- About The Coursera
- About Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization Course
- Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization, and Optimization Quiz Answers
- Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization, and Optimization Week 1 Quiz Answers
- Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization Week 2 Quiz Answers
- Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization Week 3 Quiz Answers
- More About this Course:
Hello Peers, Today we are going to share all week’s assessment and quiz answers of the Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization course launched by Coursera totally free of cost✅✅✅. This is a certification course for every interested student.
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About Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization Course
In the second course of the Deep Learning Specialization, you’ll open the deep learning black box to understand its processes.
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Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization, and Optimization Quiz Answers
Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization, and Optimization Week 1 Quiz Answers
Q1. If you have 10,000,000 examples, how would you split the train/dev/test set?
- 60% train . 20% dev . 20% test
- 98% train . 1% dev . 1% test
- 33% train . 33% dev . 33% test
Q2. The dev and test set should:
- Come from the same distribution
- Have the same number of examples
- Be identical to each other (same (x,y) pairs)
- Come from different distributions
Q3. If your Neural Network model seems to have high variance, what of the following would be promising things to try?
- Make the Neural Network deeper
- Increase the number of units in each hidden layer
- Get more training data
- Get more test data
- Add regularization
Q4. You are working on an automated check-out kiosk for a supermarket, and are building a classifier for apples, bananas and oranges. Suppose your classifier obtains a training set error of 0.5%, and a dev set error of 7%. Which of the following are promising things to try to improve your classifier? (Check all that apply.)
- Increase the regularization parameter lambda
- Decrease the regularization parameter lambda
- Get more training data
- Use a bigger neural network
Q5. What is weight decay?
- A technique to avoid vanishing gradient by imposing a ceiling on the values of the weights.
- The process of gradually decreasing the learning rate during training.
- A regularization technique (such as L2 regularization) that results in gradient descent shrinking the weights on every iteration.
- Gradual corruption of the weights in the neural network if it is trained on noisy data.
Q6. What happens when you increase the regularization hyperparameter lambda?
- Weights are pushed toward becoming bigger (further from 0)
- Weights are pushed toward becoming smaller (closer to 0)
- Doubling lambda should roughly result in doubling the weights
- Gradient descent taking bigger steps with each iteration (proportional to lambda)
Q7. With the inverted dropout technique, at test time:
- You apply dropout (randomly eliminating units) and do not keep the 1/keep_prob factor in the calculations used in training
- You apply dropout (randomly eliminating units) but keep the 1/keep_prob factor in the calculations used in training.
- You do not apply dropout (do not randomly eliminate units) and do not keep the 1/keep_prob factor in the calculations used in training
- You do not apply dropout (do not randomly eliminate units), but keep the 1/keep_prob factor in the calculations used in training.
Q8. Increasing the parameter keep_prob from (say) 0.5 to 0.6 will likely cause the following: (Check the two that apply)
- Increasing the regularization effect
- Reducing the regularization effect
- Causing the neural network to end up with a higher training set error
- Causing the neural network to end up with a lower training set error
Q9. Which of these techniques are useful for reducing variance (reducing overfitting)? (Check all that apply.)
- Exploding gradient
- L2 regularization
- Vanishing gradient
- Xavier initialization
- Data augmentation
- Gradient Checking
- Dropout
Q10. Why do we normalize the inputs xx?
- It makes it easier to visualize the data
- It makes the parameter initialization faster
- Normalization is another word for regularization–It helps to reduce variance
- It makes the cost function faster to optimize
Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization Week 2 Quiz Answers
Q1. Which notation would you use to denote the 3rd layer’s activations when the input is the 7th example from the 8th minibatch?
- a^{[3]\{7\}(8)}
- a^{[8]\{3\}(7)}
- a^{[8]\{7\}(3)}
- a^{[3]\{8\}(7)}
Q2. Which of these statements about mini-batch gradient descent do you agree with?
- Training one epoch (one pass through the training set) using mini-batch gradient descent is faster than training one epoch using batch gradient descent.
- One iteration of mini-batch gradient descent (computing on a single mini-batch) is faster than one iteration of batch gradient descent.
- You should implement mini-batch gradient descent without an explicit for-loop over different mini-batches, so that the algorithm processes all mini-batches at the same time (vectorization).
Q3. Why is the best mini-batch size usually not 1 and not m, but instead something in-between?
- If the mini-batch size is 1, you end up having to process the entire training set before making any progress.
- If the mini-batch size is m, you end up with stochastic gradient descent, which is usually slower than mini-batch gradient descent.
