Hello Peers, Today we will share all week’s assessment and quiz answers of the Accounting Data Analytics with Python course launched by Coursera, free of cost✅✅✅. This is a certification course for every interested student.
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- About The Coursera
- About Accounting Data Analytics with Python Course
- Accounting Data Analytics with Python Quiz Answers
- Week 01: Accounting Data Analytics with Python Coursera Quiz Answers
- Module 1 Quiz
- Week 02: Accounting Data Analytics with Python Coursera Quiz Answers
- Module 2 Quiz
- Week 03: Accounting Data Analytics with Python Coursera Quiz Answers
- Module 3 Quiz
- Week 04: Accounting Data Analytics with Python Coursera Quiz Answers
- Module 4 Quiz
- Week 05: Accounting Data Analytics with Python Coursera Quiz Answers
- Module 5 Quiz
- Week 06: Accounting Data Analytics with Python Coursera Quiz Answers
- Module 6 Quiz
- Week 07: Accounting Data Analytics with Python Coursera Quiz Answers
- Module 7 Quiz
- Week 08: Accounting Data Analytics with Python Coursera Quiz Answers
- Module 8 Quiz
- More About This Course
- Conclusion
About The Coursera
Coursera, India’s biggest learning platform launched millions of free courses for students daily. These courses are from various recognized universities, where industry experts and professors teach very well and in a more understandable way.
Here, you will find Accounting Data Analytics with Python Exam Answers in Bold Color below.
These answers are updated recently and are 100% correct✅ answers of all week, assessment, and final exam answers of Accounting Data Analytics with Python from Coursera Free Certification Course.
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About Accounting Data Analytics with Python Course
This course focuses on developing Python skills for assembling business data. It will cover some of the same material from Introduction to Accounting Data Analytics and Visualization, but in a more general-purpose programming environment (Jupyter Notebook for Python), rather than in Excel and the Visual Basic Editor.
Course Apply Link – Accounting Data Analytics with Python
Accounting Data Analytics with Python Quiz Answers
Week 01: Accounting Data Analytics with Python Coursera Quiz Answers
Module 1 Quiz
Under which tab can you shut down a running notebook?
- Files
- Running
- Clusters
Which menu tab in the Jupyter notebook contains the Restart & Run All command?
- Kernel
- File
- Edit
- Cell
Which is a cell magic?
- %ls
- %matplotlib
- %%writefile
- %pwd
Which line magic allows inline plotting to be enabled in the notebook?
- %matplotlib inline
- %showplots inline
- %matplotlib online
- %showplots
In a notebook code cell, how do you enter edit mode from command mode?
- By pressing Enter
- By using the mouse to click on a cell’s editor area
- Both of the above
What key combination can be used to execute a code cell and insert a new code cell below?
- TAB-return
- ALT-return
- CTRL-return
- SHIFT-return
You can create a text document in a _______.
- Markdown cell
- Code cell
How do you add a line break after a line?
- Add two or more whitespaces at the end of the line
- Press Enter at the end of the line
- Both of the above
Which choice creates a markdown header of level 2 containing the text “Header”?
- # Header
- ## Header
- ##Header
- ### Header
What character or characters can be used to show code block in markdown?
- “`
- ‘’’
- “””
- “’”
Week 02: Accounting Data Analytics with Python Coursera Quiz Answers
Module 2 Quiz
What does open source mean?
- Anyone can view and/or make contributions to the item in question.
- You can open the source code files.
Which of the following are Python keywords?
- IF
- For
- Return
- None of the above
True or False? The first character of a Python variable must be a letter or an underscore character.
- True
- False
What is the data type of variable x in x = False?
- bool
- int
- float
- str
True or False? Functions make testing and debugging easier.
- True
- False
True or False? You can return a value from a Python function with print statement.
- True
- False
True or False? A Python function can have zero or more arguments.
- True
- False
If a = 14 and b=7, what does this code evaluate to: a==b?
- False
- True
- 0
- 1
- not equal
True or False? Indentation is not important for if statements.
- True
- False
What will be the output of this code snippet?
- b is seven!
- 7
- 8
- print(b)
- print(a)
Week 03: Accounting Data Analytics with Python Coursera Quiz Answers
Module 3 Quiz
Which data structure is [1,2,3,4]?
- list
- tuple
- numpy array
- dictionary
Which of the following data structures are immutable, meaning that values cannot be changed in place?
- list
- tuple
- dictionary
What would be the result of executing the code: “4 in [1,2,3]”?
- False
- Yes
- No
- True
How would you access the 3rd element of a list called my_list?
