Gender and Sexuality: Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers[Latest Update!!]

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About Gender and Sexuality: Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Course

What exactly does it represent? What is gender? The question is, what exactly is sexuality? What exactly do we mean when we say LGBTQIA? How do these ideas apply to situations that occur in the workplace? How have our interpretations of these terms evolved throughout time, and how have these shifts impacted the way work is done and how culture is viewed? This course will expose you to the fascinating topic of gender, sexuality, and women’s studies, as well as LGBTQIA identities, with the goal of assisting you in answering the critical concerns raised above. Understanding and analysing how identity impacts our experiences in society and in the workplace will be accomplished through the use of a variety of cross-disciplinary ideas, tools, and methodologies. This training is essential for any job, as well as for comprehending the society that we live in and the people in it, because we all live with gender expectations. You will also gain an understanding of fundamental ideas that will assist you in interpreting and comprehending the world that we live in.

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Gender and Sexuality: Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Quiz Answers

Changing Landscapes, Identities, and Discourse Quiz Answers

Q1. Which of the following terms in the LGBTQIA acronym do not refer to a sexual orientation identity?

[select all that apply]

  • Lesbian
  • Gay
  • Bisexual
  • Transgender/Trans
  • Intersex

Q2. “Asexual” refers to people who experience an absence of both sexual and romantic feelings.

  • True
  • False

Q3. Which of the following terms refers to people whose gender identity aligns with the sex that they were assigned at birth?

  • Transgender/Trans
  • Cisgender
  • Agender
  • None of the above

Q4. Which of the following refers to terms that can include a wide range of identities and experiences?

  • Umbrella
  • Slang
  • Essentialist
  • None of the above

Q5. Research discussed in this week’s lectures demonstrates that the vast majority of intersex surgeries lead to happier and healthier lives.

  • True
  • False

Q6. All transgender/trans people require and/or desire gender-related surgeries.

  • True
  • False

Q7. Which of the following sex laws still exist in the U.S.?

  • Age of consent
  • Anti-miscegenation
  • Anti-sodomy
  • None of the above

Q8. Gender identity refers to which of the following:

  • Legal Sex
  • An individual’s chromosomes and hormones
  • An individual’s internal sense of self
  • None of the above

Q9. Sexual orientation—the way we experience attraction and act on attraction—is entirely different from gender identity.

  • True
  • False

Q10. The term “queer,” once a derogatory slur, has been reclaimed by many and refers to non-normative sexuality and/or gender.

  • True
  • False

Cyster Systems Case Study 1 Quiz Answers

Q1. Instructions: Read the following case study scenario and answer the questions that follow.

Company: Cyster Systems


  • You: Mid-level manager
  • Jerry: 10-year employee
  • Lionel: New employee

[Setting: Bar after work]

You’re a mid-level manager at Cyster Systems, a manufacturing company in Massachusetts, USA, with 100 employees. It’s around 4 PM on a Friday, and you and your colleagues have decided to go out for a drink after work to celebrate the end of a long week. You arrive at the bar a bit early, and the only other colleague there when you arrive is Jerry, who has been at the company for about 10 years as a mid-level manager in the marketing department. Others who work with Jerry have mentioned to you that he has ‘strong ideas’ about the way your company’s product should be marketed, and often clashes with senior management. His campaigns have been successful, so they have agreed to keep him around despite his somewhat volatile personality.

As you and Jerry get seated and start chatting, he asks you what you think about Lionel, the ‘new guy’ in the finance department. You say that you’ve only worked with him on one project, but that so far you’re impressed with his ideas and energy. Jerry snickers and says, “His energy—that’s one way to put it!”. You hesitate, but decide to push Jerry a bit to see what he means. “Well, I mean—he’s a little – flippy, don’t you think? I don’t have anything against gay guys, but he’s extra, sort of, girly, don’t you think?”. You’re taken aback by Jerry’s comments, and stare at him for a moment, unsure how to respond. He continues, saying “I think he could stand to be a little more assertive on that Brockham account….the boss is starting to think of him as a little bit of a pansy!” Out of the corner of your eye, you see Lionel approach the table to sit down with you. You freeze and wait for Jerry to stop commenting.

[Setting: Employee break room]

Three days later, Jerry is sharing his opinions with several coworkers in the break room. Lionel walks in and overhears his comments, including Jerry’s assessment that Lionel could ‘”probably have a bigger role in the Brockham account if he were a little less… feminine.” Lionel leaves the room, furious and embarrassed, and comes straight to your office.


True or false: Jerry’s comments reflect homophobia in the workplace.