- If the mini-batch size is m, you end up with batch gradient descent, which has to process the whole training set before making progress.
- If the mini-batch size is 1, you lose the benefits of vectorization across examples in the mini-batch.
Q4. Suppose your learning algorithm’s cost JJ, plotted as a function of the number of iterations, looks like this:
- Which of the following do you agree with?
- Whether you’re using batch gradient descent or mini-batch gradient descent, something is wrong.
- Whether you’re using batch gradient descent or mini-batch gradient descent, this looks acceptable.
- If you’re using mini-batch gradient descent, something is wrong. But if you’re using batch gradient descent, this looks acceptable.
- If you’re using mini-batch gradient descent, this looks acceptable. But if you’re using batch gradient descent, something is wrong.
Q5. Suppose the temperature in Casablanca over the first two days of January are the same:
Jan 1st: θ_1 = 10
Jan 2nd: θ_2 * 10
(We used Fahrenheit in lecture, so will use Celsius here in honor of the metric world.)
Say you use an exponentially weighted average with \beta = 0.5β=0.5 to track the temperature: v_0 = 0v0=0, v_t = \beta v_{t-1} +(1-\beta)\theta_tvt=βvt−1+(1−β)θt. If v_2v2 is the value computed after day 2 without bias correction, and v_2^{corrected}v2corrected is the value you compute with bias correction. What are these values? (You might be able to do this without a calculator, but you don’t actually need one. Remember what bias correction is doing.)
- v_2=7.5, v_2^{corrected} =10
- v_2 = 7.5v2=7.5, v_2^{corrected} =7.5
- v_2 = 10v2=10, v_2^{corrected} =7.5
- v_2 = 10v2=10, v_2^{corrected} =10
Q6. Which of these is NOT a good learning rate decay scheme? Here, t is the epoch number.
- α = e^t * α_0
- α=0.95tα0
- α=etα0
- α=1+2∗t1α0
Q7. You use an exponentially weighted average on the London temperature dataset. You use the following to track the temperature: v_{t} = \beta v_{t-1} + (1-\beta)\theta_tvt=βvt−1+(1−β)θt. The red line below was computed using \beta = 0.9β=0.9. What would happen to your red curve as you vary \betaβ? (Check the two that apply)
- Decreasing β will shift the red line slightly to the right.
- Increasing β will shift the red line slightly to the right.
- Decreasing β will create more oscillation within the red line.
- Increasing β will create more oscillations within the red line.
Q8. Consider this figure:
These plots were generated with gradient descent; with gradient descent with momentum (β = 0.5) and gradient descent with momentum (β = 0.9). Which curve corresponds to which algorithm?
- (1) is gradient descent. (2) is gradient descent with momentum (small β). (3) is gradient descent with momentum (large β)
- (1) is gradient descent with momentum (small β), (2) is gradient descent with momentum (small β), (3) is gradient descent
- (1) is gradient descent. (2) is gradient descent with momentum (large β) . (3) is gradient descent with momentum (small β)
- (1) is gradient descent with momentum (small β). (2) is gradient descent. (3) is gradient descent with momentum (large β)
Suppose batch gradient descent in a deep network is taking excessively long to find a value of the parameters that achieves a small value for the cost function J(W[1],b[1],…,W[L],b[L]). Which of the following techniques could help find parameter values that attain a small value for\mathcal{J}J? (Check all that apply)
- Try mini-batch gradient descent
- Try tuning the learning rate α
- Try initializing all the weights to zero
- Try using Adam
- Try better random initialization for the weights
Q10. Which of the following statements about Adam is False?
- We usually use “default” values for the hyperparameters β1,β2 and ε in Adam ( β1 = 0.9 β2 = 0.999, ε=10−8)
- Adam should be used with batch gradient computations, not with mini-batches.
- The learning rate hyperparameter \alphaα in Adam usually needs to be tuned.
- Adam combines the advantages of RMSProp and momentum
Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization Week 3 Quiz Answers
Q1. If searching among a large number of hyperparameters, you should try values in a grid rather than random values, so that you can carry out the search more systematically and not rely on chance. True or False?
- True
- False
Q2. Every hyperparameter, if set poorly, can have a huge negative impact on training, and so all hyperparameters are about equally important to tune well. True or False?
