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- About Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions Course
- Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions Quiz Answers
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About The Coursera
Coursera, India’s biggest learning platform launched millions of free courses for students daily. These courses are from various recognized universities, where industry experts and professors teach very well and in a more understandable way.
Here, you will find Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions Exam Answers in Bold Color below.
These answers are updated recently and are 100% correct✅ answers of all week, assessment, and final exam answers of Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions from Coursera Free Certification Course.
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About Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions Course
This course is for aspiring guitarists who have already taken Berklee’s Guitar for Beginners. It is also for guitarists who haven’t played their six-string in a while and want to get back into it.
Course Apply Link – Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions
Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions Quiz Answers
Week 01: Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions Coursera Quiz Answers
Quiz 01 :What Are Your Goals?
Q1. What are your goals for this course? What do you hope to accomplish? What skills do you hope to improve and what are you hoping to learn more about?
Your answer cannot be more than 10000 characters.
Q2. If you achieve your goals, where would that leave you? What would be the best, most positive outcome? How would accomplishing your goals make you feel?
Identify your best outcome and take a moment to imagine it as fully as you can.
Your answer cannot be more than 10000 characters.
Q3. What do you believe might be your biggest internal obstacle in achieving your goals? What is it within you that holds you back? It might be an emotion, an irrational belief, or a bad habit. Think more deeply—what is it really?
Identify your main inner obstacle and take a moment to imagine it fully.
Your answer cannot be more than 10000 characters.
Q4. Finally, what can you do to overcome your obstacle? Identify one action you can take or one thought you can think to overcome your obstacle.
Make the following plan for yourself:
“If… (obstacle), then I will … (action or thought).”
Quiz 02 : Scales
Q1. What is the structure of the Major Scale?
- W H W W W H W
- W W H W W W W W
- W W H W W W H
- H W H W H W H
Q2. Which of the following scale degrees are in the major scale? Select all that apply.
- 1
- 5
- b3
- b7
Q3. What are the scale degrees in a minor pentatonic scale?
- 1 b3 4 5 b7
- 1 b3 4 5 6
- 1 3 4 5 b7
- 1 2 3 5 6
Q4. What scale degree does the minor pentatonic scale fingering below begin on?
- The root
- The b3rd
- The 5th
- The b7th
Q5.What scale degree does the minor pentatonic scale fingering below begin on?
- The root
- The b3rd
- The 5th
- the b7th
Q6. What scale degree does the minor pentatonic scale fingering below begin on?
- The root
- The b3rd
- The 5th
- The b7th
Q7. If we want to play A minor pentatonic starting from the b3, which fret would we begin the scale on?
- The 10th fret
- The 5th fret
- The 3rd fret
- The 8th fret
Q8. If we want to play A minor pentatonic starting from the b7, which fret would we begin the scale on?
1 point
- The 8th fret
- The 3rd fret
- The 10th fret
- The 5th fret
Q9.m To play a C Major Scale beginning on the E (or 6th) string, which fret would you start on?
- The 10th fret
- The 5th fret
- The 8th fret
- The 3rd fret
Q10. To play a G Major Scale beginning on the E (or 6th) string, which fret would you start on?
- The 8th fret
- The 3rd fret
- The 10th fret
- The 5th fret
Quiz 03 :Self Assessment: Practicing Scales
Q1. Quality of Performance: Based on the rubric below, how would you assess the quality of your overall performance?
- Beginning
- Developing
- Accomplished
- Exemplary
Q2. Accuracy of Exercise: Based on the rubric below, how would you assess the accuracy of your overall performance?
- Beginning
- Developing
- Accomplished
- Exemplary
Q3. Tempo: Based on the rubric below, how would you assess the tempo of your overall performance?
- Beginning
- Developing
- Accomplished
- Exemplary
Week 02: Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions Coursera Quiz Answers
Quiz 01 :Arpeggios
Q1. Which of the following is the correct definition of an arpeggio?
- A triad where all notes are played individually
- A triad where all notes are played simultaneously (at the same time)
Q2. A major triad has a (select all that apply):
- Minor 3rd between the third and the fifth
- Major 3rd between the third and the fifth
- Major 3rd between the root and the third
- Minor 3rd between the root and the third
Q3. A diminished triad has a (select all that apply):
- Minor 3rd between the root and the third
- Major 3rd between the root and the third
- Minor 3rd between the third and the fifth
- Major 3rd between the third and the fifth
Q4. What arpeggio is notated below?
