Medical Emergencies: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer]

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About Medical Emergencies: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation Course

This training will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to assess and stabilize certain types of patients prior to transport.

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Medical Emergencies: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation Quiz Answers

Week 01: Medical Emergencies: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation Quiz Answers

Practice 01

Q1. Studying for and practicing skills can be hard when you don’t have access to the equipment or mannequins. As you go on to learn more and more skills in this course what are ideas of things you can do to practice skills?

Main Quiz 01

Q1. You are dispatched to a 33 yo female patient with a complaint of “not feeling well.”

What are the two top priorities upon arriving on scene?

  • Obtain vital signs
  • Put on personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Ensure the scene is safe to enter
  • Introduce yourself to the patient

Q2. After ensuring the scene is safe and putting on your gloves and eye protection, you approach the patient. You introduce yourself and ask permission to assess her. She appears in no distress, thanks you for coming, and says that yes, you can proceed. You place one hand on her wrist and check her radial pulse which is strong at a rate of 80 while you start talking to her.

Based on the above interaction, you have assessed?

  • Airway
  • Circulation
  • Breathing
  • Mental status

Q3. Continuing from the previous question. Based on the above interaction you should:

  • Administer an oral medication
  • Position the airway
  • Proceed with further history (AMPLE and OPQRST)
  • Complete a physical exam

Q4. In response to your questions the patient states the following:

“I’ve been feeling weak for the past 2 days. It started gradually and has been getting worse. I just feel like my arms are heavy and achy, and it moves to my legs. When I’m up walking around it seems to get worse. It feels debilitating. When I am resting I feel better. I think I’ve had a fever and chills. ”

Of your OPQRST history, what is the O for this patient?

  • Fever and chills
  • When I’m up walking around
  • The past 2 days
  • Gradually and has been getting worse

Q5. The patient describes the symptoms as “debilitating”. What portion of OPQRST does this refer to? Please write out the whole word

Q6. As you proceed with your history, you obtain the following information.

“I am pretty healthy but I do have a history of asthma. I’m on albuterol and I also have an epi autoinjector. I last ate around 9am. I’m not sure if it matters or not but I do have a niece that recently was diagnosed with the flu.

What part of AMPLE history are you still missing? Please write out the whole word

Q7. To make sure that you are not missing anything, you look up the medications that the patient is on. What route is albuterol delivered?

  • Inhaled
  • To treat asthma
  • In pill form
  • Intranasally

Q8. It is always a good idea to review medications that are in your scope of practice as an EMT when you come across them. When using an epinephrine auto injector, which of the following is true?

  • The blue portion of the injector goes toward the patient skin
  • Hold the injector against the skin for a few seconds after the auto injector clicks
  • Twist the cap off the end of the injector that dispenses the medication
  • The needle will still be covered when you remove the injector from the patient

Q9. When you asked her, you discovered the patient has a couple of allergies. One of these is penicillin, which is an antibiotic medication. Which of the following is/are true:

  • An allergy is the result of a medication error
  • An allergy is directly checked for as part of the 5 rights
  • An allergy is a side effect of that medication
  • An allergy is a contraindication to administering that medication

Q10. You get vitals on the patient and do a complete exam. The exam does not reveal anything notable. The vitals are as follows: Blood pressure 110/80, heart rate 84, respiratory rate 14, skin warm to touch, normal color.

For the national registry, you will have to verbalize your impression of each patient. With the information you have been given, what is your impression of this patient?

  • Sick- no immediate interventions needed but abnormal vitals, exam or concerning features of chief complaint
  • Sick- needs immediate interventions and advanced life support providers to go to the hospital
  • Not sick- or at least not right now. Nothing on exam, vitals or history that sticks out specifically but should be taken to the hospital for further evaluation
  • Not sick- should probably just stay home

Week 02: Medical Emergencies: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation Quiz Answers

Main Quiz 01

Q1. You and your partner are dispatched to a patient that is in his 40s and is unconscious and unresponsive. When you get to the scene this is where you find your patient


There are about 4 people standing around with what looks like a person in the middle of the alley.

What should you do next?

  • Get on the radio and request police presence on the scene as well
  • Put on your gloves and eye protection
  • Shout to the bystanders to step away from the patient
  • Grab your stuff and get to your patient as soon as possible

Q2. . Police arrive as you are getting your gloves on and your equipment. With the help of the police you move some of the crowd away and identify a friend of the patient that is down. As soon as you are able you get to the patient who doesn’t seem to respond to your voice as you approach.

In a patient that does not answer questions appropriately, what are additional signs that the airway itself might be compromised? (Choose all that apply)

  • The patient has stridor on exam
  • The patient has vomit in or around the mouth
  • The patient has secretions filling up the mouth
  • The patient is yelling incomprehensible words

Q3. In order to perform the best assessment possible of this patient, you position them on their back.

