Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning Coursera Courses Quiz Answers

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Week-1 Change Is Possible

Honors Peer-graded Assignment: A first look in the mirrorDownload Assignment


Question No. 2: Nobel Prize winner Santiago Ramón y Cajal felt that he had two principle characteristics that allowed him to be successful in science. What were those characteristics?

✅ Flexibility

✅ Persistence

❌ Genius

❌ His Ability To Do The ” Moon Walk” While Looking At Microscope

Question No. 3: Scientists have found that music is almost always harmful when you are trying to study.


✅ False Answer

Question No 4: Select the explanation that best describes the thoughts in the current week’s recordings about picking your vocation way or prompting others about their profession ways.

✅ That is important to look at current and future societal trends. The enormous changes that have occurred throughout human history tell us how important change is!

Do whatever everybody else around you is doing—they must know something you don’t.

Only follow your passion—that’s the only way you’ll be happy.

It’s important to have a career in horsemanship.

Question No. 5: Fill in the blank with the best choice based on this week’s videos.

In light of their initial verbal preferred position, ladies some of the time come to accept their interests lie in ____________________oriented fields, which represents some portion of the explanation there are less ladies in specialized and logical fields.

❌ mathematically

✅ verbally

❌ scientifically

Question No. 6:Select the genuine answers from beneath as per the data in the current week’s recordings.

✅ Learning is for everyone—and online learning makes some of the best approaches to learning, like mastery learning, much easier.

✅ You can flunk courses completely and still turn out to be a successful learner–some people just need more time and practice.

❌ Learning is only for smart and talented people.

✅ Overall then, it helps to remember that any kind of learning is a little like learning to drive a car. You may not be a brilliant race car driver, but that certainly doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t learn to drive if you have the opportunity.

Question No. 7: Select the genuine options identified with the engaged and diffuse modes.

✅ When you focus on something, your mind is in receiving mode. Information is pouring in. When you’re in diffuse mode, your brain is “turning around,” so to speak, and placing the new information in other parts of your brain—organizing and making sense of the new material.

❌ Diffuse mode is what happens when you concentrate—it turns on virtually instantly.

✅ Your brain puts its energy for the most part into either the focused mode or the diffuse mode.
✅ Focused mode is what happens when you concentrate—it turns on virtually instantly

Question No. 9: As we described in this week’s videos, the main workings of the focused mode are centered out of the prefrontal cortex. The diffuse mode, on the other hand, __________________. (Select the single best answer.)

✅ involves a network covering more widespread areas of the brain.

❌ is a small but critically important area located in the hippocampus.

❌ primarily involves the occipital lobe.

❌ is centered on the cerebellum.

Question No.10: Select the answer that best conveys a key idea from Terry’s video about the effect of environment on your behavior.

Studies have indicated that dim, indoor lighting advances __________________.

✅ inactivity

❌ hyperactivity

❌enigma brain waves

❌ arousal

Week-2 Getting Deeper Into Happy Learning


Question No.1: Please select the correct choices regarding researcher Beth Rogowsky and her team’s research findings about learning styles.

❌Dr. Rogowsky’s research has shown that there IS a statistically significant difference when it comes to the relationship between learning style preference and instructional method for your ability to comprehend the materials.

❌Dr. Rogowsky’s research has shown it’s a GOOD IDEA to stick to your preferred learning style.

❌ No, Dr. Rogowsky’s research has shown that if you stick to one “preferred” way of learning, you can actually weaken your ability to learn using other senses. So, for example, if you think you are an auditory learner and you stick to listening, you can actually weaken your ability to test well, since tests involve reading–a visual means of learning.

✅ Dr. Rogowsky’s research has shown it’s NOT WISE to stick to a preferred learning style.

✅ Dr. Rogowsky’s research has shown that there is NO statistically significant difference when it comes to the relationship between learning style preference and instructional method for your ability to comprehend the materials.

Question No.-2 Select the absolute most ideal alternative to finish this sentence:

Learning is ________________________________.