- C Major
- C Minor
- F Minor
- D Major
Q5. What arpeggio is notated below?
- C Minor
- A minor
- C Major
- A major
Q6. What arpeggio is diagramed in the fretboard map below?
- E Major
- E Diminished
- E Minor
- E Augmented
Q7. What arpeggio is notated below?
- F Major
- C Major
- C Minor
- F Minor
Q8. What arpeggio is diagramed in the fretboard map below?
- Bb Minor
- C Minor
- C Major
- B Major
Q9. What arpeggio is diagramed in the fretboard map below?
- F# Augmented
- C# Augmented
- C# Diminished
- C Minor
Q10. What arpeggio is notated below? (You may assume the staff is in treble clef)
- D Minor
- D Diminished
- D Augmented
- D Major
Quiz 02 : Self Assessment: Practicing Arpeggios
Q1. Quality of Performance: Based on the rubric below, how would you assess the quality of your overall performance?
- Beginning
- Developing
- Accomplished
- Exemplary
Q2. Accuracy of Exercise: Based on the rubric below, how would you assess the accuracy of your overall performance?
- Beginning
- Developing
- Accomplished
- Exemplary
Q3. Tempo: Based on the rubric below, how would you assess the tempo of your overall performance?
- Beginning
- Developing
- Accomplished
- Exemplary
Week 03: Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions Coursera Quiz Answers
Quiz 01 : Chords and Progressions
Q1. What are the I-IV-V chords in G Major?
- G-Emin-Bmin
- G-Amin-C
- G-C-D
- G-D-C
Q2. What are the I-V-IV Chords in G Major?
- G-Am-C
- G-Emin-Bmin
- G-D-C
- G-C-D
Q3. What are the I-VI-IV-V Chords in G Major?
- G-D-C-D
- G-Amin-Bmin-C
- G-Emin-C-D
- G-Emin-Amin-D
Q4. What are the I-VI-II-V Chords in G Major?
- G-Amin-Bmin-C
- G-Emin-Amin-D
- G-Emin-C-D
- G-D-C-D
Q5. What are the I-V-VI-IV Chords in G Major?
- G-D-Emin-C
- G-D-C-D
- G-Emin-C-D
- G-Amin-Bmin-C
Q6. Which chords are found in a basic Twelve Bar Blues?
- I-IV-V
Q7. Which intervals are found in a Diminished Triad?
- Minor 3rd between root and 3rd, Minor 3rdbetween 3rd and 5th
- Major 3rd between root and 3rd, Major 3rd between 3rd and 5th
- Major 3rd between root and 3rd, Minor 3rdbetween 3rd and 5th
- Minor 3rd between root and 3rd, Major 3rdbetween 3rd and 5th
Q8. Which intervals are found in an Augmented Triad?
- Minor 3rd between root and 3rd, Minor 3rd between 3rd and 5th
- Major 3rd between root and 3rd, Major 3rd between 3rd and 5th
- Major 3rd between root and 3rd, Minor 3rd between 3rd and 5th
- Minor 3rd between root and 3rd, Major 3rd between 3rd and 5th
Q9. When we play the triads in a major scale starting at the root, which triads are played in order from the root to the 7th? (This is known as harmonizing the scale).
- Major, Major, Minor, Minor, Minor, Augmented, Major
- Major, Minor, Major, Major, Minor, Diminished, Minor
- Major, Minor, Minor, Major, Major, Minor, Diminished
- Minor, Diminished, Major, Major, Minor, Minor, Augmented
Q10. How many Major Triads can you find in a harmonized Major Scale?
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
Quiz 02 : Self Assessment: Practicing Chords and Progressions
Q1. Quality of Performance: Based on the rubric below, how would you assess the quality of your overall performance?
- Beginning
- Developing
- Accomplished
- Exemplary
Q2. Accuracy of Exercise: Based on the rubric below, how would you assess the accuracy of your overall performance?
- Beginning
- Developing
- Accomplished
- Exemplary
Q3. Tempo: Based on the rubric below, how would you assess the tempo of your overall performance?
- Beginning
- Developing
- Accomplished
- Exemplary
Week 04: Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions Coursera Quiz Answers
Quiz 01 : Rhythm
Q1. Which chords are found in measures 1-4 of a basic 12-bar blues in G?