- my_list[3]
- my_list(3)
- my_list[2]
- my_list(2)
Which list function can be used to add an element to the end of the list?
- append()
- pop()
- sort()
- add()
What would be the output of “one, two, three”.split()?
- [‘one’, ‘two’, ‘three’]
- [one]
- “one two three”
- [‘one two three’]
What would be the result of “[1,2,3].reverse()”?
- {3,2,1}
- np.array([3,2,1])
- (3,2,1)
- [3,2,1]
What type of Python loop runs as long as a condition is True?
- for
- while
- wait
- long
Which of the following would loop through all integers from 1 to 10?
- for i in range(10)
- for i in range(1,10)
- for i in range(1, 11)
- while i in range(10)
What term best describes the following code: [x for x in range(10)]?
- tuple
- list comprehension
- for loop
- while loop
Week 04: Accounting Data Analytics with Python Coursera Quiz Answers
Module 4 Quiz
What is a module in Python?
- A file that contains Python definitions
- Python code in a different code cell
- Python code in a markdown code cell
- Any Function inside of a Class
Which built-in function prints help for a python object?
- dir()
- help()
- module()
- function()
If my_list = [1, 2, 3], which of the following code prints help of list function append()?
- dir(my_list.append)
- dir(list.append)
- help(my_list.append)
- help(list.append)
True or False? Numpy is part of the standard data science Python distribution.
- True
- False
Which built-in numpy function allows you to create an array whose elements are initialized to zero?
- empty
- zeros
- ones
- linspace
What does following code create?
- A numpy array that contains integers from 1 to 9
- A numpy array that contains integers from 1 to 10
- A Python list that contains integers from 1 to 9
- A Python list that contains integers from 1 to 10
True or False? Pandas Series is a one-dimensional data structure.
- True
- False
Assuming df is a DataFrame, which code prints first 5 rows of the DataFrame?
- df.head(5)
- df.tail(5)
- df.sample(5)
What is data type of one column of a DataFrame?
- List
- DataFrame
- Series
- Numpy array
Assume df is a DataFrame that has 4 columns, ‘C1’, ‘C2’, ‘C3’, ‘C4’, what is df[[‘C1’]]?
- A Series which is column ‘C1’ of df
- A DataFrame which has one column ‘C1’
Week 05: Accounting Data Analytics with Python Coursera Quiz Answers
Module 5 Quiz
What mode argument is used to open a text file to read?
- b
- r
- br
- w
What is the typical delimiter for a csv formatted file?
- Comma
- Tab
- Space
- Column
Which Pandas function is used to read a pickled file and load the data in the file to a DataFrame?
- to_pickle()
- to_csv()
- read_pickle()
- read_csv()
Which Pandas DataFrame function is used to print a concise summary of the DataFrame?
- info()
- describe()
- summary()
- type()
Which DataFrame property is used to slice a dataframe with explicit indexes?
- loc
- iloc
Assume df is a DataFrame that has columns ‘Name’ and ‘Age,’ which code selects all rows in df that have Age greater than 20 and less than 30?
- df[(df.Age>20) & (df.Age<30)]
- df[df.Age>20 & df.Age<30]
- Both of the above
- None of the above
Assume df is a DataFrame that has columns ‘Name’ and ‘Age,’ what data type is df[‘Age’]?
- Series
- DataFrame
- list
- numpy array
Assume df is a DataFrame, in df.groupby(by=’column1’, as_index=False).agg({’column2’:’mean’}), what type of data is in column2?
- Categorical data
- Continuous data
- Both of the above
What is median of the numbers in the list [1,2,3,4,5]?
- 3
- 4
- 3.5
What is mean of the numbers in the list [1,2,3,4,5,6]?
- 3
- 4
- 3.5
Week 06: Accounting Data Analytics with Python Coursera Quiz Answers
Module 6 Quiz
Which argument of pyplot function subplots() is used to config the size of the figure?
- size
- figsize
- figure_size
- fig_size
Which Axis function is used to set label for x-axis in a plot?
- set_xlabel
- set_ylabel
- set_xlim
- set_ylim
Which Axis function is used to set limit for y-axis in a plot?
- set_xlimit
- set_ylimit
- set_xlim
- set_ylim
Which of the following plots are one-dimensional?
- Rugplot
- Boxplot
- Histogram
- Scatter plot
In boxplot, what do the two edges of the box represent?
- 25% and 50%
- 25% and 75%
- 50% and 75%
- 20% and 80%
True or False? In histogram, more bins will capture more noise, thus less bins are better.
- True
- False
True or False? A histogram is a representation of the distribution of numerical data.
- True
- False
When the vertical values in a scatter plot, or y-axis, display an increase as the horizontal value, or x-axis, increases, the correlation is called?