- True
- False
Q3. During hyperparameter search, whether you try to babysit one model (“Panda” strategy) or train a lot of models in parallel (“Caviar”) is largely determined by:
- The presence of local minima (and saddle points) in your neural network
- The number of hyperparameters you have to tune
- Whether you use batch or mini-batch optimization
- The amount of computational power you can access
Q4. If you think \betaβ (hyperparameter for momentum) is between 0.9 and 0.99, which of the following is the recommended way to sample a value for beta?
- r = np.random.rand() beta = 1-10**(- r + 1)
- r = np.random.rand() beta = r*0.09 + 0.9
- r = np.random.rand() beta = 1-10**(- r – 1)
- r = np.random.rand() beta = r*0.9 + 0.09
Q5. Finding good hyperparameter values is very time-consuming. So typically you should do it once at the start of the project, and try to find very good hyperparameters so that you don’t ever have to revisit tuning them again. True or false?
- True
- False
Q6. In batch normalization as presented in the videos, if you apply it on the lth layer of your neural network, what are you normalizing?
- b[l]
- z[l]
- W[l]
- a[l]
Q7. In the normalization formula znorm(i)=σ2+εz(i)−μ why do we use epsilon?
- To speed up convergence
- To have a more accurate normalization
- In case μ is too small
- To avoid division by zero
Q8. Which of the following statements about γ and β in Batch Norm are true?
- They set the mean and variance of the linear variable z[l] of a given layer.
- There is one global value of γ ∈ ℜ and one global value of β ∈ ℜ for each layer, and applies to all the hidden units in that layer.
- β and γ are hyperparameters of the algorithm, which we tune via random sampling.
- They can be learned using Adam, Gradient descent with momentum, or RMSprop, not just with gradient descent.
- The optimal values are γ=σ2+ε, and β=μ.
Q9. After training a neural network with Batch Norm, at test time, to evaluate the neural network on a new example you should:
- Skip the step where you normalize using μ and σ2 since a single test example cannot be normalized.
- Use the most recent mini-batch’s value of μ and σ2 to perform the needed normalizations.
- Perform the needed normalizations, use μ and σ2 estimated using an exponentially weighted average across mini-batches seen during training.
- If you implemented Batch Norm on mini-batches of (say) 256 examples, then to evaluate on one test example, duplicate that example 256 times so that you’re working with a mini-batch the same size as during training.
Q10. Which of these statements about deep learning programming frameworks are true? (Check all that apply)
- A programming framework allows you to code up deep learning algorithms with typically fewer lines of code than a lower-level language such as Python.
- Deep learning programming frameworks require cloud-based machines to run.
- Even if a project is currently open source, good governance of the project helps ensure that the it remains open even in the long term, rather than become closed or modified to benefit only one company.
More About this Course:
In the second course of the Deep Learning Specialization, you’ll open the deep learning black box to understand its processes.
By the end, you’ll know how to train and develop test sets and analyse bias/variance for deep learning applications, use standard neural network techniques like initialization, L2 and dropout regularisation, hyperparameter tuning, batch normalisation, and gradient checking, implement and apply optimization algorithms like mini-batch gradient descent, Momentum, RMSprop, and Adam, and check for their convergence.
The Deep Learning Specialization is a foundational programme that teaches you deep learning’s capabilities, challenges, and repercussions and prepares you to develop cutting-edge AI. It teaches you how to use machine learning to your work, advance your technical career, and enter the AI industry.
- Tensorflow
- DL
- Hyperparameter optimization
Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization Quiz of Coursera and grab some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing training. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also, and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.
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It’s arguably a “must-win” game for the Giants. A loss would drop them to 1-3 heading into tough contests against the Miami Dolphins and Buffalo Bills. The Seahawks have a comparatively easy schedule the next few weeks and could become a playoff frontrunner by improving to 3-1. The same game parlay pick is Seahawks on the moneyline, under 47 and Touchdown as first score method. Seahawks-Giants NFL Week 4 Pick: Seattle ML -125 at BetMGM Will the Giants be able to hold ground on their home turf? Or will the Seahawks repeat their road rage? This shift marks a departure from the preseason line, where the odds had the Seahawks at +1 for this matchup. According to DraftKings Sportsbook, the Seahawks are favored by 2 points with an over under of 47.5. Below, we’ll run through the betting splits for this matchup to glean insights as to how the public is betting on this game.
