Introduction to Mathematical Thinking Coursera Quiz Answers 2023 [💯% Correct Answer]

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About Introduction to Mathematical Thinking Course

Mathematical thinking is not the same as doing mathematics – at least not as mathematics is typically presented in our school system. School math typically focuses on learning procedures to solve highly stereotyped problems.

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Introduction to Mathematical Thinking Quiz Answers

Week 1: Introduction to Mathematical Thinking Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1:

Q1. Is it possible for one of (\phi \wedge \psi) \wedge \theta(ϕ∧ψ)∧θ and \phi \wedge (\psi \wedge \theta)ϕ∧(ψ∧θ) to be true and the other false? (If not, then the associative property holds for conjunction.) [Score: 5 points]

  • Yes
  • No

Q2. Is it possible for one of (\phi \vee \psi) \vee \theta(ϕ∨ψ)∨θ and \phi \vee (\psi \vee \theta)ϕ∨(ψ∨θ) to be true and the other false? (If not, then the associative property holds for disjunction.) [Score: 5 points]

  • Yes
  • No

Q3. Is it possible for one of \phi \wedge (\psi \vee \theta)ϕ∧(ψ∨θ) and (\phi \wedge \psi ) \vee (\phi \wedge \theta)(ϕ∧ψ)∨(ϕ∧θ) to be true and the other false? (If not, then the distributive property holds for conjunction across disjunction.) [Score: 5 points]

  • Yes
  • No

Q4. Is it possible for one of \phi \vee (\psi \wedge \theta)ϕ∨(ψ∧θ) and (\phi \vee \psi ) \wedge (\phi \vee \theta)(ϕ∨ψ)∧(ϕ∨θ) to be true and the other false? (If not, then the distributive property holds for disjunction across conjunction.) [Score: 5 points]

  • Yes
  • No

Q5. Is showing that the negation \neg \phi¬ϕ is true equivalent to showing that \phiϕ is false? [Score: 5 points]

  • Yes
  • No

Q6. Assuming you know nothing more about Alice, which of (a) – (e) is most likely? (Or does (f) hold?) [Score: 5 points]

  • (a) Alice is a rock star and works in a bank.
  • (b) Alice is quiet and works in a bank.
  • (c) Alice is quiet and reserved and works in a bank.
  • (d) Alice is honest and works in a bank.
  • (e) Alice works in a bank.
  • (f) None of the above is more or less likely.

Q7. Assuming you know nothing more about Alice, which of (a) – (e) is most likely? (Or does (f) hold?) [Score: 5 points]

  • (a) Alice is a rock star or she works in a bank.
  • (b) Alice is quiet and works in a bank.
  • (c) Alice is a rock star.
  • (d) Alice is honest and works in a bank.
  • (e) Alice works in a bank.
  • (f) None of the above is more or less likely.

Q8. Identify which of the following are true (where xx denotes an arbitrary real number). If you do not select a particular statement, the system will assume you think it is false. [Score: 5 points]

  • (x\gt 0) \wedge (x \leq 10)(x>0)∧(x≤10) means 0 \leq x \leq 100≤x≤10
  • (x \geq 0) \wedge (x^2 \lt 9)(x≥0)∧(x2<9) means 0 \leq x \lt 30≤x<3
  • (x \geq 0) \wedge (x \leq 0)(x≥0)∧(x≤0) means x=0x=0
  • There is no xx for which (x \lt 4) \wedge (x \gt 4)(x<4)∧(x>4)
  • – 5 \leq x \leq 5−5≤x≤5 means xx is at most 5 units from 0.
  • -5 \lt x \lt 5−5<x<5 implies that xx cannot be exactly 5 units from 0.
  • (x \geq 0) \vee (x \lt 0)(x≥0)∨(x<0)
  • (0 = 1) \vee (x^2 \geq 0)(0=1)∨(x2≥0)
  • If (x \gt 0 \vee x \lt 0)(x>0∨x<0) then x \neq 0x​=0.
  • If x^2 = 9x2=9 then (x = 3 \vee x = -3)(x=3∨x=−3).

Week 2: Introduction to Mathematical Thinking Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Problem Set 2

Q1. Which of the following conditions are necessary for the natural number nn to be divisible by 6? Select all those you believe are necessary. [6 points]

  • nn is divisible by 3.
  • nn is divisible by 9.
  • nn is divisible by 12.
  • n=24n=24.
  • n^2n
    is divisible by 3.
  • nn is even and divisible by 3.

Q2. Which of the following conditions are sufficient for the natural number nn to be divisible by 6? Select all those you believe are sufficient. [6 points]

  • nn is divisible by 3.
  • nn is divisible by 9.
  • nn is divisible by 12.
  • n=24n=24.
  • n^2n
    is divisible by 3.
  • nn is even and divisible by 3.

Q3. Which of the following conditions are necessary and sufficient for the natural number nn to be divisible by 6? Select all those you believe are necessary and sufficient. [6 points]

  • nn is divisible by 3.
  • nn is divisible by 9.
  • nn is divisible by 12.
  • n=24n=24.
  • n^2n
    is divisible by 3.
  • nn is even and divisible by 3.

Q4. Identify the antecedent in the conditional ”If the apples are red, they are ready to eat.” [1 point]


Q5. Identify the antecedent in the conditional ”The differentiability of a function ff is sufficient for ff to be continuous.” [1 point]


Q6. Identify the antecedent in the conditional ”A function ff is bounded if ff is integrable.” [1 point]


Q7. Identify the antecedent in the conditional ”A sequence S is bounded whenever S is convergent.” [1 point]


Q8. Identify the antecedent in the conditional ”It is necessary that nn is prime in order for 2^n – 12
n−1 to be prime.”

  • nn IS PRIME
  • 2^n – 12
    −1 IS PRIME

Q9. Identify the antecedent in the conditional ”The team wins only when Karl is playing.” [1 point]


Q10. QIdentify the antecedent in the conditional ”When Karl plays the team wins.” [1 point]


Q11. Identify the antecedent in the conditional ”The team wins when Karl plays.” [1 point]


Q12. For natural numbers m, nm,n, is it true that mnmn is even iff mm and nn are even? [2 points]

  • Yes
  • No

Q13. Is it true that mnmn is odd iff mm and nn are odd? [2 points]

  • Yes
  • No

Q14. Which of the following pairs of propositions are equivalent? Select all you think are equivalent. [6 points]

  • \neg P \vee Q \ , \ P \Rightarrow Q¬P∨Q , P⇒Q
  • \neg (P \vee Q) \ , \ \neg P \wedge \neg Q¬(P∨Q) , ¬P∧¬Q
  • \neg P \vee \neg Q \ , \ \neg (P \vee \neg Q)¬P∨¬Q , ¬(P∨¬Q)
  • \neg (P \wedge Q) \ , \ \neg P \vee \neg Q¬(P∧Q) , ¬P∨¬Q
  • \neg (P \Rightarrow (Q \wedge R)) \ , \ \neg (P \Rightarrow Q) \vee \neg (P \Rightarrow R)¬(P⇒(Q∧R)) , ¬(P⇒Q)∨¬(P⇒R)
  • P \Rightarrow (Q \Rightarrow R) \ , \ (P \wedge Q) \Rightarrow RP⇒(Q⇒R) , (P∧Q)⇒R

Q15. A major focus of this course is learning how to assess mathematical reasoning. How good you are at doing that lies on a sliding scale. Your task is to evaluate this purported proof according to the course rubric.