✅Something best done by using “active” approaches, where you actively work problems or put your hands on the material yourself.

❌so important and valuable that you can NEVER do too much of it.

❌something so important that you should NEVER listen to music while you are trying to do it.

❌something you should accomplish while using your “best” learning style.

Question-3: Select the following true statements based on the past two weeks of material:

It’s best to keep worrying and let the anxiety propel you to greater success.

✅Having a poor memory isn’t all bad—a poor memory can give you advantages like creativity and the ability to see short cuts.

A poor working memory also gives you an effective tool to figure out simpler ways to do things—it may take you a while, but when you DO figure things out, you can sometimes see elegant simplifications and brilliant shortcuts that the person with the strong working memory just doesn’t have the motivation to figure out.

Pushing yourself to learn as much as you can, where ever possible, is the best way to ensure that you’re making most efficient use of your capabilities and growing as much as you can as a human being.

✅Allowing yourself to react inappropriately to stressful events can open the door to serious disease.

Question No.-5:What are the main strategies to tackle procrastination?

✅Increase expectancy:

Increase temperature

✅Increase value:

✅Decrease Impulsiveness

Question No.-6 Select the best choice to complete this sentence in accordance with what was taught in this week’s videos.

When you’ve discovered words to depict your sentiments, you’re starting to move musings from feelings to more ________________.

traumatizing thoughts

poetic thoughts

deeply felt emotions

✅rational cognitions1 point

Question-7:Select the single best answer to complete the sentence in accordance with this week’s materials.

Previously, for a huge number of years, individuals believed that learning happened fundamentally through ____________.


incorporating musical rhythm

reciting mantras

shortening sleep periods

Question-8: During the 25 minutes when you are doing a “Pomodoro,” it’s important to ___________.

play loud music with lyrics

✅turn off all distractions

commit all information to memory

text and interact with friends1 point

Question-9: Select the absolute most ideal decision to fill in the clear in this inquiry.

We know that the prefrontal cortex has approximately __ “slots” of working memory. This is why, if you are confronted with too much new information at once, it’s easy to feel confused or overwhelmed by the material unless you’ve already “chunked” some of the information.





Week-3 : Learning and Careers


Question No. 1: In this MOOC, the term “passion trap” is defined as: ❓

Answer: ✅ The phenomenon where we’re encouraged to “follow our passions” by well-meaning people—friends and teachers especially—who don’t themselves have to suffer the consequences of long term difficulties in getting a job.

Question No. 2: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence in light of a key point that was made in this week’s videos.
History is full of stories of overly __________________________business executives, generals and politicians who only listen to others when they reinforce their own thoughts—these leaders then steer with blithe conviction toward disaster. ❓

Answer: ✅ Self-Confident

Question No. 3: What does the term “second skill” mean? (Check all that apply.) ❓

Answer: ✅ To become prepared for an alternate career by learning a new skill set
Answer: ✅ Preparing for the possibility that your primary occupation could be discontinued or become obsolete.

Question No. 4: Select the true statements from below based on this week’s materials. ❓
Answer: ✅ Who you are is not just you – who you are also depends on your environment. This means that by changing your environment, you can speed up the process of mindshifting.

Answer: ✅ If you’re making a mindshift, count yourself lucky if those around you are supportive, and use the opportunity to go as far as you can down your new learning path.

Answer: ✅ Well thought-out career changes can become a vitally important creative fuel. As career change type and frequency vary considerably within different cultures, this can affect the rate and direction of overall development for entire societies.

Question No. 5: Select the true answers from below related to this week’s materials.❓

Answer: ✅ Sometimes you might find yourself blocked when you are aiming for a certain career. If you are blocked, either temporarily or permanently, in what you want to learn or do, that’s often a great opportunity to second-skill yourself, or to do something else that’s equally exciting or fulfilling.

Answer: ✅ Non-academic topics, for example, working as a DJ, learning to perform magic, or public speaking, can be invaluable assets to your career.

