Inbound Sales Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer]

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About Inbound Sales Course

This course will teach you how to create a successful inbound sales strategy by connecting with your most promising leads and gaining their attention. After gaining an understanding of the fundamentals of inbound sales and the buyer’s journey, you will learn how to create a buyer persona and prioritize active buyers.

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Inbound Sales Quiz Answers

Week 01: Inbound Sales Coursera Quiz Answers

Practice Quiz: Introduction to Inbound Sales Quiz Answers

Q1. What is the buyer doing during the awareness stage of their buying journey?

  • Becoming aware of the category your offering belongs to.
  • Becoming aware of a problem they have.
  • Becoming aware of the advantages your offering has over competing for offers.
  • Becoming aware of your offering.

Q2. How would you define the consideration stage of the buying journey?

  • The buyer is considering whether they’d recommend your product to a friend.
  • The buyer is considering the different kinds of solutions available to them.
  • The buyer is considering which of their goals or challenges they currently want to prioritize.
  • The buyer is considering whether they want to buy your product.

Q3. During the decision stage of their buying journey, the buyer is _____

  • Deciding how satisfied they are with a product they recently purchased.
  • Deciding whether they want to buy your product.
  • Deciding which goal or challenge to prioritize.
  • Deciding what category of solutions will work best for them.

Graded Quiz: Introduction to Inbound Sales

Q1. Lee is working with a salesperson from another company. The salesperson quickly moved to demoing their product before learning about Lee’s challenges. Is this salesperson practicing the inbound sales methodology?

  • Definitely
  • Probably not.

Q2. True or false: an inbound sales team bases their entire sales strategy on the buyer, rather than the seller.

  • True
  • False

Q3. An inbound sales strategy should make everyone who comes in contact with your company feel:

  • Helped and understood
  • Valuable and anonymous
  • Pushed and rushed

Q4. A modern buyer wants to be… (Choose three that apply)

  • Educated
  • Left alone
  • Supported
  • Guided

Q5. Lee is starting a sales role. In their first week, they are tasked with making a high volume of cold calls. Is this the start of an inbound sales process?

  • Probably not.
  • Definitely.

Q6. True or false: A modern buyer wants to be prospected, demoed, and closed- in that order.

  • False
  • True

Q7. True or false: a buyer’s journey is an important early part of the inbound sales process.

  • True
  • False

Q8. Lee is doing research about their customers. To better understand the process their customers’ take, what should they start with?

  • The awareness stage.
  • A buyer’s tale.
  • A buyer’s journey.
  • A sales journey.

Q9. Lee is researching the buyer’s journey for their potential customers. They have already defined the awareness stage; what stage comes next?

  • Choice stage
  • Consideration stage
  • Research stage
  • Decision stage

Q10. True or false: the first stage of the buyer’s journey is the awareness stage?

  • True
  • False

Q11. True or false: in the awareness stage, you begin to understand the goals and challenges of a potential customer.

  • True
  • False

Q12. Lee is researching customer’s habits in the awareness stage. In this part of the buyer’s journey the buyer is becoming aware of…

  • Their problem, not Lee’s solution. .
  • Lee’s solution.
  • Lee’s problem.

Q13. Lee is finding that her potential customers don’t have a challenge, but rather a goal. Is there still a way that Lee can help?

  • Yes. They can help potential customers capitalize on an opportunity.
  • No. Inbound sales is best suited when a buyer has a challenge.

Q14. True or false: in the consideration stage, a buyer understands the challenge they face and is ready to start solving it.

  • True
  • False

Q15. Lee has a customer that is in the decision stage of the buyer’s journey. Should Lee help to guide them toward a decision or wait for the customer to make up their mind?

  • Guide them toward a decision.
  • Wait for them to make up their mind.

Q16. True or false: in the decision stage, it’s best to take a step back and let the customer make decisions on their own.

  • False
  • True

Q17. Complete this sentence: Inbound sales provides a personalized experience based on…

  • the size, capability, and experience level of the sales team.
  • the source of the lead, the spending power of the lead, and the quarter.
  • the buyer’s context, regardless of how big or small your team is.

Q18. True or false: an inbound sales strategy can only be applied to specific sales channels.

  • True
  • False

Q19. Lee is explaining an inbound sales strategy to a coworker. They are asked: “Isn’t an inbound sales strategy the same as a sales process?” How should Lee respond?

