Problem-Solving Skills for University Success Coursera Quiz Answers 2023 [💯% Correct Answer]

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About Problem-Solving Skills for University Success Course

The purpose of this course is to teach you how to enhance your problem-solving and creative-thinking skills so that you can be more successful in your academic pursuits at the university level.

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Problem-Solving Skills for University Success Quiz Answers

Week 01: Problem-Solving Skills for University Success Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: 1.1. Review

Q1. Which of the following are learning objectives for this MOOC?

Check all that apply.

  • (a). Communicate clearly across a variety of different contexts and to a wide range of audiences by adapting communicative styles appropriately according to cultural and societal expectations.
  • (b). Recognize the importance & function of problem solving & creative thought within academic study.
  • (c). Critically evaluate the reliability of sources for an academic context.
  • (d). Understand the importance and function of critical thinking in academic culture.
  • (e). Apply problem-solving strategies to issues related to university life & study.

Q2. What percentage of your total marks is the final summative assessment worth?

Check one option only.

  • (a). 5%
  • (b). 15%
  • (c). 50%
  • (d). 35%

Q3. Which of the following are NON-assessed activities on this MOOC?

Check all that apply.

  • (a). In video questions & polls.
  • (b). Practice quizzes after each lesson.
  • (c). Summative quizzes after each module.
  • (d). Discussion board posts.
  • (e). Final summative assessment.

Quiz 2: 1.2 Review

Q1. What is problem-solving?

Check one option.

  • (a). Working with numbers.
  • (b). The process of figuring out the answer(s) or solution(s) to a question, issue or difficulty.
  • (c). Being highly critical of academic work.

Q2. What is academic culture?

Check one option.

  • (a). clothes and other paraphernalia with the university’s logo printed on them
  • (b). the types of food available on campus
  • (c). the beliefs, principles and approaches to study, work and life that a university upholds

Q3. What is the purpose of problem-solving tasks at university?

Check two options.

  • (a). Lecturers give students difficult problems they can’t figure out for themselves.
  • (b). Problem solving tasks are given so that students can become familiar with certain problem types.
  • (c). Problem solving tasks are given so that students can demonstrate their knowledge of an area and their ability to synthesize information, make arguments and make judgements.
  • (d). Lecturers give problem solving tasks to keep students entertained in otherwise boring classes.

Quiz 3: 1.3 Review

Q1. What should students do before they start university?

Check three options.

  • (a). Ask themselves where their passion meets the world’s greatest needs.
  • (b). Ask themselves if their degree is important.
  • (d). Do their research and choose courses they find interesting.
  • (e). Get to know the university campus in person or online.
  • (f). Do no research and leave everything up to fate.

Q2. Why is it important to look after your own learning at university?

Check one option.

  • (a). You won’t have the same direction or support from your teachers as you did in high school.
  • (b). Your lecturers don’t care about you.

Q3. What can you do to make the most of your time at university?

Check three options.

  • (a). Try a lot of different things.
  • (b). Spend all of your time studying and learning the material.
  • (c). Volunteer.
  • (d). Overload on courses so that you can study a lot of different subjects.
  • (e). Get to know your professors and create good network.

Quiz 4 : 1.4 Review

Q1. What is academic integrity?

Choose one option.

  • (a). Understanding academic culture in its entirety, without dividing it into different parts.
  • (b). Behaving ethically and responsibly at university.
  • (c). Not cheating in exams.

Q2. Which of the following situations would be a breach of academic integrity?

Check two options.

  • (a). Borrowing a friend’s notes from class
  • (b). Re-using the exact same paragraph from an essay you wrote for a different class in a new essay.
  • (c). Having a friend read-over your essay to check for meaning and clarity
  • (d). Paying someone outside of the university to write your essay because you aren’t feeling well.

Q3. It’s 4.30pm, and Mary has just submitted her essay for
Introduction to Microbiology online. She feels pretty confident she did well.
She spent a lot of time researching, and was able to provide good evidence for
most of her claims. However, as she is closing down her computer she realizes
that she accidentally submitted her draft version, which is missing many of her
in-text and end-of-text references for her assignment. The online form won’t
let her submit the essay again.

Mary is very concerned that this will be counted as plagiarism.

What should Mary do?

Check one option.

  • (a). Email her lecturer immediately with the final version of her essay attached, give a brief explanation and apologize.
  • (b). Wait until the next day when she can go and see her lecturer.
  • (c). Nothing, it isn’t a big deal.
  • (d). Email her lecturer immediately, explain what happened and apologize for the mix-up but don’t attach the final version.
  • (e). Get advice from student services.

Quiz 5: Summative Quiz – Module 1

Q1. According to this module, universities are not just trying
to train you for a job role, but are also trying to prepare you . . .

Refer to lesson 1.4a.

Choose one option.

  • (a) . . . to conduct qualitative research.
  • (b) . . . to not cheat.
  • (c) . . . to not become involved in political scandals.
  • (d) . . . to behave ethically.

Q2. Stuart is an international student not used to writing in
English. He has a 1,000 word essay due in a week. He knows that while his ideas
are good, his structure and grasp of academic language are pretty bad. He asks
his friend Liam, a native English speaker, to check his essay for him and
suggest how he can improve it.

When Liam gives him the essay back, Stuart is amazed. Liam
has nicely re-written whole paragraphs of Stuart’s ideas and obviously put a
lot of effort into making it sound academic.

However, Stuart is a little worried because he can barely
recognize the essay – he even had to translate a few words!

What kind of academic misconduct would Stuart be committing
if he handed it in?

Refer to lesson 1.4a.

Check one option.

  • (a). Cheating
  • (b). Plagiarism
  • (c). Facilitation of academic misconduct
  • (d). Fabrication of data
  • (e). Falsification of data

It isn’t academic misconduct because Stuart wrote the original.

Q3. Myer has just had a really long day and is finishing up a
Physics experiment in the lab. When Myer goes to save the data she’s been
working on, her computer malfunctions and she is forced to restart it.
Unfortunately, because of this, Myer has just lost all of the results from the
experiments she’s been doing for the past three hours.

Myer is horrified and quickly starts to write down all of
the numbers that she remembers. She can accurately remember half of them, is
pretty confident about another 30%, but has no idea what the final 20% are. She
checks the time and realizes that if she starts the experiment again she will
be in the lab until 11pm, and she is already exhausted.

What should Myer do?

Refer to lesson 1.4a.

Check one option.

  • (a). Have a break, calm down and come back and do the experiment again. She needs to have the proper results.
  • (b). Write down all the results she remembers and then guess the final 20%. She knows 80% of the data, so it isn’t a big deal.

Q4. Considering the same example as above;

Myer has just had a really long day and is finishing up a
Physics experiment in the lab. When Myer goes to save the data she’s been
working on, her computer malfunctions and she is forced to restart it.
Unfortunately, because of this, Myer has just lost all of the results from the
experiments she’s been doing for the past three hours.

Myer is horrified and quickly starts to write down all of
the numbers that she remembers. She can accurately remember half of them, is
pretty confident about another 30%, but has no idea what the final 20% are. She
checks the time and realizes that if she starts the experiment again she will
be in the lab until 11pm, and she is already exhausted.

If Myer decides to go with b) “Write down all the results
she remembers and then guess the final 20%”, what kind of academic misconduct
is she committing?

Refer to lesson 1.4a.

