Introduction to Data Analysis Using Excel Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer]

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About Introduction to Data Analysis Using Excel Course

he use of Excel is widespread in the industry. It is a very powerful data analysis tool and almost all big and small businesses use Excel in their day to day functioning. This is an introductory course in the use of Excel and is designed to give you a working knowledge of Excel with the aim of getting to use it for more advance topics in Business Statistics later. The course is designed keeping in mind two kinds of learners – those who have very little functional knowledge of Excel and those who use Excel regularly but at a peripheral level and wish to enhance their skills. The course takes you from basic operations such as reading data into excel using various data formats, organizing and manipulating data, to some of the more advanced functionality of Excel. All along, Excel functionality is introduced using easy to understand examples which are demonstrated in a way that learners can become comfortable in understanding and applying them.

To successfully complete course assignments, students must have access to a Windows version of Microsoft Excel 2010 or later.

WEEK 1 Module 1: Introduction to Spreadsheets In this module, you will be introduced to the use of Excel spreadsheets and various basic data functions of Excel. Topics covered include: • Reading data into Excel using various formats • Basic functions in Excel, arithmetic as well as various logical functions • Formatting rows and columns • Using formulas in Excel and their copy and paste using absolute and relative referencing ________________________________________

WEEK 2 Module 2: Spreadsheet Functions to Organize Data This module introduces various Excel functions to organize and query data. Learners are introduced to the IF, nested IF, VLOOKUP, and the HLOOKUP functions of Excel. Topics covered include: • IF and the nested IF functions • VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP • The RANDBETWEEN function ________________________________________

WEEK 3 Module 3: Introduction to Filtering, Pivot Tables, and Charts This module introduces various data filtering capabilities of Excel. You’ll learn how to set filters in data to selectively access data. A very powerful data summarizing tool, the Pivot Table, is also explained and we begin to introduce the charting feature of Excel. Topics covered include: • VLOOKUP across worksheets • Data filtering in Excel • Use of Pivot tables with categorical as well as numerical data • Introduction to the charting capability of Excel ________________________________________

WEEK 4 Module 4: Advanced Graphing and Charting This module explores various advanced graphing and charting techniques available in Excel. Starting with various line, bar, and pie charts we introduce pivot charts, scatter plots, and histograms. You will get to understand these various charts and get to build them on your own. Topics covered include • Line, Bar, and Pie charts • Pivot charts • Scatter plots • Histograms

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Introduction to Data Analysis Using Excel Quiz Answers

Week 1 Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Reading Data into Excel

Q1. The chart shows text data for Columns A-D
The format shown in the example above is:

  • Comma delimited
  • Space delimited
  • Tab delimited
  • Fixed width

Q2. The chart shows text data for Columns A-D
The format shown in the example above is:

  • Comma delimited
  • Space delimited
  • Tab delimited
  • Semicolon delimited

Quiz 2: Basic Data Manipulation in Excel

Q1. To move to the edge of the current data region, press:

  • Page Up/Down key
  • CTRL + arrow key
  • ALT + arrow key
  • Home/End key

Q2. Columns A, B and C have entries for Serial Number, Part Number and Revision respectively;
The data above is sorted:

  • First by Part Number, then by Revision.
  • First by Revision, then by Part Number.
  • First by Serial Number, then by Revision.
  • First by Revision, then by Serial Number.

Quiz 3: Arithmetic Manipulation in Excel

Q1. Typing which of the following into a cell would result in a cell value of 3?

  • 1,2
  • 1+2
  • =1,2
  • =1+2

Q2. A1-C3 have integers 1-9 in increasing order left-right
Using the data in the example above, what is the value of the following formula?


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Quiz 4: Basic Functions in Excel

Q1. The figure shows a table with numbers 1-9 in increasing order left-right in 3X3 matrix
In the example above, typing which of the following into a cell would result in a cell value of 3? Select all that apply.

  • =1+2
  • =SUM(1,2)
  • =SUM(A1,B1)
  • =SUM(A1:B1)

Q2. Columns A and B have data entries; SUMIF() function inputs and parameters are shown below
In the example above, what would be the calculated value of the SUMIF statement in cell A5?

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Quiz 5: Functions Using Absolute and Relative References

Q1. Which symbol is used in a formula to “fix” a row or a
column reference?