- I I I I (G G G G)
- V I V I (D G D G)
- I V V I (G D D G)
- IV IV I I (C C G G)
Q2. Which chords are found in measures 5-8 of a basic 12-bar blues in G?
- V IV I V (D C G D)
- IV IV I I (C C G G)
- I I I I (G G G G)
- I V V I (G D D G)
Q3. Which chords are found in measures 9-12 of a basic 12-bar blues in G?
- V V I I (D D G G)
- I I I I (G G G G)
- IV IV I I (C C G G)
- I V V I (G D D G)
Q4. True or False: A triplet is three beats taking up the same space as two beats.
- True
- False
Q5. The qualities of the arpeggios found in a I-IV-V chord progression are:
- Major Minor Major
- Minor Minor Major
- Major, Major, Major
- Major Major Minor
Q6. The qualities of the arpeggios found in a I-V-VI-IV chord progression are:
- Minor Minor Major Major
- Major Minor Major Minor
- Major Major Minor Major
- Major Minor Minor Major
Q7. Please identify the rhythms in the following example:
- Eighth, Eighth, Eighth, Eighth
- Quarter, Quarter, Quarter, Quarter
- Eighth, Quarter, Eighth, Quarter
- Quarter, Eighth, Quarter, Eighth
Q8. Please identify the rhythms in the following example:
- Quarter, Eighth, Eighth, Quarter, Quarter,
- Quarter, Eighth, Eighth, Eighth, Quarter,
- Eighth, Eighth, Eighth, Eighth, Eighth
- Quarter, Quarter, Quarter, Quarter, Quarter,
Q9. Please identify the rhythms written in the following example. Note that what is written may be different than what is heard/strummed:
- Quarter, Eighth, Quarter, Eighth, Quarter
- Eighth, Quarter, Quarter, Quarter, Quarter, Eighth
- Quarter, Eighth, Eighth, Eighth, Eighth, Quarter
- Quarter, Eighth, Quarter, Eighth, Quarter, Eighth
Q10. True or False: When strumming, you need to strum up on the downbeats and down on the upbeats.
- True
- False
We will Update These Answers Soon.
More About This Course
You know the basics of how to play guitar: You know how to play a few of your favorite songs on the guitar, but you’re ready to go to the next level. In Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions, you’ll learn more about scales, chord fingerings, and common chord progressions. You’ll also learn important skills for playing solos, making melodies, and giving your guitar playing more depth and dimension.
This course is for aspiring guitarists who have already taken Berklee’s Guitar for Beginners. It is also for guitarists who haven’t played their six-string in a while and want to get back into it.
Each lesson will teach you about scales, arpeggios, chord progressions, and rhythm, which are the four basic skills you’ll need to get better at playing the guitar. Amanda’s approach to learning these important parts is fun and helps you use what you’re learning and practicing in a real musical setting. You’ll get better at playing and come up with new ideas, whether you’re a singer-songwriter, a guitarist who plays with a singer, or a band member. By the end of this course, you’ll be more comfortable playing all over the neck, and you’ll know more about chord structure and how each chord relates to tonal centers or keys. You’ll also be able to play simple lead guitar lines based on the minor pentatonic scale and solo and improvise with them. No matter if you like acoustic or electric guitars, the lessons are meant to make you a real guitarist.
- Play scales in an open position that can be moved.
- Find and play arpeggios that are major, minor, diminished, and augmented.
- Add rhythm to your strumming and arpeggios to improve your playing.
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Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of the Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions Quiz of Coursera and grab some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing training. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also, and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.
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However, El Ghazi then wrote on social media that he did not “regret” or “distance himself” from what he said and that he stood for “humanity”. The club added El Ghazi “also stated that he does not question Israel’s right to exist”. It was widely reported that El Ghazi would have his contract terminated, but Mainz have confirmed that the 28-year-old Dutchman will be staying. Head coach Bo Svensson: “With the transfer of Anwar we’ve been given the chance to strengthen our attack with a player who’s already had an impressive career. With his ability in one-vs-one situations, his pace and his keenness to get on the ball, he’ll make us better. We’re very pleased that Anwar’s joined us.” The Bundesliga side announced the decision in a brief statement on Friday, which read: “1. FSV Mainz 05 terminated their contract with Anwar El Ghazi with immediate effect on Friday. The club has taken this action in response to comments and posts from the player on social media.”
