Microsoft Azure Skill Assessment Answers 2022 | LinkedIn Skill Assessment

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Here, you will find Microsoft Azure Quiz Answers in Bold Color which are given below. These answers are updated recently and are 100% correct✅ answers of LinkedIn Microsoft Azure Skill Assessment.

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LinkedIn Microsoft Azure Assessment Answers

Q1. You need to create an application in Azure AD representing the Kinetico Web App so you can assign directory permissions to the app. To create the application identity, which command will you run?

  •  bash az ad app permission grant -display-name $appName \ …
  •  bash az ad app credential create -display-name $appName \ …
  •  bash az ad app create -display-name $appName \ …
  •  bash az ad app permission ass -display-name $appName \ …

Q2. You need to deliver a mobile push notification for the Kinetico Retail app, hosted in Azure App service. The solution should minimize cost, complexity and development effort. Which option should you choose?

  •  Notification Hub
  •  Event Hub
  •  Twilio
  •  Service Bus

Q3. Your application hosted in Azure App services needs to retrieve secrets from Azure Key vault. Which choice is NOT a way to authenticate to Key vault?

  •  service principle and certificate
  •  managed identity
  •  service principle and a secret
  •  shared access key

Q4. You added a persistent volume claim to your apps YAML manifest. When you attempt to deploy to an existing AKS cluster there is no persistent volume available. What should you do?

  •  Do nothing. The API server will provision additional storage automatically
  •  Add a data disk definition for the AKS cluste to your apps YAML manifest
  •  Add a data disk to each Kubernetes cluster node and reattempt app deployment
  •  Provision an Azure Files instance and reattempt app deployment

Q5. Your corporate web application is hosted in Azure regional data centres aroung the world. You need to route user requests to the closest service endpoint based on response latency. Which routing method should you use?

  •  Application gateway
  •  Front Door
  •  API Management
  •  Traffic manager

Q6. You are developing a release strategy for several related software components. You need to reference variable groups and secure files across multiple build and release pipelines. What is the most efficient way to store and reference these assets from the pipeline?

  •  Add the assets to a git repository
  •  Add the assets in Key Vault <<<<<SHOULD BE THIS ONE
  •  Add the assets to an encrypted volume
  •  Add the assets to a library <<<< COULD BE THIS ONE TOO

Q7. You need to grant full access for an app to a temporary Azure storage account. Configuring access should require minimum effort. Which option should you use?

  •  Azure AD user account
  •  Shared access signature
  •  Shared key
  •  Certificate

Q8. The Kinetico web-app runs in an Azure Kubernetes Service. You need to monitor feature use and user navigation paths to identify where improvements are needed. What should you do?

  •  Configure application insights cohort
  •  Install the Log Analytics agent and configure Azure Monitor for Containers
  •  Install the App Insights on AKS nodes
  •  Add instrumentation to your app to send usage analytics with Application Insights.

Q9. Which choice is not a valid trigger for Azure functions?

  •  based on a time (schedule)
  •  another Azure service (cosmos, service bus)
  •  threshold alert in Azure App insights
  •  third party services

Q10. Which messaging service enables an event-driven programming model?

  •  Service Bus
  •  Event Hub
  •  Notification Hub
  •  Event Grid

Q11. You need to populate a newly created SQL database from your release pipeline in Azure DevOps. The solution should minimize deployment time and efforts. Which approach should you use?

  •  Populate from BACPAC file
  •  Restore from backup file
  •  populate from csv file
  •  Populate from SQL file

Q12. You need to host a community website for your neighborhood association. The site contains static content, HTML CSS, and a few pages with client-side JS. Which option should you use?

  •  Azure storage static website
  •  a static website with Azure CDN
  •  App Service on the consumption plan
  •  App Service on the standard plan

Q13. Your organization delivers a number of RESTful web services to customers around the world. You need to deploy cloud infrastructure to deliver these services to paying customers, including authentication, request throttling, and routing of requests to the closest service endpoint. Which solution should you choose?

