
NEI %>%
dplyr::filter(fips %in% c(“24510”, “06037”),
type == ‘ON-ROAD’) %>%
group_by(year, fips) %>%
summarise(sum = sum(Emissions)) %>%
ggplot(aes(year, sum, col = fips)) +
geom_point() + geom_line() +
labs(title = ‘Total PM2.5 Emission by Year in Baltimore
and Los Angeles’,
subtitle = ‘Subsetted from Motor Vehicle Sources (“On-
Road type”)’) +
xlab(”) + ylab(‘Total PM2.5 Emission (tons)’) +
scale_colour_discrete(name = “City”, labels = c(“Los
Angeles”, “Baltimore”)) +
theme(legend.title = element_text(face = “bold”)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = unique(NEI$year)) +
# Close png file
Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of Exploratory Data Analysis of Coursera and grab some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing training. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.
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