Hello Peers, Today we will share all week’s assessment and quiz answers of the Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck course launched by Coursera, free of cost✅✅✅. This is a certification course for every interested student.
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- About The Coursera
- About Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Course
- Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Quiz Answers
- Week 01: Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers
- Week 02: Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers
- Week 03: Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers
- Quiz 01: Chord Formula Quiz
- Q1. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
- Q2. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
- Q3. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
- Q4. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
- Quiz 01: Chord Formula Quiz
- DMaj7
- Q5. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
- Q6. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
- Q7. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
- Q8. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
- Bmin7
- Q9. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
- Q10. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th. (Make sure to place your answers in the order indicated with the numbered circles below)
- Quiz 02: SELF-ASSESSMENT: Practice Drop-2 Voicing
- Week 04: Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers
- More About This Course
- Conclusion
About The Coursera
Coursera, India’s biggest learning platform launched millions of free courses for students daily. These courses are from various recognized universities, where industry experts and professors teach very well and in a more understandable way.
Here, you will find Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Exam Answers in Bold Color below.
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About Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Course
Guitar Chords 101 presents Berklee’s approach to constructing chords, a method that focuses less on the shape of an individual chord, and more on the notes that the chord is based around. You will learn to construct and play triads, basic 7th chords, inversions, and different chord voicings—the basic foundations guitarists use to write or perform in any number of different styles.
Course Apply Link – Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck
Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Quiz Answers
Week 01: Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers
Quiz 01: What Are Your Goals?
Q1. What are your goals for this course? What do you hope to accomplish? What skills do you hope to improve and what are you hoping to learn more about
Q2. If you achieve your goals, where would that leave you? What would be the best, most positive outcome? How would accomplishing your goals make you feel?
Identify your best outcome and take a moment to imagine it as fully as you can.
Q3. What do you believe might be your biggest internal obstacle in achieving your goals? What is it within you that holds you back? It might be an emotion, an irrational belief, or a bad habit. Think more deeply—what is it really?
Identify your main inner obstacle and take a moment to imagine it fully.
Q4. Finally, what can you do to overcome your obstacle? Identify one action you can take or one thought you can think to overcome your obstacle.
Make the following plan for yourself:
“If… (obstacle), then I will … (action or thought).”
Quiz 02: Triad Inversions
Q1. What chord is being played in the example below?
Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Current Time 0:00/0:03
- Major
- Minor
Q2. What chord is being played in the example below?
Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Current Time 0:00/0:03
- Major
- Minor
Q3. What chord is being played in the example below?
Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Current Time 0:00/0:03
- Major
- Minor
Q4. What chord is being played in the example below?
Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Current Time 0:00/0:03
- Major
- Minor
Q5. What voicing is this triad in?
![Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answers] 2 Hhf0jcMkQRaX9I3DJLEWeA 758202bd9dec57c084a7a87923d73b4c L01 Quiz5](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/Hhf0jcMkQRaX9I3DJLEWeA_758202bd9dec57c084a7a87923d73b4c_L01_Quiz5.png?expiry=1664150400000&hmac=FRhHGTH-ZkogF53JtuKgQl9M3yfv_iligRJd9wsYxN0)
- Root Position
- First Inversion
- Second Inversion
Q6. What voicing is this triad in?
![Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answers] 3 hsbkGYhNSvuG5BmITbr79A 4f9c6a383971683ba6049f2ab83b0a82 L01 Quiz6](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/hsbkGYhNSvuG5BmITbr79A_4f9c6a383971683ba6049f2ab83b0a82_L01_Quiz6.png?expiry=1664150400000&hmac=aQz_EyzjwJ_UMEC-q_Z6aWldpDtkVmaYyRzFPTwGkGY)
- Root Position
- First Inversion
- Second Inversion
Q7. True or False: To move inversions across the fretboard, you are moving from lower-numbered frets to higher numbered frets.
- True
- False
Q8. When using a capo, where should it be placed on the fretboard in order to create the best tone?
- Right next to the fret
- In the middle of two frets
- Directly on top of the fret
Q9. Which of the following triads would be in “close position?” Select all that apply.
- G B D
- C G E
- A C E
- F A C
- G D B
Q10. What note is altered to change a Major triad into a Minor triad?