  • #
  • $
  • %
  • &

Q2. What would be the calculated value of the following


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Quiz 6: Functions Explained

Q1. The table on left is blank while table on right shows the desired output
Let’s say you want each blank cell to equal its row header multiplied by its column header, as shown above. Which of the following cell B2 formulas would give the correct result when pasted into the remaining empty cells?

  • =A2*B1
  • =$A2*B$1
  • =A$2*$B1
  • =$A$2*$B$1

Q2. If you want to always reference cell C5 in a formula,
even when that formula is copied down rows or across columns, the reference to
cell C5 should be written as:

  • C5
  • $C5
  • C$5
  • $C$5

Quiz 7: Introduction to Spreadsheets

Q1. Download the file “Store Sales 2011.txt” (you may need to right-click and select “save link as…”) Use the data in this file for the remainder of the assignment. Note that the date in the file is in the mm/dd/yyyy format, so while reading it into Excel please be vary of that.

The format used in the “Store Sales 2011.txt” file is:

  • Space delimited
  • Comma delimited
  • Tab delimited
  • Fixed width

Q2. Import the file into Excel using the correct file format from the previous question. How many rows of data does the file contain?

Hint: Do not count the top (header) row.

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Q3. Sort the data by Order Date (oldest to newest) and then
by Order Quantity (largest to smallest).
After the data is sorted, what is the Order ID of the order in the 3rd row of data (i.e. spreadsheet row 4)?

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Q4. Using cell references, how could you calculate the unit price of the order in the first row of data?

  • =D2/E2
  • =E2/D2
  • =21/845.32
  • =845.32/21

Q5. Insert a new column to the right of the “Sales” column, and type the name “Unit Price” as the header. Using cell references, calculate the unit price of the order in the first row, then copy and paste that formula down to the remaining rows.

Rounded to 2 decimal places, what is the Unit Price of the last row of data? (Do not include a dollar sign or commas in your answer)

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Q6. What is the largest Unit Price in this dataset?
Hint: Use the MAX() function here.

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Q7. How many orders were sent by Delivery Truck? Assume each line is counted as a single order.

Hint: Use the COUNTIF() function here.

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Q8. What is the total shipping cost of all orders sent by Delivery Truck?

Hint: Use the SUMIF() function here.

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Q9. If you wanted to know the range, or the difference
between the highest and lowest value, of the shipping costs in this dataset, which
formula could you use?

  • =MAX(H2:H2003)-MIN(H2:H2003)
  • =SUM(H2:H2003)
  • =MIN(H2003)-MAX(H2003)
  • None of the Above

Q10. What is the average shipping cost (to 2 decimal places) of all orders sent by Delivery Truck?

Hint: Calculate the average by taking total cost divided by number of orders.

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Week 2 Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: The “IF” Command in Excel

Q1. Remember: IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])

Table shows A1, A2, A3 entries as dog, cat, rabbit respectively
Using the table above, what would be the result of the
following formula?

=IF(A1=“dog”, “bark”, “no bark”)

Enter answer here

Q2. Select all statements below that are true.

  • =IF(1=2, “incorrect”, “correct”)
    • returns: incorrect
  • =IF(TRUE, “yes”, “no”)
    • returns: yes
  • =IF(“apples”=”oranges”, “same”, “different”)
    • returns: different
  • =IF(A1>A1, “low”, “high”)
    • returns: low

Quiz 2: The “IF” Command in Excel Using Numerical Data

Q1. Given the formula

=IF(A1>1000, 1000, A1)

Which of the following is true?

  • If the value of A1 is -20, the formula will return 1000.
  • If the value of A1 is 2000, the formula will return 2000.
  • No matter the value of A1, the lowest value this formula will return is 0.
  • No matter the value of A1, the highest value this formula will return is 1000.

Q2. A1-C3 have integers 1-9; the IF() function entries are shown on the right
Assume the formula shown above was entered into cell D1, then copied down to D2 and D3. The resulting values in cells D1, D2, and D3 would be:

  • small, small, small
  • small, small, large
  • small, large, large
  • large, large, large

Quiz 3: The “Nested IF” Command in Excel

Q1. The formula

=IF(FALSE, 1, IF(TRUE, 2, 3))

will return:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Error

Q2. Given the formula

=IF(A1<10, “low”, IF(A1<20, “middle”, “high”))

If the value of A1 is 10, what will the formula return?

