Business English: Basics Coursera Quiz Answers Week (1-6) [💯Correct Answer]

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Business English: Basics Coursera Quiz Answer

Module 2
  1. Which sentence means the speaker was uncertain about his future achievements?
  • I did not know what I would achieve
  • I did not know what I will achieve
  • I did not know what I should achieve

2. Choose the BEST word to fill in the gap for the sentence: We discussed the strategy that ______ their marketing methods.

  • underlies
  • facilitates
  • curbs
  • ensures

3. Most basic descriptive sentences use the verb ________ because it can be used to describe almost anything.

  • to do
  • to have
  • to be
  • to want

4. What words can you use to add more detail to your subject description?

  • Nouns and verbs.
  • Adjectives, gerunds and adverbs.
  • Capital letters, acronyms and punctuation.

5. Which is an example of medium of communication?

  • tv commercial
  • newspaper
  • advertising brochure
  • video

6. Which framework best represents the flow of communication?

Screenshot 69
Screenshot 69
Screenshot 69
Screenshot 68
Screenshot 69
Screenshot 69
Screenshot 69

7. Which is NOT one of the three strategies for giving explanations covered in the ‘Giving Explanations’ lecture?

  • Explaining how to do something, starting with some encouragement.
  • Using null words before giving directions or an explanation to give yourself time to organize your thoughts.
  • Telling a white lie to hide the fact that you don’t know the answer.
  • Giving an excuse when something has gone wrong.

8. How can you signal to your audience (listener) that you have finished giving your explanation?

  • By using a phrase or two, such as ‘So, in the end’ or ‘Anyway’ to indicate you are finished.
  • By repeating the key idea of your explanation again to remind your listener of the main idea(s) you were covering.
  • By saying ‘The End’ at the end of your explanation.

9. Choose the BEST word to fill in the gap for the sentence: The client made the ____ that the manufacturing quality would be poor, so he was surprised when he discovered the final product was well made.

  • provision
  • assumption
  • obligation
  • saturation

10. Which of the following words is the opposite of ‘outstanding’? (Multiple answers possible)

  • not done
  • finished
  • pending
  • completed

11. Some of the following sentences are possible, but some are better than others because they express the intended degree of certainty. Choose the best sentences.

  • If this happens, employees will often neglect their work.
  • If this happens, employees would often neglect their work.
  • If this happens, employees may often neglect their work.
  • If this happens, employees must often neglect their work.

12. Which sentence suggests that the speaker thinks it unlikely that you will quit smoking.

  • If you quit smoking, you will live longer.
  • If you quit smoking, you would live longer.

13. Choose the BEST word to fill in the gap for the sentence: Based on our options, the best-case ____ would be for us to complete the project by March.

  • resolution
  • consensus
  • perception
  • scenario

14. Which of the following are considered to be non-verbal barriers to communication?

  • language differences
  • differences in perception
  • knowledge of vocabulary
  • inappropriate or conflicting signals

15. Non-verbal communication is ALWAYS needed to make communication unambiguous.

  • False
  • True
Peer-graded Assignment: Correct the grammar and rewrite

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Module 3
  1. All written genres tend to have the following: a specific format, structure and ______.
  • set of topics
  • register
  • design

2. The ‘format’ of a written document refers to its ______.

  • expected set of topics
  • type of vocabulary and level of formality
  • design

3. What is NOT one of the fundamentals all readers of business contracts expect to find?

  • The date of the contract
  • Names of the parties involved
  • Contract expiration dates
  • Email addresses for all parties involved

4. Common linguistic features of the indirect communication method include: the use of modal verbs, such as ‘could’ and ‘may’; modalizers, such as ‘perhaps’ and ‘maybe’; and ___________.

  • the use of straightforward language to state the main point clearly and without digression.
  • the use of egocentric pronouns, such as ‘I’ and ‘me’.
  • the use of inclusive pronouns, such as ‘we’ and ‘us’.

5. High-context cultures place great value on relationships. As a result, communication in high-context cultures tends to be ___________.