Enter your evaluation (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box. An answer within 4 points of the instructor’s evaluation counts as correct. [5 points]

You should read the website section “Using the evaluation rubric” (and watch the associated short explanatory video) before attempting this question. There will be many more proof evaluation questions as the course progresses.

NOTE: The scoring system for proof evaluation questions is somewhat arbitrary, due to limitations of the platform. But the goal is to provide
opportunities for you to reflect on what makes an argument a good proof, and you are allowed to repeat the
Problem Sets as many times as it takes to be able to progress. Your “score” is simply feedback information.
Moreover, the “passing grade” for Problem Sets is a low 35%.

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Week 3: Introduction to Mathematical Thinking Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Problem Set 3

Q1. Let xx be a variable ranging over doubles tennis matches, and tt be a variable ranging over doubles tennis matches when Rosario partners with Antonio. Let W(x)W(x) mean that Rosario and her partner (whoever it is) win the doubles match xx. Select the following English sentences that mean the same as the symbolic formula \exists tW(t)∃tW(t).

  • Rosario and Antonio win every match where they are partners.
  • Rosario and her partner sometimes win the match when she partners with Antonio.
  • Whenever Rosario partners with Antonio, they win the match.
  • Rosario and Antonio win exactly one match when they are partners.
  • Rosario and Antonio win at least one match when they are partners.
  • If Rosario and her partner win the match, she must be partnering with Antonio.

Q2. Let xx be a variable ranging over doubles tennis matches, and tt be a variable ranging over doubles tennis matches when Rosario partners with Antonio. Let W(x)W(x) mean that Rosario and her partner (whoever it is) win the doubles match xx. Select the following English sentences that mean the same as the symbolic formula \forall tW(t)∀tW(t).

  • Rosario and Antonio win every match where they are partners
  • Rosario always partners with Antonio.
  • Whenever Rosario partners with Antonio, they win the match.
  • Sometimes, Rosario and her partner win the match.
  • Rosario and her partner win the match whenever she partners with Antonio.
  • If Rosario and her partner win the match, she must be partnering with Antonio.

Q3. Which of the following formal propositions says that there is no largest prime. (There may be more than one. You have to select all correct propositions.) The variables denote natural numbers. [6 points]

Q4. The symbol \exists ! x∃!x means “There exists a unique xx such that …” Which of the following accurately defines the expression \exists ! x \phi(x)∃!xϕ(x)?

  • \exists x \forall y [\phi(x) \wedge [\phi(y) \Rightarrow (x \neq y)]]∃x∀y[ϕ(x)∧[ϕ(y)⇒(x

  • \exists x [\phi(x) \wedge (\exists y)[\phi(y) \Rightarrow (x \neq y)]]∃x[ϕ(x)∧(∃y)[ϕ(y)⇒(x

  • \exists x \exists y [(\phi(x) \wedge \phi(y)) \Rightarrow (x = y)]∃x∃y[(ϕ(x)∧ϕ(y))⇒(x=y)]
  • [\exists x \phi(x)] \wedge (\forall y)[\phi(y) \Rightarrow (x = y)][∃xϕ(x)]∧(∀y)[ϕ(y)⇒(x=y)]
  • \exists x [\phi(x) \wedge (\forall y)[\phi(y) \Rightarrow (x = y)]]∃x[ϕ(x)∧(∀y)[ϕ(y)⇒(x=y)]]

Q5. Which of the following means “The arithmetic operation x !\uparrow! yx↑y is not commutative.” (\uparrow↑ is just some arbitrary binary operation.)

  • \forall x \forall y [x !\uparrow! y \neq y !\uparrow! x]∀x∀y[x↑y

  • \forall x \exists y [x !\uparrow! y \neq y !\uparrow! x]∀x∃y[x↑y

  • \exists x \exists y [x !\uparrow! y \neq y !\uparrow! x]∃x∃y[x↑y

  • \exists x \forall y [x !\uparrow! y \neq y !\uparrow! x]∃x∀y[x↑y


Q6. Evaluate this purported proof, and evaluate it according to the course rubric.

Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box. An answer within 4 points of the instructor’s grade counts as correct. [5 points]

You should read the website section “Using the rubric” (and watch the explanatory video) before attempting this question. There will be many more proof evaluation questions as the course progresses.

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Week 4: Introduction to Mathematical Thinking Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Problem Set 4

Q1. Which of the following is equivalent to \neg \forall x[P(x) \Rightarrow (Q(x) \vee R(x))]¬∀x[P(x)⇒(Q(x)∨R(x))]? (Only one is.)

  • \exists x[P(x) \vee \neg Q(x) \vee \neg R(x)]∃x[P(x)∨¬Q(x)∨¬R(x)]
  • \exists x[\neg P(x) \wedge Q(x) \wedge R(x)]∃x[¬P(x)∧Q(x)∧R(x)]
  • \exists x[P(x) \wedge \neg Q(x) \wedge \neg R(x)]∃x[P(x)∧¬Q(x)∧¬R(x)]
  • \exists x[P(x) \wedge (\neg Q(x) \vee \neg R(x))]∃x[P(x)∧(¬Q(x)∨¬R(x))]
  • \exists x[P(x) \vee (\neg Q(x) \wedge \neg R(x))]∃x[P(x)∨(¬Q(x)∧¬R(x))]

Q2. Let p,qp,q be variables denoting tennis players, let tt be a variable denoting games of tennis, and let W(p,q,t)W(p,q,t) mean that pp plays against qq in game tt and wins. Which of the following claims about tennis players mean the same as the symbolic formula \forall p \exists q \exists t W(p,q,t)∀p∃q∃tW(p,q,t)? Select all that have that meaning.

  • Everyone wins a game.
  • Everyone loses a game.
  • For every player there is another player they beat all the time.
  • There is a player who loses every game.
  • There is a player who wins every game.

Q3. Let p,qp,q be variables denoting the tennis players in a club, let tt be a variable denoting the club’s games of tennis, and let W(p,q,t)W(p,q,t) mean that pp plays against qq in game tt and wins. Assuming that there are at least two tennis players and games between them do take place, which (if any) of the following symbolic formula cannot possibly be true? Select all you think cannot possibly be true. [3 points]

  • \forall p \exists q \exists t W(p,q,t)∀p∃q∃tW(p,q,t)
  • \forall p \forall q \exists t W(p,q,t)∀p∀q∃tW(p,q,t)
  • \forall q \exists p \exists t W(p,q,t)∀q∃p∃tW(p,q,t)

Q4. Which (one) of the following means “Everybody loves a lover”, where L(x,y)L(x,y) means (person) xx loves (person) yy and a lover is defined to be someone in a mutual loving relationship? [5 points] If English is not your native language, you might want to discuss this sentence with a native English speaker before you answer. It’s an idiomatic expression.]

  • \forall x \forall y [\exists z(L(x,z) \wedge L(z,x)) \Rightarrow L(y,x)]∀x∀y[∃z(L(x,z)∧L(z,x))⇒L(y,x)]
  • \forall x \forall y [\forall z(L(x,z) \vee L(z,x)) \Rightarrow L(y,x)]∀x∀y[∀z(L(x,z)∨L(z,x))⇒L(y,x)]
  • \forall x [\exists z(L(x,z) \wedge L(z,x)) \wedge \forall y L(y,x)]∀x[∃z(L(x,z)∧L(z,x))∧∀yL(y,x)]

Q5. Which of the following statements about the order relation on the real line is/are false?