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Quiz 4: The “VLOOKUP” Function in Excel

Q1. Rows 1, 2 and 3 have entries for Apples, Bananas and Candy respectively; VLOOKUP entries and input parameters are shown below
What will the VLOOKUP formula return?

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Q2. practice quizA6-A9 have entries- Apples, Bananas, Candy, Apples (in that order) VLOOKUP entries and input parameters are shown on the right
What will the VLOOKUP formula return?

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Quiz 5: Another “VLOOKUP” Example

Q1. Columns A and B have entries for size and label respectively; VLOOKUP entries and input parameters are shown on the right
What will the VLOOKUP formula return? Note the last parameter.

  • S
  • M
  • L
  • XL
  • #N/A

Q2. Columns A and B have entries for size and label respectively; VLOOKUP entries and input parameters are shown on the right
What will the VLOOKUP formula return? Note the last parameter.

  • S
  • M
  • L
  • XL
  • #N/A

Quiz 6: The “HLOOKUP” Function in Excel

Q1. practice quizColumns A, B and C have entries for Apples, Bananas and Candy respectively; HLOOKUP entries and input parameters are shown below
What will the HLOOKUP formula return?

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Q2. Rows 1 and 2 have entries for Size and Label respectively; HLOOKUP entries and input parameters are shown below
What will the HLOOKUP formula return?

  • S
  • M
  • L
  • XL
  • #N/A

Quiz 7: Professor ‘Know-it-all’ Needs Help!

Q1. Professor ‘Know-it-all’ wants to implement another system to call upon a group of students at random. She has created 4 groups:

Group 1: Students 1-5 Group 2: Students 6-10 Group 3: Students 11-15 Group 4: Students 16-20

Her VLOOKUP function does not correctly return a random group. What is wrong with her function below?

practice quizColumns A and B have entries for S.No and Group Name respectively; VLOOKUP entries and input parameters are shown on the right.

  • The lookup_value parameter should be “RANDBETWEEN(1,16)”.
  • The table_array parameter should be “A3:B6”.
  • The col_index_num parameter should be “1”.
  • The [range_lookup] parameter should be “TRUE”.

Q2. You
inform Professor K. that a much simpler solution to her problem above would be
to just use the RANDBETWEEN function to randomly return a value of 1, 2, 3, or
4 directly. Which of the following would correctly
implement this solution?

  • =RANDBETWEEN(1,16)
  • =RANDBETWEEN(1,20)

Quiz 8: Spreadsheet Functions to Organize Data

Q1. Download the spreadsheet “Store Sales 2012.xlsx” below. Use the data in this spreadsheet for the remainder of the assignment.

The formula in cell H2 contains a referencing error that must be fixed before copying the formula down the column. If the formula were to be copied down the column without making any corrections, which of the following would be true?

  • The formula would always return “Small”
  • The formula would always return “Medium”
  • The formula would always return “Large”
  • The formula would only return “Large” or “Small”

Q2. Assuming you want the formula in H2 to always reference the cell directly to its left, correct the formula. Once the formula is fixed, copy the formula down the column. What is the “Order Type” of Order ID 11428, placed on 1/21/2012?

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Extra Large

Q3. The boss decides that using only 3 levels—small, medium, and large—does not give the shipping department enough information. She wants to use the 10 levels shown in Lookup Table 1 (A3:B12). Write a formula in the “Expanded Order Type” column to assign the correct type to each order by “Order Quantity.” Copy the formula down to all the rows. Based on the layout of Lookup Table 1, should you use a VLOOKUP function or an HLOOKUP function?


Q4. Using your newly created “Expanded Order Type” column, calculate the total “Sales” for all orders of “Medium” type (rounded to 2 decimal places). Hint: The SUMIF() function is useful here.

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Q5. The company gives a 1% discount on any Extra Large or larger orders. In the “Discount” column, create a formula that returns 0.01 if the “Expanded Order Type” is Extra Large, XX Large, or XXX Large, and returns 0 otherwise. You can accomplish this by using a (select all that apply):

  • VLOOKUP formula
  • HLOOKUP formula
  • Nested IF formula
  • A single IF formula (without additional formulae)

Q6. Create the formula from the previous question and copy the formula down to all the rows. How many orders will have a discount applied?