  •  Front door
  •  API Management
  •  Traffic manager
  •  Application Gateway

Q14. You have .NET app running CM scale set. You need to monitor application performance without modyfying the code. The solution should minimise the cost. What should you do?

  •  Enable network performance monitor on the VMs
  •  install the Log Analytics Agent and enable Azure Monitor for VMs
  •  Install Application Insights Agent
  •  Enable SolarWinds Performance Monitor from the Azure Marketplace

Q15. When setting your CI/CD pipeline an approval from your product owner is required before a final release to production. What solution do you use to achieve this?

  •  Manual intervention task
  •  pre-deployment condition
  •  branch filer
  •  pre-deployment gate

Q16. You want to configure the AKS instance running the Kineteco Inventory App to use Azure Active Directory (AD) for user authentication. To integrate with AKS with Azure AD which steps should you perform first?

  •  Create a service principal in Azure then assign the service principal AKS.
  •  Add users an Azure AD security group. Then assign the group permissions to AKS.
  •  Create a service principal in Azure AD. Then add the user to the AKS security group. 
  •  Create an App ID in Azure AD. Then create a service principal for the server app.

Q17. Which access protocol does Azure Files not support?

  •  Network File System (NFS)
  •  HTTP 
  •  Server Message Block(SMB)

Q18. You are writing an app for a sales team. You need to implement security in SQL Server to ensure that sales representatives see customer financial information only for customers whom they manage. Your app must make this transparent to the user. Which SQL data security option should you choose?

  •  Dynamic Data Masking 
  •  Transparent Data Encryption
  •  Row-Level Security
  •  Always Encrypted
  • Q19. You configure access to secrets in Azure Key Vault with _____.
  •  service principals
  •  certificates
  •  access policies
  •  RBAC roles 

Q20. Your Kineteco Web App experiences occasional spikes in usage that cause resource shortages that generate an alert. When this occurs, you want to configure scale-out of the App Service plan resources. The solution should minimize cost and administrative effort. What should you do?

  •  Create a Logic App. Then configure an action group with the Logic App action type.
  •  Create an Azure Automation Runbook. Then configure an action group with the Automation Runbook action type.
  •  Configure a rule based on a metric. 
  •  Create an Azure function. Then configure an action group with the Secure Webhook action type.

Q21. You have CI/CD pipeline for a modern web application in Azure DevOps. The CI/CD process includes both a build and a release pipeline. You need to ensure that user testing (UAT) is successful before triggering the release pipeline. The process should be as automated as possible. What should you add to your build pipeline?

  •  Query Work Items gate
  •  Manual Intervention task
  •  Approval gate 
  •  Invoke REST API gate

Q22. The Kineteco Web App is running on AKS to meet a spike in demand, the horizontal pod autoscaler recently provisioned additional pods, which are no longer needed. What should you do to scale down unnecessary pods?

  •  Trigger scale down in Azure Container Instances.
  •  Trigger scale down in the HPA from the Azure CLI.
  •  Manually deprovision unneeded pods.
  •  Do nothing. EPA will initiate scale down automatically. 

Q23. Your ARM template, created in VS Code, is failing validation in the build pipeline in Azure DevOps. You need to correct syntax issues at authoring time with a minimum of cost and effort. What should you do?

  •  Install Azure extension in VS Code.
  •  Install Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise edition.
  •  Install Visual Studio 2019 Community edition.
  •  Install Visual Studio Code Intellicode extension in VS Code.

Q24. You need to migrate the backlog of a development project for a newly acquired subsidiary. The development team currently uses a Kanban board to track stories, tasks, and bugs. Which process framework should you select in Azure Boards?