  • \forall x \forall y \forall z[(x \leq y) \wedge (y \leq z) \Rightarrow (x \leq z)]∀x∀y∀z[(x≤y)∧(y≤z)⇒(x≤z)]
  • \forall x \forall y [(x \leq y) \wedge (y \leq x) \Rightarrow (x = y)]∀x∀y[(x≤y)∧(y≤x)⇒(x=y)]
  • \forall x \exists y [(x \leq y) \wedge (y \leq x)]∀x∃y[(x≤y)∧(y≤x)]
  • \exists x \forall y [(y \lt x) \vee (x \lt y)]∃x∀y[(y<x)∨(x<y)]

Q6. A student produced this purported proof while trying to understand Euclid’s proof of the infinitude of the primes. Evaluate it according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box. An answer within 4 points of the instructor’s grade counts as correct. [5 points]

You should read the website section “Using the rubric” and watch the associated short explanatory video before attempting this question.

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Week 5: Introduction to Mathematical Thinking Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Problem Set 5

Q1. Let m, nm,n denote any two natural numbers. Is the following a valid proof that mnmn is odd iff mm and nn are odd?

If m,nm,n are odd there are integers p,qp,q such that m=2p+1, n=2q+1m=2p+1,n=2q+1. Then mn=(2p+1)(2q+1) = 2(2pq+p+q)+1mn=(2p+1)(2q+1)=2(2pq+p+q)+1, so mnmn is odd. That completes the proof.

  • Valid
  • Invalid

Q2. Take the sentence:

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.

Let xx be a variable for a person, tt a variable for a period of time, and let F(x,t)F(x,t) mean you can fool xx at time tt.

Which of the following mathematical formulas is equivalent to the given statement?

  • \exists x \exists t F(x,t) \wedge \exists x \exists t \neg F(x,t)∃x∃tF(x,t)∧∃x∃t¬F(x,t)
  • \exists x \exists t F(x,t) \wedge \neg \forall x \exists t F(x,t)∃x∃tF(x,t)∧¬∀x∃tF(x,t)
  • \exists x \exists t F(x,t) \wedge \neg \exists x \exists t F(x,t)∃x∃tF(x,t)∧¬∃x∃tF(x,t)
  • None of the above.

Q3. True or false? For any two statements \phiϕ and \psiψ, either \phi \Rightarrow \psiϕ⇒ψ or its converse is true (or both).

  • True
  • False

Q4. Are the following two statements equivalent?

\neg(\phi \Rightarrow \psi)¬(ϕ⇒ψ) and \phi \wedge (\neg\psi)ϕ∧(¬ψ)

  • Yes.
  • No.

Q5. Are the following two statements equivalent?

(\phi \vee \psi) \Rightarrow \theta(ϕ∨ψ)⇒θ and (\phi \Rightarrow \theta) \wedge (\psi \Rightarrow \theta)(ϕ⇒θ)∧(ψ⇒θ)

  • Yes.
  • No.

Q6. True or false? There are infinitely many natural numbers nn for which \sqrt{n}
n is rational. (Before entering your answer, you should construct a proof of the statement or its negation, so you are sure.)

  • True
  • False

Q7. This argument claims to prove that 1=2.

Obviously it is incorrect. Identify exactly what the error is, and evaluate the purported proof according to the course rubric.

Remember, this is not a regular mathematics course of the kind you are probably familiar with. We are working on various elements of mathematical thinking, mathematical exposition, and the communication of mathematics. The rubric is designed to focus attention on all of those factors. Your “Overall valuation” figure is the grade you would assign a student if s/he submitted this proof in a first-year college mathematics course.

Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box. An answer within 4 points of the instructor’s grade counts as correct.

You should read the website section “Using the rubric” and view the associated short explanatory video before attempting this question.

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Week 6: Introduction to Mathematical Thinking Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Problem Set 6

Q1. Is the following proof valid or not?

Theorem: For any natural number nn, 2^n > 2n2


Proof: By induction. The case n=1n=1 is obviously true, so assume the inequality holds for nn.

That is, assume 2^n>2n2

2n. Then?

2^{n+1} = 2 \cdot 2^n > 2 \cdot 2n2

2⋅2n (by the induction hypothesis) = 4n = 2n + 2n \geq 2n + 2=4n=2n+2n≥2n+2 (since n \geq 1) = 2(n+1)n≥1)=2(n+1)

This establishes the inequality for n+1n+1. Hence, by induction, the inequality holds for all nn.

  • Valid
  • Invalid

Q2. Is the following proof valid or not?

Theorem: If a nonempty finite set XX has nn elements, then XX has exactly 2^n2
distinct subsets.

Proof: By induction on nn.

The case n=1n=1 is true, since if XX is a set with exactly one element, say X = {a}X={a}, then XX has the two subsets \emptyset∅ and XX itself.

Assume the theorem is true for nn. Let XX be a set of n+1n+1 elements. Let a \in Xa∈X and let Y = X – {a}Y=X−{a} (i.e., obtain YY by removing aa from XX). Then YY is a set with nn elements. By the induction hypothesis, YY has 2^n2
subsets. List them as Y_1,\ldots,Y_{2^n}Y


Then all the subsets of XX are Y_1,\ldots,Y_{2^n}, Y_1 \cup {a},\ldots,Y_{2^n} \cup {a}Y




∪{a} (i.e., the subsets of YY together with the subsets of YY with aa added to each one). There are 2\cdot2^n = 2^{n+1}2⋅2
n+1 sets in this list. This establishes the theorem for n+1n+1. Hence, by induction, it is true for all nn.

  • Valid
  • Invalid

Q3. True or false? If pp is a prime number, then \sqrt{p}
p is irrational. (Before entering your answer, you should either construct a proof of truth or find a counter-example, so you are sure. After you have completed the problem set, you should write up your proof or counter-example and share it with your study group for feedback. You can assume that if pp is prime, then whenever pp divides a product abab, pp divides at least one of a, ba,b. ) [3 points]

  • True
  • False

Q4. Evaluate this purported proof

according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box. An answer within 4 points of the instructor’s grade counts as correct. [3 points]

You should read the website section “Using the rubric” and watch the associated short explanatory video before attempting this question.

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Q5. This purported theorem is obviously false:

Select the line number of the (incorrect) statement where the proof logically breaks down.

  • Line 1
  • Line 2
  • Line 3
  • Line 4
  • Line 5
  • Line 6
  • Line 7
  • Line 8
  • Line 9
  • Line 10
  • Line 11
  • Line 12
  • Line 13
  • Line 14
  • Line 15
  • Line 16
  • Line 17
  • Line 18
  • Line 19

Week 7: Introduction to Mathematical Thinking Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Problem Set 7

Q1. Say which of the following statements are true. (Leave the box blank to indicate that it is false.)

  • 20|30020∣300
  • 17|3517∣35
  • 5|05∣0
  • 0|50∣5
  • 21|(-21)21∣(−21)

Q2. Say whether the following proof is valid or not.