  • intercultural
  • indirect
  • direct

6. Which sentence is grammatically correct?

  • The company’s decrease in profits is concerns upper management.
  • The company’s decrease in profits concerning upper management.
  • The company’s decrease in profits is concerned upper management.
  • The company’s decrease in profits concerns upper management.

7. Which sentence is grammatically correct?

  • Any decision of management concerns the issue will be final.
  • Any decision of management concerning the issue will be final.
  • Any decision of management concerned the issue will be final.
  • Any decision of management concern the issue will be final.

8. Choose the BEST word to fill in the gap for the sentence: To remain competitive in today’s highly volatile economy, the two companies decided to ____ to form a new mobile phone provider.

  • confirm
  • provide
  • strive
  • merge

9. Which of the following words is similar to ‘saturate’? (Multiple answers possible)

  • flood
  • oversupply
  • starve
  • dry out
  • glut

10. Which word from this week’s vocabulary list can be defined by the following: a chance or possibility that something will happen or exist in the future?

Enter answer here


11. Tone can be defined as _____________.

  • the rise and fall of your voice when speaking.
  • the way you speak to connect to your audience.
  • the way you sound to the listener or reader.

12. Which of the following are NOT examples of
communication styles?

  • facial expressions.
  • body language.
  • tone of voice.
  • handwriting.

13. Which of the following statements show positive tone?

  • ‘The previous behavior towards the client is
    unacceptable and if this continues your employment at this firm may be
  • ‘Your client service record meets company standards
    and requirements.’
  • ‘We are pleased to inform you that your excellent client
    service performance has exceeded expectations and that your efforts will
    certainly be rewarded.’

14. Which of the following statements show the use of informal

  • ‘We are very honored to by your presence.’
  • ‘This visit by your excellency is most welcomed.’
  • ‘It’s great to have you here with us today!’

15. Which language features are NOT formal? (Multiple answers possible)

  • Noun phrases
  • Passive or imperative voice
  • Academic style vocabulary
  • Phrasal verbs
  • Slang or colloquialisms
Peer-graded Assignment: Using appropriate tone and style

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Module 4
  1. Which of the following is NOT a situation when you would soften your polite request?
  • When you are offering to do something helpful for someone.
  • When we are making a request to someone who is at a higher level within the company or organization.
  • When we are making a ‘big’ request that would potentially inconvenience the person.
  • When the person we’re making the request to does not have an obligation to say yes.

2. Which of the following modals is ‘most’ polite?

  • Could
  • Can
  • Do

3. ‘The new flat-screen tv model, you know, on display at the department store. It’s expensive!’ is an example of:

  • spoken communication
  • written communication
  • mass communication
  • email communication

4. Spoken communication tends to be:

  • planned
  • unplanned
  • organized
  • less structured
  • one way

5. Which of the following words are similar in meaning to ‘strive’?

  • attempt
  • endeavour
  • rest

6. Choose the BEST word to replace ‘merge’ in the following sentence: The merge of the two departments should make the company more efficient at completing the job.

  • deregulation
  • compensation
  • consolidation
  • preparation

7. Choose the BEST word to fill in the gap for the sentence: The partnership was based on ____ goals and capabilities.

  • mutual
  • confirmed
  • regulatory
  • competent

8. Choose the BEST word to fill in the gap for the sentence: They are seeking ____ approval from the government for the merger.

  • flexible
  • competent
  • regulatory
  • mutual

9. Which sentence is grammatically correct?

  • I hear many conversations that contain nonsense.
  • I hear many conversations containing nonsense.
  • I hear many conversations that containing nonsense.
  • I hear many conversations that contains nonsense.

10. A general purpose tends to be ____________

  • Broad and non-defined.
  • Focused and result oriented.
  • Communicator driven.

11. Which of the following examples are statements of
Specific Purposes?

  • Submit a report to the Managing Director informing
    him of the recent decline in sales revenue in the Asia region.
  • To convince and persuade the Managing Director to
    allocate more human resources in order to expand sales operations in Asia.
  • Recruit a new sales director for the Asia market.

