Simulation Skills: This is Your Brain on the Future Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯Correct Answer]

Hello Peers, Today we will share all week’s assessment and quiz answers of the Simulation Skills: This is Your Brain on the Future course launched by Coursera, free of cost✅✅✅. This is a certification course for every interested student.

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About Simulation Skills: This is Your Brain on the Future Course

In this course, you’ll learn how to overcome these obstacles so you can think about the future more strategically and creatively. You’ll practice simulation techniques for “unsticking” the mind when it comes to seeing what’s possible in the future and accepting how things could be different.

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Simulation Skills: This is Your Brain on the Future Quiz Answers

Week 1: Simulation Skills: This is Your Brain on the Future Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Neurological Pathways of Simulation

Q1. This week you learned about the neurological pathways and activity areas of the brain that support thinking more creatively about the future.

One of the most important neurological activities in thinking about the future is “scene construction.” During scene construction, the brain creates a vivid movie or 3D virtual reality in your mind’s eye. It allows you to “look around” and immerse yourself in a simulated scene, whether it’s something that you’re remembering or something you’re imagining could happen in the future. What is another term for this neurological activity?

  • Mentalizing
  • Performance monitoring
  • Memory and simulation

Q2. Another important neurological activity that happens when we think about the future is that we try to simulate how other people might feel and what they might do. This activity is a way for our own brain to “get inside someone else’s mind.” That why it’s called:

  • Memory and simulation
  • Mentalizing
  • Performance monitoring

Q3. A third neurological activity that happens when we think about the future is a kind of “scanning” of the future for possible opportunities to make choices and take actions that serve our own personal goals. What is this called?

  • Performance monitoring
  • Memory and simulation
  • Mentalizing

Q4. If you want to build up all of the neurological pathways that support these 3 important activities – memory and simulation, mentalizing and performance monitoring – you can practice the “magic triangle” of simulation. What are the 3 habits that make up this magic triangle? Pick three answers only.

  • Remembering the past exactly as it was
  • Remembering the future as if it has already happened
  • Predicting the past, and how it could have been different
  • Predicting the future, and explaining why it will be that way
  • Hard empathy, or imagining yourself in situations you’ve never directly experienced
  • Easy empathy, or experiencing other people’s feelings in familiar situations as if it were happening to you

Week 2: Simulation Skills: This is Your Brain on the Future Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Why the brain thinks differently about your future self

Q1. There’s a region of the brain that fires up whenever you register something as important to you, personally. It says, “Hey! This matters to YOU! It’s about YOU! Pay attention!” What is this region called?

  • Amygdala
  • Medial PreFrontal Cortext
  • Hippocampus
  • Temporal Lobe

Q2. What does this same part of the brain do, for most people, when they imagine themselves in a far future – say, 10 years out or more?

  • If they’re in a good mood, it fires up and says “Hey! Pay attention!” If they’re bored, frustrated, or angry, it doesn’t react.
  • It acts like they’re thinking about a complete stranger, someone who doesn’t matter to them at all.
  • It fires up and says “Hey! This is important! Pay attention!”

Q3. What’s the result of this part of the brain’s behavior, when it comes to imagining your future self?

  • It’s easier to predict what you will do and harder to predict what other people will do in the future. As a result, you lose empathy for others and focus only on your own needs and goals.
  • If you spend too much time thinking about your future self, you can become disoriented. You may become confused about what is realistic or possible and set unrealistic goals for yourself.
  • It’s hard to have empathy for your future self. As a result, you make decisions that feel good in the short run but are maybe not-so-good in the long run.

Week 4: Simulation Skills: This is Your Brain on the Future Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: New Kinds of Simulation

Q1. This week, you learned about 3 different areas of simulation innovation.

One area of innovation is creating realistic video or audio of a real person saying something they’ve never actually said, or doing something they’ve never actually done. These videos and audio recordings are based on machine intelligence. An AI creates an authentic-seeming “fake” based on real, previous videos and audio recordings. So they are a hybrid of “real” and “faked.” What does futurist Jamais Cascio call these new kinds of half-real simulations?