  • No- a company’s sales process is unique to that company, an inbound sales strategy is universal and can be used by every salesperson at every company.
  • Yes- a company’s sales process and a company’s inbound sales strategy can and should be the same.

Q20. An inbound sales strategy has four phases. Which of the options below includes the correct stages in the correct order?

  • Identify, connect, explore, close
  • Identify, connect, explore, advise
  • Identify, explore, connect, advise
  • Explore, evaluate, reiterate, engage

Q21. Lee is putting together a presentation on the company’s new inbound sales strategy. They have already clearly explained the identify and connect phases of the strategy, which phase comes next?

  • Closing phase
  • Explore phase
  • Encouragement phase
  • Advise phase

Q22. Which of the following is something you should avoid doing in the advise phase of an inbound sales strategy?

  • Offer additional, general information about your offering.
  • Deliver a presentation tailored to the specific needs of the buyer.
  • Translate between the broad information on your website and the needs of your buyer.
  • Offer a clear path from where they are to where they want to be.

Q23. Which of the following is something you should avoid doing in the identify phase of an inbound sales strategy?

  • Share an insight.
  • Engage on social media to help identify active buyers.
  • Get the buyer on a phone call as soon as possible.
  • Do research before your initial talk with a prospect.

Week 02: Inbound Sales Coursera Quiz Answers

Practice Quiz: Develop a Customer Profile and Buyer Persona Quiz Answers

Q1. Which of the following is not a benefit of using buyer personas in marketing?

  • Buyer personas allow you to map out and create highly targeted content.
  • Buyer personas increase cost per-lead and cost-per customer.
  • Developing personas allows you to create content and messaging that appeals to your target audience.
  • Enables you to target or personalize your marketing for different segments of your audience.

Q2. True or false: A good inbound sales strategy will try and reach as many people as possible by means of purchasing contact lists or searches on LinkedIn.

  • True
  • False

Q3. Which of these is good practice for creating an ideal customer profile?

  • Make your profiles without the input of members of other teams so you don’t have too many opinions.
  • Start with a simple profile that has a few key characteristics.
  • Refrain from asking former or current customers what challenges they faced to keep your profile fresh and forward looking..
  • Create your buyer personas before you make your ideal customer profile to see if you understand who your customers are.

Practice Quiz: Identify and Prioritize Active Buyers Quiz Answers

Q1. Which of these accurately describes active buyers in the sales process?

  • Active buyers are aware they have a problem and are looking for a solution.
  • Active buyers have their defined budget and authority.
  • Active buyers purchase products without consulting a salesperson.
  • Active buyers become passive buyers when their concerns outweigh the perceived value of your offering.

Q2. True or false: Social selling is a tactic that uses social media to reach potential leads by associating yourself with thought leaders or becoming one yourself.

  • True
  • False

Q3. Which of these is a good source of enrichment data to identify active buyers?

  • Websites or blogs active buyers have visited.
  • The type of conversion event
  • Where the lead came from and how many emails they have opened
  • All the above

Graded Quiz: Identify: Finding and Profiling Active Buyers Quiz Answers

Qu7uu1.Which phase of the inbound selling strategy is called the “Identify Phase?”

  • The “Identify Phase” is the phase that comes between the “Explore Phase” and the “Advise Phase.”
  • The “Identify Phase” is the phase that comes after the “Connect Phase.”The “Identify Phase” is the phase that comes after the “Connect Phase.”
  • The “Identify Phase” is the last phase of a good inbound sales strategy.
  • The “Identify Phase” is the first phase of your inbound sales strategy.

Q2. Which of the following best describes what you need to do to meet your goal in the “Identify Phase” of your inbound sales strategy?

  • You need to identify all your competitors.
  • You need to identify the people who would be a good fit for what you sell or do.
  • You need to identify your most effective salespeople.
  • You need to identify the websites that are feeding you the most leads.

Q3. What is the goal of the “Identify Phase” of your inbound sales strategy?

  • To identify leads within the large pool of available prospects
  • To identify connections who might connect you with potential leads
  • To identify your most effective online marketing methods
  • To identify your most effective salespeople

Q4. True or False: A good inbound sales strategy finds leads by doing broad searches on LinkedIn and calling prospects in the order they are found.

  • False
  • True

Q5. True or False: A good inbound sales strategy finds leads by targeting the people who might already be interested in your offering.

  • True
  • False

Q6. Which of the following best describes an “active” B2C buyer?