- Root
- Third
- Fifth
Quiz 03: SELF-ASSESSMENT: Major/Minor Triad Inversions
Q1. Did you record yourself playing the Major/Minor Triad Inversion Exercise with the provided backing track?
- Yes
- No
Q2. Did you upload a link of your Major/Minor Triad Inversions recording to the Discussion Forums?
- Yes
- No
Q3. Did you listen and provide feedback to at least one of your peers?
- Yes
- No
Q4. How would you assess your rhythmic accuracy?
Beginner | Developing | Proficient | Exceptional | |
Rhythm Accuracy | I was not in time with the backing track. | I was in time with the backing track for half of the recording. | I was in time with the backing track most of the time but came in early or late on 3-4 chord changes. | I played in time with the backing track throughout. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Q5. How would you assess your pitch accuracy?
Beginner | Developing | Proficient | Exceptional | |
Pitch Accuracy | I played 4 or more chords incorrectly. | I played 3 chords incorrectly. | I played 1-2 chords incorrectly. | I played all chords correctly. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Q6. How would you assess your tone quality?
Beginner | Developing | Proficient | Exceptional | |
Tone Quality | I slide between chords making it difficult to distinguish each chord. | I played half of the recording with incorrect finger placement creating a blurred/muddy intonation. | I played with a clear tone most of the time but there are 3-4 chords that do not sound clearly due to incorrect finger pressure or finger placement. | I played with a clear, ringing tone throughout using correct finger placement and pressure and varies dynamics in their improvisation. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Week 02: Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers
Quiz 01: Barre Chords
Q1. What chord is being played in the example below?
Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Current Time 0:00/0:04
- Major
- Minor
- Dominant
- Fifth
Q2. What chord is being played in the example below?
Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Current Time 0:00/0:04
- Major
- Minor
- Dominant
- Fifth
Q3. What chord is being played in the example below?
Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Current Time 0:00/0:03
- Major
- Minor
- Dominant
- Fifth
Q4. What chord is being played in the example below?
Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Current Time 0:00/0:04
- Major
- Minor
- Dominant
- Fifth (Power)
Q5. Power chords are made up of what two notes? (Select two answers)
- Root
- Third
- Fifth
- Seventh
- Suspension
Q6. True or False: The two most essential elements of playing guitar are good timing and good tone.
- True
- False
Q7. True or False: Open strings or fingerings in the lower frets will create a richer tone since the strings are at their longest lengths.
- True
- False
Q8. Identify the chord diagram pictured below.
![Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answers] 4 Kx1P7V5UQ4OdT 1eVEODDQ 9d2f608c52b5a3bba48195ac8a1fa53b L02 Quiz8](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/Kx1P7V5UQ4OdT-1eVEODDQ_9d2f608c52b5a3bba48195ac8a1fa53b_L02_Quiz8.png?expiry=1664150400000&hmac=fVOtwW9drr-np50mnnFtcuivbOVpOO-3YOOwRuEpnLU)
- G5
- C5
- Gmin
- Cmin
- G7
Q9. Identify the chord diagram pictured below.
![Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answers] 5 BKv8tqaYR8Or LammBfDiQ 44ff8e154280130527280284477d2ebd L02 Quiz9](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/BKv8tqaYR8Or_LammBfDiQ_44ff8e154280130527280284477d2ebd_L02_Quiz9.png?expiry=1664150400000&hmac=fWV128R3RsAoSppNSNSbr_xkV2mvA3FJWpyhShIfCn0)
- G (major)
- Gm
- C7
- Cmin7
Q10. Identify the chord diagram pictured below.
![Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answers] 6 G9MKnazsRiiTCp2s7CYoWw 96e4df78417b1299f32fa494b437a6ae L02 Quiz10](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/G9MKnazsRiiTCp2s7CYoWw_96e4df78417b1299f32fa494b437a6ae_L02_Quiz10.png?expiry=1664150400000&hmac=VHgPkUdE926hauA5PDEmQ_-4qRQCMBIsdEKBrE2_INo)
- Gmin7
- Cmin
- G7
- G5
Quiz 02: SELF-ASSESSMENT: Power Chords
Q1. Did you record yourself playing the Power Chords Exercise with the provided backing track?
- Yes
- No
Q2. Did you upload a link of your Power Chords recording to the Discussion Forums?
- Yes
- No
Q3. you listen and provide feedback to at least one of your peers?
- Yes
- No
Q4. How would you assess your rhythmic accuracy?
