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About Adaptability and Resiliency Course
Adaptability is what allows people and businesses to solve problems, overcome challenges and move back from the edge of attrition to the more stable ground of relevance.
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Adaptability and Resiliency Quiz Answers
Week 01: Adaptability and Resiliency Coursera Quiz Answers
Module 1 Quiz
Question 1: Adaptability as a skill refers to the ability of a person to change his/her actions, _______, or approach in order to suit different conditions or environments. Adaptability implies a sense of _______________, of purposefully navigating, rather than being driven by, changing circumstances. It’s a willingness to modify both attitudes and ________; for example, modifying your conversational style to be better heard.
- course, personal choice, behaviors
- ideas, lacking, behaviors
- recovery, stress, processes
- course, challenge, circumstance
Question 2: True or false:
Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Resilience is giving up in the face of resistance. It’s digging deep to find inner reserves of strength during times of challenge, change or stress, but being unable to move forward despite your strength.
- False
- True
Question 3: Both adaptability and resilience include the ability to assess an evolving situation from multiple perspectives, to shift thinking and viewpoint, and choose the best response. General Characteristics of Adaptability and Resilience are (select all that apply):
- Avoiding conflict and stress
- Changing who you are to appease others
- Self-awareness
- Maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude
- Strong connections
- Self-management
Question 4: Marcus is very adaptable. He is able use his active listening skills, even in situations that are uncomfortable. He always looks on the bright side when new initiatives or processes are brought up at work and he often happily agrees to work on projects, even though he has no expertise. He also seems to let disappointments and criticisms roll-off of him easily, while still learning from them.
Which adaptive behaviors is Marcus demonstrating? (Select all that apply).
- Able to bounce back from setbacks and unexpected obstacles
- Curious and open-minded
- Focused and energtic when learning new processes or techniques
- Alert to the positive aspects of change
Question 5: In a VUCA world, adaptability is everything. What does VUCA stand for?
- Varying, uniform, complex, adaptable
- Varying, uncertain, certain, ambiguous
- Volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous
- Volatile, uniform, certain, adaptable
Question 6: Fill in the blanks:
In a recent Gartner survey of 113 learning and development leaders, _____ said that more than 40% of their workforce has needed ________ due to changes to at work. According to Forbes, “To survive in today’s constantly changing business landscape requires being _____________ in uncertainty. Adaptability is what allows organisms, people, and businesses to solve problems, overcome challenges and move back from the edge of __________ to the more stable ground of relevance. Adaptability is everything.
- 90%, new skills, resistant, destruction
- 69%, new workers, resistant, attrition
- 71%, new skills, comfortable, attrition
- 40%, to be let go, comfortable, the abyss
Question 7: Adaptability is consistently ranked in the_________ of essential traits by employers.
- Top 10
- Top 5
- Top 3
- Top 20
Question 8: Muhammad wants to become more adaptable and resilient. What other things could Muhammad do while he learns to be more adaptable and resilient? (Select all that apply).
- Allow stress to get the better of him and overreact
- Become inflexible in the face of adversity
- Gain control over his attitude
- Strengthen his personal relationships
Question 9: True or false:
Forbes compiled a list of top qualities for new hires: 1) Understanding their own path and 2) Know what they want in a career.
- False
- True
Question 10: There is a ripple effect to how you choose to show up and engage. Who does this ripple effect impact? (Select all that apply).
- Colleagues
- The world
- Community
- Family and friends
Week 2: Adaptability and Resiliency Coursera Quiz Answer
Module 3 Quiz
Question 1: Select all the items below that describe self-awareness.
- Self-awareness is a finite skill. You either have it or you don’t.
- Self-awareness is an unfolding process and the ability to see yourself clearly and objectively through reflection and introspection.
- Self-Awareness is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motive, and desires.
- Presence of mind that allows you to recognize your thoughts, feelings and behaviors but does not allow you to choose how you react.
Question 2: Which of the following are part of the empowering process of self-awareness that help you create a cycle of continuous improvement? (Select all that apply).
- Ignore triggers that evoke negative thoughts and feelings.
- See things from the perspective of others.
- Clarity your personal values and beliefs.
- Modify negative self-talk
Question 3: Excellence Inc. is a solar energy panel company that sells solar panels to individuals for installation on their homes. They recently had a breakthrough in their R&D department that has accidentally made their products appealing to large electrical utilities. They have never sold their products to these types of customers before, but their market research tells them it would propel the company forward and allow them to give raises to their employees. Therefore, they are rebranding their company and focusing solely on this new technology and selling to the utilities. What kind of change would this be described as?