  • Active B2C buyers are researching a problem they’re looking to solve.
  • Active B2C buyers are buyers who need extra nurturing from marketing, before sales contacts them.
  • Active B2C buyers are high-level employees of your target business.
  • All active B2C buyers are hand raisers.

Q7. Which type of lead are you prioritizing in the Identify phase of your inbound selling strategy?

  • Repeat Buyers
  • Active Buyers
  • Passive Buyers
  • Hand Raisers

Q8. Which of the following best describes an “active” B2B buyer?

  • Active B2B buyers are businesses who know they have a problem and might be familiar with your solution.
  • Active B2B buyers are buyers who need extra nurturing from marketing, before entering the “Connect” phase of your inbound sales strategy.
  • All active B2B buyers are high-level employees of your target business.
  • Active B2B buyers will always scout your solutions anonymously.

Q9. Which one of the following is among the advantages that come with focusing your inbound sales strategy on active buyers?

  • Your company can save money by hiring fewer salespeople.
  • The majority of buyers start researching potential solutions long before engaging with salespeople.
  • Active buyers require less nurturing.
  • Active buyers are easier to find than passive buyers.

Q10. Which one of the following is among the advantages that come with focusing your inbound sales strategy on active buyers?

  • The majority of buyers prefer not to speak with a salesperson.
  • You’ll spend more time helping people who need and want your help.
  • Active buyers require less nurturing.
  • Active buyers are easier to find than passive buyers.

Q11. Which one of the following is among the advantages that come with focusing your inbound sales strategy on active buyers?

  • Your company can save money by hiring fewer salespeople.
  • Active buyers already know they have a problem and might be familiar with your solution.
  • Most active buyers are prospects with whom you’ll share a common connection.
  • The majority of buyers are hand raisers.

Q12. True or False: Before you can identify potential prospects, you need to uncover the context about what they know they want to do and what they know they need help with.

  • False
  • True

Q13. True or False: As an inbound salesperson, you’ll start the Identify phase by defining your ideal customer profile and buyer personas.

  • False
  • True

Q14. True or False: Before you can identify potential prospects, you need to define what your company can and cannot help prospects do.

  • False
  • True

Q15. Fill in the blanks: If you’re in a B2C space, your ______ will be some broad category of people and your ______ will describe specific kinds of people within that category.

  • ideal customer profile . . . buyer personas
  • buyer personas . . . ideal customer profile
  • sales target . . . marketing strategy
  • ideal customer profile . . . sales quotas

Q16. Fill in the blanks: If you’re in B2B sales, your ______ will define which companies are a good fit for your offering, and your ______ will define the people at those companies who you need to work with.

  • buyer personas . . . ideal customer profile
  • ideal customer profile . . . buyer personas
  • market share . . . sales structure
  • marketing content . . . sales quotas

Q17. Fill in the blanks: Your ______ will broadly describe your target market, and your ______ will define the specific sorts of people in that market.

  • buyer personas . . . sales targets
  • ideal customer profile . . . buyer personas
  • marketing content . . . sales quotas
  • buyer personas . . . ideal customer profile

Q18. Which of the following best describes the purpose of a buyer persona?

  • A persona defines which companies are a good fit for your company’s offering.
  • A persona represents the different types of people that exist within your ideal customer profile.
  • A buyer persona lists the common characteristics of your hand raisers.
  • A buyer persona defines some broad category of people who might be a good fit for your company’s offering.

Q19. What is a buyer persona?

  • A buyer persona defines some broad category of people who might be a good fit for your company’s offering.
  • A buyer persona defines which companies are a good fit for your company’s offering.
  • A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on real data and some educated speculation about demographics, behaviors, motivations, and goals.
  • A buyer persona is the buyer that generates the highest sales revenue for a given fiscal year.

Q20. When do you define your buyer personas?

  • Define buyer personas immediately after your first sale.
  • Define buyer personas when you’re ready to move into the “Explore” phase of your inbound sales strategy.
  • You can define buyer personas as soon as your VP of Sales gives you the go-ahead.
  • You can start to define the buyer personas once you have your ideal customer profile.

Q21. What is an “inbound lead?”

  • An inbound lead is a lead that was referred to you by an external source.
  • An inbound lead is a person who has visited your website and identified themselves in some way.
  • An inbound lead is a prospect with whom you share a common connection.
  • An inbound lead is a prospect that has scheduled a meeting with a salesperson.