12. Which
option shows the recommended steps of conducting an audience analysis?

Step 1 – What are their needs and concerns?

Step 2 – What actions do you want them to take?

Step 3 – Who are they?

Step 1 – What actions do you want them to take?

Step 2 – Who are they?

Step 3 – What are their needs and concerns?

Step 1 – Who are they?

Step 2 – What are their needs and concerns?

Step 3 – What actions do you want them to take?

13. Which statements explain why conducting an audience
analysis is important? (Multiple answers correct)

  • You are able to deliver the relevant content to
  • You can identify what they like and dislike.
  • You can determine what benefits them so you can
    convince or persuade them with your message.
  • It can help you redefine your purpose.

14. The purpose, audience, medium, tone and style all
have to match each other in order _________

  • to sell your ideas.
  • to maximize the effectiveness of your
  • to satisfy the audience’s needs.
  • to avoid offending your audience.

15. Which of the following steps show the correct way
to choosing the right communication strategy?

Step 1 – Conduct Audience Analysis

Step 2 – Define Purpose

Step 3 – Choose the right Tone & Style

Step 1 – Define Purpose

Step 2 – Conduct Audience Analysis

Step 3 – Redefine Purpose

Step 4 – Choose Appropriate Medium of Communication

Step 5 – Choose the right Tone & Style

Step 1 – Define Purpose

Step 2 – Conduct Audience Analysis

Step 3 – Choose the right Tone & Style

Step 4 – Choose Appropriate Medium of Communication

Step 1 – Define Purpose

Step 2 – Conduct Audience Analysis

Step 3 – Choose the right Tone & Style

Step 4 – Choose Appropriate Medium of Communication

Step 5 – Redefine Purpose

Peer-graded Assignment: Sustainable Resort Proposal

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Module 5
  1. How does the ‘SQ3R’ method help to improve your reading?
  • It helps you to read in an effective ‘top down’ manner in which you first gain a big picture of the text, then prioritize which material you will focus on in a more detailed reading.
  • It helps you to understand key vocabulary words.
  • It helps you to annotate and understand the structure of a reading.

2. Critical reading is the act of ________.

  • identifying the historical or cultural context of the text and considering how this context is different from your own.
  • analyzing and evaluating what you are reading as you make your way through the text or as you reflect back on the reading once you are done.
  • paraphrasing, outlining or summarizing the text in your own words once you have finished reading the text.

3. What is the purpose behind the ‘Recite’ and ‘Review’ aspects of the SQ3R method?

  • To remain focused on your reading.
  • To consolidate the material you have read.
  • To try to understand the general idea of each section of the text.

4. According to the process suggested by the Harvard Business School, which of the following is the correct order of steps for case analysis?

Read the case
Identify the problem
Research issues surrounding the problem and analyze any associated data
Generate and evaluate potential solutions
Recommend a solution

Read the case
Research issues surrounding the problem and analyze any associated data
Identify the problem
Generate and evaluate potential solutions
Recommend a solution

Identify the problem
Read the case
Research issues surrounding the problem and analyze any associated data
Recommend a solution
Generate and evaluate potential solutions

5. Which sentence is grammatically correct?

  • I read each reports containing valuable information on the importance of sustainability.
  • I read much reports containing valuable information on the importance of sustainability.
  • I read many reports containing valuable information on the importance of sustainability.

6. Choose the BEST word to fill in the gap for the sentence: Members of our Diamond AirFlight plan have ___ rights to use our Elite Lounge.

  • alloted
  • efficient
  • exclusive

7. Choose the BEST word to fill in the gap for the sentence: The product sold out and is not ____ available, but we will notify you when it is.

  • currently
  • strategically
  • exclusively
  • efficiently

8. The adverb form of strategic is:

Enter answer here


9. Choose the BEST word to fill in the gap for the sentence: Quality assurance noticed a slight ____ in the standard of products.