Check one option.

  • (a). She isn’t committing academic misconduct because she knows that 80% of the data is correct.
  • (b). This is an example of cheating.
  • (c). This is an example of fabrication or falsification of data.
  • (d). This is an example of self-plagiarism.

Q5. According to the module, how often do you use problem-solving skills while at university?

Refer to lesson 1.2b.

Check one option.

  • (a). Only occasionally when your lecturers want to give you brain teasers.
  • (b). Only Mathematics, Pure Science and Engineering students use problem-solving skills at universit
  • (c). Problem-solving tasks are the back-bone of university study and as such you use problem-solving skills on a day to day basis.
  • (d). You will need to use problem solving skills in exams, but not generally at other times.

Quiz 6: Discussion Board Self-Assessment – Module 1

Q1. Remember! You need to record your participation to pass this assessment item.

Did you contribute at least two posts to the discussion board for this module?

Be honest… 🙂

  • Yes, I did!
  • No, I didn’t 🙁

Week 2: Problem-Solving Skills for University Success Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: 2.1 Review

Q1. What are the three parts to a problem?

Check one option.

  • (a). The initial state, solution path and goal
  • (b). The solution, the path and the goal
  • (c). The questioner, the question and the answer

Q2. Consider the following problem from a university course:

“In 2006, Mt Red
High School, a public school in Sydney’s inner-west, ranked 1st in
NSW for HSC Physics and Biology. Since 2013, however, there has been a sharp
decline in Physics scores and this year only 3 students signed up for the
course. A study was done that indicates students are losing interest in Science
during year 9. Design a curriculum outline with the aim of increasing interest
in Science. Your curriculum outline should include the sequence of units,
descriptions of each unit, and all assessments for the course.”

is the goal of this problem?

one option.

  • (a). To design an interesting science curriculum
  • (b). To design an interesting year 9 Physics and
    Biology curriculum incorporating ICTs
  • (c). To design a year 9 Science curriculum to
    increase student interest in science

Q3. What is a knowledge-lean problem?

Check one option.

  • (a). A problem where the solver has no experience with the kind of problem
  • (b). A problem where the solution path or goal is unknown or up to interpretation
  • (c). A problem where little to no prior knowledge is needed to solve it
  • (d). A problem where you need to research the issue or know a lot about the topic in
    order to solve it

Quiz 2: 2.2 Review

Q1.Where are you most likely to find a descriptive task or problem?

Check two options.

  • (a). At the beginning of a test or exam
  • (b). In easy courses
  • (c). Embedded into analytical questions
  • (d). Only in Arts courses

Q2. How much are descriptive tasks or problems worth in relation to other types of
assessment in terms of grades?

Check one option.

  • (a). Descriptive tasks and problems, because they ask you to display facts and knowledge, are
    usually worth the most towards your grade.
  • (b). Descriptive tasks and problems are worth nothing towards your grade at university.
  • (c). Descriptive tasks and problems are usually worth less marks than other types of assessment.

Q3. Which of the following are descriptive tasks or simple problems?

Check three options.

  • (a). Analyze the role of ritual as a means of social control in early Mayan culture.
  • (b). List the symptoms of the common cold.
  • (c). Given an isosceles triangle with two side measuring 5cm each and one side measuring 6cm,
    find the area inside the triangle.
  • (d). According to the 2007 census results, what percentage of Australian’s identify as
  • (e). What recommendations would you give to the mayor of a small, relatively unknown city
    who wanted to encourage immigration to her city?

Quiz 3: 2.3 Review

Q1. The difference between an analytical task and a
descriptive task is…

Check one option.

  • (a). A descriptive task will always ask you to
    describe, whereas an analytical task always asks you to analyse.
  • (b). A descriptive task asks for you to present
    knowledge or facts whereas an analytical task asks for new knowledge creation
    or interpretation by the respondent.
  • (c). You only get descriptive tasks in high school
    and analytical tasks at university.

Q2. “Shakespeare’s legacy to successive generations is his
firm faith in human potential. His writing challenges us to reach beyond our
grasp and gives us the wherewithal to imagine our future (Bell Shakespeare
Company, 2016). Discuss with reference to Hamlet.

  • (a). A descriptive task
  • (b). An analytical task

Q3. Consider the following question from a university course:

“Examine the use of electronic voting system Votomatic in the 2000 Florida US
presidential elections. Should they be used in future elections in order to
speed up the slow processing of paper ballots?”

This is an example of:

Check one option.

  • (a). A descriptive problem
  • (b). An analytical problem

Quiz 4: 2.4 Review

Q1. Consider the following simple problem.

“Given an isosceles triangle with two sides measuring 5cm each and one side measuring
6cm, find the area inside the triangle.”

What would be the first step in solving this problem?

Check one option.

  • (a). Draw an isosceles triangle with two equal sides of 5cm and one side of 6cm.
  • (b). Use Pythagoras’ formula a2 + b2 = c2.
  • (c). 12cm2

Q2. Consider the following problem given in the lesson for 2.2a:


“A)Find each class’ average mark for each test.”

What would be the last step you would do before handing this question in to be marked?

Check one option.

  • (a). Write down each class’ average mark for each test in the space provided.
  • (b). Plot the results on a graph.
  • (c). Double-check your results and make sure that they make sense with the data.
  • (d). Highlight which students are performing at an average level.

Q3. In the Design Thinking model of problem-solving, what does ‘iterative’ mean?

Check one option.

  • (a). Trying the same thing again and again and expecting different results
  • (b). Adapting or changing a strategy or solution until you find the best solution to the problem
  • (c). Changing the goal so that it aligns with the solution you found.
  • (d). Trying to solve lots of different problems at once

Quiz 5: Summative Quiz – Module 2

Q1. Consider the following problem from a university course:

“A gallon of gasoline has the potential energy of
approximately 276.3 MJ. Assume that a gasoline engine is driving a generator
and the generator is supplying electricity to a 50 W lamp. The overall
efficiency (from gasoline to electrical energy) of the engine-generator set is

How long will the lamp provide light from one gallon of

(Adapted from: Eide, Jenison, Northup, & Mickelson,
2011, p. 392)

What is the goal of this problem?

Refer to lesson 2.1a.

Check one option.

  • (a). To find out how efficient the engine-generator is
  • (b). To find the length of time the lamp will provide light from one gallon of
  • (c). To find the potential energy of one gallon of gasoline
  • (d). To find the length of time the lamp will provide light from one litre of gasoline

Q2. Consider the following problem from a university course:

“In 2006, Mt Red High School, a public school in Sydney’s inner-west, ranked 1st
in NSW for HSC Physics and Biology. Since 2013, however, there has been a sharp
decline the Physics scores and this year only 3 students signed up for the
course. A study was done that indicates students are losing interest in Science
during year 9. Design a curriculum outline with the aim of increasing interest
in Science. Your curriculum outline should include the sequence of units,
descriptions of each unit, and all assessments for the course.”

Is this an example of:

Refer to lesson 2.1b

Check one option.

  • (a). An ill-defined problem
  • (b). A well-defined problem

Q3. Consider the following problem from a Landscape Architecture

“A local government has put out a tender for a park design
in the middle of a newly-residential area. They have plotted out an area of 2
hectares in a rough polygon shape. The area is relatively flat, but is
surrounded by ten-story apartment buildings on three sides, a busy road to the
north and a small side-street on the last side towards the east. The local
population is a mix of young families, local university students and young professionals
and is very multicultural.