  •  Agile
  •  Waterfall
  •  Basic
  •  CMMI

Q25. You have set of SQL databases used with various PaaS applications with predictable usage patterns. You are planning to move these databases to Azure SQL and need to choose the right deployment option. Your priorities are minimizing costs, and having the ability to assign CPU and resources to individual databases. Which option should you choose?

  •  Azure SQL elastic pool 
  •  SQL on Azure VMs
  •  Azure SQL Database
  •  SQL Managed Instance

Q26. Your photo app hosted in Azure records user operations in a log for historical reference. Records must not be overwritten. Which storage type should you select to host log data?

  •  append blob 
  •  table storage
  •  page blob
  •  block blob

Q27. The Kineteco Retail App uses keys for signing and encryption of some data transfers. How should you write your app to invoke keys?

  •  Azure CLI
  •  Azure Portal 
  •  Azure PowerShell

Q28. You need to create tech support chatbot for Microsoft teams that interacts with users based on natural language processing (NLP). The bot should be capable of processing differing sentence structures. Which Microsoft framework component will deliver this functionality?

  •  LUIS 
  •  Text to Speech
  •  QnA Maker
  •  Recognizer

Q29. You are implementing an application to manage automated warehouse operations for a global retailer. You need to design an enrollment process for IoT devices for production use. Solution requirements are as follows: Register IoT devices in bulk; encrypt all communication between devices and the Azure IoT cloud service, and implement Microsoft recommendations for device security. Which option should you choose?

  •  managed identity (shared)
  •  X.509 certificate 
  •  managed service identity (per device)
  •  SAS key

Q30. You are deploying three Azure VMS with an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template. Which ARM function implements the iteration loop to provision the right number of VMs? ´´´´{ “type”: “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines”, “name”: “[concat(‘myvm’, ______)]”, “apiVersion”: “2016-04-30-preview”, “location”: “[parameters(‘location’)]”, “copy”: { “name”: “virtualMachineLoop”, “count”: “[parameters(‘numberOfInstances’)]” },´´´´

  •  max()
  •  copyIndex() 
  •  createArray()
  •  indexOf()

Q31. The Kineteco web app runs in an Azure Kubernetes Service. You need to monitor feature use and user navigation paths to identify where improvements are needed. What should you do?

  •  Install the Analytics agent and configure Azure Monitor for Containers.
  •  Install the App Insights Agent on AKS nodes.
  •  Configure Application Insights cohorts. 
  •  Add instrumentation to your app to send usage analysis with Application Insights.

Q32. Your web app hosted on Azure VMS generates a large number of random (non-sequential) writes. Which storage type should you select for your application?

  •  page blob
  •  block blob
  •  table storage
  •  queue storage

Q33. You are configuring a release pipeline in Azure DevOps. You need to reference several application variables across multiple pipelines at deployment time. How should you store application variables?

  •  Store secrets in Azure Key Vault.
  •  Store secrets in a configuration file.
  •  Configure release variables.
  •  Configure a variable group. 

Q34. You have configured the Kineteco Web App to run on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Application resources need to scale to meet spikes in traffic. What should you do? The solution should minimize manual effort and cost

  •  Configure the horizontal pod autoscaler (HPA).
  •  Manually scale pod when necessary.
  •  Configure burst to Azure Container Instances.
  •  Do nothing. Pods running on AKS scale up automatically

Q35. You are configuring a release pipeline in Azure DevOps. You need to read secrets from Azure Key Vault during pipeline execution. How should you retrieve application variables?

  •  with a community-developed Key Vault task
  •  with an ARM template
  •  all of these answers 
  •  with an Azure CLI script in a Bash task

Q36. You need to update the data within an existing database in Azure AQL with your changes. You want to test this process from your development workstation before incorporating the update into your CI/CD process. Which command will you run to update the schema on the target database?