- Transformational change
- Adaptive change
- Complex change
- Unrealistic change
Question 4: True or false:
An adaptive change is often sudden and dramatic, triggered by a major external factor, such as a new competitor or acquisition. The changes often refer to a dramatic evolution of some basic structure of the business itself—its strategy, culture, organization, physical structure, supply chain, or processes.
- False
- True
Question 5: What does SCARF stand for in terms of the SCARF Model?
- Stationary, Caring, Automatic, Relativity, Favorable
- Status, Caring, Automatic, Relatedness, Favorable
- Stationary, Certainty, Autonomy, Relativity, Fairness
- Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, Fairness
Question 6
Natasha has been struggling at work lately. She is feeling overwhelmed and unsatisfied. This all started when she was recently called out by her boss for not doing a good enough job on a report. She has always been a high performer, but her boss did not like the way she completed her last report. Her boss not only tore it apart but did so in front of the others on the team, saying “wow, you may need to go back to training”, and has since assigned her a mentor. Natasha was even more confused because she had copied a template used by a colleague that the boss had openly praised. She is also starting to believe team is talking about her behind her back because the whisper around her.
Which of the SCARF threats do you think Natasha is experiencing right now? (Select all that apply).
- Relatedness
- Certainty
- Status
- Autonomy
- Fairness
Question 7: What are three components of the TRIAD?
- Physiology, Focus, Language
- Physiology, Energy, Language
- Physicality, Focus, Thoughts
- Physicality, Energy, Thoughts
Question 8: Knowing that physiology dictates our feelings, Paul is trying to be more mindful of how his feelings and body are interconnected. What should Paul do during the day to help improve his mood?
- Get plenty of sleep, slouch in his chair and when standing, dwell on his feelings of frustration.
- Slouch at his desk, eat candy and drink lots of caffeine.
- Stand and sit-up straight, smile (whether you want to or not), and have a healthy lunch.
- Take a walk at lunch, scowl at all the things frustrating him, and let all the things on his chest out on a coworker.
Question 9: Which of the following are part of the 5 steps to achieving self-awareness? (Select all that apply).
- Avoid feedback from family, friends, and coworkers.
- Take time to reflect on your life.
- Journal
- Consider psychometric tests like StrengthFinders, or the DiSC profile.
Question 10: True or false:
The barriers to self-awareness are:
- Lack of mindfulness
- Cognitive Bias
- Unwillingness to seek feedback
- Confirmation Bias
- Remembering self vs. experiencing self
- False
- True
Week 3: Adaptability and Resiliency Coursera Quiz Answer
Module 3 Quiz
Question 1: Whatever you want to improve in yourself, you can face the task with greater confidence if you create an action plan. In fact, planning can help you thrive in what might seem like the eye of a hurricane of change. Having an action plan can allow you to (select all that apply):
- Use your time and effort less efficiently
- Ignore your progress
- Manage your feelings and behaviors
- Use mistakes as learning experiences
Question 2: Carmen is in a state of vapor lock, as I like to call it. Their self-talk has devolved into thoughts like, this always happens to me and its not fair. Carmen has also been telling others how the mistakes that are occurring are their fault, and not taking any responsibility for their actions. Carmen’s thoughts and behaviors are only serving to add to their stress and anxiety. What common obstacles is Carmen experience from not having a plan? (Select all that apply).
- Avoiding responsibility
- Feeling like a victim
- Blaming others
- Becoming overly stressed and anxious
Question 3: True or false:
Planning is a conscious choice to view things in a way that places you in the position of control over how you respond to feelings, of purposefully acting rather than impulsively reacting.
- True
- False
Question 4: From the list below choose all the items that are in your control:
- How Sheila will react to the new initiative being rolled out at work
- The company budget and priorities
- Your mood and positive outlook
- Saying yes to a new project
Question 5: Margo is working on a project with a tight budget and it is falling behind schedule. She wants the project to be successful, but the budget is not in her control and her company has decided to “streamline” some processes while she is still in the middle of this project. This is causing some late nights for the team.
What are some adaptive behaviors Margo could employ to keep her from getting frustrated? (Choose the best answer).
- Look for what she wants in her career and express that to her boss.
- Identify and focus on the positive aspects of the change, and embrace this as an opportunity to learn to manage a challenging project.
- Take time to reflect on her life and evaluate her values.
- Avoid responsibility and blame the failure of the project on “management.”
Week 4: Adaptability and Resiliency Coursera Quiz Answer
Module 4 Quiz
Question 1: What are the reasons why networking matters? (Select all that apply).
- We do business with people we like and trust.
- Networks are a valuable source of support.
- Well-connected people are “in the know.”