If your patient looks like this. What are the features you notice that would make the patient hard to bag-valve-mask. Select all that apply.ngcb41

  • Age
  • Obesity
  • No teeth
  • Sleep apnea
  • Mask seal

Q4. When on his back, you initiate your assessment of ABC’s. This is what you find:

The patient has a gurgling noise with a lot of secretions seen in his mouth. He is breathing at 18 times per minute but the breathing is shallow. There are not any retractions noted. You quickly check the patient’s radial pulse and find it to be 120 and his skin is moist. You notify dispatch that you will need a paramedic crew to assist with this patient.

In order to manage this unresponsive patient’s airway please place the following steps in order that you would perform them:

1- Place an npa,

2- Head tilt chin lift,

3- Nonrebreather mask,

4- Suction

  • 2, 4, 1, 3
  • 4, 3,1, 2
  • 1, 4, 2, 3
  • 3, 1, 4, 2

Q5. To pick the right size NPA for your patient you should pick a size that is approximately the distance from:

  • The nose to the ear lobe
  • The corner of the eye to the corner of the mouth
  • The nose to the neck
  • The mouth to the ear lobe

Q6. Reassessment is critical for any patient after interventions. You notice on this patient that his respiratory rate is decreasing from 18 and now is around 3-4 per minute.

With this change in clinical status, what is your next intervention?

  • Increased the flow of oxygen through the nonrebreather
  • Contact dispatch to see how close the paramedic crew is
  • Initiate BVM
  • Place an OPA

Q7. Which anatomical structure is the main point of gas exchange within the lungs?

  • Trachea
  • Bronchioles
  • Alveoli
  • Bronchi

Q8. What is the minimum oxygen flow a nasal cannula should be set to?

  • 10 LPM
  • 0.25 LPM
  • 4 LPM
  • 1 LPM

Q9. Cyanosis is a bluish coloration of the skin in patients with low oxygen levels.

  • False
  • True

Q10. Toxic gases always cause an increase in oxygen transfer within the capillary-alveolar exchange site.

  • True
  • False

Week 03: Medical Emergencies: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation Quiz Answers

Q1. Please watch this video to answer questions 1 to 5.

Play Video

This video represents a patient that you are dispatched to. Please watch the video through minute 3:12. You are welcome to watch the whole thing. If you come upon a patient that is breathing like the patient at the beginning of the video.

What is your initial impression of this patient?

  • Not yet sick. Patient looks like some signs of breathing problems but nothing that needs immediate interventions
  • Sick but is stable for simple rapid transport to the hospital
  • Sick and needs immediate interventions and further medical care
  • Not sick and looks well. No interventions needed

Q2. Continuing from the video in question 1. What signs of respiratory distress is this patient demonstrating? Check all that apply

  • Trouble speaking
  • Retractions
  • Wheezing
  • Decreased respiratory rate
  • Tripod position

Q3. One major difference between asthma and emphysema is

  • Only patients with asthma wheeze
  • You will only find exacerbation of the disease in emphysema
  • Patients with emphysema lose the elasticity of their lung tissue
  • Symptoms of asthma are not reversible

Q4. Continuing from the video in question 1. If you assist a patient like in the video with their albuterol inhaler, the medication canister should be depressed while you coach the patient to:

  • Blow all their air out
  • Hold their breath
  • Take a slow breath in
  • Shake the canister

Q5. Not all things that wheeze are asthma. As an EMT it is important to think about other things besides the obvious that could be going on with your patient. Which of the following lung problems can also classically result in wheezing? Choose all that apply.

  • Pulmonary embolus
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Emphysema
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Hyperventilation

Q6. What physical exam finding is closely associated with asthma?

  • Rales
  • Wheezes
  • Stridor
  • Crackles

Q7. What typically causes a pneumothorax?

  • Alcohol abuse
  • A history of COPD
  • Trauma
  • Excessive exercise

Q8. The presence of tachycardia and dyspnea in a patient should lead you to believe that they are only emotional and need to be calmed down before using any additional medical interventions.

  • False
  • True

Q9. A bag-valve mask delivers a higher flow of oxygen to a patient than does a nasal cannula.

  • False
  • True

Q10. The gas you exhale is 100% carbon dioxide.

  • True
  • False

Week 04: Medical Emergencies: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation Quiz Answers

Practice 01

Q1. Where does the exchange between body tissues and the bloodstream occur?

  • Veins
  • Arterioles
  • Arteries
  • Capillaries

Q2. What is the advantage of having a “refractory period” between electrical impulses throughout the heart?

  • To allow for the filling of the chambers of the heart
  • To allow the heart muscle to rest
  • To lower the blood pressure
  • To raise the blood pressure

Q3. What is the appropriate abbreviation for a “heart attack”?