  •  SqlPackage.exe /TargetFile:” myapp.bacpac ” /Action:Export  /SourceServerName:”” /SourceDatabaseName:”kinetecoweb” /SourceUser:”admin” /SourcePassword:”MyPassword”
  •  SqlPackage.exe /TargetFile:” myapp.bacpac ” /Action:Import /SourceServerName:”” /SourceDatabaseName:”kinetecoweb” /SourceUser:”admin” /SourcePassword:”MyPassword” SqiPackage.exe /TargetFile :” myapp.bacpac Action:Import
  •  SqlPackage.exe /TargetFile:”./myapp.bacpac” /Action:Publish /SourceServerName:”” /SourceDatabaseName:”kinetecoweb” /SourceUser:”admin” /SourcePassword:”MyPassword”
  •  SqlPackage.exe /TargetFile:”./myapp.bacpac” /Action:Extract /SourceServerName:”” /SourceDatabaseName:”kinetecoweb” /SourceUser:”admin” /SourcePassword:”MyPassword”

Q37. You have web app hosted in Azure App Service that reads from and writes data to an Azure SQL Database back-end. You need to send email alert when your web app returns any failure HTTP status cede (anything except HTTP 200) for a user request. Which solution should you use?

  •  service map in Azure Monitor 
  •  application maps in Azure Application Insights
  •  availability tests in Azure Application Insights
  •  Profiler in Azure Application Insights

Q38. Your new release pipeline in Azure DevOps includes a Bash task that runs an Azure CLI script. The Bash task running script fails. The agent setting of the agent job in the release pipeline is pictured below. The solution must minimize cost. What should you change in agent pool settings?

  •  Change to a self-hosted agent pool running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or later.
  •  Changed to a hosted pool running Windows 2019.
  •  Change to a hosted agent pool running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or later. 
  •  Change to a self-hosted agent pool running Windows 2019.

Q39. You are selecting a cloud messaging solution for your retail mobile app. Requirements for the solution are Process messages in the order they are received: preserve messages in case of a processing delay; end guarantee message delivery. Which solution should you use?

  •  Event Grid
  •  Service Bus 
  •  Event Hub
  •  Queue Storage

Q40. You need to provision a port mapping on the underlying node that allows the application to be accessed directly with the IP address and on the cluster node. Which service type should you provision?

  •  LoadBalancer
  •  NodePort 
  •  Cluster IP
  •  ExternalName

Q41. What is the difference between a user-assigned managed identity and a system-assigned managed identity?

  •  The lifecycle of a user-managed identity is managed separately from the resource. 
  •  with a user-assigned managed identity, Azure manages the password for you.
  •  The lifecycle of a system-managed identity is managed separately from the resource.
  •  with a system-assigned managed identity, Azure manages the password for you.

Q42. You need to configure user access to Azure DevOps agent pools to meet the following requirements: Use an agent pool when authoring build or release pipelines for the project; view the agent pool and agents of the organization, and use the principle of least privilege. Which role memberships are required for the Azure DevOps organization and the project?

  •  Organization: Administrator; Project: Service Account
  •  Organization: Reader; Project: Service Account
  •  Organization: Reader; Project: Administrator
  •  Organization: Service Account; Project: Reader

Q43. You have created an Azure CLI script for a release pipeline in Azure DevOps. You need to reference the working directory for the running job. Which variable should you reference?

  •  Agent.WorkFolder 
  •  Agent.HomeDirectory
  •  Agent.BuildDirectory
  •  Agent.ToolsDirectory

Q44. You are selecting Azure technologies for a new a pp that will process print jobs in a facility with thousands of printers. A pool of worker processes willsend jobs to printer and report results when jobs are complete. Requirements for the solution are: Worker processes will retrieve and process messages as capacity permits; if a worker process or printer fails, a worker process should be able to retrieve the message and resurne processing; and the solution should maintain a central (server-side) log of messages processed. Which solution should you use?

  •  Event Hub
  •  Event Grid
  •  Service Bus
  •  Queue Storage


Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Answers of Microsoft Azure Skill Assessment available on LinkedIn for free and grab some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing Skill Assessment Test. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.