The brief for the park indicates that it should “embody the
community spirit” and “encourage a fit and healthy lifestyle”. Develop a
proposal that answers the brief and is both sustainable and ecological.”

What is the goal this problem?

Refer to lesson 2.1a

Check one option.

  • (a). A proposal that embodies the community spirit and encourages a fit and healthy
  • (b). A proposal that is sustainable and ecological
  • (c). A proposal that fits into the 2 hectare polygon
  • (d). Both a. and b.
  • (e). Both b. and c.
  • (f). a., b. and c.

Q4. Consider the following problem:

Two cars are stopped at either end of a 100km highway. At
the same time, they both start driving towards each other. Car A travels at
20km/hr and car B travels at 30km/hr. At the same time as the cars start, a dog
jumps out of Car A and runs towards car B at 50km/hr. When the dog reaches car
B, he immediately turns around and runs back to car A. He repeats this until
the cars collide.

If the dog stops running as soon as the cars meet, how far
has he run?

Use the equation: speed = distance/time.

Refer to lesson 2.1b

Is this an example of:

  • (a). An ill-defined problem
  • (b). A well-defined problem

Q5. Consider the following problem from a university course:

“List the causes and the signs and symptoms of labyrinthitis (an inner ear infection).”

In answering this descriptive task, which of the following
would you be expected to do:

Refer to lessons 2.2a and 2.3a

Check one option

  • (a). Explain the causes of labyrinthitis and the reasons why
    this results in particular signs and symptoms.
  • (b). Work through a case study of a patient with labyrinthitis, explaining the specific
    causes in their case and the signs and symptoms they exhibited.
  • (c). List the signs and symptoms of labyrinthitis. For example, vertigo is a symptom.
  • (d). List the causes of labyrinthitis. For example, suggest that the common cold or flu is often thought to be a cause, but the exact cause is unknown.
  • (e). Both (c). and (d).
  • (f). Both (a). and (c).

Q6. Consider the following problem from a university course:

“Shakespeare’s legacy to successive generations is his firm
faith in human potential.” (Bell Shakespeare Company, 2016). Discuss with
reference to Hamlet.

In answering this analytical task, which of the following would you be
expected to do?

Refer to lessons 2.2a and 2.3a.

Check three options.

  • (a). Summarize the plot of Hamlet.
  • (b). List all of Shakespeare’s works.
  • (c). Provide evidence for or against Shakespeare’s “firm faith in human potential” in other
  • (d). Provide evidence for or against Shakespeare’s “firm faith in human potential” in Hamlet.
  • (e). State whether you agree or disagree with the quote.

Q7. Consider this problem from a Landscape Architecture course:

“A local government has put out a tender for a park design
in the middle of a newly-residential area. They have plotted out an area of 2
hectares in a rough polygon shape. The area is relatively flat, but is
surrounded by ten-story apartment buildings on three sides, a busy road to the
north and a small side-street on the last side towards the east. The local
population is a mix of young families, local university students and young
professionals and is very multi-cultural.

The brief for the park indicates that it should “embody the
community spirit” and “encourage a fit and healthy lifestyle”. Develop a
proposal that answers the brief and is both sustainable and ecological.”

Which of the following must be included in your proposal?

Refer to lessons 2.2a, 2.3a and 2.3b.

Check three options.

  • (a). A list of all of all the different cultures in the surrounding community
  • (b). Reference to different theories
  • (c). Local community opinions on sustainability
  • (d). Reference to research on sustainable and ecological park development
  • (e). Your own ideas

Q8. Consider the following problem from a university course:

“In 2006,
Mt Red High School, a public school in Sydney’s inner-west, ranked 1st
in NSW for HSC Physics and Biology. Since 2013, however, there has been a sharp
decline in Physics scores and this year only 3 students signed up for the
course. A study was done that indicates students are losing interest in Science
during year 9. Design a curriculum outline with the aim of increasing interest
in Science. Your curriculum outline should include the sequence of units,
descriptions of each unit, and all assessments for the course.”

In solving this problem, how many different solutions would you give?

Refer to lessons 2.3b, 2.4a and 2.4b.

Check one option.

  • (a). More than 30 different solutions: It is a big problem, so you need to consider lots and lots of different strategies.
  • (b). One strategy: You need to be focused and specific when you are completing a university assignment, so one solution is all you
    have time for.
  • (c). 3 – 4 different solutions: You need to try a few to see what works best, and then present a few different options in your answer.

Quiz 6: Discussion Board Self-Assessment – Module 2

Q1. Remember! You need to record your participation to pass this assessment

Did you contribute at least two posts to the discussion board for this

Be honest… 🙂

  • Yes, I did!
  • No, I didn’t 🙁

Week 3: Problem-Solving Skills for University Success Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: 3.1 Review

Q1. Look at the following problem from a university course.

“Using Merleau Ponty’s theory of phenomenology and the
process of ‘becoming an expert’, how long would it take for the average person
to learn to ride a horse from scratch?

(Post your answer on the discussion board – 200 words)”

What are the key terms you would need to define in order to answer this question

Check six options.

  • (a). Merleau Ponty
  • (b). The average person
  • (c). Merleau Ponty’s theory of phenomenology
  • (d). The process of ‘becoming an expert’
  • (e). Ride a horse.
  • (f). Doing something from scratch.
  • (g). Time
  • (h). Person
  • (i). Expert

Q2. Using the same question as above,

“Using Merleau Ponty’s theory of phenomenology and the
process of ‘becoming an expert’, how long would it take for the average person
to learn to ride a horse from scratch?

(Post your answer on the discussion board – 200 words)”

What unit would your answer be in?

Check one option

  • (a). Time (e.g. days, weeks, months, lessons etc.)
  • (b). Distance (e.g. kilometers or miles)
  • (c). Written essay

Q3. Using the same question as above,

“Using Merleau Ponty’s theory of
phenomenology and the process of ‘becoming an expert’, how long would it take
for the average person to learn to ride a horse from scratch?

(Post your answer on the discussion board – 200 words)”

Is the
following sufficient to answer the real problem posed in the question?

riding for 25km over the period of a week, the average person would be able to
ride by themselves.”

Check one option.

  • (a). Yes. The answer is short, but answers the question of
    “how long would it take”.
  • (b). No. The answer doesn’t define what was meant by “the
    average person”.
  • (c). No. The answer doesn’t define key terms and it doesn’t
    use Merleau Ponty’s theory of phenomenology or the process of becoming an expert.

Quiz 2: 3.2 Review

Q1. Consider the following problem from a university Physics course:

R.A.F. Sergeant Nicholas Stephen Alkemade fell around 5.5km from a burning
airplane during World War 2 without a parachute. He fell through pine trees and
landed in fresh snow, but survived. Explain how this is possible, assuming a
person can withstand 15, 000 Newtons over 5 seconds and survive*.”

do not test this at home, this number is not

answering this question, what would you do after
you have defined and think you understand the question?

Check one option.

  • (a). Explain that it is possible if and only if the depth of snow was greater than 20m and
    its density was less than 600kg/m3.
  • (b). Write down all the things you know that might relate: for example, acceleration due
    to gravity is 9.8m/s2; fresh snow is soft; trees branches would help
    break the fall; air resistance would slow you down; human flesh and bone can
    withstand certain amounts of force before they are damaged.
  • (c). Write down all the things you know related to how it happened: for example, he was British
    and survived, therefore he probably landed in England; the Germans most likely
    shot down the plane.