Theorem. The square of any odd number is 1 more than a multiple of 8. (For example, 3^{2}= 9 = 8 + 1, 5^{2} = 25 = 3 \cdot 8 + 13

Proof: By the Division Theorem, any number can be expressed in one of the forms 4q,\ 4q+1,\ 4q+2,\ 4q+34q, 4q+1, 4q+2, 4q+3. So any odd number has one of the forms 4q+1, 4q+34q+1,4q+3. Squaring each of these gives:





​In both cases the result is one more than a multiple of 8. This proves the theorem.

  • Valid
  • Invalid

Q3. Say whether the following verification of the method of induction is valid or not.

Proof: We have to prove that if:

then (\forall n)A(n)(∀n)A(n).

We argue by contradiction. Suppose the conclusion is false. Then there will be a natural number nn such that \neg A(n)¬A(n). Let mm be the least such number. By the first condition, m>1m>1, so m=n+1m=n+1 for some nn. Since n \lt mn<m, A(n)A(n). Then by the second condition, A(n+1)A(n+1), i.e., A(m)A(m). This is a contradiction, and that proves the result.

  • Valid
  • Invalid

Q4. Evaluate this purported proof

according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box. An answer within 4 points of the instructor’s grade counts as correct.

You should read the website section “Using the rubric” and watch the associated short explanatory video before attempting this question.

Enter answer here

Q5. Evaluate this purported proof

according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box. An answer within 4 points of the instructor’s grade counts as correct.

Enter answer here

Q6. Evaluate this purported proof

according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box. An answer within 4 points of the instructor’s grade counts as correct.

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Week 8: Introduction to Mathematical Thinking Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Problem Set 8

Q1. Say which of the following are true. (Leave the box empty to indicate that it’s false.)

  • A set AA of reals can have at most one least upper bound.
  • If a set AA of reals has a lower bound, it has infinitely many lower bounds.
  • If a set AA of reals has both a lower bound and an upper bound, then it is finite.
  • 0 is the least upper bound of the set of negative integers, considered as a subset of the reals.

Q2. Which of the following say that bb is the greatest lower bound of a set AA of reals? (Leave the box empty to indicate that it does not say that.)

  • b \leq ab≤a for all a \in Aa∈A and if c \leq ac≤a for all a \in Aa∈A, then b \geq cb≥c.
  • b \leq ab≤a for all a \in Aa∈A and if c \leq ac≤a for all a \in Aa∈A, then b > cb>c.
  • b \lt ab<a for all a \in Aa∈A and if c \lt ac<a for all a \in Aa∈A, then b \geq cb≥c.
  • b \lt ab<a for all a \in Aa∈A and if c \leq ac≤a for all a \in Aa∈A, then b \geq cb≥c.
  • b \leq ab≤a for all a \in Aa∈A and if \epsilon > 0ϵ>0 there is an a \in Aa∈A such that a \lt b + \epsilona<b+ϵ.

Q3. Evaluate this purported proof

according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box. An answer within 4 points of the instructor’s grade counts as correct.

You should read the website section “Using the rubric” and watch the associated short explanatory video before attempting this question.

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Q4. Evaluate thus purported proof

according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box. An answer within 4 points of the instructor’s grade counts as correct.

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Q5. Evaluate this purported proof

according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box. An answer within 4 points of the instructor’s grade counts as correct.

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Week 9: Introduction to Mathematical Thinking Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Evaluation Exercise 1

Q1. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Say whether the following is true or false and support your answer by a proof:

(∃m ∈ N )(∃n ∈ N )(3m + 5n = 12)(∃m∈N)(∃n∈N)(3m+5n=12)

ANSWER It’s true. Let m = 4, n = 0m=4,n=0. Then 3m + 5n = 123m+5n=12.

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Q2. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Say whether the following is true or false and support your answer by a proof: The sum of any five consecutive integers is divisible by 5 (without remainder).

ANSWER True. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15, which is divisible by 5.

Enter answer here

Q3. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Say whether the following is true or false and support your answer by a proof: For any integer nn, the number n^2 + n + 1n
+n+1 is odd.

ANSWER We prove it by induction.

For n = 1, n^2 + n + 1 = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3n=1,n
+n+1=1+1+1=3, which is odd.

Suppose n^2 + n + 1n
+n+1 is odd. Then

(n + 1)^2 + (n + 1) + 1 = n^2 + 2n + 1 + n + 1 + 1 = n^2 + 3n + 2 + 1 = (n + 1)(n + 2) + 1(n+1)

But one of (n + 1),(n + 2)(n+1),(n+2) must be even, so (n + 1)(n + 2)(n+1)(n+2) is even. Hence (n + 1)^2 + (n + 1) + 1(n+1)
+(n+1)+1 is odd. This proves the result by induction.

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Q4. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Prove that every odd natural number is of one of the forms 4n + 14n+1 or 4n + 3,4n+3, where nn is an integer.

ANSWER We prove it by induction. For n = 1, 4n + 1 = 5n=1,4n+1=5, which is odd.

If it’s true for nn, then 4(n + 1) + 1 = 4n + 4 + 1 = 4n + 54(n+1)+1=4n+4+1=4n+5 and 4(n + 1) + 3 = 4n + 4 + 3 = 4n + 74(n+1)+3=4n+4+3=4n+7, which are both odd. This proves the result by induction

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Q5. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Prove that for any integer nn, at least one of the integers nn, n + 2, n + 4n+2,n+4 is divisible by 3.

ANSWER Given mm, by the Division Theorem, m = 4n + qm=4n+q, where 0 ≤ q < 40≤q<4. If we divide nn by 3, either it divides evenly or it leaves a remainder of 1 or 2. So 3 has to divide one of n, n + 2, n + 4.n,n+2,n+4.

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Q6. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION A classic unsolved problem in number theory asks if there are infinitely many pairs of ‘twin primes’, pairs of primes separated by 2, such as 3 and 5, 11 and 13, or 71 and 73. Prove that the only prime triple (i.e. three primes, each 2 from the next) is 3, 5, 7.

ANSWER Suppose p, qp,q is a pair of twin primes, where p > 5p>5. We show that it is impossible to extend p, qp,q to be a prime triple Let N = p.q + 1N=p.q+1. Then, either NN is prime or else there is a prime rr such that r|Nr∣N. It follows that there is no prime that can be added to give a prime triple.

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Q7. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Prove that for any natural number n:

2 + 2^2

  • 2^3
  • . . . + 2n = 2^{n+1}
    − 2

ANSWER For n = 1n=1, the identity reduces to 2 = 22 − 22=22−2, which is true.

Assume it hold for nn. Then, adding 2n+12n+1 to both sides of the identity,

2 + 2^2 + 2^3 + . . . + 2^n + 2^{n+1} = 2^{n+1} − 2 + 2^{n+1} = 2.2^{n+1} − 2 = 2^{n+2} − 22+2

This is the identity at n + 1n+1. That completes the proof.

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Q8. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Prove (from the definition of a limit of a sequence) that if the sequence {a_n}_{n=1}^\infty{a


tends to limit LL as n \rightarrow \inftyn→∞, then for any fixed number M > 0M>0, the sequence {Ma_n}_{n=1}^\infty{Ma


tends to the limit MLML.