  • variance
  • efficience
  • valuation
  • insolvency

10. Which word often appears after ‘consistent’?

  • above
  • before
  • with
  • in

11. Which of the examples shows the best use of logic
for supporting an argument?

  • Our managing director tells us we need to expand
    into the Asia Pacific region because he expects market growth in the sector to
    double in the next 3 years.
  • Our Board of Directors have a combined total of 100
    years business experience within the Asia pacific region suggest the region is
    ideal for expansion.
  • If we don’t move into the Asia Pacific Market now,
    it will be the end of our company!

12. Which of the following examples does NOT use
emotion for supporting an argument?

  • If we do not reduce our inventory it will have
    devastating consequences on our bottom line.
  • If we increase our exposure to the Asia Pacific
    region will greatly impress our shareholders.
  • We need to expand into the Asia Pacific region because the average GDP is growing
    by 15% per year and our target demographics’ disposable income is growing at
    twice the rate.
  • We have to stop wasting time in this market because
    it has been very demoralizing for our front line staff.

13. Choose
the BEST word to fill in the gap for the sentence:

The company has __________ rights to sell its products in
Japan and no other firm is allowed to enter the market.

  • priority
  • exclusive
  • specific
  • actual

14. Choose
the BEST word to fill in the gap for the sentence:

The firm was ____________ for paying damages to its
employees because it failed to provide the proper safety equipment.

  • responsible
  • liable
  • guilty
  • accused

15. Which sentence is grammatically correct? (Multiple answers are correct)

  • There were several reasons for the Board’s decision
    not to increase the marketing and advertising budget.
  • There were many reasons for the Board’s decision
    not to increase the marketing and advertising budget.
  • There were much reasons for the Board’s decision
    not to increase the marketing and advertising budget.
  • There were great deal reasons for the Board’s
    decision not to increase the marketing and advertising budget.
  • There were little reasons for the Board’s decision
    not to increase the marketing and advertising budget.
Final exam
  1. Which sentence is grammatically correct?
  • There is a lot of equipment in our office.
  • There are many equipment in our office.
  • There is much equipment in our office.
  • There is not a lot of equipment in our office.

2. The Mehrabian Myth suggests that non-verbal communication (for example: delivery and facial expressions) is more important than the content of a presentation.

  • False
  • True

3. Choose the BEST word to fill in the gap for the sentence: Improving renewable energy technology ____ much of the company’s mission.

  • ensures
  • underlies
  • facilitates
  • rivals

4. Which is similar of the word ‘orientate’?

  • unfamilarize
  • adapt
  • adjust
  • familiarize

5. The word ‘acquisition’ is commonly used in business phrases with the following words except ___________ .

  • process
  • prizes
  • procedures
  • principals

6. Choose the BEST word(s) to replace ‘consensus’ in the following sentence: There is general consensus among politicians about the need for further investigation of the declining economy.

  • feelings
  • agreement
  • opinion
  • disagreement

7. Mode of communication includes

  • text
  • images
  • radio
  • speech

8. Which sequence represents the flow of communication?

  • sender -> encoder -> message -> decoder -> receiver
  • message -> sender -> encoder -> decoder -> receiver
  • sender -> encoder -> decoder -> message -> receiver
  • sender -> encoder -> receiver -> message -> decoder

9. Which sentence is grammatically correct?

  • Nowadays, you can to find many business executives using smart phones.
  • Nowadays, you can find many business executives using smart phones.
  • Nowadays, you can finding many business executives using smart phones.

10. Which sentence is grammatically correct?

  • If we want to increase sale, we will improve customer relations.
  • If we want to increase sale, we must improve customer relations.
  • If we want to increase sale, we shall improve customer relations.

11. One way to signal that you are finishing an explanation is to begin a with:

  • Well, you see …
  • You know …
  • So in the end …
  • To follow-up with …

12. Non-verbal communication is often used to

  • enhance a message.
  • give meaning to a message.
  • extend a message.
  • focus a message.