  • True
  • False

Q2. Jerry’s comments about Lionel suggest he sees him as:

  • Conforming to the lady box
  • Not conforming appropriately to the “man box”
  • Incompetent
  • Inappropriate for the position

Q3. The kind of discrimination Jerry is showing toward Lionel will likely result in:

  • Lionel being fired
  • Lionel being reassigned to another department
  • Jerry asking for more responsibility on the Brockham account
  • Lionel losing compensation or opportunities for advancement

Q4. In addition to openly judging Lionel’s masculinity, Jerry may also:

  • Be reluctant to include him in work-related social outings
  • Seek him out to work together
  • File a suit against him in court
  • Create a committee to advance LGBT belonging at the company

Q5. If Jerry shared his opinions with Lionel, what action can Lionel likely take?

  • File a formal complaint with the company
  • Bring a complaint to the state board for employment discrimination, unless he lives in Colorado
  • Use ENDA to seek a remedy for the harassment
  • No formal action can be taken

Q6. Jerry’s perceptions of Lionel may have effects for other employees, including women. This is because:

  • Jerry’s comments suggests he likes women colleagues better than men
  • Women are often afraid of outspoken male colleagues
  • Jerry’s rigid ideas about gender suggest that feminine qualities are negative
  • Jerry does not know if Lionel is a man or a woman

Q7. If the federal government adopted ENDA, how could the company potentially benefit?

  • Lionel would be able to have Jerry fired
  • Jerry would be required to attend LGBT awareness training
  • Jerry and Lionel would both be able to sue the company for damages
  • Lionel would be protected from being fired for being gay or ‘too feminine’

Q8. According to the Williams Institute, what percentage of transgender workers have experienced work related discrimination/harassment?

  • 44%
  • 67%
  • 90%
  • 15%

Q9. Which company has received a perfect score of 100 on the HRC equality index for several years running?

  • Pfizer
  • Pizza Hut
  • Cyster Systems
  • Pitney Bowes

Q10. True or false: The current version of ENDA is inclusive of protections for transgender people.

  • True
  • False

Cyster Systems Case Study 2 Quiz Answers

Instructions: Read the following case study scenario and answer the questions that follow.


  • You: mid-level manager
  • Clarissa: 5-year employee

Cyster Systems hosts an annual workplace barbecue for all employees and their families. It’s a celebratory event, and everyone in the company looks forward to it all year. It’s held in August in Cape Cod, and includes a full dinner, a live band, games for the kids, dancing and lots of general merriment.

[Setting: Your office]

One day late on a Thursday, Clarissa, who works in your division, knocks on your door and asks if she can speak to your privately. After closing the door, she sits down across from you and wipes her hands on her pant legs, signaling her nervousness. When you ask her what she’d like to talk about, she begins by asking if you’ll promise not to reveal what she’s going to tell you to anyone else.

She then proceeds to say that she’s wondering what might happen if she brings her partner to the barbecue next week. Many people in the company know she is divorced, but very few know that she is now partnered with Desiree’, an administrative assistant in the company. There’s no policy against dating a fellow employee, but Clarissa and Desiree’ have worked hard not to let on they are dating, because they are worried that some people in the company “might not be okay with that.” She asks you how you think people will feel about their relationship and if she should tell people before the party.

You’re a bit surprised, but decide to press on. You want to be supportive, and so you ask Clarissa what her concerns are. She says that “she’s not sure how people will see her” and “what they might say to her” once they know she is a lesbian. She’s also up for a promotion, and is worried she won’t get it. She’s heard Jerry say some homophobic things, and knows he is chair of the promotion committee.


Q1. Which of Clarissa’s concerns are realistic, based on the data from the Williams institute study?

  • That she will not be promoted due to her sexual orientation.
  • That she will be treated differently due to her sexual orientation.
  • That she may be verbally abused due to her sexual orientation.
  • All of the above

Q2. It is important for LGBT employees to be able to bring their partners to work functions like the barbecue.

  • True
  • False

Q3. Most LGBT people think carefully about coming out to fellow employees.

  • True
  • False

Q4. If the Cyster company relocated to another nation, in which of the following countries would it be most likely that an employee like Clarissa would not be out to anyone?

  • India
  • Australia
  • Mexico
  • The UK

Q5. Which could be used to address any mistreatment Clarissa faced by coming out at work?

  • ENDA
  • Filing a complaint with the Equal Opportunity Commission
  • Don’t ask, Don’t tell
  • None of the above

Q6. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act, if passed, would prohibit discrimination against companies of more than _____ employees

  • Comment Answer Below

Q7. Imagine that Clarissa is in the military, and you are her unit commander. Would this conversation be likely to happen today?