Hint: The COUNTIF() function is useful here.

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Q7. The “Sales with Discount” can be calculated by applying the discount to the original “Sales” entry:

Sales with Discount = Sales – (Sales * Discount)


Sales with Discount = Sales * (1 – Discount)

Create a formula in the “Sales with Discount” column and copy it down to all the rows. What is the impact of the discount on total sales in 2012? In other words, what is the difference between the sum of the “Sales” and the sum of the “Sales with Discount” (rounded to 2 decimal places)?

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Q8. Currently, customers are responsible for paying the shipping costs. The sales team suggests that customers really dislike paying shipping costs, and that offering “free shipping” instead of the 1% discount would likely increase sales. Create a formula for the “Sales with Free Shipping” column that subtracts the “Shipping Cost” from the “Sales” only if the “Expanded Order Type” is Extra Large, XX Large, or XXX Large. Copy the formula down to all the rows. What would total 2012 sales have been if the company had offered free shipping instead of the 1% discount (rounded to 2 decimal places)?

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Q9. How much money would the company have saved in 2012 if it had offered free shipping instead of the 1% discount on Extra Large, XX Large, or XXX Large orders (rounded to 2 decimal places)?

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Q10. What would 2012 total “Sales” have been if the company had offered free shipping on any order shipped by Delivery Truck, and no additional discounts (rounded to 2 decimal places)?

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Week 3 Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Using the “VLOOKUP” Function Across Worksheets

Q1. Second sheet in the VLOOKUP function is referred to as “Sheet 2”
Second sheet in the image is labelled as “Item Pricing”
The VLOOKUP function above is intended to return the price from the second worksheet, but it has been incorrectly entered. To fix it, ‘Sheet 2’ should be replaced by:

  • ‘Sheet 1’
  • ‘Sheet_2’
  • ‘Recipe’
  • ‘Item Pricing’

Q2. Once the function above is corrected, what value will it return?

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Quiz 2: Data Filtering in Excel

Q1. Based on the dropdown symbol, which of the following has some sort of filtering applied? Select all that apply.

  • The filter dropdown button to the right of “Animal” has a funnel icon
  • The filter dropdown button to the right of “Animal” has a funnel icon
  • The filter dropdown button to the right of “Animal” has a funnel icon
  • None of the above

Q2. The last row with mouse is #45 and the first entry in the column is “Animal”
The column above is filtered to only show “Mouse” entries. If the column were NOT filtered, how many total Animal entries would there be? Hint: Don’t forget that the heading row does not count as an entry.

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Quiz 3: Use of Pivot Tables in Excel

Q1. the question explains the graphic
To set up a Pivot Table with years listed vertically as shown above, the Year field should be dragged into the following Pivot Area:

  • ROWS

Q2. the question explains the graphic
To set up a Pivot Table with years listed horizontally as shown above, the Year field should be dragged into the following Pivot Area:

  • ROWS

Quiz 4: More Pivot Table Options

Q1. In the Pivot Table above, in which pivot table field area was the Gender column used? Select all that apply.

  • ROWS

Q2. In 1992, how many women participated in the sport of gymnastics?

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Quiz 5: Application of Pivot Tables to Numeric Data

Q1. The chart shows the pivot table output
Which of the following would have created the Pivot Table above?

  • Columns-Product Category and Rows- Product Container
  • Filter-Product Category, Rows- Product container and Columns-Shipping Cost
  • Columns-Product Category, Rows- Product container and Values-Average of Shipping Cost
  • Filter-Product Category, Rows- Product container and Values-Sum of Shipping Cost

Q2. Which of the following is true about Pivot Tables? Select all that apply.

  • Editing a Pivot Table will impact the original data source.
  • Pivot Tables can be filtered by multiple columns.
  • Pivot Tables automatically calculate grand totals of rows and columns.
  • Dates in a Pivot Table can be grouped by years, quarters, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Quiz 6: Introduction to Charts in Excel

Q1. For months 7-9, the range for Dataset A is (-42,20), B is (-90,0) and C is (50,70)
The Line Chart above shows the data trends for three different datasets. Which dataset has the highest values for the months in the 3rd quarter of the year (months 7, 8, and 9)?

