Natural Gas Coursera Quiz Answers |[💯Correct Answer]

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Natural Gas Coursera Quiz Answers

Week- 1


Question 1
Natural gas is one of the cleanest burning fossil fuels compared to

1 point

  • a. Coal
  • b. Crude Oil
  • c. Both A & B
  • d. Neither

Question 2
What produces natural gas when it decomposes?

1 point

  • Landfills
  • Agricultural waste
  • Food processing waste
  • All of the above

Question 3
The U.S. produces about __ billion cubic feet per day of gas and consumes the same amount.

1 point
Enter answer here



Question 1
What is the standard energy content for the natural gas that we use in our homes?

1 point

  • 1,032 Btu per cubic foot
  • 1,045 Btu per cubic foot
  • 2,032 Btu per cubic foot
  • 730 Btu per cubic foot

Question 2
1 dekatherm is equivalent to

1 point

  • 1 Mcf
  • 1 MMBtu
  • 1,000 cubic feet
  • All of the above


Question 1
Today, most of the natural gas in the U.S. is coming from

1 point

  • Inland shales deposits
  • Offshore
  • Overseas
  • None of the above

Question 2
The federal government regulates natural gas or oil drilling for all 50 states. True or False?

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 3
Which of the following is a byproduct of oil drilling in Texas?

1 point

  • Sand
  • Natural Gas
  • Oil
  • All of the above


Question 1
What two technologies did George Mitchell combine?

1 point

  • a. Horizontal drilling
  • b. Vertical drilling
  • c. Hydraulic fracking
  • d. Both B and C

Question 2
Many people object to hydraulic fracking because there are hazardous chemicals mixed in with the frack water. True or False?

1 point

  • True
  • False
Exploration of Natural Gas

Question 1
When burning natural gas, the levels of carbon dioxide released are:

1 point

  • higher than when burning coal
  • same as coal
  • lower than when burning coal
  • None of the above

Question 2
Natural gas is made up primarily of

1 point

  • Propane
  • Butane
  • Ethane
  • Methane

Question 3
What is the basic unit of measuring gas?

1 point

  • Cubic yard
  • Cubic meter
  • Cubic foot
  • Cubic gram

Question 4
In the U.S. the average heat content of natural gas is

1 point

  • 1,032 billion thermal units
  • Less than 1,000 British Thermal Units
  • More than 1,000 British Thermal Units
  • 1,032 British Thermal Units

Question 5
You need 2 million cubic feet of natural gas. What would you order?

1 point

  • 2 Mcf
  • 2 Mfc
  • 2 Mmfc
  • 2 Mmcf

Question 6
In the US, most of the natural gas comes from offshore shale deposits.

1 point

  • False
  • True

Question 7
The U.S. Shale Revolution is the result of

1 point

  • Government deregulation
  • Enhanced computer and data analytics
  • Combination of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracking
  • The Clean Power Plan

Question 8
Hydraulic fracking uses water, chemicals and a proppant to keep shale fissures open. The proppant is normally:

1 point

  • Beach sand
  • Clay
  • Fine particle sand
  • None of the above

Question 9
Which state has temporarily banned fracking?

1 point
Enter answer here

New York

Question 10
Which options below are apart of the shale plays in PA, West VA, and Ohio?

(Please note: there may be more than one answer)

1 point

  • Cornelius
  • Utica
  • Cortland
  • Marcellus
  • Portland
Week- 2


Question 1
What is the purpose of a treatment plant?

1 point

  • Remove valuable natural gas liquids from the gas
  • Collect gas and treat it
  • Remove impurities like water, sulfur, and carbon dioxide
  • All of the above

Question 2
What is the ideal BTU content for a natural gas pipeline?

1 point

  • 1,064 BTUs per cubic foot
  • 10,032 BTUs per cubic foot
  • 1,032 BTUs per cubic foot
  • 10,064 BTUs per cubic foot


Question 1
How many gas processing plants are located in the United States?

1 point

  • 154
  • 517
  • 4,032
  • 10,325

Question 2
Once gas is processed, it’s transported into natural gas pipelines and then into the _____.

1 point
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Question 3
How many miles of natural gas pipelines are there currently in the United States?

1 point

  • 305,000
  • 350,000
  • 45,000
  • 405,000

Question 4
What agency regulates all interstate natural gas pipelines?

1 point

  • Department of Energy
  • Energy Information Administration
  • Bureau of Land Management
  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


Question 1
Which of the following not a type of underground gas storage facilities?1 point

  • Depleted oil well reservoirs
  • Salt caverns
  • Aquifers
  • Underground Storage Tank

Question 2
What agency monitors natural gas storage and releases a report?

1 point

  • Department of Energy
  • Energy Information Administration
  • Bureau of Land Management
  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Question 3
Currently, there are over ___ natural gas storage facilities across United States.

1 point
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Question 4
What agencies were involved in the Aliso Canyon gas storages facility methane leak?

