Materials Science: 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answer]

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These answers are updated recently and are 100% correct✅ answers of all week, assessment, and final exam answers of Materials Science: 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know from Coursera Free Certification Course.

Materials Science: 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know Quiz Answers

Week 01: Materials Science: 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Thing 1

Q1. The first three categories introduced in this segment (metals, polymers, and ceramics) are based on the three types of primary bonding: metallic, ________, and ionic, respectively.

  • secondary
  • van der Waals
  • covalent

Q2. Glasses are considered a category separate from ceramics because their chemistry is different, even though their atomic structure is the same.

  • True
  • False

Q3. Fiberglass is a good example of a ___________ combining the strength and stiffness of reinforcing glass fibers with the ductility of the polymeric matrix.

  • ceramic
  • composite
  • semiconductor

Q4. Semiconductors are considered a category separate from metals because their electrical conductivity is different.

  • True
  • False

Q5. The relationship between atomic bonding and the elastic modulus or stiffness of a metal is an example of how structure (atomic-level in this case) leads to _____________.

  • permanent deformation
  • properties
  • breakage

Quiz 02: Thing 2

Q1. Aluminum metal is an example of a ______________.

  • simple cubic crystal structure
  • body-centered cubic crystal structure
  • face-centered cubic crystal structure

Q2. The vacancy and the interstitial are two common types of point defects in metallic crystal structures.

  • True
  • False

Q3. The Arrhenius relationship shows that the rate of chemical reactions increases _______________ temperature.

  • linearly with
  • exponentially with
  • with the fourth power of

Q4. The Arrhenius plot is a linear set of data points in which the logarithm of rate is plotted against the ____________.

  • absolute temperature in K
  • inverse temperature in K-1
  • temperature in °C

Q5. The activation energy, Q, for a chemical reaction is indicated by the _______________ of the Arrhenius plot.

  • slope
  • intercept at 1/T = 0
  • intercept at 1/T = 1

Q6. The gas constant, R, is equal to _______________ times the Boltzmann’s constant, k.

  • 1024
  • Avogadro’s number
  • 10-24

Q7. The gas constant, R, is an appropriate term for equations describing gas phases and ________________ processes.

  • solid-state
  • no other
  • all other

Q8. The energy needed to produce a single vacancy, Ev, is the same as the activation energy, Q.

  • True
  • False

Q9. Solid-state diffusion occurs in the face centered cubic structure of aluminum by individual aluminum atoms hopping into _______________ sites.

  • adjacent occupied
  • adjacent interstitial
  • adjacent vacant

Q10. As an indication of how “close packed” the aluminum (FCC) crystal structure is, ________ of the volume of the unit cell is occupied by the aluminum atoms.

  • 74%
  • 70%
  • 68%

Q11. The diffusion coefficient is defined by _______________.

  • Fick’s second law
  • Fick’s first law
  • Fick’s third law

Q12. The diffusivity (D) of copper in a brass alloy is 10-20 m2/s at 400 °C. The activation energy for copper diffusion in this system is 195 kJ/mol. The diffusivity at 600 °C is _____________.

  • 2.93 x 10-16 m2/s
  • 5.86 x 10-17 m2/s
  • 2.93 x 10-17 m2/s

Materials Science: 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know Week 02 Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Thing 3

Q1. An edge dislocation corresponds to an extra ______________.

  • full plane of atoms
  • cluster of atoms
  • half-plane of atoms

Q2. An edge dislocation is a linear defect with the Burgers vector _______________ to the dislocation line.

  • at a 45 degree angle
  • perpendicular
  • parallel

Q3. Crushing an empty soda can made of aluminum alloy is an example of ______________.

  • viscous deformation
  • plastic deformation
  • elastic deformation

Q4. Plastic deformation by dislocation motion is a ___________ alternative to deforming a defect-free crystal structure.

  • high-stress
  • low-stress
  • stress-free

Quiz 02: Thing 4

Q1. The first of the “big four” mechanical properties obtained in the tensile test is ___________________.

