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About The Digital Marketing Revolution Course
Many items are now manufactured, promoted, distributed, and consumed in fundamentally different ways thanks to the Digital Revolution. Marketing was predominantly an Analog (i.e., physical) activity before the arrival of new digital technologies such as the Internet, personal computer, and smartphone. Many marketing operations, such as product promotion, are becoming increasingly digital.
However, we still live in a physical (or analogue) world. Most sales, for example, are still conducted in physical locations today. As a result, on a daily basis, both marketers and consumers must negotiate both the analogue and digital worlds. This course analyses both analogue and digital marketing, as well as how these two forces interact within the Digital Marketing Revolution.
This course will begin with an examination of the major contrasts between the analogue and digital worlds, followed by a look at four ways the analogue world has been altered by the digital revolution: dominance, resistance, synergy, and transformation.
This course will include multiple instances of each of these concepts, as well as an examination of their ramifications for both marketers and consumers.
This course will also include video lectures, case studies, hands-on activities, and interviews with top marketing researchers, among other learning strategies. The learning method will be extremely participatory, with opportunities to participate in a range of hands-on activities and be a part of a vibrant learning community. I hope you will join us on this educational journey.
If you complete this course successfully, you will be able to:
- -Know the key differences between Analog and Digital, as well as the marketing implications of these variances.
- -Understand how the Analog is impacted by the Digital Revolution in four ways.
- -Develop and apply critical thinking skills to the role of analogue and digital technologies on businesses and customers.
- -Discover some real-life examples of various marketing tactics for analogue products and services in an increasingly digital world.
Course Apply Link – The Digital Marketing Revolution
The Digital Marketing Revolution Quiz Answers
Week 1: The Digital Marketing Revolution
Quiz 1: Orientation Quiz
Q1. This course includes _ modules.
- Three
- Eight
- Six
- Four
Q2. The instructor requires a textbook in this course.
- True
- False
Q3. Which of the following activities is NOT required in order to pass this course?
- Watch the lecture videos
- Read the required texts
- Attend a weekly meeting with the instructor
- Complete the quizzes
Q4. If I have a problem in the course I should:
- Report it to the Learner Help Center (if the problem is technical) or Flag the issue.
- Email the instructor.
- Wait until someone reaches out to me.
- Call the instructor.
Quiz 2: Digital Dominance Quiz
Q1. Is the following statement true or false? Digital dominance is achieved when digital benefits exceed analog benefits.
- True
- False
Q2. Which of the following digital benefits are typically leveraged to achieve efficiency?
- Affordability and Trackability
- Sociability and Tangibility
- Anonymity and Conversability
- Excitability and Visibility
Q3. What does the term ‘Twice as Nice’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of Efficiency?
- An exchange transaction that benefits both buyers and suppliers.
- An exchange transaction that can be conducted in either the analog or digital world.
- An exchange transaction that benefits either a buyer or a supplier.
- All of the above
Q4. What does the term ‘Addition by Subtraction’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of Efficiency?
- Subtracting value by adding a component to an analog product or service.
- Things get worse (inefficient) when something is taken away.
- Adding value by adding a component to analog product or service.
- Things get better (efficient) when something is taken away.
Q5. Which of the following are a way to leverage digital efficiency?
- Be aggressive with change because people like new and shiny things.
- Make a deal by offering financial incentives like discounts or freemium.
- Stop people from sharing their stories in your digital space.
- None of the above
Q6. Which of the following digital benefits are typically leveraged to achieve democracy?
- Affordability and Trackability
- Sociability and Visibility
- Visibility and Conversability
- Excitability and Anonymity
Q7. What does the term ‘Higher Trust’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of democracy?
- Hoping potential customers will not find out that online reviews are from people who are paid by a firm.
- Asking trusted customers to post positive reviews for a firm’s products or services.
- Gaining confidence of potential customers because reviews are posted by real and ordinary people.
- None of the above
Q8. What does the term ‘Economies of Scope’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of democracy?
- As large number of different things are offered, value goes down and costs go up.
- As quantity goes up for the same thing, costs go down.
- As large number of different things are offered, value goes up and costs go down.
- As quantity goes up for the same thing, costs go up.
Q9. Which of the following are a way to leverage digital democracy?
- Keep your content static and allow people time to absorb it.
- The cult of personality can be utilized to become a digital celebrity and build a fanbase.
- Splendid isolation can block the intellect and curb people’s enthusiasm for the product.
- All of the above
Q10. According to the McKinsey article, “What’s next for digital consumers”, companies can innovate their digital services in which of the following ways?
- Increase privacy and security
- Refine UI/UX design
- Improve end-to-end service availability by integrating ‘phygital’ interactions.
- All of the above.