1 point

  • Department of Energy
  • California State Agencies
  • Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Natural Gas Processing, Transmission & Storage

Question 1
Pipelines that collect natural gas from multiple wells are called

1 point

  • Distribution lines
  • Transmission lines
  • Treatment lines
  • Gathering lines

Question 2
Natural gas processing plants remove the following substances from the natural gas stream

1 point

  • Water, carbon dioxide, sulfur and Natura Gas Liquids
  • Only water, carbon dioxide, sulfur and other impurities
  • Only methane
  • Natural Gas Liquids

Question 3
Natural gas treatment plants remove the following from the natural gas stream

1 point

  • NGLs
  • Water, carbon dioxide, and sulfur
  • Ethane
  • Methane

Question 4
Fill in the blank

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, regulates __________.

1 point

  • None of the above
  • All international natural gas pipelines
  • All interstate natural gas pipelines.
  • All natural gas pipelines

Question 5
What is the range of each natural gas pipeline compressor station?

1 point

  • 40-60 miles
  • 30-50 miles
  • 60-80 miles
  • 50-70 miles

Question 6
Interstate pipelines are between 24 to 42 inches in diameter.

1 point

  • False
  • True

Question 7
Choose the type(s) of underground gas storage facilities

1 point

  • Storage Containers
  • Depleted oil well reserves
  • Salt Caverns
  • Aquifers
  • Pipelines

Question 8
What is the purpose of natural gas storage?

1 point

  • To ensure everyone has gas when they need it
  • To moderate gas prices
  • To store the resources for private use for the companies who transport them.
  • To store natural gas

Question 9
What agency releases a report regarding gas storage?

1 point

  • FBI
  • National Fuel
  • FERC
  • Energy Information Administration

Question 10
The largest methane leak occurred in

1 point

  • The Strategic Petroleum Reserve in 2015
  • San Bruno California and killed 8 people
  • The Aliso Canyon Gas Storage Facility in Southern California
  • BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico
Week- 3


Question 1
Super cooling natural gas, will reduce its volume to ___ of its original size.

1 point

  • 1/400th
  • 1/500th
  • 1/600th
  • 1/700th

Question 2
What happens when Natural Gas is compressed? Select all that apply.

1 point

  • It becomes CNG
  • The volume is reduced to 1/200th of the original volume
  • It becomes LNG
  • The volume is reduced to 1/400th of the original volume


Question 1
Currently, the United States is producing LNG for export in which states?

1 point

  • Alaska
  • California
  • Washington
  • Texas

Question 2
Within how many miles can LNG be transported via truck?

1 point

  • 100
  • 225
  • 5,000
  • 295
LNG Import Terminals


Question 1
What is the term used to denote providing fuel to ships with marine fuels such as heavy oil?

1 point
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Question 2
Satellite LNG Peak Shaving facilities are much more expensive that LNG Peak Shaving with Liquefaction. True or False?

1 point

  • True
  • False
Utility Basics


Question 1
Pipeline companies are regulated by FERC and gas utilities are regulated by Public utility commissions or state agencies. True or False?

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 2
Who assumes the risks of a natural gas utility company?

1 point

  • Investors
  • Ratepayers
  • State Government
  • Federal Government
Utility Functions


Question 1
What percentage of the mains are less than 4 inches in diameter?

1 point

  • 50%
  • 100%
  • 80%
  • 40%

Question 2
Some Natural Gas Utility’s deliver just natural gas while others do both natural gas and electricity. True or False?

1 point

  • True
  • False
Liquefied Natural Gas, Distribution, & Construction

Question 1
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is created by

1 point

  • Compressing natural gas
  • Super cooling natural gas to -260 degrees F
  • Removing NGLs from natural gas
  • Regasification of natural gas

Question 2
When do the natural gas utilities require liquefaction capabilities?

1 point

  • When they are located very far from LNG suppliers
  • When they are located near LNG suppliers

Question 3
Which of the following are qualities of LNG?

1 point

  • Not corrosive
  • Floats in water
  • Quickly vaporizes
  • Non-toxic
  • All of the above

Question 4
Gas utilities own the infrastructure from the city gate to the __________ .

1 point

  • City storing stations
  • Customers meters
  • City meters
  • Customers address

Question 5
LNG Export terminals are built on the “train” concept. Each train has pre-treatment and liquefaction capability. The primary purpose of building a facility with trains is?