13. All written genres tend to have the following: a specific format, structure and ______.

  • register
  • set of topics
  • design

14. The ‘format’ of a written document refers to its ______.

  • type of vocabulary and level of formality
  • expected set of topics
  • design

15. Common linguistic features of the indirect communication method include: the use of modal verbs, such as ‘could’ and ‘may’; modalizers, such as ‘perhaps’ and ‘maybe’; and

  • the use of straightforward language to state the main point clearly and without digression.
  • the use of egocentric pronouns, such as ‘I’ and ‘me’.
  • the use of inclusive pronouns, such as ‘we’ and ‘us’.

16. Which of the following words is similar to ‘saturate’? (Multiple answers possible)

  • oversupply
  • flood
  • starve
  • glut
  • dry out

17. Which word from this week’s vocabulary list can be defined by the following: a chance or possibility that something will happen or exist in the future?

  • potentials
  • potential
  • potentially

18. Tone can be defined as _____________.

  • the way you sound to the listener or reader.
  • the way you speak to connect to your audience.
  • the rise and fall of your voice when speaking.

19. Which of the following are NOT examples of communication styles?

  • tone of voice
  • facial expressions
  • body language
  • handwriting

20. Which of the following are non verbal communication barriers?

  • Perception
  • Cultural differences
  • Ambiguity
  • Inadequate knowledge
  • Distractions

21. Which possible language features are part of informal style of communication? (Multiple answers are correct)

  • abbreviations or contractions
  • passive voice
  • personal pronouns
  • noun phrases
  • phrasal verbs

22. Which of the following words is similar to comprehensive?

  • extensive
  • all-inclusive
  • definite
  • particular
  • complete

23. Written communication tends to be:

  • planned
  • unplanned
  • unorganized
  • interactive

24. To conduct an audience analysis you should follow these three steps: identify who the audience is, what the audience’s needs are and ______.

  • determine which actions you or your audience should take.
  • modify your vocabulary to suit the audience.
  • clarify what your goals are.
  • articulate what your main ideas are.

25. The purpose, audience, medium, tone and style all have to match each other in order to _______.

  • persuade your audience
  • satisfy your needs as a presenter
  • sell your products
  • maximize the effectiveness of your communication

26. Which of the following show the corrects steps to choosing the right communication strategy?

Step 1 – Define Purpose

Step 2 – Conduct Audience Analysis

Step 3 – Choose the right Tone & Style

Step 4 – Choose Appropriate Medium of Communication

Step 1 – Define Purpose

Step 2 – Conduct Audience Analysis

Step 3 – Redefine Purpose

Step 4 – Choose Appropriate Medium of Communication

Step 5 – Choose the right Tone & Style

Step 1 – Define Purpose

Step 2 – Conduct Audience Analysis

Step 3 – Choose the right Tone & Style

Step 4 – Choose Appropriate Medium of Communication

Step 5 – Redefine Purpose

Step 1 – Define Purpose

Step 2 – Conduct Audience Analysis

Step 3 – Choose the right Tone & Style

27. ‘Next month we’ll have our department’s annual New Year’s party – I’m sure you remember last year’s! We’ll need to prepare for the party by reminding the staff of the date, arranging a caterer and asking the department head for a budget for the party.’ is an example of:

  • spoken communication
  • written communication
  • email communication
  • mass communication

28. What are two linguistic features that are commonly used when making a polite request?

  • using modals and the word ‘thank you’
  • framing your request as a question and smiling
  • using modals and the word ‘please’
  • using indirect language and pronouns like ‘I’

29. We do not need to use ‘softening language’ when making polite requests when:

  • we’re making a request that would help someone.
  • we’re making a request of someone higher up at work.
  • we’re making a request that would inconvenience someone.
  • we’re making a request of someone who has no obligation to say ‘yes’.

30. A general purpose tends to be __________.

  • communicator driven
  • result oriented and focused
  • persuasive
  • non-defined and broad

31. Which of the following words is similar to ‘confirm’? (Multiple answers possible)

  • endorse
  • support
  • confuse
  • oppose

32. What is the verb form of the word ‘deregulation’?

Enter answer here


33. Which of the following sentences contains a relative clause?

  • The older couple sit at the park every weekend and they are happy.
  • The older couple sit at the park every weekend. They are happy.
  • The older couples who sit at the park every weekend are happy.
  • The older couple, who sit at the park every weekend, are happy.