1 point





Main Quiz 01

Q1. You are dispatched to a 65 year old patient with complaints of chest pain.

On your way to the call, your partner who has been an EMT longer than you, quizzes you on some of your basic cardiac knowledge.

In a healthy and normally functioning heart, the pulse rate is determined by what part of the cardiac conduction system

Q2. The coronary arteries originate from the __________ and supply blood to the ______________.

  • Pulmonary vein, lungs
  • Pulmonary artery, lungs
  • Inferior vena cava, heart
  • Aorta, heart



On your arrival you note that the scene is safe and you put on your gloves and grab your equipment to go and assess your patient. You find your patient sitting upright, looking uncomfortable holding his chest.

As you approach you introduce yourself, ask his name and check his radial pulse and skin. He tells you his name, you find his pulse weak but present and at a rate of about 90 beats per minute. His skin is clammy.

Based on this initial amount of information, what is your initial impression of this patient?

  • Not sick, should probably stay home
  • Sick, will need some initial interventions and rapid transport to the hospital
  • Not sick, based on current information the patient sounds stable and will be transported routinely to the hospital
  • Sick, nothing in the scope of an EMT that can be done so will just initiate rapid transport

Q4. You patient is able to speak to you in full sentences. You ask him what is bothering him today and you get the following information.

“I was outside working on the yard when I developed mid chest pain while I was raking some leaves. I haven’t had pain like this since my heart attack in 2003. It was severe and lasted about 20 minutes and started to get a little better after I sat down for about 10 minutes. I had some shortness of breath but it was only a little bit worse than when I usually rake the yard”

Which of the following best explains the pathophysiology of the disease process that is patient’s symptoms are most classic for?

  • There is an occlusion or partial occlusion in one of the cardiac arteries that is resulting in ischemia to the cardiac muscle
  • The brain is not being adequately perfused resulting in loss of consciousness
  • There is a muscle spasm on the chest wall from the exertion from raking
  • The cardiac conduction system is damaged and the heart is subsequently beating too quickly causing the symptoms described

Q5. You have called for a paramedic crew to come and pick up the patient but they will be about 10 minutes. In this time you complete your history and exam. Further history from the patient includes the following:

Medications: Lisinopril, Plavix, Metoprolol, Simvastatin.

Past history: Heart attack in 2003,

Last meal: Lunch

What pieces of information are you still missing from your standard questions and history that might help you as you evaluate your patient? (Choose all that apply)

  • Events associated
  • Provoking factors
  • Onset
  • Radiation
  • Allergies

Q6. Your patient is not allergic to any medications. He states that his pain radiates to his left jaw and neck.

Your exam, which you have done between asking the patient questions and listening is notable for:

BP: 100/80

Heart Rate: 94

Respiratory Rate: 18

O2 sat: 90%.

Skin is clammy. Lungs are clear, heart sounds are normal, and his pulse feels regular, there is not any edema in the legs. The rest of the exam is normal.

When auscultating the heart, the first heart sound you hear is the sound of the mitral and ____________ valve leaflets closing

Q7. Continuing from the case based on the previous question. Which of the following are interventions you would like to do? (Choose all that are correct)

  • Place pads (AED or monitor) on the patient
  • Administer aspirin
  • Apply a nonrebreather to the patient with a goal of 100% oxygen level
  • Give the patient nitroglycerin

Q8. What component of blood below plays the biggest role in forming blood clots?

  • Hemoglobin
  • Red blood cells
  • Plasma
  • Platelets

Q9. You place your patient on nasal cannula of oxygen and titrate their saturation to 94%. You give the patient 324 of aspirin and place pads on him from the AED.

After medication administration or any intervention it is essential to reassess your patient for the response to your interventions. Reassessment should always include: (Check all that apply)

  • Evaluation of patient current symptoms
  • Repeat set of vitals
  • Repeat focused physical exam
  • Checking the patient’s home for any other medications
  • Attempt to walk the patient

Q10. Your patient reports pain is not gone but significantly decreased at this time. His skin is no longer clammy. His repeat vitals are: 110/80, HR: 84, RR: 12, O2 sat: 95% on 3 L nc.

Other than heart attack or MI, what other diseases have you learned about that can cause chest pain? (these things would be on your differential diagnosis for this patient). Choose all that apply

  • Muscle spasm
  • Aortic dissection
  • Aortic aneurysm
  • Syncope

Week 05: Medical Emergencies: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation Quiz Answers

Practice 01

Q1. Epinephrine is the hormone that is released when you are stressed. It is produced and stored in the adrenal glands. What part of the nervous system directly triggers the release of epinephrine?