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Актуальные системы водоподготовки включают в себя различные виды этапов обработки и устройств. Среди них особо выделяются фильтрующие устройства, используемые для удаления крупных элементов, обратноосмотические системы, которые результативно удаляют солевые соединения, и ультрафиолетовые очистители, убивающие бактерии. Также важную роль играют химические компоненты, используемые для регулирования pH и предотвращения ржавчины. Внедрение автоматизированных систем управления существенно повышает точность и результативность процесса водоподготовки, что имеет большое значение в масштабах промышленного производства.
Эффективная водоподготовка положительно влияет на экологию, снижая выбросы вредных веществ в экосистему. Использование современных технологий и аппаратов позволяет сократить потребление воды и её засорение, что соотносится с целями устойчивого развития. Промышленные предприятия, внедряющие системы водоподготовки, не только улучшают свои результаты, но и проявляют осознанность к экосистеме. В результате, правильная организация процесса водоподготовки становится важным конкурентным преимуществом и вложением в устойчивое развитие, как для организаций, так и для социума.
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Кроме того, мы рассматриваем вопросы, связанные с водоподготовкой в загородном доме. Вода из скважины для питья требует качественной очистки и подготовки перед подачей в дом. На на нашей странице вы найдёте рекомендации по подбору фильтрационных систем, водообработки и поддержанию их в рабочем состоянии. Мы покажем, как оптимизировать водоподготовку, чтобы качество воды постоянно оставалась прозрачной и качественной.
Мы помимо этого уделяем внимание техническим аспектам ухода за скважиной. Регулярное обслуживание и диагностика оборудования помогут продлить срок службы скважины и гарантируют непрерывность водоснабжения. Наши обзоры дадут вам понимание о правилах эксплуатации скважины, какие меры принять и как распознать неисправности оборудования.
В завершение, на нашем сайте вы найдёте сведения о последних новинках и новинках в сфере бурения. Мы внимательно изучаем новые разработки и обмениваемся с нашими читателями проверенными и подтвержденными способами. Неважно, в какой стадии находится ваш дом, наши рекомендации помогут вам сделать правильный выбор и предотвратить возможные проблемы.
Бурение скважин на жидкость в Ленобласти – востребованная услуга для владельцев загородных домов. Этот местность примечателен сложными гидрогеологическими условиями, что предполагает профессионального подхода при выборе места и уровня бурения. Вода в Ленинградской области может находиться на различных пластах: в песчаных водоносных горизонтах или глубинных артезианских слоях. Оценка глубины бурения определяется от геологической структуры участка и нужд владельца в качестве и количестве воды.
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Важным шагом бурения считается определение вида скважины. В Ленинградской области наиболее распространены два типа: поверхностные скважины и артезианские скважины. Мелкие водоносные системы идеальны для дачных участков и небольших зданий, так как глубинное залегание не достигает небольших глубин. Артезианские водозаборы, которые пробиваются глубины более 200 метров и более, обладают возможностью к надёжной и воде стабильного качества, годной для постоянного пользования и получения значительных объемов водозабора.
Чистота воды в водяных скважинах Ленинградской области связано от уровня вод. Глубокие воды менее подвержены загрязнениям и не требуют серьезной очистки. Однако, при бурении на песчаных горизонтах, возможны включения примесей, такие как металлические соединения и марганец, что нужно фильтровать для повышения качества воды. Необходимо помнить, что в отдельных частях области состав водоносных горизонтов сильно различается, поэтому необходимо провести анализ воды перед использованием скважины.
Кроме состава воды, важным аспектом является профилактическое обслуживание. Даже системы водозабора нуждаются в периодической профилактике и техническом обслуживании, чтобы предотвратить засоры и понижения водоотдачи.
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Электроизоляция направлена на защиту от аварийных ситуаций с электричеством, минимизацию энергетических потерь и защита систем от внешних факторов, таких как влага, пыль и агрессивные среды. Решения включают широкий спектр изоляционных технологий, среди которых популярны полимерные и композитные материалы.
https://vse-ob-izolyaczii-rf.ru/ – Электроизоляция охватывает широкий спектр областей применения. Энергетика применяет изоляционные решения для трансформаторов, кабелей и подстанций. Электрические машины, такие как двигатели и генераторы, нуждаются в качественной изоляции.
Современные изоляционные разработки создают новые перспективы. Наноматериалы предлагают отличные решения для высоких нагрузок. Устойчивые материалы станут основой для будущей электроизоляции, способных удовлетворять требованиям современных производств.
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