Q2. What is a brainstorm?

Check one option.

  • (a). A brainstorm is a type of headache that students typically get when they have been staring
    at a computer for too long.
  • (b). A brainstorm is where you write down absolutely everything you know about a topic on a piece
    of paper.
  • (c). A brainstorm is where you are selective about what you write down on a piece of paper,
    ensuring that everything is relevant and connected.

Q3. What is a mind map?

Check one option.

  • (a). A mind map is where you write down absolutely everything you know about a topic on a
    piece of paper, and then draw connecting lines between some of the information.
  • (b). A mind map is where you write down key points on a piece of paper and draw lines
    between the main ideas.
  • (c). A mind map is where you write down key points on a piece of paper, draw lines
    between the main ideas showing how they connect to each other and the topic,
    and then write down evidence or extra information coming off each of the

Quiz 3: 3.3 Review

Q1. According to the lecture, how will you gain the specialized knowledge required to solve
the problems in a course?

Check one option.

  • (a). By reading and memorizing the textbook and course notes
  • (b). By attending the lectures and tutorials
  • (c). You already have it in prior knowledge, for example from prerequisite courses or
    assumed knowledge from high school.
  • (d). You need to do extra research.
  • (e). All of the above.

Q2. Consider the following question from a university course:

“A construction company has recently seen a significant increase in accidents on
worksites. Workers are angry about the accidents and are threatening strikes,
and management are worried about their employees’ safety and loss of
productivity. What solutions would you suggest to help reduce the number of

Imagine that you have to write an essay-style response to this question. What kind of
specialised knowledge might be helpful?

Check three options.

  • (a). The history of strikes and any sociological or
    economic theories on the causes of strikes.
  • (b). Other construction companies’ Workplace Health
    & Safety guidelines
  • (c). Published research articles from a journal
    called Journal of Safety Research
  • (d). Theories from Sociology, Psychology or Human
    Resources that relate to accident prevention.
  • (e). Management theories that relate to increasing
    motivation and productivity in employees.

Q3. Consider the following question:

“A car weighing 920kg and travelling at 80km/hr drives
directly into a brick wall. What is the force of the car hitting the wall?”

Which of the following formulas would be most
appropriate to use in this situation?

  • (a). Force = Mass (kg) x Acceleration (m/s)
  • (b). Energy = Mass x C2, where c = the speed of light
  • (c).
  • (d). Momentum = mass x velocity

Quiz 4: 3.4 Review

Q1. Consider the following problem:

“You have just been hired as the new CEO of a major multi-national company. A
company-wide survey has revealed that there is high absenteeism, low
productivity and that 31% of employees are bored or otherwise unsatisfied with
their work. Additionally, 13% are seriously considering offers from rival
companies. The company is losing money, and work that should take a few days is
taking weeks to complete. What are some leadership measures that you could put
in place to help improve workplace productivity and morale?”

of the following case studies could you choose to use?

Check all that apply

  • (a). A case study of a small, local business with high morale, high productivity
    and strong employee and customer loyalty
  • (b). A case study of a major multi-national company with high morale, high
    productivity and strong employee and customer loyalty
  • (c). A case study of how the CEO of a large company changed workplace culture from
    a similar state and increased her employee’s work-life balance and work
  • (d). A case study of how a principle in a large international high school with
    high absenteeism, low marks and low school-pride managed to change the school
    culture, increasing the students’ school-pride and satisfaction.

Q2. How can using ‘negative cases’ or ‘deviant cases’ (cases that don’t fit existing or
initial theories about a subject) help us to solve problems?

Check two options.

  • (a). Hearing about deviant cases can provide an interesting narrative for people reading
    your essay on a subject.
  • (b). You can use them to test initial hunches about something.
  • (c). You can produce more nuanced and refined ideas and solutions.
  • (d). Because knowing what the negative and deviant cases are will point out what the positive
    cases are, and you can use them to solve the problem.

Q3.Consider the following problem

“Children who live in an inner city suburb are presenting at a local health clinic with
higher than average levels of obesity. Address some of the possible causes for
this, and suggest some programs to address the problem.”

some initial research you believe that there are two main factors related to
childhood obesity in this area: parental influence and lower socio-economic
background. If you were to research this further, which of the following would
count as negative or deviant cases?

Check two options.

  • (a). Parents from a lower socio-economic background who are overweight.
  • (b). A child from a lower socio-economic background who is overweight, and who comes
    from a family where all of the family members are overweight or obese.
  • (c). A child from a lower socio-economic group who is not overweight, and who comes
    from a family where all of the family members are overweight or obese.
  • (d). A child from a lower socio-economic group who is overweight and whose parents are
    at a healthy weight.

Quiz 5: Summative Quiz – Module 3

Q1. Consider the following task from a university course:

“Shakespeare’s legacy to successive generations is his firm
faith in human potential.” (Bell Shakespeare Company, 2016). Discuss with
reference to Hamlet.

What are the key terms you would need to define in order to
answer this analytical task adequately?

Refer to lesson 3.1a.

Check 3 options.

  • (a). Shakespeare’s
  • (b). Human
  • (c). What
    the play Hamlet teaches or tries to
    teach us
  • (d). What
    Shakespeare thinks of human potential
  • (e). Successive

Q2. Consider the following problem:

Two cars are stopped at either end of a 100km highway. At
the same time, they both start driving towards each other. Car A travels at
20km/hr and car B travels at 30km/hr. At the same time as the cars start, a dog
jumps out of Car A and runs towards car B at 50km/hr. When the dog reaches car
B, he immediately turns around and runs back to car A. He repeats this until
the cars collide.

If the dog stops running as soon as the cars meet, how far
has he run?

Use the equation: speed = distance/time.

What SI (Standard International) unit of measurement should
the answer to this problem be in?

Refer to lesson 3.1a, 3.1b and 3.1c.

Check one option.

  • (a). Kilometers
  • (b). Minutes
  • (c). Km/hr
  • (d). m/s
  • (e). Miles

Q3. Consider the following problem from a university course:

“A gallon of gasoline has the potential energy of
approximately 276.3 MJ. Assume that a gasoline engine is driving a generator
and the generator is supplying electricity to a 50 W lamp. The overall efficiency
(from gasoline to electrical energy) of the engine-generator set is 15%.

How long will the lamp provide light from one gallon of

(Adapted from: Eide, Jenison, Northup, & Mickelson,
2011, p. 392)

What SI (Standard International) unit of measurement should
the answer to this problem be in?

Refer to lesson 3.1a, 3.1b and 3.1c.

Check one option.

  • (a). Mega Joules
  • (b). Watts
  • (c). Gallons
  • (d). Seconds

Q4. Consider the following problem:

“The building manager for a brand new apartment building in
the center of the city has been receiving complaints about how slow the
elevators are. As the building is still under construction, the problem is the
worst at peak hour when the workers use the lifts to bring their tools and
materials up to the top floors, however he still gets a lot of complaints at
other times. The building manager decides to hire a work crew to come in and
try and speed up the elevators, but unfortunately they tell him it isn’t

The construction won’t be finished for another few months,
so he needs to figure out how to get the elevators to work faster. It is
starting to stress him out and the residents are getting more annoyed.