  • Dataset A
  • Dataset B
  • Dataset C
  • No data is shown for the 3rd quarter of the year

Q2. The table shows monthly distributions (rows) of Datasets A, B and C (columns)
The Line Chart in the previous question was created using the data above. How could you update the Line Chart to use the month names (A2:A13) instead of numbers on the horizontal axis?

  • Right-click on the chart, choose “Select Data…,” and select:
  • The first button to the right is to edit Dataset on x-axis
  • The button on center top is to switch axes
  • The second button to the left is to edit the y-axis data
  • The last button to the left is to add Datasets to y-axis

Quiz 7: Introduction to Filtering, Pivot Tables, and Charts

Q1. Download the spreadsheet “Store Sales 2009.xlsx” below. Use the data in this spreadsheet for the remainder of the assignment.

The “Compiled Information” tab was created to pull in the data from the other tabs using formulas. The formula in the “Shipping Cost” column was entered incorrectly. Fix the formula in cell D3, then re-copy the correct formula down to the remaining rows. What was the problem with the original formula?

  • The formula did not reference the correct tab.
  • The formula should use a locked reference for the table_array parameter.
  • The formula should use a locked reference for the lookup_value parameter.
  • The formula should be written with the HLOOKUP function.

Q2. On the “Compiled Information” tab, a VLOOKUP formula has been pre-entered into cell E3. This formula was written correctly, and it uses references to the numbers in cells E1 through G1 to determine the correct index_number parameter. Fill in cells F1 and G1 with the correct index numbers, then copy the formula in cell E3 down to all the rows in columns E, F, and G. What number did you enter into cell G1?

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Q3. Now that the data is updated, create a pivot table that contains all of the data on the “Compiled Information” tab. Using the PivotTable Fields side bar, drag the “Unique ID” field to the VALUES area and summarize the information by Count. What is the Count of Unique ID?

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Q4. Update the pivot table to show “Order Date” grouped by month. Drag the “Sales” field into the correct area to show the Sum of Sales for each of the months listed. Which month had the lowest sales? (Your answer should be the name of the month.)

Hint: Remember that you can sort the data once it is in the pivot table!

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Q5. Continuing from the previous question, update the pivot
table to show the Average of Sales by month.
Which month had the highest average? (Your answer should be the name of the month.)

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Q6. Which Customer Segment contained the single order with the highest shipping cost?

  • Consumer
  • Corporate
  • Home Office
  • Small Business

Q7. In the Corporate Customer Segment, what was the most
common order quantity?

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Q8. In all segments, how many orders were placed in one quarter of the year but shipped in the next quarter (For example, an order in which Order Date = Qtr1 2009 and Ship Date = Qtr2 2009)?

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Q9. Create a line chart that shows the average of “Sales” for each customer segment by month, where each customer segment is represented by a line on the chart. Which of the following line charts shows the average sales data?

  • The range on y-axis is 0-6000 with scale of 1000 units
  • The range on y-axis is 0-200000 with scale of 20000 units
  • The range on y-axis is 0-50 with scale of 5 units
  • The range on y-axis is 0-100 with scale of 10 units

Q10. The line chart shown follows a zig-zag pattern with decreasing peaks left-right
Line charts are useful for looking for trends in data and gaining quick insights. The chart above shows total Sales in 2009 by month in the Consumer segment. Which of the following could be inferred from the chart? Select all that apply.

  • Month to month sales numbers are relatively volatile (>10% difference in sales compared to previous month).
  • In 2009, March and April were the months with the highest total sales.
  • In general, total sales numbers continued to rise
    throughout 2009.
  • In 2009, June was the month with the lowest total sales.

Week 4 Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Line Graphs

Q1. How can one change the formatting of a graph’s axis? Click all that apply.

  • Right click anywhere inside the chart
  • Right click on the axis
  • Use the layout tab
  • Left click on the axis

Q2. Examine the line chart below (click the file link to view a larger version of the image). What will happen to the chart when one changes the content of cell B1 to “United States.”

  • The current line for Brazil will move above the current line for China.
  • Chart title will change to “GDP of the United States.”
  • The current line for Brazil will be relabeled “United States” in the legend.

Quiz 2: Bar Graphs and Pie Charts

Q1. Approximately how much higher is the GDP of China compared to Brazil? Use billions of dollars, ex. 40,000,000,000 should be written as 40.

Left column- Brazil’s GDP at ~ $15 B; Center- China’s GDP at ~$60 B

Enter answer here

Q2. What can we not learn from the following pie chart?