Question No. 6: The “Golden Rule of Career Catastrophes” states that: ❓

Answer: ✅ It’s never as bad as you think it is at the time, and there’s always a silver lining.

Question No. 7: Select the single best phrase to complete the sentence below based on this week’s videos.
Cultivating _______________________________can help you master what you’re trying to learn and can prevent you from being used by others as a tool for their own work. ❓
Answer: ✅ selective ignorance

Question No. 8: Select the true statements from below. ❓

Answer: ✅ The interaction of many ancient neural systems, such as those involving serotonin and noradrenaline, complicates the search for effective treatments for mental disorders and reminds us that, although

Answer: ✅ It is not just your cognitive systems, but also impetus provided by your emotional systems that make you intelligent

Question No. 9: Select the best word or phrase to complete this sentence, based on this week’s videos.
People with less capable working memories are more likely to see ___. ❓

Answer: ✅Shortcuts

Question No. 10: Select the single best phrase to complete the second sentence, based on this MOOC’s teachings
When changing careers or starting something new and different, it is typical to feel an almost child-like incompetence. _____________________________

Answer: ✅ But the creative power you bring to the table because of

Week 4: Adopting a Learning Lifestyle

We are adding soon week-4

Final Quiz-

Question No. 1: When you feel as if you’ve understood an idea or concept, that’s a good signal that you have truly mastered the materials. (Select the single best answer below.)❓

Answer: ✅ False. You can easily fool yourself about whether you have understood the materials. You should test yourself at every possible opportunity to ensure you have truly mastered the material.

Question No. 2: In accordance with what was taught in this MOOC, select the true statements from below.❓

Answer: ✅ Scientific research on meditation is still in its infancy, but researchers sometimes classify meditation techniques into two types that seem to be fundamentally different: focused attention and open monitoring.

Answer: ✅ Focused attention types of meditation, such as mantra, sound, or chakra meditation, appear to help enhance focused mode type thinking.

Answer: ✅ Open monitoring types of meditation, such as Vipassana and mindfulness, appear to improve dif­fuse, imaginative thinking.

Question No. 3: One of the most important themes of this MOOC is (choose the single best answer):❓

Answer: ✅ Don’t just follow your passion—broaden your passion. Try to learn new concepts, skills, and ideas, even if at first those new areas might not seem natural for you.

Question No. 4: Select the Single best based on teaching of mindshift.
One of the very best ways to be the smartest person in the room is to________________________________ ❓

Answer: ✅ Make A Habit Of Reading

Question No. 5: Fill in the single best option based on the teachings of this course to complete the following sentence.
Aptitude tests _____________________. ❓

Answer: ✅only provide indications about what you are good at right now–they don’t necessarily provide information about how you can change.

Question No. 6: The best strategies for tackling procrastination, as discussed in this course, are: ❓

Answer: ✅ Doing what I can to remove distractions and maintain focus by doing things like:
-Setting small, realistic goals
-Eliminating the temptation of my cell phone
-Setting up helpful routines and habits.

Answer: ✅ Increasing the expectancy of success and the certainty of being rewarded by doing things like:
-Taking action
-Patting myself on the back when I succeed
-Keeping myself inspired
-Planning ahead.

Answer: ✅ Doing what I can to increase the value and pleasantness of a task by doing things like:
-Finding the greater life’s meaning in what I’m working on
-Finding ways to get into the “flow” of the material.
-Creating a sense of competition, either with myself or my colleagues.
Turn whatever I’m doing into a game.

Question No. 7: Select the following true statements in accordance with what has been taught in this MOOC. ❓
Answer: ✅ If you ARE considering career change, or even simple second-skilling, three approaches you can take are dabbling, leading a double life, or being a contrarian.

Answer: ✅ Well-thought-out career change, whether a small shift to a different department, or a major shift to a whole new discipline, can help form a vitally important creative fuel for all societies.

Answer: ✅ When making a “mindshift,” for example, by changing careers, it’s important to remain open to what is new around you, rather than reverting to old thought patterns.