1 point

  • To maximize the LNG production
  • To allow the plant to operate if one train is down for maintenance or inoperable
  • Meet the requirements of the Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
  • Meet the needs of investors

Question 6
Most of the U.S. LNG export terminals like Sabine Island and four others under construction are located on the

1 point

  • West Coast
  • East coast especially New England
  • U.S. Gulf Coast
  • Boston Harbor

Question 7
LNG Peaking Shaving Plants are used to

1 point

  • Provide year-round fuel for LNG bunkering
  • Import LNG into regions that are short on natural gas
  • Supply LNG fueled vehicles and vessels
  • Store LNG and use it during winter or summer months when gas demand is high

Question 8
One the key differences between Interstate natural gas pipeline companies and natural gas utilities are

1 point

  • Pipelines have large diameter steel coated pipes and utilities can use plastic pipe
  • Pipeline companies are regulated by FERC and gas utilities are regulated by Public utility commissions or state agencies
  • Gas utilities serve residential customers and pipelines never do
  • Gas utilities make sure the pressure is adequate to operate all of your home’s appliances
  • All of the above

Question 9
The name of the chemical introduced into natural gas distribution systems to odorize the gas is

1 point

  • Sulfur dioxide
  • Mercaptans
  • Benzene
  • Ordinary air freshener

Question 10
When the geology is not suitable for underground natural gas storage, many natural gas utilities have built

1 point

  • Satellite LNG Peak Shaving facilities
  • LNG Peak Shaving with Liquefaction
  • Propane Air Plants
  • All of the above

Week- 4

Pipeline Incidents


Question 1
How many miles of natural gas distribution lines are operated by natural gas utilities?

1 point

  • 305,000
  • 100,000
  • 3.5 Million
  • 2.1 Million

Question 2
Between 2014 and 2017, Injuries caused by natural gas distribution lines

1 point

  • Decreased
  • Increased
  • Stayed consistent
  • Did not occur
Challenges: Corrosion and Leaks


Question 1
What is the number one concern facing the natural gas industry?

1 point
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Question 2
Faulty weld repairs by Pacific Gas & Electric on a natural gas distribution line killed ____ people.

1 point

  • 2
  • 4
  • 6
  • 8
Pipeline Monitoring


Question 1
Natural gas utilities started using pipeline inspection gadget such as drones to inspect gas pipelines and distribution lines. True or False?

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 2
Which of the following are true about NYSEARCH?

1 point

  • Focus on collaborative research
  • Work voluntarily
  • Assist with damage prevention and leak detection
  • Assist with improved installation and maintenance
Customer Service & Metering


Question 1
Who deals with your request for service, and billing and service complaints?

1 point

  • Gas Utilities Local Office
  • Public Utilities Commission
  • Call Center
  • Pipeline Company

Question 2
Which of the following are the most common classes of gas service

1 point

  • Firm
  • Interruptible
  • Residential
  • Industrial

System Design & Pipeline Operators


Question 1
_____ issued Operator Qualifications regulations that has enhanced training pipeline operators.

1 point

  • Gas Technology Institute
  • FERC

Question 2
The Gas Technology Institute provides numerous field training modules that pipeline operators can use to train their employees. True or False?

1 point

  • True
  • False
Safety & Customer Service

Question 1
Two major causes of pipeline explosions and leaks are

1 point

  • Terrorism and cyber attacks
  • Poor installation of pipeline and improper testing
  • Corrosion and failure of pipe, weld or equipment
  • None of the above

Question 2
Key issues facing the natural gas industry are

1 point

  • Replacement of plastic pipe
  • Ethane leaks
  • Low production and high cost of natural gas
  • None of the above

Question 3
Deterioration of a material, usually metal which results from a reaction with its environment is called

1 point

  • Subsidence
  • Loss of coating
  • Corrosion
  • None of the above

Question 4
What caused the natural gas explosion of PG&E’s distribution line, that killed 8 and injured 60 in San Bruno, California?

1 point

  • Corrosion
  • Earthquake
  • Faulty pipe welds
  • Cyber terrorism

Question 5
What caused the 2015 East Village Explosion in New York City that killed 2 people, injured 60 and completely destroyed three adjacent buildings?

1 point

  • Improper repairs by Con Edison
  • Improper inspection of new gas lines during renovation
  • Illegal tap into a gas main
  • Faulty gas furnace

Question 6
A research, development and deployment organization that natural gas utilities work with to develop new tools to inspect, and prevent gas leaks and accidents is called

1 point

  • American Gas Association
  • Gas Technology Institute
  • Northeast Gas Association

Question 7
Examples of recent technologies used by natural gas utilities to inspect their infrastructure are

1 point

  • Drones
  • Flexible sensor tape containing micro-liner corrosion sensors
  • Tetherless pipeline inspection gadgets
  • All of the above

Question 8
Natural gas monthly rates reflect all of the following except

1 point

  • Customer charges for meters
  • Distribution charges for gas actually used
  • Purchase Gas adjustment (PGA)for gas purchased in wholesale market
  • Monthly profit or loss on the PGA

Question 9
If you smell gas in your home, you should contact

1 point

  • Customer Service at our natural gas utility by phone
  • Dial 911
  • Call the State Public Utility Commission
  • Dial 811

Question 10
The Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) issued operator qualification regulations for all of the following, except

1 point

  • Detailed list of courses that pipeline operators must take
  • Requires pipeline operators to document that their employees ae adequately trained to recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions while performing specific tasks
  • Drug and Alcohol Testing
  • Operator Qualifications


Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of Natural Gas Coursera of Coursera and grab some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing training. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.

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