34. Which sentence is grammatically correct?

  • I watch many television shows that contain fascinating information.
  • I watch many television shows containing fascinating information.
  • I watch many television shows that containing fascinating information.
  • I watch many television shows contain fascinating information.

35. Which sentence means that many people favour particular group of managers?

  • Many people favour managers who have trustworthy intentions.
  • Many people favour managers having trustworthy intentions.

36. Choose the BEST word to fill in the gap for the sentence: Home ____ are at an all-time high.

  • valuations
  • exclusives
  • variances
  • segments

37. The adverb form of the word ‘strategic’ is ____.

  • strategies
  • strategical
  • strategically
  • strategy

38. Which word(s) is the opposite of ‘exclusive’?

  • omitting
  • inclusive
  • excepting
  • excluding

39. Which sentence is grammatically correct?

  • The company provides a few information on their website.
  • The company provides very little information on their website.
  • The company provides few information on their website.
  • The company provides not many information on their website.

40. Which sentence is grammatically correct?

  • Customers bought a great deal of home entertainment systems over the Christmas holidays.
  • Customers bought much of home entertainment systems over the Christmas holidays.
  • Customers bought much home entertainment systems over the Christmas holidays.
  • Customers bought a lot of home entertainment systems over the Christmas holidays.

41. Critical reading is the act of ___________.

  • paraphrasing, outlining or summarizing the text in your own words once you have finished reading the text.
  • analyzing and evaluating what you are reading as you make your way through the text or as you reflect back on the reading once you are done.
  • identifying the historical or cultural context of the text and considering how this context is different from your own.
  • engaging in a mental debate with the author of the reading.

42. What is the purpose behind the ‘Recite’ and ‘Review’ steps of the SQ3R?

  • To try to understand the general idea of each section of the text.
  • To remain focused on your reading.
  • To consolidate the material you have read.
  • To clarify any difficult vocabulary items in the text.

43. According to the process suggested by the Harvard Business School, which of the following is the correct order of steps for case analysis?

Read the case
Identify the problem
Research issues surrounding the problem and analyze any associated data
Generate and evaluate potential solutions
Recommend a solution

Read the case
Research issues surrounding the problem and analyze any associated data
Identify the problem
Generate and evaluate potential solutions
Recommend a solution

Identify the problem
Read the case
Research issues surrounding the problem and analyze any associated data
Recommend a solution
Generate and evaluate potential solutions

44. Why would formulating questions about a piece of text after you have surveyed it help your critical reading? (Multiple answers accepted)

  • The act of formulating questions is useful to guide you in your reading.
  • Formulating questions allows you to get the ‘big picture’ of the reading.
  • Formulating questions enables you to identify the basic structure of a reading.
  • Formulating questions helps you stay focused while reading.

45. A ‘good’ reader would NOT do which of the following before reading a text:

  • focus on all the new vocabulary words and attempt to define them.
  • predict the organization of the text.
  • preview the text to identify its overall content.
  • consider what he/she already knows about the subject of the text before reading.

46. Which of the examples shows the best use of authority for supporting an argument?

  • Our managing director tells us we need to expand into the Asia Pacific region.
  • Our 3 year market research report indicates that the Asia Pacific region is ideal for expansion because the growing middle classes have a high level of disposable income.
  • Our Board of Directors has a combined total of 100 years business experience within the Asia pacific region, suggesting the region is ideal for expansion.

47. Which of the following examples does NOT use emotion for supporting an argument?

  • If we do not reduce our inventory it will have devastating consequences on our bottom line.
  • If we increase our exposure to the Asia Pacific region will greatly impress our shareholders.
  • We need to expand into the Asia Pacific region because the average GDP is growing by 15% per year and our target demographics’ disposable income is growing at twice the rate.
  • We have to stop wasting time in this market because it has been very demoralizing for our front line staff.