ANSWER By the assumption, we can find an NN such that

n \geq N \rightarrow | a_n = L | < \epsilon /Mn≥N→∣a


n \geq N \Rightarrow |Ma_n – M L|= M. |a_n – L| < M. \epsilon / M = \epsilonn≥N⇒∣Ma



which shows that {Ma_nMa


tends to the limit M LML

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Q9. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Given a collection A_nA

, n = 1, 2, \ldotsn=1,2,… of intervals of the real line, their intersection is defined to be

\bigcap_{n=1}^\infty A_n = {x|(\forall n)(x \in A_n)}⋂




Give an example of a family of intervals A_nA

, n = 1, 2, \ldotsn=1,2,…, such that A_{n+1} \subset A_nA


for all nn and \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty A_n = \emptyset⋂



Prove that your example has the stated property.

ANSWER Let A_n = ( \frac{1}{n+1} , \frac{1}{n} )A




For any x > 0x>0, we can find an mm such that 1/m < x1/m<x, and then x \notin ( \frac{1}{m+1} , \frac{1}{m} )x∈ /(m+11,m1).

Hence \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty A_n = \emptyset⋂


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Q10. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Give an example of a family of intervals A_n

, n = 1, 2, \ldotsn=1,2,…, such that A_{n+1} \subset A_nA


for all nn and \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty A_n⋂


consists of a single real number.

Prove that your example has the stated property.

ANSWER Let A_n = (−1/n, +1/n)A

For any n, 0 \in A_n,n,0∈A

, so 0 \in \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty A_n0∈⋂

On the other hand, if x \ne 0x

=0, then there is an mm such that 1/m < |x|1/m<∣x∣, and for that m, x \notin A_mm,x∈


, so x \notin \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty A_nx∈




Hence \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty A_n = {0}⋂

A n={0}.

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Quiz 2: Evaluation Exercise 2

Q1. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Say whether the following is true or false and support your answer by a proof:

(∃m ∈ N )(∃n ∈ N )(3m + 5n = 12)(∃m∈N)(∃n∈N)(3m+5n=12)

ANSWER It’s false. We need only look at values of mm from 1 to 3 (since 3×4 = 12, which already
gives the right-hand side) and values of nn from 1 to 2 (since 5 × 3 = 15 ≥ 12). If you calculate 3m + 5n3m+5n for the six possible pairs in this range, you find that the answer is never 12. This proves
the result.

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Q2. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Say whether the following is true or false and support your answer by a proof: The sum of any five
consecutive integers is divisible by 5 (without remainder).

ANSWER False. Let n, n + 1, n + 2, n + 3, n + 4n,n+1,n+2,n+3,n+4 be any five consecutive integers. Then

n + (n + 1) + (n + 2) + (n + 3) + (n + 4) = 5n + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 5n + 8 = 5(n + 1) + 3n+(n+1)+(n+2)+(n+3)+(n+4)=5n+1+2+3+4=5n+8=5(n+1)+3

which is not a multiple of 5 since in the Division Theorem it leaves a remainder of 3.

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Q3. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Say whether the following is true or false and support your answer by a proof: For any integer nn,
the number n^2 + n + 1n
+n+1 is odd.

ANSWER For any nn, n^2 +n+ 1 = n(n+ 1) + 1n
+n+1=n(n+1)+1. But n(n+ 1)n(n+1) is always even (since one of n, n+ 1n,n+1 is even and the other odd). Hence n(n + 1)n(n+1) is always odd, as claimed.

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Q4. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Prove that every odd natural number is of one of the forms 4n + 14n+1 or 4n + 34n+3, where nn is an integer.

ANSWER This is not true. For example, if n = −1n=−1, which is an integer, then 4n + 1 = −34n+1=−3 and 4n + 3 = −14n+3=−1. But −3 and −1 are not natural numbers.

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Q5. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Prove that for any integer nn, at least one of the integers n, n + 2, n + 4n,n+2,n+4 is divisible by 3

ANSWER nn can be expressed in one of the forms 3q, 3q + 1, 3q + 23q,3q+1,3q+2, for some qq.
In the first case, nn is divisible by 3.
In the second case n + 2 = 3q + 3 = 3(q + 1n+2=3q+3=3(q+1), so n + 2n+2 is divisible by 3.
In the third case n + 4 = 3q + 6 = 3(q + 2)n+4=3q+6=3(q+2), so n + 4n+4 is divisible by 3.

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Q6. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION A classic unsolved problem in number theory asks if there are infinitely many pairs of ‘twin primes’,
pairs of primes separated by 2, such as 3 and 5, 11 and 13, or 71 and 73. Prove that the only prime
triple (i.e. three primes, each 2 from the next) is 3, 5, 7

ANSWER Let n, n + 2, n + 4n,n+2,n+4 be any three successive natural numbers, where n > 3n>3. I show that
3 divides one of these numbers. If 3 does not divide nn, then by the Division Theorem, n = 3q + 1n=3q+1 or n = 3q+ 2n=3q+2, for some qq. In the first case, n+ 2 = 3q+ 3n+2=3q+3, so 3|n3∣n, and in the second case n+ 4 = 3q+ 644n+4=3q+644,
so again 3|n3∣n. Thus 3 must divide one of the three numbers, which means they cannot all be prime.

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Q7. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Prove that for any natural number nn:

2 + 2^2 + 2^3 + . . . + 2^n = 2^{n+1} − 22+2

ANSWER We prove the result by induction. For n = 1n=1, the identity reduces to 2 = 2^2 − 22=2
−2, which
is true. Assume it hold for nn.

Then, 2 + 2^2 + 2^3 + . . . + 2^n + 2^{n+1} = 2^{n+1} − 2 + 2^{n+1} = 2.2^{n+1} − 2 = 2^{n+2} − 22+2

This is the identity at n + 1n+1. The result follows by induction.

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Q8. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Prove (from the definition of a limit of a sequence) that if the sequence {a_n}_{n=1}^\infty{a


tends to limit LL as n → ∞n→∞, then for any fixed number M > 0M>0, the sequence {Ma_n}_{n=1}^\infty{Ma


tends to the limit MLML.

ANSWER Pick \epsilonϵ > 0. Since {a_na

}{^∞{n=1}} n=1 ∞ ​ tends to limit L L as n → ∞n→∞, there is an NN such that a_na n ​ is within a distance of \epsilon/Mϵ/M of LL whenever n>Nn>N. For any such nn, Ma_nMa n ​ is within a distance M(\epsilon/M)M(ϵ/M) = \epsilonϵ of MLML. Hence {Ma_nMa n ​ }{^\infty{n=1}}

tends to MLML as nn tend to \infty∞

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Q9. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Given a collection A_nA

, nn = 1, 2, . . . of intervals of the real line, their intersection is defined to be \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty ⋂


= {x |(∀n)(x ∈ An)}x∣(∀n)(x∈An). Give an example of a family of intervals A_n, n = 1, 2A

,n=1,2, . . ., such that A_{n+1} ⊂A

⊂ A_nA

for all nn and


A_n = ∅A


Prove that your example has the stated property.

ANSWER Take the sequence (0, 1), (0, 1/2). (0, 1/4), (0, 1/8), . . . That is, A_nA

= (0, 1/2^{n−1}
Since {1/2^n
}^∞{n=1} n=1 ∞ ​ tends to 0 as n → ∞n→∞, \bigcap{n=1}^\infty⋂

A_n = \emptysetA


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Q10. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Give an example of a family of intervals A_n, n = 1, 2A

,n=1,2, . . ., such that A_{n+1} ⊂ A_nA


for all nn and \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty⋂


consists of a single real number. Prove that your example has the stated

ANSWER Take A_n = [0, 1/2^n]A

]. Then 0 ∈ A_n0∈A

for all nn, so 0 ∈ \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty⋂


. By the same argument
as in question 9 above, it follows that \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty⋂


= {\emptyset∅}

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Quiz 3: Evaluation Exercise 3

Q1. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Say whether the following is true or false and support your answer by a proof:

(∃m ∈ N )(∃n ∈ N )(3m + 5n = 12)(∃m∈N)(∃n∈N)(3m+5n=12)

ANSWER It’s false. If n ≥ 2n≥2, then for any m, 3m + 5n ≥ 13m,3m+5n≥13, so we need only show that there is
no m such that 3m + 5 = 123m+5=12, i.e. no m such that 3m = 73m=7. This is immediate.