On the day that the construction crew bring in the mirrors
for the apartments on level 11, he notices that he receives no complaints. The
complaints start up again the next day, but oddly when the mirrors are
delivered for level 12 there are no complaints either.

The manager suddenly realizes how he can reduce the number
of complaints and installs mirrors next to the elevators on each floor. He also
installs mirrors in each of the elevators and now only receives only one
complaint a month.”

Adapted from Fogler
& LeBlanc, 2011

What was the real problem?

Refer to lesson 3.1a and 3.1b.

one option.

  • (a). The
    residents were bored waiting for the elevators.
  • (b). The residents were annoyed
    at not having mirrors in their apartments.
  • (c). The elevators were slow.
  • (d). The residents didn’t like
    the workers using their elevators.

Q5. Consider the following problem from a Landscape Architecture

“A local government has put out a tender for a park design
in the middle of a newly-residential area. They have plotted out an area of 2
hectares in a rough polygon shape. The area is relatively flat, but is
surrounded by ten-story apartment buildings on three sides, a busy road to the
north and a small side-street on the last side towards the east. The local
population is a mix of young families, local university students and young
professionals and is very multi-cultural.

The brief for the park indicates that it should “embody the
community spirit” and “encourage a fit and healthy lifestyle”. Develop a
proposal that answers the brief and is both sustainable and ecological.”

When developing a brainstorm or mind-map, what would be some
of the key points that you should start with?

Refer to lesson 3.2a, 3.2b and 3.2c.

Check one option.

  • (a). Community spirit; Fit and
    Healthy Lifestyle; Sustainable; Ecological
  • (b). Young professionals;
    University students; Young families
  • (d). Newly residential;
    apartment living; busy road; multi-cultural
  • (e). All of the above

Q6. Consider the following problem from a university course:

“A local government has put out a tender for a park design in the middle of a newly-residential area. They have plotted out an area of 2 hectares in a rough polygon shape. The area is relatively flat, but is surrounded by ten-story apartment buildings on three sides, a busy road to the north and a small side-street on the last side towards the east. The local population is a mix of young families, local university students and young professionals and is very multi-cultural.

The brief for the park indicates that it should “embody the community spirit” and “encourage a fit and healthy lifestyle”. Develop a proposal that answers the brief and is both sustainable and ecological.”

Visual representation is a way to understand a problem. Which of the images best represents this problem?

Refer to lesson 3.1a, 3.1b and 3.1c

Check one option.

  • (a).
  • (b).
  • (c).
  • (d).

Q7. Consider the following brain-teaser problem:

“What letters are missing from the sequence?

ACE, GIK, M__ __, SUW “

What specialized knowledge does the question rely on?

Refer to lesson 3.3a

Check one option.

  • (a). Knowledge of the English alphabet
  • (b). Knowledge of English three-letter words
  • (c). Knowledge of government acronyms
  • (d). Knowledge of card-games

Q8. Pattern recognition is a form of problem-solving with
special cases. Let’s see if you can apply it.

What letters are missing from the sequence?

ACE, GIK, M__ __, SUW

Refer to lesson 3.3a

Check one option.

  • (a). O and Q
  • (b). N and P
  • (c). A and O
  • (d). O and O

Quiz 6: Discussion Board Self-Assessment – Module 3

Q1. Remember! You need to record your participation to pass this assessment item.

Did you contribute at least two posts to the discussion board for this module?

Be honest… 🙂

  • Yes, I did!
  • No, I didn’t 🙁

Week 4: Problem-Solving Skills for University Success Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: 4.1 Review

Q1. Imagine you are trying to
solve a difficult problem set by one of your lecturers at university. Which of
the following people would be good to talk to in order to solve it?

Check all that apply.

  • (a). The girl up the road who did the same subject
    two years ago
  • (b). Your mum
  • (c). Your dog
  • (d). The lecturer who set the problem
  • (e). Your 9 year old cousin
  • (f). Other students in the course

Q2. Why is drawing on ideas,
knowledge and theories from different fields a useful way to solve problems?

Check two options.

  • (a). Because it might lead you to study a different
  • (b). Because different knowledge and ideas can
    stimulate new ways of thinking about a problem.
  • (c). Because different fields have a great depth of
    specific knowledge, and combining these can be very useful.

Q3. Why does Dr. Ranjit Voola suggest that we can learn
through debate?

two options.

  • (a). Because
    it allows you to consider diverse views.
  • (b). Because
    it can help constrain your thinking.
  • (c). Because
    it allows you to solidify your own opinion.
  • (d). Because
    you will realise that you are right and others are wrong.

Quiz 2: 4.2 Review

Q1. Consider the following question from a university English Literature course:

“Shakespeare’s legacy to successive generations is his firm faith in human potential.” (Bell
Shakespeare Company, 2016). Discuss with reference to Hamlet.

What are the important underlying assumptions you need to address in this analytical

Check two options.

  • (a). That Hamlet has something positive to say
    about human potential
  • (b). That humans have potential
  • (c). That Shakespeare has a legacy
  • (d). That Shakespeare had a firm faith in human potential

Q2. Consider the following statement:

“All chairs are elevated from the ground and
have been designed specifically to be sat on. This object is elevated from the
ground and has been designed specifically for someone to sit on it. Therefore,
this object is a chair.”

Is this an example of:

Check one option.

  • (a). Deductive Logic
  • (b). Inductive Logic

Q3. Consider the following problem:

“A construction company has recently seen a significant increase of accidents on
worksites. Workers are angry about the accidents and are threatening strikes,
and management are worried about their employees’ safety. What solutions would
you suggest to help reduce the number of accidents?”

Which of the following solutions demonstrate an understanding of underlying systemic
causes rather than just focusing on events?

Check two options.

  • (a). Send an email to all staff regarding the recent accidents, and ask them to be more
  • (b). Analyze the accidents to see whether certain types of sites or equipment are more
    likely to be involved in accidents, and provide relevant workers with extra
  • (c). Put up signage at sites with information on how to better comply with occupational
    health and safety procedures.
  • (d). Identify the types of workers most likely to be involved in accidents and provide them
    with extra support and training.

Quiz 3: 4.3 Review

Q1. In lesson 4.3a we explored the relationship between
creativity and academic culture. How can we characterize the relationship
between the two?

Check two options.

  • (a). Creativity doesn’t have much of a place in
    academic culture as we need to memorize and display disciplinary bodies of
  • (b). Creativity is important to academic culture
    because it is needed to produce new knowledge.
  • (c). Creativity is important because it is important
    in subjects such as Visual Arts.
  • (d). Creativity is important as even in areas such as
    the sciences logical analysis is often complemented by creativity.

Q2. Alex is trying to solve a problem set by her professor. She is having great difficulty coming to a
solution. Rather than using the method she has been using so far to solve the
problem, she uses an approach which is completely contrary to that.

Which of the creative
strategies in 4.3 is Alex using?

Check one option.

  • (a). Try a random juxtaposition.
  • (b). Use an intermediate impossible.
  • (c). Do the opposite.

Q3. Alex is still trying to solve the problem set by her professor. She takes out a dictionary,
indiscriminately opens it to a page and writes down a word unrelated to the
problem. She then tries to find a connection between the word and the problem,
in order to spark her creativity and think of a solution.