Q22. Which one of the following is among the ways inbound leads might identify themselves?

  • Someone asks a common connection whether they would recommend your business.
  • Someone reaching out to you on social media.
  • Someone does a web search for businesses like yours.
  • Someone tells a friend about your company.

Q23. Which of the following best describes an “inbound lead?”

  • An inbound lead is a potential active buyer.
  • All inbound leads are hand raisers.
  • An inbound lead is not yet familiar with your business.
  • An inbound lead is a prospect with whom you share a common connection.

Q24. Which of the following is critical to understanding a lead’s context and personalizing the sales experience accordingly?

  • Common connections
  • Enrichment data
  • Active buying
  • Social selling

Q25. When should you contact inbound leads?

  • On a weekly cadence.
  • As quickly as possible.
  • Only when you don’t have any other sources of leads.
  • At least three days after receiving the leads.

Q26. When is the best time to contact inbound leads?

  • You need to enrich the lead before trying to make contact with them.
  • Only after you have established a common connection.
  • As soon as you identify them.
  • Only when they request a sales call.

Q27. True or False: You can use common connections to reach out to both active and passive buyers.

  • True
  • False

Q28. True or False: You should only use common connections to reach out to active buyers.

  • True
  • False

Q29. True or False: You should only use common connections to reach out to active buyers.

  • True
  • False

Week 03: Inbound Sales Coursera Quiz Answers

Practice Quiz: How to Reach out and Connect with Leads Quiz Answers

Q1. What step of your inbound sales strategy involves connecting with your potential customers?

  • First
  • Second
  • Third
  • Fourth

Q2. True or false: An inbound sales strategy involves being helpful, human and holistic.

  • True
  • False

Q3. If you reach a prospect’s voicemail, what should you do?

  • Hang up and call again another time
  • Leave a voicemail
  • Hang up and call again immediately

Graded Quiz: Connecting with Leads Quiz Answers

Q1. What is the main issue you may find when connecting with a prospect via a cold call or email?

  • Potential for wrong numbers and incorrect email addresses.
  • Connecting with “cold leads” who aren’t eager to talk with a salesperson.
  • Overwhelming number of leads to reach out to.
  • Too many leads in the funnel to handle.

Q2. Manvi has been given a list of leads to reach out to. If they’re in the connect phase of an inbound sales strategy, what should they attempt to do now?

  • Personalize their outreach based on the buyer’s context.
  • Send out a round of emails quickly and call those who respond.
  • Start making calls quickly and email those who don’t pick up.
  • Prepare a presentation that would work for a wide variety of audiences.

Q3. True or false: It’s always preferable to send a personalized email, even when it might take more time.

  • True
  • False

Q4. In the connect phase, it’s important to remember that an inbound sales philosophy is:

  • Human
  • Helpful
  • Holistic
  • All of the above

Q5. Manvi has noticed that their company treats different types of customers differently- a stranger is different from a prospect who is different than a customer. How should Manvi’s company strive to treat customers?

  • Holistically: it’s important that people at all stages of the buyer lifecycle are treated similarly.
  • Brashly: it’s important to make an impression.
  • Courteously: it’s important that every potential customer is treated with courtesy.
  • Harmoniously: it’s important that salespeople and prospects get along, no matter what.

Q6. True or false: For your company to be “human” you need to be empathetic and personable.

  • True
  • False

Q7. True or false: An inbound lead can be someone who reads specific blog articles or retweets content on social media.

  • True
  • False

Q8. In the connect phase, the most valuable type of lead is an inbound lead. What is an inbound lead?

  • A person who has visited your website and identified themselves in some way.
  • A person who matches your ideal customer profile.
  • A person who was sourced and delivered by a marketing company.
  • A person who you have reached out via cold call.

Q9. Manvi has a list of leads who have downloaded an ebook on their company’s website. Would these be considered inbound leads?

  • Yes. The customer visited the website and identified themselves.
  • No. Just downloading the ebook doesn’t mean that the customer has read it.

Q10. When you have an inbound lead, what is an appropriate amount of time to wait before trying to get the lead on a phone call?

  • 1 hour
  • 5 minutes or less
  • That business day
  • The lead should reach out to you directly

Q11. Manvi has an inbound lead that has just identified themselves on the company website. Manvi could reach out, but doesn’t want to seem desperate. What should Manvi do?

  • Wait 1 hour and call the lead.
  • Call the lead.
  • Send an email to the lead.