  • yield strength
  • elastic modulus
  • tensile strength

Q2. The tensile strength is ___________ the yield strength for typical metal alloys.

  • greater than
  • about the same as
  • less than

Q3. The ductility corresponds to the ______________.

  • strength at failure
  • total amount of elastic deformation
  • strain at failure

Q4. The Elastic Modulus is given by ______________.

  • Hooke’s Law
  • Poisson’s ratio
  • Ohm’s Law

Q5. The yield strength corresponds to ______________.

  • an offset of 0.2%
  • an offset of 0.1%
  • the point of tangency where plastic deformation first begins

Q6. The stress versus strain curve shows that a metal alloy becomes weaker beyond the tensile strength.

  • True
  • False

Q8. The elastic “snap back” that occurs at failure is parallel to ______________.

  • the stress axis
  • the elastic deformation portion of the stress-strain curve.
  • the strain axis

Q9. The Toughness or work-to-fracture is the total area under the stress versus strain curve.

  • True
  • False

Materials Science: 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know Week 03 Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Thing 5

Q1. “Creep” deformation describes the behavior of materials being used at high temperatures under high pressures over _____________ time periods.

  • long
  • intermediate
  • short

Q2. We added comments about polymers because their weak, secondary bonding between long chain molecules causes them to exhibit creep deformation at relatively low temperatures.

  • True
  • False

Q3. In the simplest sense, the creep test is essentially a tensile test done at a high temperature under ____________ load.

  • a fixed
  • no
  • a variable

Q4. A linear portion of the strain versus time plot corresponds to the ______________ stage of the overall creep curve.

  • secondary
  • tertiary
  • primary

Q5. The strain rate in the ______________ stage of the creep test is analyzed using the Arrhenius equation, analogous to our previous discussion of the diffusion coefficient.

  • secondary
  • primary
  • tertiar

Q6. A powerful use of the Arrhenius relationship is to measure creep data at low temperatures and then extrapolate the data to high temperatures, allowing us to predict the performance there.

  • True
  • False

Q7. In a laboratory creep experiment at 1,000 °C, a steady-state creep rate of 5 x 10-1 % per hour is obtained for a metal alloy. The activation for creep in this system is known to be 200 kJ/mol. We can then predict that the creep rate at a service temperature of 600 °C will be ______________. (We can assume the stress on the sample in the laboratory experiment is the same as at the service temperature.)

  • 80.5 x 106 % per hour
  • 4.34 x 10-5 % per hour
  • 8.68 x 10-5 % per hour

Q8. For high temperature creep deformation in ceramic materials, a common mechanism is ______________.

  • dislocation climb
  • viscous flow (molecules sliding past one another)
  • grain boundary sliding

Quiz 02: Thing 6

Q1. The ductile-to-brittle transition was first discovered in conjunction with the failure of ______________

  • the Queen Mary
  • the Titanic
  • Liberty Ships

Q2. The impact energy is an indicator of whether a fracture is ductile or brittle, as measured by the ____________ test

  • creep
  • tensile
  • Charpy

Q3. Although they have equally high atomic packing densities, face-centered cubic (fcc) metals with more slip systems are typically ductile while hexagonal close packed (hcp) metals are relatively __________.

  • strong
  • weak
  • brittle

Q4. Body-centered cubic (bcc) alloys such as low-carbon steels demonstrate the ductile-to-brittle transition because their dislocation motion tends to be ___________ than that in the more densely packed fcc alloys.

  • more erratic
  • slower
  • faster

Materials Science: 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know Week 04 Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Thing 7

Q1. We focus on “critical flaws” that ______________.

  • are larger than 1 mm in size
  • lead to catastrophic failure
  • are larger than 1 μm in size

Q2. We use the example of __________________ to illustrate concern about a famous “critical flaw.