Which of the creative
strategies in 4.3 is Alex using?

Check one option.

  • (a). Try a random juxtaposition.
  • (b). Use an intermediate impossible.
  • (c). Do the opposite.

Quiz 4: 4.4 Review

Q1. Consider the following problem:

“You live in shared accommodation with two other roommates. Your roommates never clean
the kitchen, and leave dirty dishes in the kitchen. What can you do to get them
to do their share of housework in the kitchen?”

You and your housemates decide the solution
must be fair, relative to the amount of mess you make and exciting.

Which of Fogler and LeBlanc’s stages for
evaluating solutions is this an example of?

Check one option.

  • Create
    a decision statement.
  • Create
    a list of objectives.
  • Weight
    the objectives according to importance.
  • Use
    the objectives as criteria when evaluating solutions.

Q2. Consider the following problem:

“You live in shared
accommodation with two other roommates. Your other roommates never clean the
kitchen, and leave dirty dishes in the kitchen. What can you do to get them to
do their share of housework in the kitchen?”

Next you and your
housemates consider the three objectives (fair, relative to the amount of mess
you make and exciting). You then decide that the solution definitely needs to be fair, should be relative to the amount of mess you make but probably doesn’t need to be exciting.

Which of Fogler and
LeBlanc’s stages for evaluating a solution is this an example of?

Check one option.

  • Weight the objectives according to importance.
  • Use the objectives as criteria when evaluating solutions.
  • Decide on ‘musts’ and ‘wants’.
  • Create a decision statement.
  • Create a list of objectives.

Q3. What makes evaluating solutions in an academic context different from evaluating solutions in
everyday settings?

Check two options.

  • Expression in written form
  • The use of evidence
  • Reference to disciplinary bodies of knowledge
  • Use of common sense.

Quiz 5: Summative Quiz – Module 4

Q1. Consider the following analytical task from a university

“In what ways will Information and Communication
Technologies (ICTs) fundamentally change the nature of how we learn?”

What is the main underlying assumption in this task?

Refer to lesson 4.2a and 4.2b.

Check one option.

  • Information and Communication Technologies are the future of education.
  • Information and Communication Technologies enable us to learn better.
  • Information and Communication Technologies will fundamentally change the nature of how we
  • There is more than one way in which ICTs will change the nature of how we learn.

Q2. Considering the same question:

“In what ways will Information and Communication
Technologies (ICTs) fundamentally change the nature of how we learn?”

At university, are you able to disagree with the underlying
assumption in this question?

Refer to lesson 4.2a and 4.2b.

Check one option.

  • Yes
  • No

Only during a tutorial

Q3. Considering the same question:

“In what ways will Information and Communication
Technologies (ICTs) fundamentally change the nature of how we learn?”

Who would you ask in order to get help answering this

Refer to lesson 4.1a and 4.1b

Check all that apply.

  • A friend of yours who graduated from your degree last year and is now teaching at
    a school for students with special needs
  • Your dog, who likes to chew on your old smart phones
  • Your grandparents, who don’t know how to use a mobile phone
  • Your mum, who is a web developer and programmer
  • An old high-school teacher that you still keep in contact with

Q4. Consider the following example from a university Education

“A student, Jane, has just transferred to Mr B’s class from
a school across the country. After one term in class he notices that Jane is not
doing her homework. This results in Jane almost failing her mid-semester test.
He decides to transfer her to a lower level class with easier content. However,
this actually makes the problem worse, and Jane’s marks continue to decline.”

What assumption did Mr B make about Jane?

Refer to lesson 4.2a and 4.2b

Check one option.

  • That the content of the higher level class is too hard for her
  • That Jane is a bit lazy
  • That Jane is sad and missing her old friends
  • That Jane almost failed her mid-semester test
  • That Jane has already covered the higher level content and is bored

Q5. What form of reasoning is used in the following sentence?

“Sahra drinks milk two or three times a week. Every time she
drinks milk she feels nauseous. Therefore, Sahra is allergic to milk.”

Refer to lesson 4.2a and 4.2b

Check one option.

  • Systematic
  • Abductive
  • Inductive
  • Deductive

Q6. Consider the following group work problem from a Marketing

“Ildal, a Korean electronics manufacturer, has developed a
new virtual and augmented reality enabled mobile phone. You are part of the
marketing department, and are responsible for taking the phone to market in
your country. Identify which parts of the market you will target, and explain
how you will market the item.”

Here are some quotes from the discussion of one student
group attempting to solve this problem. Which quotes demonstrate thinking about
multiple levels and systems?

Refer to lesson 4.2a and 4.2b

Check two options.

  • “Young children generally like objects in bright colors, so we should bring them out
    in a range of colors.”
  • “We should talk to game developers about making use of the phone’s features and
    then we could target gamers.”
  • “There are lots of people aged 20 to 30 who appreciate new technology such as this. I
    think they definitely should be one of the market segments we target with our
    marketing campaign.”
  • “We should work together with the Ministry of Education and a company that makes
    apps to develop educational applications for the device, so that parents will
    want it for their kids.”

Q7. When evaluating a solution for a university problem, which
of the following do you need to consider?

Refer to lesson 4.4a and 4.4b

Check one option.

  • Your evaluation criteria
  • All of the above
  • Common sense
  • Whether you have answered the question
  • Key words or phrases in the problem

Q8. Consider the following example from a university Education

“A student, Jane, has just transferred to Mr B’s class from
a school across the country. After one term in class he notices that Jane is not
doing her homework. This results in Jane almost failing her mid-semester test.
He decides to transfer her to a lower level class with easier content. However,
this actually makes the problem worse, and Jane’s marks continue to decline.

Describe how you would approach this problem and what
measures you would take to help Jane.

Assessment Criteria:

Definition of problem

Evidence of reflection on the issues

Evidence of logical development of ideas

Integration of relevant theory and research

Reference to academic sources appropriate to the

Correct academic referencing: in-text and
reference list

Overall level of analysis in reflection.”

Using the question and the assessment criteria, which of the
following would be an adequate response to this problem?

Refer to lesson 4.4a and 4.4b

Check one option.

  • A. “I would send Jane to the councilor’s office as
    she is obviously having difficulty settling into the new school and might miss her
    old friends. I would organize to meet with her parents and discuss Jane’s case
    with them as well.”
  • B. An essay that integrates different theoretical
    explanations of motivation with research into student transitions into new
    high-schools and then details some of the major issues that those students
    usually face.
  • C. Describe a couple of different reasons why Jane might
    be acting the way she is. For example, that she is lazy; that she is actually
    too intelligent and is acting out because she is bored in class; that she is
    becoming depressed because she misses her old school and friends. Support these
    reasons with research into student motivation, as well as research into the
    issues students face when they transfer to new high-schools.
  • D. Describe your approach to the problem(s) and
    what measures you would take to help Jane, ensuring that you support your ideas
    with evidence such as research into the best ways to motivate students or help
    students transition into new schools.
  • Both B and C
  • Both C and D
  • Both A and C

Quiz 6: Discussion Board Self-Assessment – Module 4

Q1. Remember! You need to record your participation to pass this assessment item.

Did you contribute at least two posts to the discussion board for this module?

Be honest… 🙂

  • Yes, I did!
  • No, I didn’t 🙁

Week 5: Problem-Solving Skills for University Success Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: 5.1 Review

Q1. What is the most important part of communicating your solution?