Is this Skill Assessment Test is free?

Yes Microsoft Azure Assessment Quiz is totally free on LinkedIn for you. The only thing is needed i.e. your dedication towards learning.

When I will get Skill Badge?

Yes, if will Pass the Skill Assessment Test, then you will earn a skill badge that will reflect in your LinkedIn profile. For passing in LinkedIn Skill Assessment, you must score 70% or higher, then only you will get you skill badge.

How to participate in skill quiz assessment?

It’s good practice to update and tweak your LinkedIn profile every few months. After all, life is dynamic and (I hope) you’re always learning new skills. You will notice a button under the Skills & Endorsements tab within your LinkedIn Profile: ‘Take skill quiz.‘ Upon clicking, you will choose your desire skill test quiz and complete your assessment.

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  14. В нашем кинотеатре смотреть фильмы и сериалы в хорошем HD-качестве можно смотреть с любого устройства, имеющего доступ в интернет. Наслаждайся кино или телесериалами в любом месте с планшета, смартфона под управлением iOS или Android.

  15. Услуга по сносу старых домов и вывозу мусора в Москве и Московской области. Мы предоставляем услуги по сносу старых зданий и удалению мусора на территории Москвы и Подмосковья. Услуга выполняется опытными специалистами в течение 24 часов после оформления заказа. Перед началом работ наш эксперт бесплатно приезжает на объект для оценки объёма работ и консультации. Чтобы получить дополнительную информацию и рассчитать стоимость услуг, свяжитесь с нами по телефону или оставьте заявку на сайте компании.

  16. Услуга по сносу старых домов и утилизации мусора в Москве и Московской области. Мы предлагаем услуги по сносу старых построек и удалению отходов на территории Москвы и Московской области. Услуга
    предоставляется опытными специалистами в течение 24 часов после оформления заказа. Перед началом работ наш эксперт бесплатно посещает объект для определения объёма работ и предоставления консультаций. Чтобы получить дополнительную информацию и рассчитать стоимость услуг, свяжитесь с нами по телефону или оставьте заявку на веб-сайте компании.

  17. Услуга по сносу старых зданий и утилизации отходов в Москве и Московской области. Мы предоставляем услуги по сносу старых сооружений и удалению мусора на территории Москвы и Московской области. Услуга демонтаж фундамента выполняется квалифицированными специалистами в течение 24 часов после оформления заказа. Перед началом работ наш эксперт бесплатно посещает объект для определения объёма работ и предоставления консультаций. Чтобы получить дополнительную информацию и рассчитать стоимость услуг, свяжитесь с нами по телефону или оставьте заявку на сайте компании.

  18. я уже смотрел обзор здесь перед тем, как сделать заказ. Не сказать, что все отзывы были 100% положительные, там уже упоминались основные минусы и плюсы.

  19. Закажите SEO продвижение сайта в Яндекс и Google под ключ в Москве и по всей России от экспертов. Увеличение трафика, рост клиентов, онлайн поддержка. Комплексное продвижение сайтов с гарантией.

  20. На сайте коллегии юристов вы найдете контакты и сможете связаться с адвокатами. Юрист расскажет о том, как нужно правильно поступить, поможет собрать необходимые документы и будет защищать ваши права в суде. Квалифицированная юридическая и медицинская поддержка призывникам с гарантией!

  21. Компания КЗТО известна производством высококачественных радиаторов, которые обеспечивают эффективное отопление и долговечность. Продукция КЗТО включает радиаторы различных модификаций, подходящие для любых помещений. Они изготавливаются из прочных материалов, что гарантирует устойчивость к коррозии и высокую теплоотдачу.

  22. На этом сайте вы найдете полезную информацию, и отзывы о разных финансовых сайтах. Здесь очень много полезной информации, и разоблачение мошенников. А также узнайте где начать зарабатывать первые деньги в интернете.