Week 2: Analog Resistance Quiz
Q1. Is the following statement true or false?
Low-cost, frequently purchased impulse items (such as candy bars) are an example of analog products that resist the digital.
- True
- False
Q2. Physicality leverages the following analog benefits.
- Sociability and Trackability
- Tangibility and Sociability
- Anonymity and Durability
- Excitability and Anonymity
Q3. What does the term ‘Coexistence with the digital’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of Physicality?
- Analog resistant products and services coexist within the digital world.
- A product’s analog and digital aspects fulfill different needs.
- Analog products and services are promoted using digital medium like webpages and social media platforms.
- All of the above.
Q4. What does the term ‘Opposition to the digital’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of Physicality?
- The tangible nature of analog products is unable to fulfill the need for touch.
- The tangible nature of analog products makes them meaningless within the digital world.
- Most consumers are opposed to digital technology these days.
- None of the above.
Q5. Which of the following are ways to leverage analog resistance?
- Create rituals to give analog products a competitive advantage over digital products.
- Differentiate analog products by leveraging the sense of touch.
- Cross-sell other analog products to customers interested in buying analog products.
- All of the above.
Q6. Which of the following analog benefits are typically leveraged to achieve protection?
- Anonymity and Trackability
- Tangibility and Anonymity
- Visibility and Excitability
- Excitability and Anonymity
Q7. What does the term ‘Digital can be harmful’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of protection?
- Excessive use of digital devices can alter minds, bodies, social relations and how we think about ourselves.
- Digital harm can be financial, psychological, and social in nature.
- Digital devices can interfere with sleep and lead to obesity.
- All of the above.
Q8. What does the term ‘Protection comes in many forms’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of protection?
- A single analog product can provide protection from digital harm.
- Analog protection is only required in the case of identity theft.
- Multiple analog products may be required to protect from financial, psychological, and social harm.
- None of the above.
Q9. What does the term ‘Disconnected’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of protection?
- The dangers of visibility and trackability are greatly reduced by being unplugged from the Internet.
- When we disconnect from the digital, we are less likely to appreciate tangibility.
- The noise of digital distractions increases when we disconnect.
- None of the above.
Q10. According to the American Purpose article, “Why Analog is Better than Digital: The Vinyl Revival”, what is the primary reason for the recent shift to vinyl?
- Perfect sound quality.
- Nostalgia.
- Exhibition
- Variety
Week 3: The Digital Marketing Revolution
Quiz 1: Digital & Analog Synergy Quiz
Q1. Is the following statement true or false?
Synergy between the analog and the digital world is created by combining digital and analog benefits in such a way that their combined benefits exceed the benefits of either the analog or the digital by themselves.
- True
- False
Q2. Which of the following is the correct interpretation of a Glocal strategy?
- A Glocal strategy singularly focuses on globalization.
- A Glocal strategy typically uses digital tools to increase awareness of analog products and services.
- A Glocal strategy leverages the analog benefits of anonymity and sociability.
- None of the above.
Q3. What does the term ‘Requires a Crowd’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of ‘Glocal’?
- A single individual is a crowd and can accomplish a Glocal strategy by himself or herself.
- A diverse and global crowd connected through the digital is typically required for a Glocal strategy to succeed.
- A traditional crowd is not necessary for a Glocal strategy.
- None of the above.
Q4. What does the term ‘Digital is the Enabler’ means in terms of its reference to the concept of ‘Glocal’?
- Glocal offerings have little relationship between the digital and the analog.
- Digital tools like the Internet, social media, and 3D printing are not used to increase access to analog offerings.
- Digital tools enable analog offering to achieve synergy by making local products or services more interconnected, accessible, and visible to a global audience.
- None of the above.
Q5. Which of the following are a way to leverage Glocal’s digital and analog synergy?
- Use a local champion who is passionate about an idea to spread the word and get others to join in this effort.
- Lower financial, geographical, and informational barriers.
- Digitally showcase an analog offering to make it available to a global audience.
- All of the above.
Q6. What does the term ‘TouchTech’ mean?
- A form of synergy that frees the digital world of the distractions from analog products or services.
- A form of synergy that combines digital and analog tools to make touchscreen technology.
- A form of synergy that creates the best of either the analog or digital world.
- A form of synergy that is created in products or services that combine the physical features of the Analog with the high-tech features of the Digital.
Q7. What does the term ‘Singular Focus’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of ‘TouchTech’?
- Most digital offerings (such as, an iPhone, laptop) have multiple uses.
- Most analog offerings have a singular focus (i.e., used to do one or two things).
- A combined digital and analog offering can help consumers focus on what is important in life.
- None of the above.
Q8. What does the term ‘Haptic Engagement’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of ‘TouchTech’?
