National Sports & Physical Fitness Board | Free Sports Certificate | Free Certificate


The National Sports Development Fund (NSDF) was established in 1998 under the Charitable Endowments Act 1890;
Notified by the Government of India in November, 1998;
The creative purpose is to provide momentum and flexibility in helping the cause of sport;
The Fund helps athletes to succeed by providing them with training opportunities under world-renowned coaches with technical, scientific and psychological assistance and giving them the opportunity to compete internationally;
The Fund provides financial assistance in infrastructure development and other sports promotion activities;
The Fund’s role adds to the policy and activities of the Department of Sport in achieving sport excellence.

Manage and use the Fund’s overall sports promotion funds and specific sport sectors and individual sporting individuals to achieve national and international prominence;
Provide specialized training and coaching in the relevant fields of sport to athletes, coaches and sports professionals;
To build and maintain infrastructure to promote sport;
Provide sports facilities to organizations and individuals to promote sport;
Identifying problems and taking research and development courses to provide support for excellence in sport;
Promoting international cooperation, in particular, trade that can promote the development of sport;
Provide low interest rates or interest-free loans for projects and activities related to any of the above.

NSDF Council

The fund is managed by a Council formed by the Central Government. The Minister of Trade Unions in charge of Youth and Sport is the Chairperson of the Council. Council members include senior officials of the Department of Sport, Chairman and Managers of Private and Public Companies, representing Sports Promotion Boards, etc.

Council resolves all policy matters pertaining to the Fund.

Executive Committee

The day-to-day running of the Fund is overseen by an Executive Committee headed by the Secretary (Sport). The Executive Committee meets as often as possible, but usually not less than four times a year.


  • Applications / suggestions from individual athletes for financial assistance for the training and procurement of equipment are considered and determined by the Executive Committee.
  • The Committee makes decisions based on past performance and future capacity of applicants.
  • Domestic experts are also consulted where necessary.
  • The Sports Authority of India and relevant national sports organizations are often consulted prior to the selection of athletes.
  • Funding proposals from a reputable organization / institution, involved in sports promotion, sports infrastructure development, procurement of equipment and other sports activities are also considered and decided by the Executive Committee.
  • Decisions of the Executive Committee are made by the NSDF secretariat.
  • Guidelines have been developed to guide the consideration of proposals under the NSDF without compromising the built-in feature of the flexibility found in the Scheme.
  • NSDF accounts are audited by C & AG. Annual reports, as well as audited statements of accounts are tabled in both houses of Parliament.


  • Development and construction of sports infrastructure.
  • Promoting certain sporting sectors.
  • Training of specific athletes.
  • For sports research projects.
  • Improving SAI facilities.
  • With sports promotion in general.

Note: It is permissible for a donor to indicate a project and any specific funding / feature and funding agency, if the amount offered is Rs. 5 lakh (Rupees five lakh) and more


  • The donor may suggest the implementation of specific projects while donating to the Fund.
  • Fulfillment of corporate CSR obligations under the Companies Act, 2013. Sports activities such as training to promote sport and the construction and maintenance of sports infrastructure are covered under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
  • The money paid into the Fund does not pay into Income Tax under Section 80 (G) of the Income Tax Act.
  • Appropriate credit is provided to sponsors in Departmental correspondence, media releases, etc.
  • Appreciation for donors.
  • Meetings of sponsors and officials.
  • A review of Khel Protsahan Puraskar presented by the President of India annually.
  • Athletes appear to sponsors who donate at least one crore a year.


The Fund accepts donations from legal entities, international organizations, the private sector, and public enterprises, trusts, communities and individuals
The Indian government made a similar contribution

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    Seize the promo and join our Premium service now! The Aviator bet app is one of the most popular crash-betting games that you can play on your smartphones or tablets. The unique functionalities it has, and its interesting gameplay, make it different from other mobile casino games. The game performs exceedingly well on personal computer platforms due to be able to its optimized pictures and smooth game play, making it some sort of great approach to gamers who prefer greater screens. The Aviator app for iOS includes all the functions of Apple’s mobile phone, extending the video gaming” “expertise on its various other compatible devices. Unfortunately, the currency within the Aviator demo can’t be changed directly into real money. Yes. Depending on your location it is possible to win real money playing Aviator. With an RTP rate of 97%, Aviator is one of the highest-returning casino games widely available at online sites.

  59. Advantages of the 4rabet App: You will never know when an Aviator plane crashes, which ignites passion and interest when playing the Aviator game. Only a player decides when to interrupt the flight and take the winnings during the process; otherwise, the bet may go bust! Play the Aviator game online to earn real money on a large scale! Is 1xBet available in iOS? Yes it is. The 1XBet iOS app is well-designed and effective. Users may have a top-notch online experience with this program that includes live streaming, gambling, and playing a ton of fantastic casino games. The iOS mobile application is the best option for players who want to place wagers from their mobile devices rapidly. It should just take you a few minutes to download, and install completely, and create an account for this app. The iOS 1XBet app can be downloaded and installed by following the steps listed below:
    Let’s take a closer look at how to install and register on the Aviator mobile application and how some of its features look and operate. How to Install Zupee Gaming AppSteps to install the Zupee money game app and start winning …more It is a good app Seize the promo and join our Premium service now! A survey by the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre revealed that 45% of online gamers are concerned about the safety of their financial transactions in online games. This makes the security features of the platform even more critical for a smooth gaming experience. The game providers have gone the extra mile to ensure that logins are secure, and players can focus on what they came for—betting and winning! If a player uses an iPhone or iPad to play 1Win Aviator, he can get the appropriate version of the mobile application downloaded to his gadget. It is available on the official site of the bookmaker. To download the app, a player should:


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