  • A “simtainer”
  • “Simulacra”
  • Haptics

Q2. Another area of simulation innovation is the use of shipping containers to create a portable Virtual Reality environment that can easily be set up, moved, and re-installed anywhere in the world. Futurists are using these spaces to imagine how real shipping containers, an important and underutilized part of the global infrastructure, might be used in the future. What is this project/technology called?

  • Simtainers
  • Simulacra
  • Haptics

Q3. The third simulation technology explored this week is technology that simulates touch. It allows you to have a physical sensation of touching a virtual object, or being touched by a virtual object. This can include anything from simulated hugs via video chat to phone vibrations that feel like raindrops falling on your hand. What is this technology field called?

  • Simtainers
  • Simulacra
  • Haptics

Q4. It’s not hard to imagine negative consequences of simulacra technologies. Convincingly faked videos or faked audio created through AI machine learning will almost certainly lead to new forms disinformation, propaganda, and new kinds of bullying and harassment.

But your reading this week identifies several possible positive uses of the technologies. Which example stands out to you as the most legitimately useful application? Or, can you think of another potential positive use of this tech? What might it be?

This is an open-ended question with no right or wrong answers! Whatever you share will be marked as correct. Use it as an opportunity to reflect on, and make a more personal connection, with the material you read this week.

What do you think?
Your answer cannot be more than 10000 characters.

Q5. In his interview, David Birnbaum points to the potential ethical issues around haptics. If you can simulate good touch, you can also simulate unpleasant or harmful touch. What kinds of negative uses can you imagine in the future, if haptics become more commonplace? What kind of touch would you NOT want to experience, or what safeguards would you want in place to prevent others online from “touching” you in unwanted ways or at unwanted times?

This is an open-ended question with no right or wrong answers! Whatever you share will be marked as correct. Use it as an opportunity to reflect on, and make a more personal connection, with the material you read this week.

What do you think?
Your answer cannot be more than 10000 characters.

Q6. Which of these three types of simulation technologies are personally most interesting to you? Which one could you see yourself being most affected by in the future, or taking the time to work with and create something yourself in the future?

(There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Whatever you choose will be marked “correct.” Use this question as an opportunity to reflect and make a more personal connection with this week’s lesson.)

  • Simtainers
  • Simulacra videos/audio recordings
  • Haptics

Quiz 2: Afrofuturism

Q1. Who invented and first described “Afrofuturism”?

  • Samuel L. Delany
  • Octavia Butler
  • Mark Dery
  • N.K. Jemisin

Q2. Which of these are true statements about Afrofuturism? Check all that apply.

  • It focuses on the experience of black people in the future.
  • It usually has a positive or utopian aspect, depicting a better world than today.
  • It is often practiced and communicated through popular culture, like music videos, fashion magazines, movies, and science-fiction writing.
  • For many people, it is a kind of artistic therapy, working through the traumas of the past and present by imagining a more just future.

Q3. In one of this week’s videos, Professor Lonny Brooks says the African diaspora community “have always been futurists.” Why?

(The African Diaspora is the term commonly used to describe the mass dispersion of people from Africa during the Transatlantic Slave Trades, from the 1500s to the 1800s. This Diaspora took millions of people from Western and Central Africa to different regions throughout the Americas and the Caribbean.)

  • The slave trade took Africans against their will to far-away, strange lands where they needed to adapt, innovate, and invent new culture in order to survive.
  • As a way to deal with the trauma of slavery, many cultural and religious practices spread by the African diaspora centered around imagining their future selves somewhere better.
  • The work performed by enslaved people globally built the future, creating the economies and raw materials needed to invent modern society.

Q4. Afrofuturism is a storytelling, an art-making practice focused on a particular cultural imagination, rising out of a unique community: the African diaspora.

What other communities who have been displaced or traumatized in the past and present do you think have an important role to play in imagining better futures? What other kinds of futurism could you imagine building on and being inspired by the important cultural work of Afrofuturism? Or how would you like to see Afrofuturism itself develop and be used in the future?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Use it as an opportunity for you to reflect on what you learned this week, and to make a personal connection to the future topics we discussed.