- Positive correlation
- Negative correlation
- No correlation
True or False? A scatter plot can be used to detect outliers.
- True
- False
True or False? A joint plot not only display patterns and relationships of two features but also shows distributions of each feature.
- True
- False
Week 07: Accounting Data Analytics with Python Coursera Quiz Answers
Module 7 Quiz
True or False? CRISP-DM is an iterative process.
- True
- False
True or False? Pandas has function to load data from an Excel file to a dataframe.
- True
- False
True or False? Assume df is a dataframe with missing values. After executing df.dropna(), there’s no missing values in df.
- True
- False
True or False? Assume df is a dataframe with missing values. After executing df.fillna(10), there’s no missing values in df.
- True
- False
Assume df is a dataframe that has a column “FirstName,” which code correctly convert values in “FirstName” column to all uppercase?
- df[“FirstName”] = df[“First Name”].str.upper()
- df.FirstName = df.FirstName.str.upper()
- df[“FirstName”].str.upper()
- df.FirstName.str.upper()
Which of the following datetime string matches this python datetime format: “”%m/%d/%Y”?
- 12-31-18
- 12-31-2018
- 12/31/2018
- 12/31/18
Assume df is a dataframe and f() is a function that takes one argument, what is x in df.apply(lambda x:f(x))?
- One value in desc column
- One row in df
- One column in df
True or False? When constructing a regression formula for statsmodels ols using dataframe column names, there can be whitespaces in the column names.
- True
- False
A categorical variable has 3 unique values, when create dummy variables for this feature, at lease how many dummy variables are needed for this variable?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
In regression result, if p value of a coefficient is less than 0.05, it means the coefficient is?
- Not significant at 95% confidence level
- Significant at 95% confidence level
Week 08: Accounting Data Analytics with Python Coursera Quiz Answers
Module 8 Quiz
In RDBMS system, only valid data are written to the database. What is this feature called?
- Atomicity
- Consistency
- Isolation
- Durability
In RDBMS system, independent sets of database transactions are performed in such a way that they don’t conflict with each other. What is this feature called?
- Atomicity
- Consistency
- Isolation
- Durability
True or False? SQLite is an ACID-compliant database.
- True
- False
True or False? Values in a column that have foreign key constraint must be unique.
- True
- False
All rows from left table are placed into the joined table, and an inner join is performed with right table. Any row in the new table that does not have a match in right is padded with null values. What is this kind of join?
- Inner join
- Left outer join
- Right outer join
- Outer join
If you want to delete some data from a table, which SQL statement should you use?
Which Python module deals with SQLite database?
- sqlite3
- sqlite
- sql
Which Pandas DataFrame function writes a dataframe into a database?
- write_database()
- write_sql()
- dump_sql()
- to_sql()
When calling DataFrame function to_sql() to write a dataframe into database, which function argument setting will write dataframe index as a column?
- index=False
- index=True
- as_index=False
- as_index=True
When calling DataFrame function to_sql() to write a dataframe into database, if the table already exists, which function argument setting raises a ValueError?
- if_exits=’fail’
- if_exits=’append’
- if_exists=’replace’
We will Update These Answers Soon.
More About This Course
This course focuses on developing Python skills for assembling business data. It will cover some of the same material from Introduction to Accounting Data Analytics and Visualization, but in a more general-purpose programming environment (Jupyter Notebook for Python), rather than in Excel and the Visual Basic Editor.
These concepts are taught within the context of one or more accounting data domains (e.g., financial statement data from EDGAR, stock data, loan data, and point-of-sale data).
The first half of the course picks up where Introduction to Accounting Data Analytics and Visualization left off: using in an integrated development environment to automate data analytic tasks. We discuss how to manage code and share results within Jupyter Notebook, a popular development environment for data analytic software like Python and R.
We then review some fundamental programming skills, such as mathematical operators, functions, conditional statements and loops using Python software.
The second half of the course focuses on assembling data for machine learning purposes. We introduce students to Pandas dataframes and Numpy for structuring and manipulating data. We then analyze the data using visualizations and linear regression. Finally, we explain how to use Python for interacting with SQL data.
- Know how to operate software that will help you create and run Python code.
- Execute Python code for wrangling data from different structures into a Pandas dataframe structure.
- Run and interpret fundamental data analytic tasks in Python including descriptive statistics, data visualizations, and regression.
- Use relational databases and know how to manipulate such databases directly through the command line, and indirectly through a Python script.