  • Yes, since ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ has been repealed.
  • No, because ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ is still in place.
  • Yes, because members of the military have always been free to be ‘out.’
  • No, because members of the military do not share their lives with their colleagues.

Q8. You realize from talking with Clarissa that you need to send another reminder to everyone encouraging inclusion of LGBT employees. Which of the following headings might you use?

  • Boyfriends and girlfriends are welcome!
  • Wives and husbands welcome!
  • Partners and spouses welcome!
  • Kids and parents are welcome!

Q9. How should you handle this disclosure, in terms of telling others?

  • Sending an email to the company about Clarissa being gay.
  • Letting Clarissa decide to whom she should come out.
  • Telling just the CEO that she is gay.
  • Telling only her immediate colleagues.

Q10. Given Clarissa’s concerns about Jerry, and knowing that you have heterosexual privilege in this situation, how might you proceed?

  • Tell Jerry about Clarissa and warn him not to tell others.
  • Tell the CEO so he can keep an eye on Jerry.
  • Work with Clarissa to ensure she feels protected in the promotion process.
  • Tell Clarissa to work it out on her own.


Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of Template Quiz of Coursera and grab some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing training. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also, and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.

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  36. Fans react during World Cup’s final match against France at a bar in Sao Paulo, Brazil. How an Ivy League school turned against a student. Messi, playing in his fifth and final World Cup, is hoping to lead Argentina to a first title since the Diego Maradona-inspired victory in Mexico City in 1986. Kylian Mbappe (four goals in two World Cup finals), Vava, Pele and Zinedine Zidane (three goals in two finals), Ronaldo and Paul Breitner (two goals in two finals) are the only players in history who have scored in multiple World Cup finals. Final: Argentina vs France For Infantino the Qatar World Cup was the “best ever.” For others, the jury is still out. Brazil, having won five of the seven World Cup finals they have played in, are the most successful team in FIFA World Cup finals followed by Germany, four wins in eight appearances, and Italy, four wins in six. Reigning World Champions Argentina have won three from six.
    Chelsea are edging ever closer to a second Premier League title in three years under the guidance of Antonio Conte. It is a run of results which has left Chelsea down in ninth place and the Blues have played two more matches than 10th-placed Liverpool. Chelsea: Kepa, Chalobah, Thiago Silva, Badiashile, Hall, Gallagher, Jorginho, Mount; Ziyech, Cucurella, Havertz Crystal Palace stunned Manchester United at Old Trafford to record their first victory over the Red Devils in the Premier League era. For Tottenham, it was a missed opportunity to keep pace with Liverpool in the race for a top-four finish. Spurs, currently in fifth place, are now six points off the pace for the Premier League’s final UEFA Champions League place. Lying level on points with Liverpool, 10th-placed Chelsea are in even worse form than their hosts. The Blues’ Premier League triumph over Crystal Palace on Sunday was their first win in their last five games – a sequence of results that includes a 4-0 FA Cup hammering by Manchester City.

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  39. In recent times, Africa has come about as a vibrant hub for audio and celebrity traditions, gaining international recognition and influencing global trends. African audio, having its rich tapestry of genres many of these as Afrobeats, Amapiano, and highlife, has captivated audiences around the world. Major artists such as Burna Boy, Wizkid, and Tiwa Savage have not only dominated the charts in Africa but have also made considerable inroads into the particular global music scene. Their collaborations along with international stars plus performances at main music festivals have got highlighted the continent’s musical prowess. The particular rise of electronic platforms and interpersonal media has more amplified the reach of African music, allowing artists in order to connect with followers across the globe and share their unique sounds and testimonies –

    In addition to its musical ability, Africa’s celebrity culture is flourishing, using entertainers, influencers, and public figures commanding large followings. Superstars such as Lupita Nyong’o, Trevor Noah, and Charlize Theron, who have root base in Africa, are making waves around the globe in film, tv set, and fashion. These figures not merely provide attention to their own work but furthermore highlight important sociable issues and ethnic heritage. Their achievement stories inspire some sort of new generation associated with Africans to pursue careers in typically the entertainment industry, promoting a sense of pride in addition to ambition across the continent.

    Moreover, African-american celebrities are increasingly using their systems to advocate regarding change and give back to their communities. From Burna Kid’s activism around sociable justice issues in order to Tiwa Savage’s initiatives in promoting education intended for girls, these open figures are using their influence with regard to positive impact. These are involved in different philanthropic activities, supporting causes such as healthcare, education, in addition to environmental sustainability. This trend highlights the evolving role involving celebrities in The african continent, who are not simply entertainers but in addition key players in driving social transformation and development.