What do you think?
Your answer cannot be more than 10000 characters.

We will Update These Answers Soon.

More About This Course

Do you want to learn how to simulate the future more creatively and more effectively? This course is for you.

Humans are the only living creatures with the ability to think about and make plans for the long- term future. Even so, our brains don’t always make it easy.

Over the past decade, scientists have discovered a number of neurological “road blocks” to effective futures thinking. These glitches in the brain make it harder for us to accurately predict how we’ll feel and what we’re likely to do, when a particular future arrives. They lead us to make faulty assumptions about which futures are likely or unlikely to happen. And they convince us we have less power to shape and influence the future than we actually do – leaving us stuck in the present.

In this course, you’ll learn how to overcome these obstacles so you can think about the future more strategically and creatively. You’ll practice simulation techniques for “unsticking” the mind when it comes to seeing what’s possible in the future and accepting how things could be different. You’ll also learn how to lead others through “first-person future” simulations, which have been shown in scientific studies to improve strategy and increase motivation and hope for the future.

Along the way, leading futurists from the Institute from the Future will share some of their most challenging forecasts to help you stretch your imagination and improve your simulation skills. This course will ensure that you can put all of your new forecasting skills to the best possible use, by helping you nudge your brain toward more effective ways of simulating and preparing for the future. Many thanks to the Enlight Foundation and the Enlight Collaborative, which provided a grant to support the creation of this course.


  • Foresight
  • Creativity
  • Strategic Planning
  • Simulation
  • Innovation


Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of the Simulation Skills: This is Your Brain on the Future Quiz of Coursera and grabs some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing training. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also, and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.

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  31. In recent times, Africa has come about as a lively hub for audio and celebrity culture, gaining international recognition and influencing worldwide trends. African songs, having its rich tapestry of genres such as Afrobeats, Amapiano, and highlife, offers captivated audiences throughout the world. Major artists just like Burna Boy, Wizkid, and Tiwa Fierce, ferocious have not simply dominated the chart in Africa but they have also made substantial inroads into the global music picture. Their collaborations using international stars plus performances at significant music festivals include highlighted the continent’s musical prowess. The rise of electronic digital platforms and sociable media has more amplified the access of African audio, allowing artists to be able to connect with supporters across the planet and share their unique sounds and testimonies –

    In addition to be able to its musical ability, Africa’s celebrity traditions is flourishing, along with entertainers, influencers, and public figures ordering large followings. Famous people such as Lupita Nyong’o, Trevor Noah, and Charlize Theron, who have roots in Africa, are making waves globally in film, television, and fashion. These figures not merely provide attention to their particular work but in addition highlight important social issues and cultural heritage. Their success stories inspire a new generation of Africans to go after careers in the entertainment industry, fostering a feeling of pride and ambition across typically the continent.

    Moreover, African celebrities are progressively using their programs to advocate regarding change and offer to their residential areas. From Burna Boy’s activism around social justice issues to Tiwa Savage’s initiatives to promote education for girls, these open public figures are using their influence regarding positive impact. They are involved in numerous philanthropic activities, supporting causes such because healthcare, education, and even environmental sustainability. This specific trend highlights the evolving role involving celebrities in Africa, who are not merely entertainers but furthermore key players throughout driving social switch and development.

    General, the landscape associated with music and movie star culture in Photography equipment is dynamic in addition to ever-evolving. The continent’s rich cultural selection and creative ability continue to garner worldwide acclaim, positioning Cameras being a major power within the global leisure industry. As African-american artists and celebrities carry on and break barriers and achieve brand-new heights, they front the way for some sort of more inclusive and even diverse representation inside global media. Intended for those interested inside staying updated on the latest tendencies and news within this vibrant landscape, numerous platforms plus publications offer exhaustive coverage of Africa’s music and movie star happenings, celebrating the continent’s ongoing contributions to the entire world stage.