  • Parasympathetic nervous system
  • Sympathetic nervous system
  • Afferent nerve fibers
  • Voluntary nervous system

Q2. What are concerning secondary causes of headache? (Two answers)

  • Intracranial hemorrage
  • Migraines
  • Meningitis
  • Tension

Q3. What is the term for a specific feeling a patient may have prior to the onset of a seizure?

  • Halo
  • Pre-indication
  • Penumbra
  • Aura

Q4. What is an example of a negative feedback loop?

  • A decrease in the number of seals in the ocean and an increase of the number of sharks who eat them
  • An increase in the number of computers being sold would increase the number of computers being produced
  • A decrease in the amount of births per year causes a decrease in the total population
  • An increase in the amount of cars on the roads causes an increase in air pollution

Main Quiz 01

Q1. You are dispatched to a 50 yo patient with altered mental status. It is 10 in the morning.

List three (3) possible causes of altered mental status you might consider while driving to the call.



This is a picture of the scene you arrive on. Which of the following things will do prior to approaching the patient?

(Choose all that apply.)

  • Survey the area for barriers to egress
  • Put on your eye protection
  • Request that the patient come outside
  • Call for ALS support
  • Let your dispatch know you arrived on scene

Q3. Family meets you at the door and ushers you into the house. Your patient is found seated on a couch. This is a picture of your patient. He is seated under his own control but doesn’t seem to be aware when you approach and ask his name. What is your initial impression? ngcb41

(Choose all that apply.)

  • Not sick
  • Trauma patient
  • Medical patient
  • Sick

Q4. Obviously you want more information about this patient. You decide to use AVPU to assess and document the patient’s mental status. As you continue your exam, you find your patient awake but seemingly unaware that you are there. He does follow some very basic verbal commands. He is protecting his airway and even though he isn’t talking he is mumbling and he doesn’t have any gurgling or signs of respiratory distress.

What would you say is his AVPU score?

  • A
  • V
  • P
  • U

Q5. His respiratory rate is 22 and regular. His pulse is 100. His skin is clammy. Your partner gets a blood pressure for you and it is 118/76. The family says he has been like this for one hour. On your head to toe secondary assessment you do not find any signs of trauma, the patient pupils are equal and reactive. He moves both upper and lower extremities equally but only after repeated prompting. You do not notice a facial droop. You proceed with your secondary assessment and obtain more information from the family.

A: no allergies

M: glyburide

P: diabetes, graves disease

L: last night dinner

E: unknown. Wife found him like this this morning

O: about an hour ago, or at least that is when his wife found him.

P: none

Q: family describes he seems like the lights are on but nobody is home

R: if anything, it has seemed that he has become more confused and off with time

S: unknown

T: unknown

What disease does the medication glyburide treat? [Do not use abbreviations

Q6. Continuing on from the last question. What additional interventions would you like to do right away?

(Choose all that apply)

  • Check a glucose
  • Apply oxygen by nasal cannula
  • Search the house for drugs or alcohol
  • Place an oral pharyngeal airway

Q7. The patient glucose is 40.

Why is this possibly an explanation for the altered mental status?

  • The only fuel the brain can use is glucose. Without glucose being available the brain fails to function like it should and the result is altered mental status
  • As the blood sugar falls, the body starts producing ketones for the brain to use. The effects of ketones on the body result in altered mental status
  • Low glucose in the blood results in a drop in blood pressure so the brain does not get the blood flow it needs and therefore the nutrients it needs to function properly so the patient becomes altered
  • These glucose levels are low enough that the patient could be having a seizure. Seizure activity can cause altered mental status both during the seizure and afterwards

TQ8. here are 5R that you will check prior to administering oral glucose: right patient, right __________, right route, right dose, and right date

Q9. Which of the following would be a contraindication to administering oral glucose to this patient:

(Choose all that apply)

  • He is unable to follow instructions to swallow
  • Patient starts to seize
  • Patient is allergic to peanuts
  • Family reports the patient recently had a fever

Q10.Your patient is able to swallow the oral glucose and you initiate transport to the hospital. On the way, you reassess your patient.

You would expect all of the following on reevaluation if the patient’s primary problem was his low blood sugar:

(Choose all that apply

  • Mental status improves to normal
  • Heart rate increases
  • Patient skin is no longer clammy
  • Patient develops a facial droop

We will update our answers soon.

More About This Course

This training will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to assess and stabilize certain types of patients prior to transport.

At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:

1) evaluate a patient with basic medical needs Identity, assess, and develop a plan to stabilize a patient with a respiratory emergency for transport.
2)Identify, assess, and develop a plan to stabilize a patient with a cardiovascular emergency for transport.
3)Describe the most frequent neurologic and endocrine emergencies, as well as what you can do as an EMT to treat them.


Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of the Medical Emergencies: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation Quiz of Coursera and grab some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing training. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also, and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.

895 thoughts on “Medical Emergencies: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer]”

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