Beginner | Developing | Proficient | Exceptional | |
Rhythm Accuracy | I was not in time with the backing track. | I was in time with the backing track for half of the recording. | I was in time with the backing track most of the time but came in early or late on 3-4 chord changes. | I played in time with the backing track throughout. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Q5. How would you assess your pitch accuracy?
Beginner | Developing | Proficient | Exceptional | |
Pitch Accuracy | I played 4 or more chords incorrectly. | I played 3 chords incorrectly. | I played 1-2 chords incorrectly. | I played all chords correctly. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Q6. How would you assess your tone quality?
Beginner | Developing | Proficient | Exceptional | |
Tone Quality | I slide between chords making it difficult to distinguish each chord. | I played half of the recording with incorrect finger placement creating a blurred/muddy intonation. | I played with a clear tone most of the time but there are 3-4 chords that do not sound clearly due to incorrect finger pressure or finger placement. | I played with a clear, ringing tone throughout using correct finger placement and pressure and varies dynamics in their improvisation. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Week 03: Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers
Quiz 01: Chord Formula Quiz
Q1. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
![Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answers] 7](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/i1qf2NygTHean9jcoNx3sw_06409a4995368a9c7b09b8ae59a3c92f_L03_Quiz1.png?expiry=1664150400000&hmac=tXTqDTAQ5yiK0el4g-4z1NqeLSPiQ7Qg8HZvRWPUWbg)
Write your answers in the following format:
- Select your answers from the list of possible chord tones
- Use the pound sign for sharps (#) and lower case B for flats (b)
- Order your answer to mirror the numbers on the fretboard
- Do not separate your answers with commas or spaces. For example, your answer might look like this: R35b7
Possible chord tones:
- R
- b3
- 3
- 4
- b5
- 5
- #5
- 6
- b7
- M7
Q2. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
![Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answers] 8 WHfFeYVSS](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/WHfFeYVSS-e3xXmFUkvnzg_d849fb5678def63298a6c58617c738e8_L03_Quiz2.png?expiry=1664150400000&hmac=XFiPkhc6Tzu4o2Bn9dF5PwfxmqdN703zzCqNJOJZkaM)
Write your answers in the following format:
- Select your answers from the list of possible chord tones
- Use the pound sign for sharps (#) and lower case B for flats (b)
- Order your answer to mirror the numbers on the fretboard
- Do not separate your answers with commas or spaces. For example, your answer might look like this: R35b7
Possible chord tones:
- R
- b3
- 3
- 4
- b5
- 5
- #5
- 6
- b7
- M7
Q3. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
![Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answers] 9 K4YoN6p2SAKGKDeqdmgCag 97a47f204f7333310fe6c9ce826affe5 L03 Quiz3](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/K4YoN6p2SAKGKDeqdmgCag_97a47f204f7333310fe6c9ce826affe5_L03_Quiz3.png?expiry=1664150400000&hmac=vpsgoxFzoNFae55uNoTIg0ez2ta6_ws4Qe0B6gYcwXY)
Write your answers in the following format:
- Select your answers from the list of possible chord tones
- Use the pound sign for sharps (#) and lower case B for flats (b)
- Order your answer to mirror the numbers on the fretboard
- Do not separate your answers with commas or spaces. For example, your answer might look like this: R35b7
Possible chord tones:
- R
- b3
- 3
- 4
- b5
- 5
- #5
- 6
- b7
- M7
Q4. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
![Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answers] 10 Wf47 eBRT6n O 3gWU Jg 5c825e6e4075854fc07f7da146ac72e5 L03 Quiz4](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/-Wf47_eBRT6n-O_3gWU-Jg_5c825e6e4075854fc07f7da146ac72e5_L03_Quiz4.png?expiry=1664150400000&hmac=wvk63VANEm5xZSnfiW4ceG4f4P6dnW65tuuhiJSDTRI)
Write your answers in the following format:
- Select your answers from the list of possible chord tones
- Use the pound sign for sharps (#) and lower case B for flats (b)
- Order your answer to mirror the numbers on the fretboard
- Do not separate your answers with commas or spaces. For example, your answer might look like this: R35b7
Possible chord tones:
- R
- b3
- 3
- 4
- b5
- 5
- #5
- 6
- b7
- M7
Q5. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
![Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answers] 11](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/8QioNXzfTGOIqDV83xxj5w_4e1fe4ce251ae4fa4ec2c191aeb1fcba_L03_Quiz5.png?expiry=1664150400000&hmac=5tE8rSCYaYuQ4eXxuvh9_OhFUuf2PEHLqZlRYlIRGRg)