- TouchTech products produce more strain due to a higher degree of haptic engagement.
- Haptic engagement is always beneficial because it adds old-school charm.
- TouchTech products and services usually require a higher degree of haptic engagement compared to their digital competitors.
- All of the above.
Q9. What does the term ‘Dual Competition’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of ‘TouchTech’?
- TouchTech offerings compete only against analog products and services.
- TouchTech products provide inferior features compared to their analog counterparts.
- TouchTech offerings compete only against digital products and services.
- TouchTech offerings face the possibility of having to compete against both analog and digital competitors.
Q10. According to the Deloitte article, “Augmented Shopping: The quiet revolution”, what are the common augmented shopping use cases?
- Try On, Try Out, Interact.
- Makeup, Furniture, Electronics.
- Try On, Return, Re-purchase.
- None of the above.
Week 4: The Digital Marketing Revolution
Quiz 1: Analog Transformation Quiz
Q1. Is the following statement true or false?
The Digital can be added to (or subtracted from) the Analog in such a way that an Analog product or service is transformed into a different form or function.
- True
- False
Q2. What is the definition of ‘Embracing’?
- A change in the form and/or function of a Digital product (or service) that occurs when it is combined with the Digital.
- A change in the form and/or function of an Analog product (or service) that occurs when it is combined with the Digital.
- A change in the form and/or function of an expensive frequently purchased Analog product (or service) into a low-cost digital product (or service).
- None of the above.
Q3. What does the term ‘Outsider Perspective’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of ‘Embracing’?
- Outsiders are limited in seeing new possibilities because they do not understand either the form or function of an Analog product (or service).
- Outsiders cannot easily think of new uses for old things.
- Outsiders have the benefits of seeing new possibilities because their vision is less likely to be constrained by ‘functional fixedness.
- All of the above
Q4. What does the term ‘Low Entry Cost’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of ‘Embracing’?
- Embracing typically benefits from low-cost entry because in many cases the Analog product (or service) already exists.
- A low-cost (no high cost) Analog product (or service) is transformed by embracing Digital.
- The low-cost aspect of Analog transformation guarantees high profit margins.
- None of the above.
Q5. Why are flip-phone’s regaining popularity?
- They meet the growing demand for privacy and security.
- They are attractive for consumers who worry about the amount of time that they (or their children) spend online.
- They are a tool for disconnecting from digital distractions.
- All of the above.
Q6. What does the term ‘Niche Appeal’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of distancing?
- Niche appeal is the essence of distancing.
- They are attractive for consumers who worry about the amount of time that they (or their children) spend online.
- They are a tool for disconnecting from digital distractions.
- None of the above
Q7. What does the term ‘heart of the beast’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of distancing?
- The distancing strategy appeals to individuals who are highly digitally connected because these folks realize the negative impact of being too connected to the digital world.
- The distancing strategy likely appeals to individuals who are older, less affluent, and engaged in unskilled occupations.
- The distancing strategy attracts those who never sleep.
- None of the above.
Q8. What does the term ‘more sizzle than steak’ mean in terms of its reference to the concept of distancing?
- Distancing strategy transforms people because one learns the pros and cons of the Digital.
- Distancing strategy is more hype than reality.
- Distancing strategies provide permanent escape from digital reality.
- Customers find more value in distancing strategies over embracing strategies.
Q9. Which of the following are a way to leverage a distancing strategy for analog transformation?
- A distancing strategy is difficult to implement from a product perspective and unattractive from a pricing perspective.
- A distancing strategy should distance a firm from digital marketing tools.
- A distancing strategy should not target digitally fatigued individuals.
- A FUD strategy can encourage consumers to distance themselves from the dangers of the digital world.
Q10. According to the HBR article, “Are You Ready for Tech That Connects to Your Brain”, how will Brain Computer Interface (BCIs) affect our lives?
- Having telepathic communication with our loved ones.
- Instantaneously accessing superhuman computational power.
- Playing back memories and dreams.
- All of the above.
Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of The Digital Marketing Revolution Quiz of Coursera and grab some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing training. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.
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Anna Berezina is a highly proficient and famend artist, recognized for her distinctive and captivating artworks that by no means fail to depart a long-lasting impression. Her paintings fantastically showcase mesmerizing landscapes and vibrant nature scenes, transporting viewers to enchanting worlds crammed with awe and marvel.
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Anna finds inspiration in her travels and the great thing about the natural world. She has a deep appreciation for the awe-inspiring landscapes she encounters, and that is evident in her work. Whether it is a serene beach at sundown, an impressive mountain vary, or a peaceable forest crammed with vibrant foliage, Anna has a exceptional capability to seize the essence and spirit of those locations.
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