- Python Programming
- Data Visualization (DataViz)
- Linear Regression
- Data Preparation
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Your posts always speak to me on a personal level and I believe that is a testament to your authenticity and genuine nature
I love how your posts are both informative and entertaining You have a talent for making even the most mundane topics interesting
I admire how this blog promotes kindness and compassion towards ourselves and others We could all use a little more of that in our lives
Your writing style is so engaging and easy to read It makes it a pleasure to read your blog and I always look forward to your new posts
Your knowledge and expertise on various topics never ceases to amaze me I always learn something new with each post
Your posts are so thought-provoking and often leave me pondering long after I have finished reading Keep challenging your readers to think outside the box
Your blog is a place I come to when I need a boost of positivity It’s like a warm hug from a friend Thank you for being that friend
Your writing is so relatable and down-to-earth It’s like chatting with a good friend over a cup of coffee Keep sharing your wisdom with us
I have been following your blog for a while now and have to say I am always impressed by the quality and depth of your content Keep it up!
This blog post has left us feeling grateful and inspired
The positivity and optimism conveyed in this blog never fails to uplift my spirits Thank you for spreading joy and positivity in the world
Your blog is always a highlight of my day
Your words are powerful and have the ability to make a real difference in people’s lives Keep using your voice to spread positivity and knowledge
Your blog is a haven of positivity and encouragement It’s a reminder to always look on the bright side and choose happiness
The design and layout of this blog are so aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly It’s a pleasure to navigate through
This post was exactly what I needed to read today Your words have provided me with much-needed clarity and reassurance
Your latest blog post was truly inspiring and had some great insights. I can’t wait to see what else you have in store.
Love this appreciation for great content
Your blog has become my go-to source for inspiration and motivation I am so grateful for the valuable content you provide
This blog is not just about the content, but also the community it fosters I’ve connected with so many like-minded individuals here
Your posts are so thought-provoking and often leave me pondering long after I have finished reading Keep challenging your readers to think outside the box
It’s always a joy to stumble upon content that genuinely makes an impact and leaves you feeling inspired. Keep up the great work!
Your passion for what you do is evident in every post It’s inspiring to see someone truly fulfilling their purpose and making a positive impact
Your blog post was really enjoyable to read, and I appreciate the effort you put into creating such great content. Keep up the great work!
I completely agree with your perspective on this topic It’s refreshing to see someone presenting a balanced and thoughtful viewpoint
Your latest blog post was truly inspiring and had some great insights. I can’t wait to see what else you have in store.
Your passion for this topic shines through in your writing It’s clear that you put a lot of effort and thought into your posts Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us
Your content always manages to captivate and educate me. Keep up the fantastic work!
Your blog has helped me through some tough times and I am forever grateful for your positive and uplifting content
Your posts are always so well-researched and informative I appreciate how thorough and detailed your content is
I love how this blog promotes a healthy and balanced lifestyle It’s a great reminder to take care of our bodies and minds
Your positive and uplifting words are like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day Thank you for spreading light and positivity in the world
Your positivity and enthusiasm are contagious Reading your blog has become a part of my daily routine and I always leave feeling better than when I arrived
Your blog posts never fail to entertain and educate me. I especially enjoyed the recent one about [insert topic]. Keep up the great work!
Your passion for what you do shines through in every post It’s truly inspiring to see someone doing what they love and excelling at it
Keep up the amazing work! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next.
This is exactly what I needed to read today Your words have provided me with much-needed reassurance and comfort
I always look forward to reading your posts, they never fail to brighten my day and educate me in some way Thank you!
Your posts always provide me with a new perspective and encourage me to look at things differently Thank you for broadening my horizons
Your vulnerability and honesty in your posts is truly admirable Thank you for being so open and authentic with your readers
This blog is such a hidden gem I stumbled upon it by chance and now I’m completely hooked!
I have recommended your blog to all of my friends and family Your words have the power to change lives and I want others to experience that as well
I have been struggling with this issue for a while and your post has provided me with much-needed guidance and clarity Thank you so much
Your words have a way of resonating deeply with your readers Thank you for always being encouraging and uplifting
Your blog has quickly become one of my favorites I always look forward to your new posts and the insights they offer
I appreciate how this blog addresses important issues in a respectful and informative manner It’s refreshing to see a blog use its platform for good
Keep up the incredible work! I can’t wait to see what you write next.
I have recommended this blog to all of my friends and family It’s rare to find such quality content these days!
Thank you for always being open and honest with your readers It’s refreshing to see a blogger who is unafraid to be vulnerable and real
I love how this blog covers a variety of topics, making it appeal to a diverse audience There is something for everyone here!
It’s clear that you truly care about your readers and want to make a positive impact on their lives Thank you for all that you do
This blog post is worth the read – trust us!