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  35. These are products of altcoins like Ethereum and NEO. These cryptocurrencies do not have a separate blockchain but instead run on the decentralized apps created via such altcoins. However, tokens carry supremely low value compared to the other two types mentioned above, because it can only be used to purchase items from such decentralized apps or dApps. What are the risks to using cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrencies are still relatively new, and the market for these digital currencies is very volatile. Since cryptocurrencies don’t need banks or any other third party to regulate them; they tend to be uninsured and are hard to convert into a form of tangible currency (such as US dollars or euros.) In addition, since cryptocurrencies are technology-based intangible assets, they can be hacked like any other intangible technology asset. Finally, since you store your cryptocurrencies in a digital wallet, if you lose your wallet (or access to it or to wallet backups), you have lost your entire cryptocurrency investment.
    Robinhood’s logo will be prominently featured on the Mystics home and away jerseys for the 2024 season, beginning with the highly anticipated June 6th matchup against the Chicago Sky at the 20,000-person capacity Capital One Arena. Players will wear the new jerseys in the game, and the first 5,000 fans attending the game will receive a Mystics x Robinhood rally towel. Blinkfire Blog Israel’s Foreign Minister slammed the Lebanese militant group after it published a 9-minute drone video showing Israeli military and civilian locations in several Israeli cities. Can he coach with his same current fire 82 nights a year? Of course not. Does he need to tone down the disputes with rival fans? Of course he does. Can you run NBA practices like the players are teenagers in a bingo hall? Obviously not.

  36. Attach Files Case 3: The function maps each element to a distinct element, which means the range is a subset of of size 3. Thus, we are choosing 3 elements from 6 total elements, which yields 20 possible ranges. Do basic arithmetic. Work with fractions, percentages and similar fundamentals. Solve place value and word problems. “The essentials readings for this course will come from the following text book, which is available in the University of London digital library: Recursion refers to a process in which a recursive process repeats itself. Recursive is a kind of function of one and more variables, usually specified by a certain process that produces values of that function by continuously implementing a particular relation to known values of the function. Solve the following discrete mathematics questions:
    Uday is one of the most brilliant teachers that the accounting and audit profession has seen. He showcases the ability to empathize with students and teach them the most complex topics in FAR, AUD, BEC and REG by giving the students examples that they can relate to. He is a world renowned teacher and has students from Jamaica to Germany and all across the United States Of America.  As a busy professional, studying for the CPA can be daunting.  However, it’s obviously also a key stepping stone on the path towards becoming a professional public accountant. Becker Policies: Bottom Line: If you want to connect with an experienced tutor and don’t mind paying their rate, you’re likely to find tutors with a proven record of helping students pass the CPA exam. We identified tutors with specific CPA study experience more quickly and easily than on other large tutoring sites thanks to the more specific search filter.

  37. With Lido Ethereum staking is made simple and accessible to anyone And we have data for yesterday. ETH price increased by 2.7% between min. and max. value. Max. ETH price was $3,248.59. Min. Ethereum value was $3,160.88. The average value Ethereum price for convert (or exchange rate) during the day was $3,201.11. Price is rising. Great. Gwei, a blend of the words wei and giga, a unit prefix for billion, is another denomination of ether, the digital currency used on the Ethereum blockchain network. There are 1 billion wei in one gwei and there are 10^9 or 1,000,000,000 gwei in one ether. Gwei is also referred to as nanoether or Shannon, after Claude Shannon, a prominent American mathematician and cryptographer who’s regarded as the father of information theory. Aave is the biggest dApp in this category. The premise is simple. You deposit a supported asset like ETH or USDC to earn interest from borrowers. Often the returns are about 2% to 3%, but they can spike higher. You can also borrow by using your deposit as collateral. And unlike a CD or treasury, you can withdraw your deposit at any time (unless you borrowed against it).
    We’ll help you navigate the crypto market smoothly and get access to all the popular coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and many more. This week, news hit the wires of Canadian exchange QuadrigaCX co-founder Michael Patryn being a member of a decentralized project called Wonderland. QuadrigaCX collapsed after a scam causing a loss of circa $133m for investors. Significantly, Patryn has also spent 18-months in U.S prison and was deported to Canada after pleading guilty to offences that included credit and bank card fraud and computer fraud amongst other crimes. If you would like to know where to buy Wonderful Memories at the current rate, the top cryptocurrency exchanges for trading in Wonderful Memories stock are currently Beethoven X (Fantom), and SushiSwap (Avalanche). You can find others listed on our crypto exchanges page.