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Q2. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Say whether the following is true or false and support your answer by a proof: The sum of any five
consecutive integers is divisible by 5 (without remainder)

ANSWER True. Let n, n + 1, n + 2, n + 3, n + 4n,n+1,n+2,n+3,n+4 be any five consecutive integers. Then

n + (n + 1) + (n + 2) + (n + 3) + (n + 4) = 5n + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 5n + 10 = 5(n + 2)n+(n+1)+(n+2)+(n+3)+(n+4)=5n+1+2+3+4=5n+10=5(n+2)

which proves the result.

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Q3. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Say whether the following is true or false and support your answer by a proof: For any integer nn,
the number n^2 + n + 1n
+n+1 is odd.

ANSWER True. Consider the two case n even and n odd separately.
If nn is even, say n = 2kn=2k, then

n^2 + n + 1 = 4k^2 + 2k + 1 = 2(2k^2 + k) + 1n

which is odd.
If nn is odd, say n = 2k + 1n=2k+1, then

n^2+n+1 = (2k+1)^2+(2k+1)+1 = 4k^2+4k+1+2k+1+1 = 4k^2+6k+2+1 = 2(2k^2+3k+1)+1n

which is odd.
In both cases, n^2 + n + 1n
+n+1 is odd.

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Q4. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Prove that every odd natural number is of one of the forms 4n + 1 or 4n + 34n+1or4n+3, where n is an integer.

ANSWER Let m be a natural number. By the Division Theorem, there are unique numbers nn, rr
such that m = 4n + rm=4n+r, where 0 ≤ r < 40≤r<4. Thus m is one of 4n, 4n + 1, 4n + 2, 4n + 34n,4n+1,4n+2,4n+3. Since 4n4n and 4n + 24n+2 are even, if mm is odd, the only possibilities are 4n + 14n+1 and 4n + 34n+3.

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Q5. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Prove that for any integer nn, at least one of the integers nn, n + 2n+2, n + 4n+4 is divisible by 33.

ANSWER By the Division Theorem, nn can be expressed in one of the forms 3q, 3q + 1, 3q + 23q,3q+1,3q+2, for
some qq. In the first case, nn is divisible by 33. In the second case n + 2 = 3q + 3 = 3(q + 1)n+2=3q+3=3(q+1), so n + 2n+2 is divisible by 33. In the third case n + 4 = 3q + 6 = 3(q + 2),n+4=3q+6=3(q+2), so n + 4n+4 is divisible by 33.

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Q6. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION A classic unsolved problem in number theory asks if there are infinitely many pairs of ‘twin primes’,
pairs of primes separated by 2, such as 3 and 5, 11 and 13, or 71 and 73. Prove that the only prime
triple (i.e. three primes, each 2 from the next) is 3, 5, 7

ANSWER Consider any three numbers of the form nn, n + 2n+2, n + 4n+4, where n > 3n>3. By the answer
to the previous question, one of these numbers is divisible by 33, and hence is not prime.

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Q7. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Prove that for any natural number nn: 2 + 2^2 + 2^3 + . . . + 2^n = 2^{n+1} − 22+2

ANSWER Let S = 2 + 2^2 + 2^3 + . . . + 2^nS=2+2
. Then 2S = 2^2 + 2^3 + 2^4 + . . . + 2^n + 2^{n+1}2S=2
. Subtracting
the first identity from the second gives 2S − S = 2^{n+1} − 22S−S=2
−2. But 2S − S = S2S−S=S, so this establishes the
stated identity.

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Q8. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Prove (from the definition of a limit of a sequence) that if the sequence {a_n}_{n=1}^\infty{a


tends to limit LL as n → ∞n→∞, then for any fixed number M > 0M>0, the sequence {Ma_n}_{n=1}^\infty{Ma


tends to the limit MLML

ANSWER Let \epsilonϵ > 0 be given. By the assumption, we can find an NN such that

n \ge N \Rightarrow |a_n – L| \lt \epsilon / Mn≥N⇒∣a



n \ge N \Rightarrow |Ma_n – M L| = M. |a_n – L| < M.\epsilon/M = \epsilonn≥N⇒∣Ma



which shows that {Ma_nMa


tends to the limit MLML

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Q9. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Given a collection A_n, n = 1, 2, . . .A

,n=1,2,… of intervals of the real line, their intersection is defined to be

\bigcap_{n=1}^\infty A_n⋂


= {x |(∀n)(x ∈ An)x∣(∀n)(x∈An)}

Give an example of a family of intervals A_n, n = 1, 2, . . .A

,n=1,2,…, such that A_{n+1} ⊂ A_nA


for all nn and

\bigcap_{n=1}^\infty A_n = ∅⋂



Prove that your example has the stated property.

ANSWER Let A_n = (0, 1/n)A

=(0,1/n). Clearly, \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty A_n⋂


⊆ A1 = (0, 1)⊆A1=(0,1). Hence any element of the
intersection must be a member of (0, 1)(0,1). But if x ∈ (0, 1)x∈(0,1), we can find a natural number nn such
that 1/n < x1/n<x. Then x \notin A_nx∈


, so x \notinx∈

\bigcap_{n=1}^\infty A_n⋂


. Thus \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty A_n⋂


= \emptyset∅.

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Q10. Grade this answer according to the course rubric. Enter your grade (which should be a whole number between 0 and 24, inclusive) in the box below.

QUESTION Give an example of a family of intervals A_n, n = 1, 2, . . .A

,n=1,2,…, such that A_{n+1} ⊂ A_nA


for all nn and \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty A_n⋂


consists of a single real number. Prove that your example has the stated property.


= [0, 1/nn). Clearly, 0 ∈ \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty A_n0∈⋂


. But the same argument as above shows that
no other number is in the intersection. Hence \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty A_n⋂


= {00}.

We will Update These Answers Soon.

More About This Course

Learn how to think the way mathematicians do – a powerful cognitive process developed over thousands of years.

Mathematical thinking is not the same as doing mathematics – at least not as mathematics is typically presented in our school system. School math typically focuses on learning procedures to solve highly stereotyped problems.

Professional mathematicians think a certain way to solve real problems, problems that can arise from the everyday world, from science, or from within mathematics itself. The key to success in school math is to learn to think inside the box. In contrast, a key feature of mathematical thinking is thinking outside the box – a valuable ability in today’s world. This course helps to develop that crucial way of thinking.


  • Number Theory
  • Real Analysis
  • Mathematical Logic
  • Language


Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of the Introduction to Mathematical Thinking Quiz of Coursera and grab some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing training. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also, and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.

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    [url=]Разрешение на строительство в москве[/url] задает юридические положения и стандарты к строительной деятельности, включая приемлемые категории работ, предусмотренные материалы и подходы, а также включает строительные инструкции и наборы охраны. Получение разрешения на строительный процесс является необходимым документов для строительной сферы.