Write your answers in the following format:
- Select your answers from the list of possible chord tones
- Use the pound sign for sharps (#) and lower case B for flats (b)
- Order your answer to mirror the numbers on the fretboard
- Do not separate your answers with commas or spaces. For example, your answer might look like this: R35b7
Possible chord tones:
- R
- b3
- 3
- 4
- b5
- 5
- #5
- 6
- b7
- M7
Q6. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
![Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answers] 12 cbllUCN](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/cbllUCN-THm5ZVAjftx5pQ_1563635484454d4d3143232e13bfed2a_L03_Quiz6.png?expiry=1664150400000&hmac=HCpD8tUrktoL5uhXhkYBVR3bpGvSpcRDqHEb-OW4SDo)
Write your answers in the following format:
- Select your answers from the list of possible chord tones
- Use the pound sign for sharps (#) and lower case B for flats (b)
- Order your answer to mirror the numbers on the fretboard
- Do not separate your answers with commas or spaces. For example, your answer might look like this: R35b7
Possible chord tones:
- R
- b3
- 3
- 4
- b5
- 5
- #5
- 6
- b7
- M7
Q7. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
![Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answers] 13 8jT l AOQOC0 5fwDnDg8g bb4922c359c480fb7fbe3c6bbb596da0 L03 Quiz7](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/8jT_l_AOQOC0_5fwDnDg8g_bb4922c359c480fb7fbe3c6bbb596da0_L03_Quiz7.png?expiry=1664150400000&hmac=fPEjCG3MD06poyTh1It-PBMqT3dTZDBNqhka4HPxqSc)
Write your answers in the following format:
- Select your answers from the list of possible chord tones
- Use the pound sign for sharps (#) and lower case B for flats (b)
- Order your answer to mirror the numbers on the fretboard
- Do not separate your answers with commas or spaces. For example, your answer might look like this: R35b7
Possible chord tones:
- R
- b3
- 3
- 4
- b5
- 5
- #5
- 6
- b7
- M7
Q8. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
![Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answers] 14 sqXjWwu SO6l41sLvpjutw 674d1f20a254279e99da90314522c807 L03 Quiz8](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/sqXjWwu-SO6l41sLvpjutw_674d1f20a254279e99da90314522c807_L03_Quiz8.png?expiry=1664150400000&hmac=xOryAeArbfJVNdgYDmjbJLi1nvnxDZTgk3sRavcKhq8)
Write your answers in the following format:
- Select your answers from the list of possible chord tones
- Use the pound sign for sharps (#) and lower case B for flats (b)
- Order your answer to mirror the numbers on the fretboard
- Do not separate your answers with commas or spaces. For example, your answer might look like this: R35b7
Possible chord tones:
- R
- b3
- 3
- 4
- b5
- 5
- #5
- 6
- b7
- M7
Q9. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
![Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answers] 15 AhRZmSsTsWIUWZkrJ7FGQ 4392821585846e7b3442980d247c453a L03 Quiz9](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/-AhRZmSsTsWIUWZkrJ7FGQ_4392821585846e7b3442980d247c453a_L03_Quiz9.png?expiry=1664150400000&hmac=4rL2udafVmPZZE5lI7Z7y58-ArypRhWuBy__xmi_f1M)
Write your answers in the following format:
- Select your answers from the list of possible chord tones
- Use the pound sign for sharps (#) and lower case B for flats (b)
- Order your answer to mirror the numbers on the fretboard
- Do not separate your answers with commas or spaces. For example, your answer might look like this: R35b7
Possible chord tones:
- R
- b3
- 3
- 4
- b5
- 5
- #5
- 6
- b7
- M7
Q10. Identify which of the notes in the chord below are the root (R), 3rd, 5th, and 7th. (Make sure to place your answers in the order indicated with the numbered circles below)
![Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answers] 16](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/wqzpmNx1QSOs6ZjcdVEjog_adff92485b53a9ac3d7e94a5bcacfcc1_L03_Quiz10.png?expiry=1664150400000&hmac=jGT4JKDyO_Ik6rEYRrEkuVzwdx-CjjYPy6mhpulU71I)
Write your answers in the following format:
- Select your answers from the list of possible chord tones
- Use the pound sign for sharps (#) and lower case B for flats (b)
- Order your answer to mirror the numbers on the fretboard
- Do not separate your answers with commas or spaces. For example, your answer might look like this: R35b7
Possible chord tones:
- R
- b3
- 3
- 4
- b5
- 5
- #5
- 6
- b7
- M7
Quiz 02: SELF-ASSESSMENT: Practice Drop-2 Voicing
Q1. Did you record yourself playing one of the Drop-2 Voicing exercises with the provided backing track?