UFC 259 (3 6 21) Makhachev submitted Drew Dober via arm triangle choke at 1:37 of the third round NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY. FIRST SINGLE & E W BET ONLY. 5P MINIMUM STAKE. ODDS OF 1 1 OR GREATER. 3 X £10 BET TOKENS. FREE BET STAKES NOT INCLUDED IN RETURNS. FREE BETS EXCLUDE VIRTUALS. FREE BETS ARE NON WITHDRAWABLE. FREE BETS EXPIRE AFTER 30 DAYS. ELIGIBILITY RESTRICTIONS AND FURTHER T&CS APPLY. Islam Makhachev – Alex Volkanovski video highlights are collected in the Media tab for the most fights as soon as videos appear on video hosting sites like Youtube. Switch to the dark mode that’s kinder on your eyes at night time. The problem here is that Volkanovski had an entire camp planning to be at lightweight before this duo’s first fight. This fight comes as he was likely preparing for Ilia Topuria at 145 pounds, so I’m not sure his base weight is what it was in the first bout. Plus, that was near his backyard in Australia, and this will be on Makhachev’s turf in Abu Dhabi.
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에그 카지노
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럭키 네코
‘신장’이 잘려서 옆판에 던져졌다.
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문 프린세스 100
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폐하의 행동이 변덕스러울 수는 없습니다.
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온라인 슬롯
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슬롯 나라 무료
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오션 슬롯
그의 마음 속으로는 세계지도가 어떻게 생겼는지 대략적으로 알고 있습니다.
얼마나 많은 타타르족이 죽었는지는 신만이 아신다.
신규 슬롯 사이트
하지만 이 아름다운 페가수스와 활쏘기만으로도 사람들을 환호하게 만들기에 충분하다.
슬롯 모아 무료
이발사는 그의 피 흘리는 모습을 바라보며 중얼거렸다.
프라그마틱 무료
보고 또 보고 나니 반응이 오더니 충격이 지나갔다.
AGENCANTIK very good and interesting to try
오공 슬롯
하지만이 Fang Jifan은 정말 가렵고 감히 이런 종류의 Nilin을 만질 수 있습니까?
메가 슬롯
Ouyang Zhi는 잠시 당황하며 “감히 내 멘토에게 물어 보면 누구입니까? “라고 말했습니다.
온라인 슬롯 게임 추천
공주는 너무 놀라서 밝은 눈을 크게 뜨고 이 모든 것을 믿을 수 없다는 듯이 바라봤습니다!
Highly energetic article, I enjoyed that a lot. Will there be a part 2?
카 심바 슬롯
Fang Jifan은 잠시 동안이 사람의 눈물이 진짜인지 아닌지 알 수 없었습니다.
AGENCANTIK full of happiness
슬롯 머신 종류
그러나 내각수상으로서 그가 무슨 말을 더 할 수 있겠는가, 왕자를 꾸짖을 수 있겠는가? 할 수 없다!
Greetings! Very helpful advice within this article! It is the little changes which will make the most important changes. Thanks a lot for sharing!
슬롯 용가리
“두 나라 사이의 사막과 고비를 건너는 건 어때?”
온라인 슬롯 사이트
그러나 이때 일부 사람들은 헐떡이며 각각 Beizhen Fusi와 Dongchang으로 달려갔습니다.
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슬롯 꽁 머니
그는 비단뱀 옷을 입고 궁전의 홀에서 두 손을 등 뒤로 한 채 이리저리 소식을 기다리고 있었습니다.
산타스 스택
그의 눈은 아무리 봐도 이상하게도 수시로 왕부시를 응시하고 있다.
온라인 토토
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하바네로 슬롯
Hongzhi 황제는 눈을 가늘게 뜨고 Fang Jifan을 약간 혼란스럽게 바라 보았습니다.
탑 슬롯
류씨는 너무 오랫동안 화를 냈습니다.
슬롯 게임 사이트
Fang Jifan은 Liu Wenshan이이 남자에게 메이크업 레슨을 제공하기를 정말로 원했습니다.
슬롯 무료 게임
이상하게도 Zhang Heling과 다른 사람들은 감염되지 않았습니다.
슬롯 123
난징시는 완전히 엉망이되었습니다.
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한게임 슬롯
이 점은 Fang Jifan과 다소 비슷합니다.
슬롯 월드
Hongzhi 황제는 손을 잡고 가만히 서서 Zhu Zaimo를 응시했습니다.
토토 입플 이벤트
Ouyang Zhi는 또한 자신이 화를 내면 어떤 결과가 초래될지 알고 있는 것 같았습니다.
스포츠 베팅 사이트
그는 수십 발의 머스킷 총에 맞았습니다 … 모두가 그것에 대해 생각하고 끔찍하다고 느꼈습니다.
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슬롯 용가리
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