  • Liberty Ships
  • the Hindenburg
  • the Liberty Bell

Q3. The design plot is composed of two intersecting segments: yield strength corresponding to general yielding and fracture toughness corresponding to ______________

  • fracture following multiple stress applications
  • high-temperature fracture
  • flaw-induced fracture

Q4. The design plot shows stress as a function of time.

  • True
  • False

Q5. The ______________ flaw size is defined within the design plot at the intersection between the general yielding segment and the flaw-induced fracture segment

  • critical
  • minimum
  • maximum

Q6. The I in the subscript of the fracture toughness, KIc , refers to ______________ .

  • mode I (uniaxial tensile) loading
  • “i” for incremental loading
  • the primary stage of creep deformatio

Q7. The stress versus strain curve for a sample with a critical pre-existing flaw looks like ______________.

  • a regular stress versus strain curve but with a lower value of Y.S.
  • a regular stress versus strain curve but with a higher value of Y.S.
  • that of a brittle cerami

Q8. The benefit of failure by general yielding is that ______________.

  • the plastic deformation serves as an early warning
  • the structure does not deform permanently
  • the failure occurs quickly

Q9. “Flaw-induced fracture” is also known as “catastrophic fast fracture.”

  • True
  • False

Quiz 02: Thing 8

Q1. The fatigue strength that is associated with catastrophic failure after a large number of stress cycles is ______________ the yield strength.

  • greater than
  • less than
  • about the same value as

Q2. A metal alloy known to have good ductility is used in the manufacture of a spring in a garage door assembly. The spring breaks catastrophically in its first use, under a load known to correspond to about 2/3 of the alloy’s yield strength. This is a good example of fatigue failure.

  • True
  • False

Q3. The fatigue curve is a plot of breaking stress versus ______________.

  • temperature
  • time
  • the number of stress cycles

Q4. The “fatigue strength” is defined as the point where the fatigue curve reaches a value of roughly _____________ of the tensile strength.

  • 75%
  • 10%
  • one-fourth to one-half

Q5. Fatigue is the result of a critical flaw built up ______________

  • prior to being put into service
  • instantly
  • after a large number of stress cycles

Q6. The relationship of fatigue to the design plot (introduced in our discussion of fracture toughness) is that we grow the size of a flaw at a relatively low stress until the flaw size reaches the “flaw-induced fracture” segment of the design plot.

  • True
  • False

Materials Science: 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know Week 05 Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Thing 9

Q1. We begin by focusing on making things slowly. Phase diagrams are maps that help us track microstructural development during the slow cooling of an alloy. The Sn-Bi phase diagram is an example of a ______________ diagram.

  • temperature versus time
  • eutectoid
  • eutectic

Q2. The phases in a two-phase region of the phase diagram are determined by the adjacent, single phases on either side of that two-phase region

  • True
  • False

Q3. In the important Fe – Fe3C (iron carbide) phase diagram, steel making is described by slow cooling through the ______________ reaction

  • eutectic
  • melting
  • eutectoid

Q4. The “pasty” quality of lead solders in the lead-tin system can be attributed to ______________.

  • the nature of the two-phase liquid + α solid solution region
  • the nature of the two-phase α solid solution + β solid solution region
  • the fact that lead has a higher melting point than tin

Q5. Heat treatment can be defined as the time-independent process of producing a desired microstructure.

  • True
  • False

Q6. Previously (in Thing 2), we saw that diffusion increases as temperature increases. Instability ______________ as temperature decreases.

  • increases
  • decreases
  • stays about the same

Q7. Because of the competition between instability and diffusion, the most rapid transformation will occur _______________.

  • at the transformation temperature
  • below the transformation temperature
  • above the transformation temperatur

Q8. The “knee-shaped” curve of the TTT diagram for eutectoid steel is a good example of the competition between instability and ______________.

  • stability
  • diffusion
  • radioactivity

Q9. As we monitor the TTT diagram for eutectoid steel through the diffusional transformation region, we see that the decreasing magnitude of diffusivity with decreasing temperature leads to ______________.