- Yes
- No
Q2. Did you upload a link of your Drop-2 Voicing recording to the Discussion Forums?
- Yes
- No
Q3. Did you listen and provide feed back to at least one of your peers?
- Yes
- No
Q4. How would you assess your rhythmic accuracy?
Beginner | Developing | Proficient | Exceptional | |
Rhythm Accuracy | I was not in time with the backing track. | I was in time with the backing track for half of the recording. | I was in time with the backing track most of the time but came in early or late on 3-4 chord changes. | I played in time with the backing track throughout. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Q5. How would you assess your pitch accuracy?
Beginner | Developing | Proficient | Exceptional | |
Pitch Accuracy | I played 4 or more chords incorrectly. | I played 3 chords incorrectly. | I played 1-2 chords incorrectly. | I played all chords correctly. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Q6. How would you assess your tone quality?
Beginner | Developing | Proficient | Exceptional | |
Tone Quality | I slide between chords making it difficult to distinguish each chord. | I played half of the recording with incorrect finger placement creating a blurred/muddy intonation. | I played with a clear tone most of the time but there are 3-4 chords that do not sound clearly due to incorrect finger pressure or finger placement. | I played with a clear, ringing tone throughout using correct finger placement and pressure and varies dynamics in their improvisation. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Week 04: Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck Coursera Quiz Answers
Quiz 01: Chord Substitutions, Diatonic Chords, Gospel Triad
Q1. What chord is being played in the example below?
Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Current Time 0:00/0:03
- Major 7th
- Minor 7th
- Dominant 7th
- Minor 7th b5
Q2. What chord is being played in the example below?
Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Current Time 0:00/0:03
- Major 7th
- Minor 7th
- Dominant 7th
- Minor 7th b5
Q3. What chord is being played in the example below?
Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Current Time 0:00/0:04
- Major 7th
- Minor 7th
- Dominant 7th
- Minor 7th b5
Q4. What chord is being played in the example below?
Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Current Time 0:00/0:03
- Major 7th
- Minor 7th
- Dominant 7th
- Minor 7th b5
Q5. The gospel scale omits which scale degree of a major scale
- The root
- The fourth
- The fifth
- The seventh
Q6. rue or false: The term Drop-2 voicing is different than raised 2 voicing on the guitar.
- True
- False
Q7. True or False: To embellish a major 7th chord, you would replace it with the minor 7th chord built on the third.
- True
- False
Q8. What Sub-5 dominant chord would you substitute for E7?
Write your answer in the following format:
- capital letters
- use the pound sign (#) for sharp and lower case B (b) for flat
- do not add spaces between the letters and symbols
Example answers: (These are examples and not answers)
- F#7
- E7
- Cb7
Q9. What Sub-5 dominant chord would you substitute for Ab7?
Write your answer in the following format:
- capital letters
- use the pound sign (#) for sharp and lower case B (b) for flat
- do not add spaces between the letters and symbols
Example answers: (These are examples and not answers)
- F#7
- E7
- Cb7
Q10. What Sub-5 dominant chord would you substitute for F7?
Write your answer in the following format:
- capital letters
- use the pound sign (#) for sharp and lowercase B (b) for flat
- do not add spaces between the letters and symbols
Example answers: (These are examples and not answers)
- F#7
- E7
- Cb7
We will Update These Answers Soon.
More About This Course
Guitar Chords 101 will help you learn more about chords, whether you’re just picking up the guitar for the first time or have been playing for years and want to take your playing to the next level.
Guitar Chords 101 shows how Berklee builds chords. This method focuses less on the shape of each chord and more on the notes that the chord is made up of. You will learn how to build and play triads, basic 7th chords, inversions, and different chord voicings. These are the basic building blocks that guitarists use to write or play in a wide range of styles.