Q12. True or false: A phone call with an inbound lead is essentially the same as a cold call and should be avoided when possible.

  • True
  • False

Q13. When talking with an inbound lead on the phone, what is one of the first things you should do?

  • Offer a demonstration.
  • Sign them up for the company newsletter.
  • Remind them of the action they took.
  • Talk about any current promotions.

Q14. Manvi has reached out to an inbound lead and gotten their voicemail. What should Manvi do?

  • Hang up.
  • Leave a message that encourages the lead to make a purchase.
  • Leave a short message that mentions the action the lead took.

Q15. True or false: Even if the inbound lead doesn’t pick up the phone when you call, it’s still a good idea to leave a message.

  • True
  • False

Q16. What is a trigger event?

  • Anything that indicates that you could provide immediate value to someone.
  • An event that triggers a sale.
  • An event that moves a lead to a different phase.
  • Anything that could provide you with a new source of leads.

Q17. True or false: A news article can be a trigger event in inbound sales.

  • True
  • False

Q18. Manvi has noticed that many people are mentioning their company on social media, but the marketing department handles all of that. Are these mentions possible trigger events?

  • Yes. Manvi might be able to turn some of those mentions into leads.
  • No. Social media is separate from inbound sales and can be left to marketing.

Q19. What is a common connection?

  • Any person you and your prospect both know.
  • A person who you have spoken to multiple times.
  • A person who you and your team lead both know.
  • A prospect who has reached out.

Q20. True or false: If a customer recommends a potential buyer, this is a common connection and it would be a good idea to connect with them.

  • True
  • False

Q21. Manvi knows that a friend of a friend has a problem that Manvi’s company could help solve. Would it be inappropriate for Manvi to connect with them?

  • Yes. This is not a great way to find prospects.
  • No. This is a common connection.

Q22. Manvi is looking to build an inventory of content to share in the explore phase with prospects. Where is a good place for them to look for frequently asked and answered questions?

  • Website blog
  • Phone logs
  • Sent emails
  • Online reviews

Q23. What is the explore phase?

  • In inbound sales, the phase where you and prospect explore a problem in depth to see if there is a way to help.
  • In inbound sales, the phase where you and prospect explore the solution that you are offering to a prospect.
  • In inbound sales, the phase where you and prospect explore market competitors to find a good solution to a problem.

Q24. True or false: Using the phrase “just checking in” during the explore phase probably signals that you’ve run out of valuable information.

  • True
  • False

Q25. As a general rule, when talking with a buyer, you should mention the buyer…

  • Rarely.
  • In the opening and closing.
  • Twice as much as you mention yourself.
  • At least once.

Q26. Manvi is trying to write better sales emails. What is something they could try?

  • Sharing company successes.
  • Calling on the phone instead.
  • Ending emails with a question.
  • Writing longer, more detailed emails.

Q27. Which of the following is a way you could personalize an email or a phone call to a prospect?

  • The weather in the prospect’s location.
  • Details about what you did over the weekend.
  • The prospect’s name.
  • Something you’ve read about the company in the news lately.

Q28. Manvi is researching new tools to help manage a high volume of outgoing emails. Is a mail merge tool a good idea?

  • Yes. This is an effective way to reach lots of people.
  • No. Mass emails offer little personalization.

Q29.True or false: A great connection with a prospect requires specialized technology.

  • True
  • False

Week 04: Inbound Sales Coursera Quiz Answers

Practice Quiz: Identify Your Prospect’s Challenges, Goals and Plans Quiz Answers

Q1. According to the CGP, TCI, BA framework, what is the last step you need to follow in a sales call:

  • Repeat everything you’ve covered up until that point. 
  • Do your sales pitch and try to sell your solution.
  • Schedule a next call to talk about the budget. 
  • Make sure they know the process for taking that action itself using BA: budget and authority. 

Q2. What’s the difference between consequences and implications?

  • “Consequences” and “implications” are different words but mean the same thing.
  • Consequences are long-term outcomes. Implications are short-term outcomes.
  • Consequences are the negative outcomes your prospect faces if they fail to overcome their challenge or achieve their goal. Implications are the positive outcomes your prospect expects if they succeed.
  • Consequences are the negative outcomes you face as a salesperson if you don’t close the sale, and implications are the negative outcomes your prospect faces if they don’t overcome their challenge or achieve their goal.