  • increasingly more coarse microstructures
  • increasingly finer microstructures
  • generally unchanged grain sizes

Q10. As we continue to go to lower temperatures in the TTT diagram for eutectoid steel, the diffusionless transformation to form martensite is the result of ______________.

  • the domination of instability
  • increasingly rapid atomic mobility
  • freezing temperatures

Quiz 02: Ten Things Final

Q1. The first three categories introduced in the opening of the course (metals, polymers, and ceramics) are based on the three types of primary bonding: metallic, covalent, and ____________, respectively.

  • ionic
  • hydrogen
  • van der Waals

Q2. In illustrating the relationship between atomic structure and the elastic modulus or stiffness of a metal (structure leads to properties!), we saw how elastic deformation follows from the stretching of atomic ___________.

  • bonds
  • weights
  • energy

Q3. The _________ plot is a linear set of data points in which the logarithm of rate is plotted against the inverse of absolute temperature in K-1.

  • TTT
  • fatigue
  • Arrhenius

Q4. In the face centered cubic structure of aluminum, solid-state diffusion occurs by individual aluminum atoms hopping into adjacent interstitial sites

  • True
  • False

Q5. ___________________ is a linear defect with the Burgers vector perpendicular to the dislocation line.

  • An interstitial
  • A vacancy
  • An edge dislocation

Q6. Consider the body of an automobile made of steel. A small dent in that structure when the automobile is accidentally driven into a barrier is an example of _________ deformation.

  • viscous
  • elastic
  • plastic

Q7. In the tensile test, the yield strength (Y.S.) is found just beyond the linear elastic region (which gives the elastic modulus, E) at an offset of 0.2% strain.

  • True
  • False

Q8. Beyond the tensile strength (T.S.), the maximum stress value measured over the range of the tensile test, we measure the ductility corresponding to the total amount of ______________ deformation.

  • elastic + plastic
  • elastic
  • plastic

Q9. For high temperature creep deformation in metal alloys, a common mechanism that we illustrated is ______________.

  • dislocation climb
  • viscous flow (molecules sliding past one another)
  • grain boundary sliding

Q10. A powerful use of the Arrhenius relationship is to measure creep data at high temperatures over conveniently short time periods and then extrapolate the data to __________ temperatures, allowing us to predict the performance of the material over long operating times.

  • even higher
  • cryogenic
  • low

Q11. The impact energy is the standard property for monitoring the ductile-to-brittle transition. The impact energy is commonly measured by means of the ______________.

  • creep test
  • Charpy test
  • tensile tes

Q12. Body-centered cubic (bcc) alloys tend to exhibit the ductile-to-brittle transition because they have fewer slip systems than in the ductile face-centered cubic (fcc) alloys.

  • True
  • False

Q13. The design plot is composed of two intersecting segments: yield strength corresponding to ___________ and fracture toughness corresponding to flaw-induced fracture.

  • high-temperature fracture
  • general yielding
  • fracture following multiple stress applications

Q14. The design plot monitors stress as a function of ______________.

  • flaw size, a.
  • strain
  • time

Q15. A metal alloy known to have good ductility is used in the manufacture of a spring in a garage door assembly. The spring breaks catastrophically after 10 years of regular use, under a load known to correspond to about one half of the alloy’s yield strength. This is a good example of fatigue failure.

  • True
  • False

Q16. The relationship of fatigue to the design plot (introduced in our discussion of fracture toughness) is that we grow the size of a flaw at a relatively low stress until the flaw size reaches the ______________ segment of the design plot.

  • yield stress
  • general yielding
  • flaw-induced fracture

Q17. Phase diagrams are maps that help us track microstructural development during the slow cooling of an alloy. The Fe-Fe3C (iron carbide) phase diagram is an example of a ______________ diagram, with special relevance to steelmaking.

  • temperature versus time
  • eutectoid
  • eutectic

Q18. Quenching a eutectoid steel below about 200 °C initiates the formation of martensite because the _______________ the austenite phase has become too great.