I’ve been following this blog for years and it’s amazing to see how much it has grown and evolved Congratulations on all your success!
Your blog post had me hooked from the first sentence.
As a fellow blogger, I can appreciate the time and effort that goes into creating well-crafted posts You are doing an amazing job
Thank you for the awesome content, it’s always appreciated
I have bookmarked your blog and refer back to it whenever I need a dose of positivity and inspiration Your words have a way of brightening up my day
I have been following your blog for a while now and have to say I am always impressed by the quality and depth of your content Keep it up!
Your writing is so eloquent and heartfelt It’s impossible not to be moved by your words Thank you for sharing your gift with the world
Your writing style is so engaging and easy to follow I find myself reading through each post without even realizing I’ve reached the end
I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the great content you consistently produce. It’s informative, interesting, and always keeps me coming back for more!
Your writing style is so engaging and easy to follow I find myself reading through each post without even realizing I’ve reached the end
Your writing style is so engaging and easy to follow I find myself reading through each post without even realizing I’ve reached the end
From the insightful commentary to the captivating writing, every word of this post is top-notch. Kudos to the author for producing such fantastic content.
I love how you incorporate personal stories and experiences into your posts It makes your content relatable and authentic
Your posts are always so relevant and well-timed It’s like you have a sixth sense for what your readers need to hear
Their posts always leave us feeling informed and entertained. We’re big fans of their style and creativity.
Your blog is a treasure trove of wisdom and positivity I appreciate how you always seem to know just what your readers need to hear
From start to finish, your content is simply amazing. You have a talent for making complex topics easy to understand and I always come away with valuable insights.
It’s clear that you have a deep understanding of this topic and your insights and perspective are invaluable Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us
Your blog posts never fail to entertain and educate me. I especially enjoyed the recent one about [insert topic]. Keep up the great work!
From start to finish, your content is simply amazing. You have a talent for making complex topics easy to understand and I always come away with valuable insights.
Your blog always puts a smile on my face and makes me feel better about the world Thank you for being a source of light and positivity
Your positivity and optimism are contagious It’s impossible to read your blog without feeling uplifted and inspired Keep up the amazing work
What topics would you like to see covered in future posts? Let us know in the comments.
This blog has become a part of my daily routine I start my mornings with a cup of coffee and your latest post
Thank you for sharing your personal experience and wisdom with us Your words are so encouraging and uplifting
I always find myself nodding along and agreeing with your wise words Your insights and advice are truly valuable
What type of content would you like to see more of in the future? Let us know in the comments!
As someone who struggles with mental health, I appreciate the support and empathy displayed in your blog It means a lot to know I’m not alone
This is one of my go-to blogs for inspiration Whether it’s fashion, travel, or self-improvement, you cover it all flawlessly
This blog post has left us feeling grateful and inspired
I always leave this blog feeling inspired and motivated to make positive changes in my life Thank you for being a constant source of encouragement
Your photography and visuals are always so stunning They really add to the overall quality of the content
Your posts are so thought-provoking and often leave me pondering long after I have finished reading Keep challenging your readers to think outside the box
Your honesty and vulnerability in sharing your personal experiences is truly admirable It takes courage to open up and I applaud you for it
Your content always manages to captivate and educate me. Keep up the fantastic work!
Your writing style is so engaging and makes even the most mundane topics interesting to read Keep up the fantastic work
This blog has become a part of my daily routine I start my mornings with a cup of coffee and your latest post
Your writing is so engaging and easy to read It makes it a pleasure to visit your blog and learn from your insights and experiences
I love how this blog celebrates diversity and inclusivity It’s a reminder that we are all unique and should embrace our differences
Your writing is a breath of fresh air It’s clear that you put a lot of thought and effort into each and every post
Thank you for sharing your personal experiences and stories It takes courage to open up and you do it with such grace and authenticity
This blog post hit all the right notes!
Thank you for creating such valuable content. Your hard work and dedication are appreciated by so many.
Your blog has become my go-to source for inspiration and motivation Thank you for consistently delivering high-quality content
Looking forward to your next post. Keep up the good work!
Your posts always leave me feeling motivated and empowered You have a gift for inspiring others and it’s evident in your writing
Your blog always puts a smile on my face and makes me feel better about the world Thank you for being a source of light and positivity
Your writing is so engaging and easy to read It makes it a pleasure to visit your blog and learn from your insights and experiences
It’s clear that you have a deep understanding of this topic and your insights and perspective are invaluable Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us
This is exactly what I needed to read today Your words have provided me with much-needed reassurance and comfort
Your writing is so eloquent and engaging You have a gift for connecting with your readers and making us feel understood