  38. Компания “Голден Строй” выполняет высококачественные услуги по реконструкции квартир в Санкт-Петербурге и Ленинградской области. Наш многолетний опыт в строительной отрасли гарантирует нам проводить работы различной сложности с наилучшим уровнем профессионализма. Мы учитываем, что ремонт квартиры – это важный шаг, требующий тщательного подхода и внимательного отношения к деталям, поэтому наши специалисты действуют, учитывая все пожелания клиентов.

    Мы предоставляем полный спектр ремонтных услуг, начиная от поверхностного ремонта и заканчивая капитального ремонта с изменением планировки помещений. Наша команда состоит из профессиональных мастеров, дизайнеров и инженеров, которые совместными усилиями строят комфортные и новейшие интерьеры. Мы берем только проверенные материалы и новые технологии, что обеспечивает долговечность и стильный вид вашего жилья.

    Одним из главных преимуществ нашей компании является персональный подход к каждому клиенту. Мы скрупулезно принимаем все пожелания и предложения, проектируем уникальные дизайнерские проекты и показываем подробные сметы, чтобы вы могли ясно представлять себе все этапы и расходы на ремонт. Наша цель – сделать процесс ремонта максимально прозрачным и приятным для вас.

    Кроме того, мы гарантируем гибкие условия оплаты и скидочные предложения для постоянных клиентов. Мы стремимся не только выполнить свою работу отлично, но и сделать сотрудничество с нами комфортным и дружелюбным. Ваше удовлетворение результатом является для нас главным приоритетом, поэтому мы всегда на контакте и готовы проконсультировать на любые ваши вопросы.

    Если вы находитесь в поиске надежную компанию для реставрации квартиры в Санкт-Петербурге и Ленинградской области, приходите в “Голден Строй”. Наш телефон: +7 (812) 385-54-47. Мы с радостью поможем вам осуществить все ваши желания в жизнь и сделать вашу квартиру в пространство вашей мечты.

  39. Welcome to our website, where you’ll find a wealth of articles dedicated to the vibrant worlds of sport and music . We highly value the power of these two compelling fields to inspire, entertain, and enrich our lives. Whether you’re an devoted sports fan or a music lover, our website presents something for everyone.

    Our sport section is filled with informative articles that delve into various aspects of the sporting world. From the latest updates on your top teams and athletes to detailed analysis of strategies and techniques, we work to keep you updated and interested. Whether you’re drawn to football, basketball, tennis, or any other sport, you’ll find articles that cater to your interests and help you stay engaged with the sports you love.

    Music, like sport, has the power to stir and encourage us, and our music section mirrors this zeal. We focus on a varied range of topics, from the latest trends in the music industry to profiles of emerging artists. Our articles explore different genres, offer reviews of new releases, and give insights into the creative processes behind the music you enjoy. Whether you’re a fan of symphonic sounds, rock, pop, or any other genre, our website is your main source for musical content.

    In addition to providing useful content, our website is designed to foster a community of similar individuals who share a love for sport and music. We invite you to navigate through our articles, interact with the content, and share your thoughts and opinions. Whether you’re looking to stay updated on the latest news or broaden your understanding of sport and music, our website is here to help your path.

  40. Подготовка воды имеет большое значение в поддержании функциональности заводского оборудования – . Технология состоит из фильтрацию и подготовку воды для исключения загрязнений, таких как растворимые соли, органические вещества и микробы. Это требуется для препятствия коррозии, наслоений и прочих неприятностей, которые могут ухудшить эффективность техники и сократить период эксплуатации. Использование качественной водоподготовки даёт возможность не только обеспечить надёжность и срок эксплуатации оборудования, но и уменьшить расходы на обслуживание и техническое обслуживание.