  • instability of
  • specific volume of
  • diffusion of carbon within

Q19. Electronic conduction in an _____________ semiconductor is the result of the promotion of an electron from the valence band up to the conduction band across an energy band gap.

  • eccentric
  • extrinsic
  • intrinsic

Q20. Combining the extrinsic behavior with the intrinsic on the Arrhenius plot produces a stable level of conductivity at ______________ temperatures.

  • intermediate
  • relatively low
  • relatively high

We will Update These Answers Soon.

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Coursera, India’s largest online learning platform, started offering students millions of free courses daily. These courses come from a number of well-known universities, where professors and industry experts teach very well and in a way that is easier to understand.

About Materials Science: 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know Course

We look at “10 things” that range from the materials that engineers can use in their jobs to the many mechanical and electrical properties of materials that are important to how they are used in different engineering fields. We also talk about the ideas behind how these materials are made.

By the end of the course, you will be able to: * Recognize the important parts of modern engineering materials, * Explain the basic principle of materials science, which is that “structure leads to properties,”

  • Figure out what role heat plays in many of these important “things,” as shown by the Arrhenius relationship.
  • Connect each of these topics to problems that have come up in your life or work, or that could come up.

If you want to learn more about the subject, you can buy Dr. Shackelford’s textbook: J.F. Shackelford, Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, Eighth Edition, Pearson Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2015


  • Materials
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Engineering Design
  • Electrical Engineering


Hopefully, this article will help you find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers for the Coursera Materials Science: 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know Quiz, allowing you to acquire a greater understanding with minimal effort. If this article has helped you, share it on social media and tell your friends about this incredible training.

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  88. What I have seen in terms of pc memory is that often there are requirements such as SDRAM, DDR and so on, that must match the technical specs of the motherboard. If the personal computer’s motherboard is rather current and there are no operating system issues, improving the ram literally normally requires under an hour or so. It’s on the list of easiest laptop or computer upgrade types of procedures one can think about. Thanks for discussing your ideas.

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  90. Thanks for the a new challenge you have revealed in your blog post. One thing I would like to touch upon is that FSBO relationships are built after some time. By introducing yourself to the owners the first weekend their FSBO can be announced, prior to the masses start off calling on Wednesday, you develop a good network. By mailing them equipment, educational elements, free accounts, and forms, you become a good ally. By using a personal interest in them plus their problem, you generate a solid interconnection that, in many cases, pays off as soon as the owners opt with a real estate agent they know plus trust — preferably you.

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  107. One other important part is that if you are an older person, travel insurance intended for pensioners is something you need to really consider. The older you are, the harder at risk you are for allowing something bad happen to you while abroad. If you are not necessarily covered by some comprehensive insurance policy, you could have several serious problems. Thanks for giving your good tips on this web site.

  108. One thing I’d like to say is always that before purchasing more laptop or computer memory, consider the machine within which it will be installed. If the machine can be running Windows XP, for instance, the memory threshold is 3.25GB. The installation of in excess of this would purely constitute any waste. Make sure one’s mother board can handle this upgrade quantity, as well. Interesting blog post.

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  112. I’d also like to mention that most of those who find themselves with no health insurance are normally students, self-employed and people who are unemployed. More than half on the uninsured are really under the age of Thirty-five. They do not really feel they are needing health insurance since they are young plus healthy. The income is normally spent on real estate, food, along with entertainment. Many people that do work either entire or in their free time are not provided insurance by means of their work so they head out without as a result of rising price of health insurance in the us. Thanks for the thoughts you reveal through this web site.

  113. Thanks for your article. Another factor is that being a photographer includes not only problem in capturing award-winning photographs and also hardships in establishing the best photographic camera suited to your requirements and most especially hardships in maintaining the standard of your camera. It is very accurate and noticeable for those photographers that are into capturing a nature’s eye-catching scenes : the mountains, the actual forests, the particular wild or maybe the seas. Visiting these amazing places certainly requires a photographic camera that can meet the wild’s hard natural environment.

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