    General, the landscape involving music and superstar culture in The african continent is dynamic plus ever-evolving. The continent’s rich cultural range and creative talent carry on and garner intercontinental acclaim, positioning The african continent as a major pressure inside the global entertainment industry. As Black artists and superstars always break boundaries and achieve brand-new heights, they front just how for some sort of more inclusive and even diverse representation inside global media. With regard to those interested within staying updated on the latest styles and news throughout this vibrant field, numerous platforms plus publications offer complex coverage of Africa’s music and movie star happenings, celebrating the particular continent’s ongoing contributions to the planet stage.

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    Одним из главных преимуществ нашей компании является эксклюзивный подход к каждому клиенту. Мы детально принимаем все пожелания и замыслы, создаем индивидуальные дизайнерские проекты и делаем детальные сметы, чтобы вы могли ясно понимать все этапы и расходы на ремонт. Наша цель – сделать процесс ремонта максимально прозрачным и безопасным для вас.

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    Качественная водоподготовка оказывает положительное влияние на состояние экосистемы, уменьшая количество выбросов загрязняющих веществ в атмосферу. Использование передовых технологий и аппаратов позволяет сократить потребление воды и её засорение, что соотносится с современными требованиями устойчивого развития. Заводы, уделяющие внимание водоподготовке, не только улучшают свои результаты, но и демонстрируют заботу к окружающей среде. В результате, качественная водоподготовка становится важным конкурентным преимуществом и вкладом в развитие, как для организаций, так и для социума.

  47. На нашем сайте вы обнаружите разнообразие полезных публикаций, направленных на созданию скважин. Мы в деталях описываем все шаги этого процесса: от выбора подходящего места для создания скважины до установки оборудования. Наши публикации позволят вам уяснить в деталях процесса, понять, какие подходы и устройства рекомендуются для применения для бурения на воду на вашей территории.

    Кроме того, мы затрагиваем аспекты, касающиеся водоподготовки в частном доме. Скважинная вода необходима качественной очистки и подготовки перед использованием. На на нашем веб-ресурсе вы найдёте предложения по подбору фильтрационных систем, систем водоочистки и правильному уходу. Мы объясним, как настроить систему водоподготовки, чтобы подача воды оставалась безопасной и здоровой для употребления.

    Мы также уделяем внимание важным аспектам эксплуатации скважины. Постоянное наблюдение и уход фильтров и насосов помогут продлить срок службы скважины и обеспечат стабильную подачу воды. Наши статьи обеспечат вам понимание о том, как правильно ухаживать за скважиной, какие меры предосторожности соблюдать и какие сигналы указывают на неисправности.

    Наконец, на нашем сайте вы найдёте информацию о новейших технологиях и современных методах бурения и водоподготовки. Мы отслеживаем современные тренды и распространяем с нашими посетителями проверенными и современными методиками. Независимо от того, в каком состоянии находится ваш дом, наши статьи помогут вам избежать ошибок и избежать распространенных ошибок.

  48. Бурение колодцев на водные ресурсы в регионе Ленинградской области – необходимая процедура для хозяев частных домов. Этот область характеризуется комплексной геологической структурой, что нуждается в профессионального подхода при выборе локации и глубины залегания вод. Вода в Ленинградской области может обнаруживаться на разных уровнях: в песчаных пластах или артезианских водоносных пластах. Расчёт нужной глубины бурения зависит от геологических особенностей территории и необходимости пользователя в водном ресурсе.

    Бурение скважин Вы можете заказать на нашем сайте!

    Важным шагом бурения становится определение вида скважины. В Ленинградской области широко используются два типа: абиссинские скважины и глубокие скважины. Поверхностные скважины применимы для дачных участков и небольших домов, так как глубина их бурения не больше пятидесяти метров. Артезианские водозаборы, которые пробиваются на глубину до 200 метров и выше, дают доступ к чистой и стабильной и стабильной воде, рекомендованной для использования в течение всего года и обеспечения большого объема воды.

    Чистота воды в водяных скважинах Ленинградской области определяется от уровня вод. Воды из артезианских слоев как правило, изолированы от внешних загрязнений и не требуют серьезной очистки. Однако, при работе с песчаными пластами, вода может содержать примеси, такие как металлические соединения и металлы, что нуждается в дополнительной фильтрации для чистоты воды. Также стоит учитывать, что в разных районах области качество подземных вод может варьироваться, поэтому стоит провести химический анализ воды перед эксплуатацией скважины.

    Кроме питьевой ценности, существенным нюансом является сервисное обслуживание скважин. Даже системы водозабора нуждаются в профилактических работах и промывке, чтобы не допустить засорения и уменьшения дебита.

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