  23. Компрессоры воздушные купить в Москве по лучшей цене. Широкий выбор брендов. Доставка по всей РФ. Скидки, подарки, гарантия от магазина.

  24. Воздушные компрессоры в Москве – купить по низким ценам в интернет-магазине. Широкий ассортимент воздушных поршневых компрессоров. В каталоге – передвижные, стационарные модели, с прямым и ременным приводом, сухого сжатия и маслозаполненные.

  25. Воздушные компрессоры купить по самым низким ценам только у нас с гарантией и бесплатной доставкой. Широкий ассортимент воздушных поршневых компрессоров.

  26. Купить компрессоры по самым выгодным ценам в Москве в интернет-магазине. Широкий выбор компрессоров. В каталоге можно ознакомиться с ценами, отзывами, фотографиями и подробными характеристиками компрессоров.

  27. Продвижение сайтов в поисковых системах с гарантией результата. SEO продвижение сайтов в ТОП-10 Яндекс, заказать поисковое сео продвижение, раскрутка веб сайта в Москве.

  28. Заказать SEO продвижение сайтов в ТОП поисковых систем Яндекс и Google в Москве, оплата за результат и по факту. Кейсы, стратегии продвижения, скидки и акции, индивидуальный подход

  29. Купить квартиру в Казани от застройщика. Планировки и цены трехкомнатных, двухкомнатных и однокомнатных квартир в новостройке.

  30. Раскрутка сайтов в ТОП в городе Москва. Используем эффективные методы, работаем практически с любым бюджетом. Выгодные условия, индивидуальный подход.

  31. Продажа квартир и недвижимости в Казани по выгодной стоимости на официальном сайте застройщика. Жилье в Казани: помощь в подборе и покупке новых квартир, цены за квадратный метр, фото, планировки.

  32. Написание курсовых работ на заказ быстро, качественно, недорого. Сколько стоит заказать курсовую работу. Поручите написание курсовой работы профессионалам.

  33. Квартиры с ремонтом в новостройках Казани по ценам от застройщика.Лидер по строительству и продажам жилой и коммерческой недвижимости.

  34. Купить квартиру в новостройке: однокомнатную, двухкомнатную, трехкомнатную в жилом комплексе в рассрочку, ипотеку, мат. капитал от застройщика.

  35. Продажа квартир в Казани от застройщика. Большой выбор квартир. Возможность купить онлайн. Квартиры с дизайнерской отделкой.

  36. Купить квартиру в новостройке в Казани. Продажа новой недвижимости в ЖК новостройках по ценам от застройщика.

  37. Флористика, декор, вышивания и украшения. Наборы для канцелярии, росписи текстиля, декорации и детского творчества.

    “나는 듣지 않을 것입니다, 당신은 물러나십시오! “Hongzhi 황제는 눈살을 찌푸 렸습니다. 이 Hanlin은 그가 약을 잘못 먹었습니까?”장평현 정부가 화목하고 사람들이 길에서 물건을 줍지 않고 밤에 문을 닫지 않는다고 들었는데 사실인가요?”

  39. Покупки станут дешевле – получи Кэшбэк до 30%! У нас более 4 500 интернет-магазинов и 33 000 промокодов и акций скидок.

  40. Курсовые и дипломные работы на заказ. Выполняем любые типы работ онлайн в короткие сроки по выгодным ценам для студентов.

  41. Качественное написание курсовой работы на заказ. Низкие цены и антиплагиат от 70%. Точно в срок. Гарантия высокой оценки, бесплатные доработки.

  42. Качественное написание курсовой работы на заказ. Низкие цены и антиплагиат от 70%. Точно в срок. Гарантия высокой оценки, бесплатные доработки.

  43. Написание рефератов на заказ качественно и в срок. Низкая цена и проверка на антиплагиат. Доработка по ТЗ бесплатно, проверка на антиплагиат.