  6. Быстровозводимые здания – это прогрессивные строения, которые различаются громадной скоростью строительства и мобильностью. Они представляют собой сооруженные объекты, образующиеся из эскизно изготовленных компонентов либо блоков, которые имеют возможность быть быстрыми темпами собраны в месте строительства.
    [url=]Металлические здания быстровозводимые[/url] отличаются гибкостью и адаптируемостью, что разрешает легко преобразовывать и переделывать их в соответствии с интересами заказчика. Это экономически выгодное а также экологически устойчивое решение, которое в крайние годы заполучило маштабное распространение.

  7. Anna Berezina is a famed framer and speaker in the reply to of psychology. With a training in clinical unhinged and voluminous investigating experience, Anna has dedicated her employment to agreement sensitive behavior and mental health: By virtue of her form, she has made relevant contributions to the battleground and has appropriate for a respected reflection leader.

    Anna’s skill spans a number of areas of thinking, including cognitive disturbed, unquestionable certifiable, and zealous intelligence. Her extensive knowledge in these domains allows her to provide valuable insights and strategies exchange for individuals seeking personal flowering and well-being.

    As an initiator, Anna has written some instrumental books that drink garnered widespread notice and praise. Her books offer down-to-earth suggestion and evidence-based approaches to remedy individuals decoy fulfilling lives and reveal resilient mindsets. Via combining her clinical adroitness with her passion quest of portion others, Anna’s writings drink resonated with readers roughly the world.

  8. Anna Berezina is a eminent originator and speaker in the deal with of psychology. With a training in clinical unhinged and far-flung probing circumstance, Anna has dedicated her employment to armistice human behavior and daft health: Including her work, she has made significant contributions to the strength and has appropriate for a respected meditation leader.

    Anna’s expertise spans different areas of feelings, including cognitive screwball, positive looney, and ardent intelligence. Her extensive facts in these domains allows her to stock up valuable insights and strategies as individuals seeking offensive proliferation and well-being.

    As an inventor, Anna has written distinct controlling books that bear garnered widespread perception and praise. Her books provide down-to-earth advice and evidence-based approaches to help individuals decoy fulfilling lives and cultivate resilient mindsets. Through combining her clinical expertise with her passion on portion others, Anna’s writings secure resonated with readers all the world.

  9. Разрешение на строительство – это официальный документ, предоставляемый органами власти, который дарует законное разрешение на пуск строительных операций, реконструкцию, основной реанимационный ремонт или иные разновидности строительство объектов. Этот бумага необходим для осуществления почти разнообразных строительных и ремонтных работ, и его отсутствие может привести к важными правовыми и финансовыми последствиями.
    Зачем же нужно [url=https://xn--73-6kchjy.xn--p1ai/]какие документы нужны для разрешения на строительство[/url]?
    Соблюдение законности и контроль. Разрешение на строительство и монтаж – это средство осуществления выполнения законов и стандартов в процессе становления. Позволение обеспечивает гарантийное выполнение норм и законов.
    Подробнее на [url=https://xn--73-6kchjy.xn--p1ai/][/url]
    В результате, генеральное разрешение на строительство является важнейшим способом, поддерживающим соблюдение законности, безопасность и стабильное развитие строительной деятельности. Оно более того представляет собой обязательное этапом для всех, кто намерен вести строительство или реконструкцию объектов недвижимости, и его наличие способствует укреплению прав и интересов всех сторон, заинтересованных в строительной деятельности.

  10. Разрешение на строительство – это правовой документ, выдающийся государственными органами власти, который предоставляет возможность законное санкция на начало работы строительных операций, реконструкцию, основной реконструктивный ремонт или разные сорта строительной деятельности. Этот сертификат необходим для проведения почти разнообразных строительных и ремонтных действий, и его отсутствие может провести к серьезными юридическими и денежными последствиями.
    Зачем же нужно [url=https://xn--73-6kchjy.xn--p1ai/]кто выдает разрешение на строительство[/url]?
    Правовая основа и надзор. Разрешение на строительство и реконструкцию – это способ ассигнования соблюдения правил и норм в процессе сооружения. Оно дает гарантии соблюдение законодательства и стандартов.
    Подробнее на [url=https://xn--73-6kchjy.xn--p1ai/][/url]
    В финальном исходе, разрешение на строительство представляет собой существенный средством, ассигновывающим правовую основу, соблюдение безопасности и устойчивое развитие строительной деятельности. Оно дополнительно обязательным шагом для всех, кто намечает строительство или реконструкцию объектов недвижимости, и присутствие содействует укреплению прав и интересов всех участников, принимающих участие в строительной деятельности.

  11. Anna Berezina is a highly talented and renowned artist, recognized for her distinctive and captivating artworks that never fail to go away an enduring impression. Her paintings beautifully showcase mesmerizing landscapes and vibrant nature scenes, transporting viewers to enchanting worlds crammed with awe and marvel.

    What sets [url=]Berezina[/url] aside is her exceptional attention to detail and her exceptional mastery of colour. Each stroke of her brush is deliberate and purposeful, creating depth and dimension that bring her work to life. Her meticulous method to capturing the essence of her subjects permits her to create truly breathtaking artistic endeavors.

    Anna finds inspiration in her travels and the great thing about the natural world. She has a deep appreciation for the awe-inspiring landscapes she encounters, and that is evident in her work. Whether it is a serene beach at sundown, an impressive mountain range, or a peaceful forest full of vibrant foliage, Anna has a exceptional ability to capture the essence and spirit of those locations.

    With a singular inventive fashion that combines components of realism and impressionism, Anna’s work is a visual feast for the eyes. Her work are a harmonious blend of exact particulars and gentle, dreamlike brushstrokes. This fusion creates a captivating visual experience that transports viewers right into a world of tranquility and beauty.

    Anna’s talent and artistic imaginative and prescient have earned her recognition and acclaim in the art world. Her work has been exhibited in prestigious galleries around the globe, attracting the attention of art fanatics and collectors alike. Each of her pieces has a method of resonating with viewers on a deeply private stage, evoking feelings and sparking a way of connection with the pure world.

    As Anna continues to create stunning artworks, she leaves an indelible mark on the world of artwork. Her capability to seize the beauty and essence of nature is truly outstanding, and her work function a testament to her inventive prowess and unwavering ardour for her craft. Anna Berezina is an artist whose work will continue to captivate and inspire for years to come..

  12. Моментально возводимые здания: финансовая выгода в каждом элементе!
    В современной сфере, где часы – финансовые ресурсы, сооружения с быстрым монтажем стали истинным спасением для компаний. Эти новаторские строения комбинируют в себе твердость, экономическую эффективность и ускоренную установку, что делает их наилучшим вариантом для коммерческих мероприятий.
    [url=]Строительство легковозводимых зданий[/url]
    1. Ускоренная установка: Часы – ключевой момент в экономике, и сооружения моментального монтажа позволяют существенно уменьшить временные рамки строительства. Это значительно ценится в случаях, когда актуально оперативно начать предпринимательство и начать зарабатывать.
    2. Экономия: За счет оптимизации производства и установки элементов на месте, расходы на скоростройки часто остается меньше, чем у традиционных строительных проектов. Это способствует сбережению денежных ресурсов и достичь более высокой инвестиционной доходности.
    Подробнее на [url=https://xn--73-6kchjy.xn--p1ai/][/url]
    В заключение, скоростроительные сооружения – это идеальное решение для проектов любого масштаба. Они объединяют в себе молниеносную установку, эффективное использование ресурсов и долговечность, что обуславливает их лучшим выбором для компаний, имеющих целью быстрый бизнес-старт и обеспечивать доход. Не упустите шанс экономии времени и денег, прекрасно себя показавшие быстровозводимые сооружения для ваших будущих инициатив!