    Современные системы водоподготовки состоят из различные виды технологических процессов и техники. Среди них следует отметить фильтрационные установки, применяемые для удаления значительных частиц, обратноосмотические системы, которые эффективно устраняют солевые компоненты, и ультрафиолетовые системы, дезинфицирующие воду. Также не последнюю роль играют химические реагенты, применяемые для корректировки pH и предотвращения коррозии. Применение автоматизированных систем существенно повышает точность и эффективность процесса кондиционирования воды, что крайне важно в условиях масштабного промышленного производства.

    Результативная водоподготовка положительно влияет на окружающую среду, снижая выбросы токсичных веществ в природную среду. Использование передовых технологий и техники позволяет сократить потребление воды и её загрязнённость, что совпадает с требованиями устойчивого развития. Заводы, обращающие внимание на водоподготовку, не только улучшают эффективность, но и проявляют осознанность к природной среде. В результате, качественная водоподготовка служит конкурентным преимуществом и вкладом в развитие, как для предприятий, так и для всего общества.

  41. На на нашем интернет-портале вы найдёте множество информативных статей, описывающих бурению на воду. Мы тщательно объясняем каждый этап данных работ: от выбора подходящего места для бурения скважин до инсталляции оборудования. Наши статьи позволят вам разобрать в деталях процесса, осознать, какое оборудование и способы рекомендуются для применения для буровых работ на вашем участке.

    Кроме того, мы затрагиваем аспекты, по теме водоподготовки в дачном доме. Вода из скважины для питья необходима фильтрации и очистки и подготовки перед потреблением. На на нашем веб-ресурсе вы сможете найти наставления по выбору систем водоочистки, водоподготовки и поддержанию их в рабочем состоянии. Мы ознакомим вас с тем, как правильно подготовить воду для дома, чтобы вода в вашем доме оставалась чистой и безопасной для использования.

    Мы дополнительно уделяем внимание вопросам обслуживания скважины. Регулярное техническое обслуживание оборудования помогут продлить срок службы скважины и обеспечат стабильную подачу воды. Наши обзоры помогут вам понять по правильному уходу за системой, как ухаживать за системой и какие признаки указывают на возможные проблемы с оборудованием.

    Наконец, на на нашем веб-ресурсе вы сможете найти сведения о последних новинках и новинках в сфере бурения. Мы отслеживаем современные тренды и предлагаем с нашими пользователями последними и инновационными решениями. Неважно, в какой стадии находится ваш дом, наши обзоры направят вас на верный путь и предотвратить возможные проблемы.

  42. Бурение скважин на воду в Ленинградской области – необходимая процедура для владельцев дач. Этот область отличается непростыми геологическими условиями, что требует специализированного подхода при нахождении зоны и уровня бурения. Вода в Ленинградской области может располагаться на разной глубине: в песчаных слоях или глубокозалегающих водоносных пластах. Расчёт нужной глубины бурения зависит от состава грунтов и нужд владельца в качестве и количестве воды.

    Скважина под ключ Вы можете заказать на нашем сайте!

    Значимым этапом бурения выступает выбор типа скважины. В Ленинградской области наиболее распространены основные типы: абиссинские колодцы и артезианские скважины. Поверхностные скважины идеальны для малых объектов и домов сезонного проживания, так как уровень бурения не достигает 15-20 м. Глубокие скважины, с глубиной до до 200 м и выше, обладают возможностью к чистой и стабильной и воде стабильного качества, идеальной для круглогодичного использования и подачи больших объёмов воды.

    Химический состав воды в артезианских скважинах Ленинградской области напрямую зависит от глубины бурения. Воды из артезианских слоев как правило, изолированы от внешних загрязнений и могут обходиться без дополнительной очистки. Однако, при бурении поверхностных горизонтов, возможны включения примесей, такие как окислы железа и марганец, что нужно фильтровать для повышения её состава. Нужно понимать, что в разных районах области состав водоносных горизонтов сильно различается, поэтому рекомендуется проводить анализ воды перед началом эксплуатации.

    Кроме состава воды, ключевым фактором является техническое обслуживание скважин. Даже самые качественные артезианские скважины требуют плановом обслуживании и промывке, чтобы не допустить засорения и уменьшения дебита.

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