Question No. 8: Select the following true answers in accordance with the material taught in this course. ❓

Answer: ✅ You can learn a subject just as well–even better–than someone smarter than you if you practice and spend more time to master the material.

Answer: ✅ You can change the neural structure

Answer: ✅ When we go through school we tend to focus on areas we’re thought to be good at, which means we get less practice with things we’re not as good at. This tends to make us think we’re only good at certain areas, when that isn’t necessarily true at all

Question No. 9: Select the true options related to the focused and diffuse modes.❓

Answer: ✅ When you’re concentrating intently on something and you find yourself growing frustrated, the best thing you can do is often to get your concentration OFF what you’re trying to understand.

Answer: ✅ The diffuse mode only turns on when you aren’t thinking of anything in particular, so you can’t just concentrate and turn it on, like you can with the focused mode.

Answer: ✅ The diffuse mode helps us make intuitive leaps—connections between new ideas you didn’t realize were connected.

Answer: ✅ When you focus on something, your mind is in receiv

Question No. 10: Select the single option below.
According to the research findings presented in this mooc fast and loud music: ❓

Answer: ✅ Can disrupt reading comprhension

Question No. 11: Choose the single best answer to complete the sentence from the choices below, based on the ideas of this MOOC.
In medical school, good memorizers can sometimes procrastinate when it comes to studying for tests. This can result in ____________________. ❓

Answer: ✅

Question No. 12: Choose the single best answer to complete the sentence from the choices below, based on the ideas of this MOOC.
In medical school, good memorizers can sometimes procrastinate when it comes to studying for tests. This can result in ____________________. ❓
Answer: ✅ You don’t know

Question No. 13: Chose the single best word or phrase to complete the sentence below.
Mentors aren’t necessarily _______ figures who spend many hours brain-storming and guiding you to your future. ❓

Answer: ✅ Parent like

Question No. 14: Select the single best phrase to complete the sentence below.
Metaphors can often help you understand ___________________. ❓

Answer: ✅ Difficult Concepts

Question No. 14: Select the best phrase to complete the sentence below.
In well made videos for online learning, complex image should appear_______________________________. ❓

Answer: ✅ Part by part

Question No. 15: ❓

Answer: ✅

Question No. 16: Check the following true statement, according to the information we’ve given in mindshift ❓

Answer: ✅ In many instances yopur previous background,

Answer: ✅ Finding positive ways

Answer: ✅ Words such as magnification,

Question No. 17: Check the following true statement, according to the information we’ve given in mindshift ❓

Answer: ✅ Once you’ve completed the 25 minutes of a Pomodoro, it’s time for a reward.

Answer: ✅ Distracting thoughts

Question No. 18: Select the best single phrase to complete this sentence, based on this course.
Practice can help you develop ___________________.❓
Answer: ✅ neural chunks

Question No. 19: ❓
Answer: ✅

Question No. 20: Select the single best word based on this week’s materials to complete the best sentence.
The best of online learning combines academia, with Silicon Valley, with a little bit of _________________, and there’s nothing wrong with that! ❓
Answer: ✅ Hollywood

Question No. 21: Select the best single phrase to complete this sentence, based on this course.
Practice can help you develop ___________________.❓
Answer: ✅ Learning a foreign language when you are older may also be especially worthwhile, because the areas of the brain positively af­fected by language learning include many areas that are negatively af­fected by aging.

Answer: ✅ A useful way to allow the new neurons to survive, thrive, and make new connections is to do something truly new and different every day. This automatically presents your brain with novel experiences.

Answer: ✅ In brain terms, if you don’t use it, you can lose it—no matter how innate and natural your gifts might seem.