Check one option.

  • Being clear and concise: The shorter you can make your solution, the better.
  • Being correct
  • Making sure you clearly articulate each step in your solution path in detail
  • Tailoring your answer to your audience and including the details most important to them.

Q2. Consider the following question:

“Given a right-angled triangle with one side measuring 3cm and the other side
measuring 4cm, what is the length of the hypotenuse? Show your working.”

Which of the following would be an adequate answer?

Check one option.

  • 5cm
  • 9 + 16 = 25
  • a2 + b2 = c2 32 + 42 = c2

9 + 16 = 25

c (hypotenuse) = 5 cm

  • a2 + b2 = c2

Q3. Consider the following question asked in an Education tutorial:

“You’re on your practicum placement in a new school and a student in your Science class
has not done his/her homework for the second time this week. Another teacher
tells you that the student is usually really good and probably just needs
someone to talk to him/her. School policy states that you should give the
student a lunch-time detention. What do you do?”

Which of the following is an appropriate response in a tutorial?

Check 3 options.

  • “I don’t know, I’d give the student a detention because it’s school policy. You
    have to stop disrespectful behaviour quickly before it gets out of hand –
    they’re probably just doing it because you are a practicum teacher.”
  • “Hmm…I think it is best to talk to the student, see what is going on. Lots of
    different studies suggest that an abrupt change in attitude can be a reflection
    of problems that the student is facing outside of school.”
  • “Who cares? It’s only a week”.
  • “It depends on the student. I mean, if they’re nice and co-operative in class, I’d
    be more inclined to talk to them, but if they’re really disrespectful I might
    use it as a chance to discipline them.
  • “In this kind of situation there are a number of different actions that a practicum
    teacher might take. First of all, it is important to determine why the student
    hasn’t been completing their homework: this can be done with a brief
    conversation. As Smith (2018) suggests, talking with a student should always be
    done before any other action is taken…” etc.

Quiz 2: 5.2 Review

Q1. What should you do before you sit an exam?

Check 3 options.

  • Check what will be covered in the exam.
  • Read your textbook cover-to-cover.
  • Practice writing (and thinking) under time pressure.
  • Listen to every lecture recording again and make detailed notes.
  • Make sure you understand all of the core concepts in the exam.

Q2. According to the lecture, which questions should you answer first in an exam?

Check one option.

  • The questions that you know the answer to – get them out of the way!
  • The questions you are unsure about – you can spend more time on them this way.
  • The hardest questions on the test – save the easiest for last.

Q3. Consider the following question from a Linguistics exam:

“Summarize the pronunciation issues a native Thai speaker might face when learning to
speak English.”

What is the function word or phrase in this question?

Check one option.

  • Pronunciation issues
  • Native Thai speaker
  • English
  • Learning to speak
  • Summarize

Quiz 3: 5.3 Review

Q1. Imagine that you are working with a group of 4 people and have just been given the
following problem to solve:

are part of a consultation team that has just been hired by the new CEO of a
major multi-national company. A company-wide survey has revealed that there is
high absenteeism, low productivity and that 31% of employees are bored or
otherwise unsatisfied with their work. Additionally, 13% are seriously
considering offers from rival companies. The company is losing money, and work
that should take a few days is taking weeks to complete.

the attached documents, you will find the results of two surveys and four focus
groups with employees, as well as a breakdown of which departments are
experiencing the lowest work satisfaction.
Your group should provide a report detailing 3 measures that you would
recommend to the CEO to improve workplace productivity and morale.”

your group, what is the first thing you would do?

Check one option.

  • (a). Create a brainstorm. Ensure everyone in the groups contributes their ideas and write
    them all down.
  • (b). Introduce yourself.
  • (c). Assign different roles to different people: one person to summarize the surveys, two
    people to summarize the focus groups and the last person to summarize the
    breakdown of the departments.
  • (d). Create an agenda for this meeting, make sure everyone has everyone else’s contact
    details and organize a schedule for meetings.

Q2. Considering the same question:

“You are part of a consultation team that has just been hired by the new CEO of a
major multi-national company. A company-wide survey has revealed that there is
high absenteeism, low productivity and that 31% of employees are bored or
otherwise unsatisfied with their work. Additionally, 13% are seriously
considering offers from rival companies. The company is losing money, and work
that should take a few days is taking weeks to complete.

In the attached documents, you will find the results of two surveys and four focus
groups with employees, as well as a breakdown of which departments are
experiencing the lowest work satisfaction.
Your group should provide a report detailing 3 measures that you would
recommend to the CEO to improve workplace productivity and morale.”

four people in the group are:

– Is OK at maths, but doesn’t like it, often quiet, but good at interpreting
what people say.

– Great with numbers, good at conveying information, not great at interpreting
what people say.

– Good with numbers and management theory, very opinionated

– Hates maths, slightly disorganized, good at summarising and synthesising

in the group would be the best person to ask to summarize the surveys?

Check one option.

Q3. Considering the same question:

  • (a). Tim
  • (b). José
  • (c). Amar
  • (d). Jenna

“You are part of a consultation team that has just been hired by the new CEO of a
major multi-national company. A company-wide survey has revealed that there is
high absenteeism, low productivity and that 31% of employees are bored or
otherwise unsatisfied with their work. Additionally, 13% are seriously
considering offers from rival companies. The company is losing money, and work
that should take a few days is taking weeks to complete.

In the attached documents, you will find the results of two surveys and four focus
groups with employees, as well as a breakdown of which departments are
experiencing the lowest work satisfaction.
Your group should provide a report detailing 3 measures that you would
recommend to the CEO to improve workplace productivity and morale.”

The four people in the group are:

– Is OK at maths, but doesn’t like it, often quiet, but good at interpreting
what people say.

– Great with numbers, good at conveying information, not great at interpreting
what people say.

– Good with numbers and management theory, very opinionated

– Hates maths, slightly disorganized, good at summarising and synthesising

two people in the group would be the best to ask to summarise the focus groups?

Check two options.

  • (a). Tim
  • (b). José
  • (c). Amar
  • (d). Jenna

Quiz 4: 5.4 Review

Q1. If you need help writing essays, what can you do?

Check three options.

  • (a). Ask
    a friend who doesn’t go to your university to write your essay for you.
  • (b). Ask a friend to read over your essay and help you edit it.
  • (c). Go to the university’s writing centre or your field’s library for help.
  • (d). Use online writing resources from your university (or another university!).
  • (e). Post
    your essay online and crowd-source the editing process.

Q2.Imagine that you have just walked out of your mid-semester exam and, after talking to
your friends in the class, realise that you completely misinterpreted the last
question. The exam was worth 10% of your grade. A week later you find out you
failed the test because of that question.

  • (a). Let it go.
  • (b). Go to your lecturer’s office and ask to take the exam again.
  • (c). Ignore it.
  • (d). Stop
    your once-a-week tennis session, the only time you exercise, so you can use the
    time to study for the rest of the term.

could (or should) you do?

Check one option.

Q3. Imagine that it is the first week of term. After looking through your course outlines
for the next term, you realize that you have the following readings and
assignments to do in the first four weeks:

1.Linguistics1002: Phonetics. Weekly problem
sets, worth 5% each and a chapter of the textbook each week.

2.English1002: The Romantics. One book to
read each week, plus a 1, 000 word essay due in Week 4 worth 40%.

