Game of Thrones – I in Algorithm | HackerRank Programming Solutions | HackerRank Problem Solving Solutions in Java [💯Correct]

Hello Programmers/Coders, Today we are going to share solutions of Programming problems of HackerRank, Algorithm Solutions of Problem Solving Section in Java. At Each Problem with Successful submission with all Test Cases Passed, you will get an score or marks. And after solving maximum problems, you will be getting stars. This will highlight your profile to the recruiters.

In this post, you will find the solution for Game of Thrones – I in Java-HackerRank Problem. We are providing the correct and tested solutions of coding problems present on HackerRank. If you are not able to solve any problem, then you can take help from our Blog/website.

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Introduction To Algorithm

The word Algorithm means “a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations”. Therefore Algorithm refers to a set of rules/instructions that step-by-step define how a work is to be executed upon in order to get the expected results. 

Advantages of Algorithms:

  • It is easy to understand.
  • Algorithm is a step-wise representation of a solution to a given problem.
  • In Algorithm the problem is broken down into smaller pieces or steps hence, it is easier for the programmer to convert it into an actual program.

Link for the ProblemGame of Thrones – I – Hacker Rank Solution

Game of Thrones - I – Hacker Rank Solution


Dothraki are planning an attack to usurp King Robert’s throne. King Robert learns of this conspiracy from Raven and plans to lock the single door through which the enemy can enter his kingdom.


But, to lock the door he needs a key that is an anagram of a palindrome. He starts to go through his box of strings, checking to see if they can be rearranged into a palindrome. Given a string, determine if it can be rearranged into a palindrome. Return the string YES or NO.


One way this can be arranged into a palindrome is . Return YES.

Function Description
Complete the gameOfThrones function below.

gameOfThrones has the following parameter(s):

  • string s: a string to analyze


  • string: either YES or NO

Input Format

A single line which contains .


  •  |s| 
  •  contains only lowercase letters in the range 

Sample Input 0


Sample Output 0


Explanation 0

A palindromic permutation of the given string is bbaaabb.

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1


Explanation 1

Palindromes longer than 1 character are made up of pairs of characters. There are none here.

Sample Input 2


Sample Output 2


Explanation 2

An example palindrome from the string: ddcceefeeccdd.

Game of Thrones - I – Hacker Rank Solution
import java.util.Scanner;

 * @author Techno-RJ
public class GameOfThronesI {
	static String gameOfThrones(String s) {
		int a[] = new int[26];
		for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
			int index = s.charAt(i) - 'a';
		int oddCount = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
			if (a[i] != 0) {
				if ((a[i] & 1) == 1) {
		return oddCount > 1 ? "NO" : "YES";


	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Scanner in = new Scanner(;
		String s =;
		String result = gameOfThrones(s);

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    Before long, he was gambling staggering sums of money on sports, costing him over $700,000 in the past decade. He hit rock bottom last year when he stole $35,000 from his workplace and gambled it away on international tennis and soccer matches – sports he admittedly knew nothing about. The Live is happily mostly non-smoking. I am told they have a separate Orchid Casino that does allow smoking, but it wasn’t open at the time I was there early in the morning. They also have self-serve soda machines scattered about the casino. Maryland law forbids giving free alcoholic beverages. A floor supervisor told me that a draft beer costs $5 and a bottled beer costs $6. RESPONSIBLE GAMING STATEMENT There’s no reason to think FanDuel Sportsbook won’t enter the Maryland online sports gambling market. Those within limits of a legal online sports betting state can take advantage of FanDuel Sportsbook’s excellent $1,000 No-Sweat First Bet offer today.

  15. But Ward Cameron’s number was up in Outer Banks‘ Season 3 finale: Sarah’s double-crossing dad redeemed himself (a little?) by putting himself between Sarah and one of Singh’s thugs who was about to shoot her. Ward charged the goon, taking several bullets in the torso before the pair fell backward into a ravine, dying when they hit the ground. (Read a full recap here.) Hmm, you’re right. Maybe Target should take it and snipe some of Wal-Mart’s customers. Or Maybe Wal-Mart should and snipe some of Amazon’s online customers. Etc Amazon ( and walmart mostly since it uses facial recognition at the checkout maybe even to give added scrutiny to previously known thieves ) knows its customers and sellers though. And anyway in wal-mart’s case cash is no worse than crypto.
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  16. However, Liverpool’s previous interest in Mbappe put them in a stronger position with PSG, due to their preference not to sell to Real Madrid. Football Whispers has searched the internet long and hard to find all the latest transfer rumours surrounding Liverpool, focusing on both incoming and those leaving the club. We’ve also provided a FW rumour rating out of five, with 1 5 being highly unlikely that the transfer will take place, and 5 5 meaning the transfer is all but complete. Football Transfer Rumours Liverpool secured a 2-0 win over rivals Everton as Jurgen Klopp’s side returned to winning ways. Sportsmail’s Ian Ladyman was at Anfield to rate the players, with Jeorge Bird providing the words. Ex-Reds midfielder Danny Murphy revealed what to expect from the youngster, who scored 34 goals in all competitions this season, including two against Liverpool in the Champions League.
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