Q3. Having a lead qualification framework helps you:

  • Think about creative ways clients can use your product.
  • Explain how your product or service is better than your competitors’. 
  • Structure your communication with your prospects.
  • Sell more and faster.

Graded Quiz: Use a Qualification Framework to Move Prospects to Action Quiz Answers

Q1. Yonah is in the exploratory phase of their inbound sales strategy. They are unsure of the prospect’s goal, but they have a firm understanding of the challenge. What should they do?

  • Move back to a previous stage of the inbound sales strategy.
  • Move forward- understanding the challenge is more important.
  • Clarify with the prospect what goal is being prevented by the challenge.

Q2. In the CGP, TCI, BA qualification framework, what does the CGP stand for?

  • Customer, Goal, Plan
  • Challenge, Goal, Participate
  • Challenge, Goal, Plan
  • Challenge, Growth, Plan

Q3. True or false: In the CGP, TCI, BA qualification framework, the G stands for goal?

  • False
  • True

Q4. Yonah wants to better understand the timeline that a prospect is working with, but the prospect is hesitant to define it. What should they do?

  • Reinforce that the timeline is important for the prospect and for the salesperson.
  • Continue discussions without a timeline.
  • Ask to speak with someone else at the company who might know the timeline.

Q5. True or false: In the CGP, TCI, BA qualification framework, the I stands for intuition?

  • True
  • False

Q6. In the CGP, TCI, BA qualification framework, what does the TCI stand for?

  • Timelines, Consequences, Implications
  • Timelines, Consequences, Ideas
  • Traps, Consequences, Implications
  • Timelines, Challenges, Implications

Q7. Yonah is used to starting most sales conversations by confirming that a prospect has the budget and authority to complete a sale. With an inbound sales mindset, what should they do instead?

  • Continue to lead with this, but make sure they do it empathetically.
  • Continue to lead with this, it’s important.
  • Save this part of the conversation for the end.

Q8. True or false: In the CGP, TCI, BA qualification framework, the B stands for budget?

  • True
  • False

Q9. In the CGP, TCI, BA qualification framework, what does the BA stand for?

  • Budget, Authority
  • Buying, Authority
  • Budget, Attention
  • Budget, Attenuation

Q10. Yonah noticed that their prospects company was in the news lately with an exciting development. Is it a good idea to bring this up in an exploratory phase phone call to help build rapport?

  • Yes. People love talking about their business.
  • No. That can be seen as prying.
  • No. This will not help build rapport.

Q11. Which of the following is not something you should do at the start of an exploratory phase phone call?

  • Build rapport
  • Recap what you’ve learned
  • Discuss budget
  • Set an agenda

Q12. True or false: a prospect’s LinkedIn profile picture is not a good reference to help you set the tone for an exploratory phase conversation.

  • False
  • True

Q13. Yonah is on a call with a prospect that is in the exploratory phase. The prospect started talking first, and Yonah wasn’t able to recap earlier conversations. How else can they show that they’ve been actively listening?

  • Calling back later.
  • The agenda for the call.
  • An email after the call.
  • Stopping the prospect to ask follow up questions.

Q14. True or false: the agenda for a call shouldn’t be used to showcase what you’ve learned about a prospect’s challenges and goals.

  • True
  • False

Q15. Which of the following is an effective way to show that you were actively listening in previous conversations?

  • Build rapport
  • Ask follow up questions about uncovered issues.
  • Set an agenda
  • Ask the prospect to remind you about their challenges.

Q16. True or false: it’s good practice to keep a list of challenges you solve most frequently for each of the personas, industries, or roles you sell to.

  • False
  • True

Q17. Yonah is trying to get better at active listening when discussing challenges and goals with prospects. What is something they can try?

  • Schedule shorter calls.
  • Read through transcripts of calls.
  • Having someone else on the call listening too.
  • Repeat what they heard and confirm they heard it correctly.

Q18. Prospects can be reluctant to share problems or pain points. They are more likely to share…

  • Issues with management.
  • Challenges.
  • Budgets.
  • Frustrations.

Q19. Yonah and a prospect have agreed upon and quantified a goal on a call. What should Yonah do next?

  • Discover a secondary and tertiary problem.
  • Schedule a demo.
  • Ask if the prospect has previously tried anything to solve the problem.
  • Explain a solution.

Q20. True or false: It’s better to offer your solution before hearing from the prospect about what solutions they have already attempted to fix the problem. problem.