- Being good at your job is enough.
Question 2: Hanson is a great networker. He knows everyone. He seizes the day and introduces himself to new people all the time and will even then call them a week later to chat. He offers to help them with problems and will even open up and share about some of the things he has been through. He also sends thank you notes and calls to just say someone did a great job.
What habits is Hanson demonstrating of effective networkers? (Select all that apply).
- Advocates for themselves.
- Follows-up after initial meetings and maintains connections.
- Raises their visibility and takes initiative.
- Showing appreciation and being vulnerable.
Question 3: True or false:
A good listener doesn’t allow the speakers topic to cause them to shut down, minimizes judgements, looks at the big picture instead of nitpicking particular points, does not interrupt, and keeps their emotions in check.
- True
- False
Question 4: We gave you four actions steps for building stronger connections: 1) List your inner circle of people you can ask for support, 2) List at least 3 individuals you would like to get to know better, 3) Check into some new clubs, networks, or community events you could get involved in to meet interesting people, and 4) ________________________. Fill in the fourth action step with a choice below.
- Continually ask for help in an attempt to seem vulnerable.
- Predict the changes that will occur as a result of the other actions.
- Fake paying attention so I appear to be listening to others.
- Fill my calendar up with assignments so people will know I am busy and not ask me to do things.
Question 5: What are the signs of a positive person?
- Habitually late and tired, smiling with their mouth but not their eyes, are grateful to have a job.
- Smiles and jokes with everyone, but sometimes the jokes are more like jabs, says thank you, but it feels insincere, seems distant when no one is looking.
- Often has overly emotional reactions, but is quiet and reserved otherwise, rarely smiles, and has a hard time seeing the bright side.
- Habitually look at the bright side, regularly experience joy, hope, serenity, and gratefully accept the world as it is.
Question 6: True or false:
You have no control over how positive you are, and optimism is something you are born with or you are not and there is nothing you can do.
- False
- True
Question 7: According to Nobel Prize-winning scientist Daniel Kahneman, we experience approximately _________ individual moments in a waking day. Each “moment” lasts a few seconds. If you consider any strong memory — positive or negative — you’ll notice that the imagery in your mind is actually defined by your ___________ of a precise point in time. And rarely does a _______ encounter stay in your mind — the memorable moments are almost always positive or negative.
- 50,000; recollection; negative
- 20,000; recollection; neutral
- 30,000; definition; neutral
- 10,000; definition; positive
Question 8 : There are several benefits to positivity. Choose all those items below that are benefits to positivity.
- Positive employees can scare off every customer they speak with.
- Positive leaders are able to make better decisions under pressure.
- Positive people have more friends, which is a key factor of happiness and longevity.
- Positive people live longer.
- Positive work environments underperform compared to negative work environments.
Question 9: Jacob’s attitude has always been a little bit on the negative side. To make matters worse, lately he has been having to go to the doctor more frequently and is very stressed at work. He has lost several clients lately, all saying they could not work with his negative attitude. His team has noticed that since Jacob was assigned to their department, they seem to have to work late more to get the same amount of work done.
Which costs of negativity are we seeing in Jacob’s case? (Select all that apply).
- Too many negative interactions compared to positive interactions can decrease the productivity of a team.
- Negativity is associated with greater stress, less energy, more pain and often more trips to the doctor.
- Negative people have fewer friends.
- Negative employees can scare off every customer they speak with.
Question 10: Positivity must be grounded in reality. While we can choose to look at challenging situations from a positive perspective, our positivity must be real. It’s mostly productive to see the bright side but hiding behind rose-colored glasses isn’t always the best idea. Sweeping real issues under the rug instead of dealing with them doesn’t improve our adaptability and resilience.
- False
We will Update These Answers Soon.
More About This Course
Surviving in today’s constantly changing business landscape requires being comfortable with uncertainty. Adaptability is what allows people and businesses to solve problems, overcome challenges and move back from the edge of attrition to the more stable ground of relevance. Adaptability is everything. — Jeff Boss, Forbes
Adaptability refers to your ability to change your actions, course, or approach in order to suit different conditions or environments. Adaptability implies a sense of personal choice, of purposefully navigating—rather than being driven by—changing circumstances.
Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.
Resilience gives you the ability to bounce forward with new insights and learning you can carry into the future. Both adaptability and resilience include the ability to assess an evolving situation from multiple perspectives, shift thinking and viewpoint, and choose the best response.
Adaptable people flourish amidst chaos while inflexible people flounder. Adapters find openings in situations where others only see closure. This 4-module course will give you knowledge and tools to become more adaptable and resilient in your workplace and in your life.
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