  • Carol sold more than Brad and Adam combined.
  • Adam sold the least.
  • Adam, Brad, and Carol combined to represent 100% of sales.
  • Altogether, Adam, Brad, and Carol sold $100 worth of goods.

Quiz 3: Pivot Charts

Q1. Pivot charts are powerful because they allow
you to…

  • construct line charts.
  • make charts interactive.
  • construct charts with more data.
  • flip charts from horizontal to vertical orientation.

Q2. The two sets of columns depict average values of unit and dollar sales respectively
What’s the fastest way to change the pivot chart above to view totals of unit and dollar sales?

  • Change
    “value field settings” for each variable from “average” to
    “sum” of that variable.
  • Change the data to represent totals rather than average.
  • Select sales region to reflect one region at a time.

Quiz 4: Scatter Plots

Q1. Which of the following reflects the main strength of a scatter plot?

  • Scatter plots can be used to visualize any two variables.
  • Scatter plots easily show time trends.
  • Scatter plots help visualize relationships between two variables.
  • Scatter plots visualize relationships between many variables.

Q2. What is the relationship between employee experience and sales demonstrated in the chart below?

  • As experience declines, sales increase.
  • As sales increase, experience increases.
  • As experience increases, sales increase.
  • Experience and sales are unrelated.

Quiz 5: Histograms Part 1

Q1. The columns in chart decrease in height (salaries) from left to right
Based on the histogram above, what can you say about income?

  • Income is skewed to the right. The majority of individuals in this dataset have low salaries relative to others in this dataset.
  • Income is skewed to the left. The majority of individuals in this dataset have high salaries relative to others in this dataset.
  • Salaries are symmetrically distributed.
  • The average salary is $103000.

Quiz 6: Histograms Part 2

Q1. What do you need to do in Excel versions prior
to 2016 to create a histogram?

  • Create bins for your data.
  • Enable DataAnalysis ToolPak.
  • Make sure the minimum value is larger than the smallest bin value.
  • Uncheck the chart option.

Q2. The graph shows 14 columns in 0-160 range
The graph shows 7 columns in 0-160 range
What was done to transform the first histogram into the second one?

  • Data multiplied by 2.
  • Doubled the number of data points.
  • Bin widths doubled.
  • New data is used.

Quiz 7: Advanced Graphing and Charting

Q1. Download the spreadsheet “chicagocrimedata.xlsx” below. Use the data in the “Question 1 – get data” tab for the remainder of the assignment.

Fill in the tab, “Question 1 – get data” using the VLOOKUP formula. What is the value in cell C200?

Enter answer here

Q2. Use a pivot chart to create a bar plot of the average assaults by day of week. Which days of week has the fewest assaults on average?

  • Weekdays (Monday – Friday)
  • Weekends (Saturday and Sunday)
  • Sunday and Monday
  • Friday and Thursday

Q3. Modify the pivot plot to plot the average temperatures by day of week. What does it look like?

  • The frequency on the y-axis varies from 60-80
  • The frequency on the y-axis varies from 51.4-53.2
  • The frequency on the y-axis varies from 56-63
  • The frequency on the y-axis varies from 2900-3300

Q4. Create a scatter plot of Assault (Y axis) vs. Temperature (X axis). What does it look like?

  • The chart shows a scattered plot with a bell shaped trend
  • The scatter plot is upward sloping with closely aligned data points ranging from 28~110 along x-axis
  • The scatter plot is upward sloping with data points ranging from 700~1600 aling x-axis
  • The scatter plot is upward sloping with data points ranging from 10~100 along x-axis

Q5. What is the possible relationship between crime and temperature?

  • Crime increases as temperature rises.
  • Crime decreases when temperature rises.
  • Temperature and crime are unrelated.
  • Temperature increases as crime rises.

Q6. Find the minimum and maximum number of assaults, and create 10 evenly spaced bins that cover the data on assaults. What is the approximate bin width?

  • 8
  • 10
  • 15
  • 2

Q7. Create a histogram using the assaults data and 10 bins. What can you conclude based on the histogram?

  • The distribution of assaults is skewed to the right.
  • The distribution of assaults is symmetric.
  • 100 assaults is about a typical day in Chicago.
  • Crime is highest midweek?


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