48. Which sentence is grammatically correct?

  • There is few reasons for expanding into this market.
  • There are much reasons for expanding into this market.
  • There are many reasons for expanding into this market.
  • The reasons for expanding into this market are much

49. Which word would often appears after deregulated? (Multiple answers are correct)

  • economy
  • environment
  • market
  • person

50. Which of the following has the opposite meaning to consistent? (Multiple answers are correct)

  • logical
  • unsteady
  • inconsistent
  • unvarying
  • irregular


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513 thoughts on “Business English: Basics Coursera Quiz Answers Week (1-6) [💯Correct Answer]”

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    B52 Play nổi tiếng với sự đa dạng trong danh mục trò chơi. Người chơi có thể thưởng thức nhiều trò chơi đánh bài phổ biến như baccarat, blackjack, poker, và nhiều trò chơi đánh bài cá nhân khác. Điều này tạo ra sự đa dạng và hứng thú cho mọi người chơi.

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    B52 Club tự hào với đội ngũ hỗ trợ khách hàng chuyên nghiệp, tận tâm và hiệu quả. Người chơi có thể liên hệ thông qua các kênh như chat trực tuyến, email, điện thoại, hoặc mạng xã hội. Vấn đề kỹ thuật, tài khoản hay bất kỳ thắc mắc nào đều được giải quyết nhanh chóng.

    4. Phương Thức Thanh Toán An Toàn
    B52 Club cung cấp nhiều phương thức thanh toán để đảm bảo người chơi có thể dễ dàng nạp và rút tiền một cách an toàn và thuận tiện. Quy trình thanh toán được thiết kế để mang lại trải nghiệm đơn giản và hiệu quả cho người chơi.

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    Khi đánh giá một cổng game B52, chính sách thưởng và ưu đãi luôn được chú ý. B52 Club không chỉ mang đến những chính sách thưởng hấp dẫn mà còn cam kết đối xử công bằng và minh bạch đối với người chơi. Điều này giúp thu hút và giữ chân người chơi trên thương trường game đánh bài trực tuyến.

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    Với những ưu điểm vượt trội như vậy, B52 Club không chỉ là nơi giải trí tuyệt vời mà còn là điểm đến lý tưởng cho những người yêu thích thách thức và may mắn.

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    مخرب یا بک لینک های بی کیفیت آن لینک هاییهستند که
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    کند، تعداد بالا و باکیفیت بودن
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    توانید رتبه بالاتری در نتایج جستجو کسب کند.

    در صورتی که با لینک سازی خارجی آشنا نیستید می توانید از
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    من در این دوره پیشرفته لینک سازی به استراتژی های مهم لینک سازی خارجی می پردازم تا بتوانید
    تاج گذاری برای محتوایتان انجام
    دهید. پیشنهاد می کنیم تمام این موارد را برای صفحات مهم سایت خود
    تحلیل کرده وجزئیات را در یک فایل اکسل برای
    تمام رقبا بنویسید. 3. آیا قرار است لینک
    در صفحه ای با دامنه ضعیفداده شود؟ همانطور که تصور می کنید، اگر گوگل دامنه ای را مجازات کرده باشد و لینک شما در
    آن صفحه باشد، به هیچ وجه برای لینک شما ارزش قائل نمی شود.
    Da​ta has  been g enerated  wi th GSA Con᠎tе nt G​enerator  DE᠎MO!
    در زمینه سئو، فاکتورهای زیادی در رابطه با بک
    لینک وجود دارد و هر بک لینکی برای سایت
    مفید نیست. نیز اهمیت زیادی می
    دهد. کیفیت و کمیت لینکهای خارجی اهمیت
    دارد. پس به جای کمیت و تعداد بک لینک های دریافتی تان، توصیه می کنیم
    کیفیت لینک های دریافتی را ملاک ارزیابی و تصمیم
    گیری های خود قرار دهید. اگر هنوز هم
    مفهوم بک لینک برایتان شفاف نشده است، توصیه میکنیم مقاله بک لینک چیست با دقت مطالعه کنید و سپس به سراغ ادامه این مقاله بروید.