If you can picture chord structures anywhere on the neck of the guitar, you will have more freedom and a better feel for your instrument. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to play with more dynamics and expression and have a large chord vocabulary, both of which will help you in any style of music.
When this course is over, you’ll be able to:
- Look at the lead sheet and play chord voicings.
Build triads, seventh chords, and inversions. - Play and know how to voice different kinds of chords, like major triads, minor triads, dominant 7 chords, and gospel chords.
- Play triads on top of the bass notes
- Look at the lead sheet and play chord voicings.
- Build triads, seventh chords, and inversions.
- Play and know how to play different kinds of chords, like major triads, minor triads, dominant 7 chords, and gospel chords.
- Put triads on top of the bass notes.
- playing guitar
- Music
- Music notation
- Guitar chords
- Guitar
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omg 토토 사이트
Chen Yan이 가장 걱정한 것은 이 십대들이 산속에 숨어 있다는 것이었습니다.
하이브 슬롯
체링 니마는 웃으며 날씨가… 예측 가능하다고 하면 예측 가능할까.
슬롯 꽁 머니
그런데 이때 반대편 산이 갑자기 불길에 휩싸였다.
프라그마틱 게임
Fang Jifan은 “한 달 반이 지나면 새해 전야가 시작됩니다. 지금이 경쟁하기 가장 좋은 시기입니다.”라고 말했습니다.
붐 슬롯
“아버지, 무슨 일이세요?” Liu Jin은 Liu Wenshan을 굳게 바라보며 물었다.
플레이 슬롯
차가운 차는 마침내 연기가 자욱한 목을 조금 시원하게 해주었다.
터보 슬롯
Fang Jifan의 머리카락은 끝이 났고 Liu Jin은 생애 전반기에 얼마나 많은 희생양을 낳았습니다.
슬롯 사이트
“아버지, 안에 있어요.” Zhu Houzhao가 간절히 말했다.
토토 캔 배당 분석
“알겠습니다.” 류진은 아버지의 뜻을 이해하고 크게 고개를 끄덕였다.
꽁돈 사이트
그들은 서기관을 보냈고 육지의 마을이나 도시에 접촉하기 시작했습니다.
Sungguh brilian! 👍 Apakah penulisnya dibayar? Saya ingin bergabung!
온라인 슬롯 추천
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Equipos de balanceo: fundamental para el operación fluido y óptimo de las maquinarias.
En el campo de la innovación contemporánea, donde la eficiencia y la confiabilidad del equipo son de máxima significancia, los dispositivos de equilibrado tienen un función fundamental. Estos equipos específicos están creados para ajustar y regular partes rotativas, ya sea en maquinaria manufacturera, vehículos de movilidad o incluso en aparatos domésticos.
Para los técnicos en conservación de aparatos y los técnicos, operar con dispositivos de balanceo es esencial para promover el desempeño suave y estable de cualquier aparato rotativo. Gracias a estas alternativas avanzadas avanzadas, es posible limitar sustancialmente las sacudidas, el zumbido y la tensión sobre los soportes, mejorando la tiempo de servicio de elementos valiosos.
Asimismo importante es el rol que tienen los sistemas de balanceo en la servicio al consumidor. El apoyo profesional y el soporte continuo aplicando estos aparatos posibilitan ofrecer servicios de alta estándar, elevando la bienestar de los compradores.
Para los propietarios de negocios, la inversión en sistemas de equilibrado y dispositivos puede ser clave para incrementar la efectividad y productividad de sus equipos. Esto es particularmente trascendental para los inversores que dirigen medianas y medianas emprendimientos, donde cada detalle cuenta.
Además, los equipos de ajuste tienen una extensa utilización en el sector de la protección y el gestión de estándar. Permiten localizar probables problemas, reduciendo arreglos costosas y averías a los sistemas. Incluso, los información extraídos de estos equipos pueden usarse para perfeccionar procesos y potenciar la presencia en motores de exploración.
Las zonas de utilización de los aparatos de equilibrado incluyen numerosas sectores, desde la manufactura de transporte personal hasta el monitoreo de la naturaleza. No importa si se habla de extensas elaboraciones industriales o modestos talleres hogareños, los dispositivos de balanceo son fundamentales para asegurar un operación óptimo y sin paradas.
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