Question No. 24: Select the best phrase to complete the sentence in light of this week’s insights.
Language and culture are important, but in today’s society, ____________ expertise are of growing importance as well.❓
Answer: ✅ Technological And Scientific

Question No. 25: Select the single best phrase from below, based on this MOOC, to complete the sentence.
People with less capable working memories are more likely to have ______________. ❓
Answer: ✅ Conceptual breakthroughs

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  377. Concerning mineral water– A lot of mineral water does not have adequate fluoride to prevent dental cavity. Enamel is the outer layer that assists shield your teeth from damages typically triggered by plaque germs, when not effectively gotten rid of, that can result in degeneration like dental caries. Percentages of germs keep intact a healthy and balanced community in the oral cavity.
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    To much better reduce your threat of tooth cavities and also tooth decay, it helps to comprehend the various layers of the tooth in addition to exactly how they are influenced across the stages of decay. If the acids that are launched onto your teeth are not gotten rid of effectively, this can bring about the degeneration of your oral enamel. This can happen when there are numerous duplicated “acid attacks” on your teeth that your body can not remineralize rapidly enough. Once your oral enamel has started to decay and also your body can not bring back the minerals, a lesion will form within the tooth.
    Dental caries can lead to uncomfortable eating as well as representing your child. Poor Tooth Advancement – Healthy baby teeth guide the development of healthy permanent teeth. Reduced Confidence – Kids lose confidence when they’re dissatisfied with their teeth. Healthy and balanced smiles assist your kids stay clear of harassing and really feeling various from their peers. They may likewise be peaceful and also struggle to speak up because they want to maintain their teeth concealed.
    However, an abundance of germs in the mouth increases the possibility of having the kind of germs that triggers dental cavity. Oral visits can be stressful, specifically when you don’t know what’s going to take place. However developing care with a provider you depend on can aid take the worry out of being in the dental chair. Your dental expert will certainly educate you pointers for brushing and also flossing that can aid you avoid new cavities and keep you grinning for years to find. If you have indicators of a tooth cavity, don’t hesitate to see a dentist for treatment. They’ll check your tooth as well as advise the best course of action.
    Whenever we eat or consume alcohol something which contains sugar or starch, the germs utilize them to generate acids. These acids begin to eat away at the tooth’s hard external surface area, or enamel. Ask your dentist concerning sealers to stay clear of cavities, especially for kids.

    Dental health is an essential element of total wellness, and it’s necessary to … According to the BLS, pediatric dentists are grouped with various other dental specialties and earned $178,040 typically in 2019. The BLS didn’t particularly resolve the job expectation for pediatric dental experts, yet it noted that dental professionals as a whole can anticipate average task development of 3 percent through 2029.
    Second, the uptake of sedative representatives administered by the oral route is made the most of when the stomach is vacant. 5. Optimize the utility of science, both biological and behavioral scientific research, to ensure efficiency and performance. 1. Begin early in children’s lives and include all who are available in contact with children and their family members. 5. Make best use of the utility of science– both biologic and behavioral science– in order to make certain efficiency and efficiency. • No combination of risk signs was continually thought about a great forecaster when related to various populaces, throughout various age.
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    A set of questions was developed to review the kid’s choice in an oral hospital so regarding remove anxiousness during a dental procedure. The kids were arbitrarily picked based upon their very first dental go to in an exclusive oral university. This multidisciplinary technique permits a holistic understanding of a child’s general health and ensures dental treatment is well-integrated with their more comprehensive medical care needs. Pediatric dental professionals show moms and dads and youngsters the importance of developing good practices to last a lifetime. They additionally identify and treat illness in infants and youngsters or all ages, and concentrate on working with children who have unique health and wellness demands. When it involves your child’s wellness, every moms and dad wants to make certain they’re doing whatever they can to ensure their wellness.

    Attempt brushing your youngster’s teeth first, after that allow them complete. Fluoride is a mineral that can prevent dental cavity from progressing. Regular checkups and also good dental hygiene can aid stop the requirement for this type of substantial oral job. Likewise, motivate your children to utilize a mouthguard throughout sporting activities, which can avoid severe dental injuries. In some uncommon circumstances, normally when a much more complicated oral treatment is to be done, a dentist will suggest making use of basic anesthetic. Parents need to make sure that the professional that gives the medication is a qualified anesthesiologist or oral doctor prior to agreeing to the procedure.

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