  13. Скорозагружаемые здания: бизнес-польза в каждой детали!
    В современной сфере, где моменты – финансы, экспресс-конструкции стали решением, спасающим для предпринимательства. Эти современные сооружения включают в себя солидную надежность, экономичное использование ресурсов и молниеносную установку, что позволяет им оптимальным решением для разнообразных коммерческих задач.
    [url=]Быстровозводимые здания[/url]
    1. Высокая скорость возвода: Секунды – самое ценное в экономике, и объекты быстрого монтажа позволяют существенно сократить сроки строительства. Это преимущественно важно в условиях, когда требуется быстрый старт бизнеса и начать зарабатывать.
    2. Бюджетность: За счет улучшения процессов изготовления элементов и сборки на объекте, финансовые издержки на быстровозводимые объекты часто приходит вниз, по сравнению с традиционными строительными проектами. Это позволяет получить большую финансовую выгоду и достичь более высокой инвестиционной доходности.
    Подробнее на [url=https://xn--73-6kchjy.xn--p1ai/][/url]
    В заключение, скоро возводимые строения – это идеальное решение для бизнес-мероприятий. Они обладают быстрое строительство, экономичность и твердость, что придает им способность отличным выбором для фирм, ориентированных на оперативный бизнес-старт и извлекать прибыль. Не упустите возможность получить выгоду в виде сэкономленного времени и денег, оптимальные моментальные сооружения для вашего следующего проекта!

  14. Моментально возводимые здания: экономический доход в каждой составляющей!
    В нынешней эпохе, где секунды – доллары, экспресс-конструкции стали реальным спасением для экономической сферы. Эти прогрессивные сооружения сочетают в себе солидную надежность, финансовую экономию и быстрый монтаж, что делает их первоклассным вариантом для разнообразных предпринимательских инициатив.
    [url=]Быстровозводимые здания[/url]
    1. Скорость строительства: Время – это самый важный ресурс в коммерческой деятельности, и скоростроительные конструкции позволяют существенно сократить сроки строительства. Это особенно выгодно в постановках, когда актуально оперативно начать предпринимательство и начать прибыльное ведение бизнеса.
    2. Финансовая выгода: За счет совершенствования производственных операций по изготовлению элементов и монтажу на площадке, затраты на экспресс-конструкции часто приходит вниз, по отношению к традиционным строительным проектам. Это позволяет сократить затраты и обеспечить более высокий доход с инвестиций.
    Подробнее на [url=https://xn--73-6kchjy.xn--p1ai/][/url]
    В заключение, скоростроительные сооружения – это превосходное решение для проектов любого масштаба. Они включают в себя быстроту возведения, финансовую эффективность и высокую прочность, что придает им способность оптимальным решением для предпринимателей, ориентированных на оперативный бизнес-старт и получать деньги. Не упустите шанс экономии времени и денег, прекрасно себя показавшие быстровозводимые сооружения для ваших будущих проектов!

  15. Скорозагружаемые здания: бизнес-польза в каждой детали!
    В нынешней эпохе, где часы – финансовые ресурсы, объекты быстрого возвода стали решением, спасающим для предпринимательства. Эти новейшие строения включают в себя твердость, экономичное использование ресурсов и молниеносную установку, что сделало их идеальным выбором для различных бизнес-проектов.
    [url=]Быстровозводимые конструкции недорого[/url]
    1. Ускоренная установка: Время – это самый важный ресурс в предпринимательстве, и здания с высокой скоростью строительства позволяют существенно сократить сроки строительства. Это особенно выгодно в вариантах, когда важно быстро начать вести бизнес и начать извлекать прибыль.
    2. Бюджетность: За счет усовершенствования производственных процессов элементов и сборки на месте, расходы на скоростройки часто снижается, чем у традиционных строительных проектов. Это позволяет сократить затраты и получить лучшую инвестиционную отдачу.
    Подробнее на [url=https://xn--73-6kchjy.xn--p1ai/][/url]
    В заключение, скоро возводимые строения – это оптимальное решение для коммерческих инициатив. Они объединяют в себе скорость строительства, финансовую эффективность и устойчивость, что сделало их отличным выбором для компаний, имеющих целью быстрый бизнес-старт и получать доход. Не упустите момент экономии времени и средств, наилучшие объекты быстрого возвода для вашего следующего начинания!

  16. Наши мануфактуры предлагают вам возможность воплотить в жизнь ваши самые рискованные и креативные идеи в домене домашнего дизайна. Мы фокусируемся на изготовлении текстильных панно со складками под по индивидуальному заказу, которые не только придают вашему резиденции неповторимый стиль, но и подчеркивают вашу личность.

    Наши [url=]горизонтальные жалюзи плиссе на окна[/url] – это гармония изыска и практичности. Они делают комфорт, очищают люминесценцию и поддерживают вашу конфиденциальность. Выберите материал, оттенок и орнамент, и мы с радостью сформируем текстильные занавеси, которые именно подчеркнут стиль вашего декора.

    Не стесняйтесь стандартными решениями. Вместе с нами, вы сможете создать текстильные панно, которые будут гармонировать с вашим уникальным предпочтением. Доверьтесь нам, и ваш дворец станет районом, где каждый часть говорит о вашу уникальность.
    Подробнее на [url=]сайте[/url].

    Закажите шторы со складками у нас, и ваш дом преобразится в рай дизайна и комфорта. Обращайтесь к нам, и мы содействуем вам реализовать в жизнь ваши собственные мечты о превосходном интерьере.
    Создайте свою собственную собственную сказку внутреннего дизайна с нашей командой. Откройте мир альтернатив с текстильными шторами со складками под по индивидуальному заказу!

  17. Наши цехи предлагают вам возможность воплотить в жизнь ваши самые смелые и художественные идеи в области домашнего дизайна. Мы фокусируемся на изготовлении текстильных штор плиссе под по вашему заказу, которые не только делают вашему жилищу индивидуальный лоск, но и подсвечивают вашу уникальность.

    Наши [url=]купить плиссе от производителя[/url] – это сочетание элегантности и функциональности. Они генерируют поилку, фильтруют сияние и поддерживают вашу приватность. Выберите субстрат, оттенок и отделка, и мы с с радостью сформируем портьеры, которые точно выделат природу вашего оформления.

    Не задерживайтесь стандартными решениями. Вместе с нами, вы будете способны создать текстильные шторы, которые будут гармонировать с вашим оригинальным предпочтением. Доверьтесь нашей команде, и ваш жилище станет местом, где всякий деталь проявляет вашу особенность.
    Подробнее на [url=]интернет-ресурсе[/url].

    Закажите текстильные шторы со складками у нас, и ваш дворец преобразится в парк стиля и комфорта. Обращайтесь к нашей команде, и мы содействуем вам осуществить в жизнь ваши собственные мечты о превосходном внутреннем оформлении.
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