    لینک به دست آمده از این سایت ها بک لینک رایگان است.

    به نظر شما آیا خرید بک لینک در سال 2021 ایده خوبی است یا
    بد؟ شما با کسب بک لینک از یک صفحه وب معتبر در ازای
    پرداخت یک مبلغی، می توانید فرایند به دست آوردن لینک
    ها را سرعت بخشیده و اطمینان حاصل کنید که
    می توانید به سرعت در لیست نتایج موتور جستجو
    گوگل رتبه بالایی کسب کنید.
    پرداخت مبلغی در ازای دریافت و خرید بک لینک
    یک راه سریع برای رتبه بندی در بین برترین های
    جستجو است به شرطی که لینک های خریداری شده دارایویژگی نوفالو (nofollow) نباشند.
    لینک های دایرکتوری در حال حاضر عمدتاً بی ارزش هستند.

    چرا خريدبك لينك انبوه از سایت های بی کیفیت
    کاری اشتباه است ؟ ویژگی های یک بک لینک خوب کدامند؟ Anchor text: انکرتکست یا
    متن لنگر به کلمات یا عباراتی در یک متن گفته می شود که قابل کلیک کردن می باشند.
    کلمات زرد رنگی که در این
    متن میبینید انکرتکست هستند. این نوع بک لینک ها به صورت عمده در صفحاتی استفاده می شوند که می تواند دارای محتوای تبلیغاتی یا بهروزرسانیمکرر باشد،
    همچنین در برخی موارد برای جلوگیری از انتقال
    اعتبار به صفحات دیگر استفاده می شوند.
    7. آیا لینک در صفحه ای داده شده که تعداد زیادی
    لینک خروجی در آن وجوددارد؟ Νo-Follow link:
    لینک های نوفالو به گوگل می فهمانند که وارد آن سایت یا صفحه ای که
    به آن لینک داده شده، نشوند و آن را نخزند.
    یعنی اگر شما از سایتی یک لینک فالو دریافت کنید، با توجه به
    اینکه مقداری از ارزش صفحه مورد نظر به صفحه شما انتقال داده
    شده، در بهبود سئو سایت و نتایج رتبه
    بندی شما تأثیر شگرفی خواهد داشت.
    هزینه و قیمت پکیج بک لینک هر سایتی
    هم بسته به نوع خدمات ارائه شده، تعداد بک لینک های دریافتی،
    بالا یا پایین بودن دامین آتوریتی و پیج آتوریتی آن سایت، فالو یا
    نوفالو بودن لینک ها و…
    باید در نظر داشت که برای خرید پکیج های لینک
    سازی باید به یک شخص یا تیم معتبر واگذار کنید تا با کیفیت بالا برای شما لینک سازی
    صورت بگیرید، اما اگر قرار است این کار را توسط
    شخصی ناشناس انجام دهید که پروژه ای ندارد
    و نمونه کاری برای ارائه نداشته می تواند سایت شما را به خطر بیندازد و بهتر است
    خودتان با تهیه یک لیست بک لینک یا خرید پکیج
    بک لینک، اقدام به لینک سازی خارجی نمایید.
    قدرت دامین آتوریتی این وبسایت ها بالای 80 بوده
    و برای همین نام این پکیج لینک سازی را، پک طلایی بک لینک seoedu نام گذاری کرده ایم.

    خرید بک لینک های این چنینی باعث داون شدن سایت شما از رتبه های بالای موتورهای
    جستجو می شود. توجه داشته باشید
    اجرای این لیست 200 لینکه در وبسایت seoedu با مبلغ 1.200.000 تومان اجرا می گردد.
    هرچند برخی کاربران تصور
    میکنند با خرید رای میتوانند موتور جستجو
    را فریب داده و رتبه خوبی در نتایج جستجو کسب کنند، اما باید این
    موضوع را مورد توجه قرار داد کهنظارت گوگل بر خرید بک لینک بسیار پیچیده و قدرتمند است.
    با توجه به این موضوع آیا بک لینک خریداری کنیم
    یا خیر؟

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