  • False
  • True

Q21. Once a prospect has shared a goal, it’s important to…

  • Quantify that goal.
  • Confirm the available budget.
  • Repeat it back.
  • Schedule a goal setting call.

Q22. True or false: in the TCI part of a conversation, you and the prospect both need to understand what will happen if the plan succeeds and what will happen if it fails.

  • False
  • True

Q23. Yonah is on a call with a prospect. The prospect is confusing “challenges” and “consequences.” How can Yonah explain this so that it’s more clear?

  • A consequence occurs when the sale falls through and a challenge is what they’re both trying to solve.
  • A consequence is a bad thing that happens due to inaction and a challenge is a goal that needs to be hit.
  • Consequences are the bad things that result from inaction or making the wrong decision to a challenge.
  • There is no real difference between the two, they just come up in different parts of the conversation.

Q24. During the TCI part of a conversation, you and the prospect should focus on…

  • Today, Calls, and Involvement
  • Taking care of issues.
  • Budget and authority.
  • The impact of decisions.

Q25. When discussing the budget at the end of an exploratory call, it’s important to discuss not only the cost of your solution, but also…

  • Challenges with selling this solution to management.
  • Marketing costs attached to the solution.
  • Length of payment and payment structure.
  • The time investments as well as financial investment requirements.

Q26. Yonah is ending a call with a prospect and discussing the budget. Is this a good opportunity for them to discuss discounts if the prospect closes today?

  • No. Inbound sales focuses on long-term relationships and not short term sales goals.
  • Yes. Yonah and the prospect are acquaintances now and a discount is appropriate.
  • No. A discount would not be appropriate without approval from a manager.

Q27. True or false: If the prospect has a current solution that is failing, it’s rarely a good idea to discuss how much that is costing when discussing the budget- focus on your price.

  • False
  • True

Q28. True or false: the CGP, TCI, BA structure is less a tool for a salesperson and more a way to help a prospect plan for a better future.

  • True
  • False

Q29. Yonah is wrapping up an exploratory call where they used the CGP, TCI, BA framework. What is the last thing they should do?

  • Push for a close.
  • Recap what was covered in the call.
  • Offer a discount if the sale hasn’t closed.

Q30. Why does an inbound sales strategy recommend talking about authority last?

  • Workplaces have changed and a more junior person might be doing research even if they don’t make the final decision.
  • Inbound sales is less concerned with closing sales, so purchasing authority is unimportant.
  • Authority is determined much earlier in the process.
  • A sale can be made regardless of authority or decision making structure.

More About This Course

This course will teach you how to create a successful inbound sales strategy by connecting with your most promising leads and gaining their attention. After gaining an understanding of the fundamentals of inbound sales and the buyer’s journey, you will learn how to create a buyer persona and prioritize active buyers. You will learn how to reach out to these prospects by creating and implementing an outreach sequence. You will then use qualification frameworks to profile and identify your prospects’ CGP, TCI, and BA. The course will culminate with you designing a personalized sales presentation and a multi-step project for developing an inbound sales strategy using your newly acquired knowledge.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

• Explain the significance of inbound sales;
• Create an inbound sales strategy; • Identify and prioritize inbound leads; and
• Use social selling.
• Enrich leads
• Connect with inbound leads
• Reach out to inbound leads via phone or email
• Use trigger events and common connections to connect with leads
• Create an outreach sequence
• Automate portions of the outreach
• Identify a prospect’s challenges, goals, and plans
• Understand a prospect’s timeline, consequences, and implications
• Profile a prospect’s budget and authority
• Create a personalized sales presentation

You will complete exercises throughout the course that allow you to apply the skills you have learned in a practical manner, such as creating a customer profile, writing emails to prospects, brainstorming a list of questions for a sales call, and developing a sales presentation. At the end of the course, you will compile and submit your work as a project.

This course is designed for anyone interested in launching a career in sales, whether you’re changing careers and seeking an entry-level position, or you’re a sales representative looking to hone your skills. There are no prerequisite skills or knowledge needed to get started.


  • How to develop a social selling-based inbound sales strategy
  • How to use an outreach sequence to identify and connect with inbound leads
  • How to create a customized sales presentation that answers your prospects’ questions and encourages them to make a purchase.


  • Outreach Sequence
  • Social Selling
  • Customer Experience
  • Inside Sales
  • Sales Presentation


Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of the Inbound Sales Quiz of Coursera and grab some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing training. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also, and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.

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