3.Physics1001: Life Physics. Weekly problem
sets, worth 2% each, and a 1,000 word lab report of an experiment you conduct
in class due in Week 2 worth 15%.

4.Business1004: Leadership. 2 weekly readings
and a 10 minute group presentation due in Week 4 worth 35%

work should you do each week?

Check one option.

  • (a). The weekly problem sets for Physics and Linguistics.
  • (b). The readings for Linguistics, English and Business
  • (c). Meet with your business group to prepare for the presentation.
  • (d). Start research for your English essay – it is worth 40%!
  • (e). All of the above
  • (f). Only A and B
  • (g). Only C and D

Quiz 5: Summative Quiz – Module 5

Q1. Consider the following assignment from a university course:

“You are part of a consultative team that has been hired by
the Board of Executives for a well-known construction company. The company has
recently seen a significant increase of accidents on worksites. Workers are
angry about the accidents and are threatening strikes, and management are
worried about both their employees’ safety and loss of productivity.

You have been hired to help alleviate the tension and get
the workers back working as soon as possible. In order to do this, you will
need to recommend measures to reduce or eliminate the number of accidents on
the worksites.

Present your team’s approach to the class in a 10 minute
presentation as though they were the Board of Executives, with an extra 5
minutes at the end for questions.”

When giving the presentation (and thus communicating your
solution), who is your target audience?

Refer to lesson 5.1a and 5.1b

Check one option.

  • (a). Your lecturer or tutor
  • (b). Your classmates
  • (c). The hypothetical Board of Executives
  • (d). Primarily (b)., but with
    considerations for (a). and (c).
  • (e). Primarily (c)., but with considerations for (b). and (a).
  • (f). Primarily (a)., but with
    considerations for (b). and (c).
  • (g). Only (a). and (b).

Q2. Considering the same university assignment as above:

In what style should the presentation be in?

Refer to lesson 5.1a and 5.1b

Check one option.

  • (a). Formal
  • (b). Informal

Q3. Which of the following are examples of active revision for

Refer to lesson 5.2a

Check four options.

  • Friendly debates of main theories with classmates
  • Making flash cards
  • Re-listening to lectures
  • Reading and highlighting a textbook
  • Setting a time limit and doing a practice exam under exam conditions
  • Doing practice essays or short answers

Q4. Consider the following exam format:

Exam: Worth 40%, 2hours with 10 minutes extra reading time.

Part 1: 10 Multiple-choice
questions, 10%

Part 2: 5 Short Answer Questions,

Part 3: An 800 word Essay, 65%

In general, how much time would you allocate for the
multiple choice questions?

Refer to lesson 5.3a and 5.3c

Check one option.

  • No more than 15 minutes in total
  • No more than 5 minutes in total
  • 4 minutes per question (read, understand, strategize, check)
  • Half an hour (3 minutes per question)

Q5. Imagine that you are taking a course in Landscape
Architecture. As part of the course you need to give a 10 minute group
presentation on sustainable design for urban parks. The presentation needs to

1.A definition of sustainable design for urban

2.The principles for sustainable design

3.Three examples of sustainable design for urban

4.An analysis of each of the example parks in
relation to the principles

There are four people in your group: you, James, Rie and

What is the best way to divide the tasks*?

(*an example, not the only way!)

Refer to lesson 5.3a and 5.3b

Check one option.

  • One person does one of each for the four points. For example, James writes the definition, you write the principles, Rie finds the examples and Ali writes an analysis
    for each of Rie’s examples. You come together at the end and make the presentation.
  • One person writes the definition and the principles of sustainable design, and the
    other three each find an example and then analyze it according to the
    principles. You come together at the end and make the presentation.
  • Everyone works on
    everything together as a team.
  • Three people do everything
    and the last person presents it to the class.

Q6. Imagine that you are taking a course in Landscape
Architecture. As part of the course you need to give a 10 minute group
presentation on sustainable design for urban parks. The presentation needs to

A definition of
sustainable design for urban parks

The principles for
sustainable design

Three examples of
sustainable design for urban parks

An analysis of each of the
example parks in relation to the principles

There are four people in your group: you, James, Rie and

Consider the example answer from Question 5: “One person
does one of each for the four points. For example, James writes the definition,
you write the principles, Rie finds the examples and Ali writes an analysis for
each of Rie’s examples. You come together at the end and make the presentation.

Is this a good distribution of tasks?

Refer to lesson 5.3a and 5.3b

Check one option.

  • Yes, as each person has a
    clearly defined task.
  • Yes, as the tasks reflect the
    strengths of each member of the group.
  • No, as the tasks don’t reflect the strengths of each member of the group.
  • No, as one person should be
    in charge of making the presentation.
  • No. The tasks are not evenly weighted: there is a lot more involved in analyzing something than there is in finding an example.

Q7. Imagine that it is Friday and you have just finished week 7
of your first semester. You’ve been a bit distracted from study because you have
been socializing quite a lot, have a part time job and have joined a volleyball
team. However, you’ve just realised that next week you have to do the

1.A Linguistics problem set, worth 5%, due on

2.Read chapter 6 of your Linguistics textbook for
a tutorial on Monday

3.Read Jane Austen’s Persuasion for an English tutorial on Friday

4.A Physics problem set, worth 2%, due Monday

5.A Physics lab report, worth 20%, due Tuesday

6.Two readings for a Business seminar on Tuesday

You haven’t started any of them. The problem sets usually
take you about one hour each to complete, but you are a slow reader. The lab
report and readings will take three or four hours each, easily. Your English
lecturer said that you don’t have to read every book on the list. In Business
you are marked on your participation in seminars.

Which of the tasks do you need to complete over the weekend in order to stay on top of your

Refer to lesson 5.4a and 5.4c

Check four options.

  • The Linguistics problem set
  • The Business readings
  • Read chapter 6 of your Linguistics textbook.
  • The Physics problem set
  • Read Jane Austen’s Persuasion.
  • The Physics lab report

Q8. You’ve just gotten back your lab report from your Physics
lecturer. She tells you that it was a good effort, but that it “needs to be
more academic”. There are a lot of comments on the report about stylistic
mistakes that you’ve made, but she hasn’t included any information on what you
should have done instead.

She is now away for the next two weeks on a conference and
the replacement lecturer tells you bluntly that she doesn’t have time to answer
your questions. Unfortunately, you have another lab report due the day after
your normal lecturer returns.

Where should you go for help?

Refer to lesson 5.4a and 5.4d.

Check three options.

  • A peer, either in the same class or who has done the class before
  • A writing center at the university
  • A good friend who gets high marks in English but doesn’t study Physics
  • Your Physics tutor
  • Your dog

Quiz 6: Discussion Board Self-Assessment – Module 5

Q1. Remember! You need to record your participation to pass this assessment

Did you contribute at least two posts to the discussion board for this

Be honest… 🙂

  • Yes, I did!
  • No, I didn’t 🙁

We will Update These Answers Soon.

More About This Course

The purpose of this class is to teach you how to enhance your problem-solving and creative-thinking skills so that you can be more successful in your academic pursuits at the university level. You will be able to, once you have successfully completed this course:

  1. Recognize the significance and function of creative thought and problem-solving within the context of academic learning, as well as the role that critical thought plays in the process of creative ideation.
  2. Create a toolset that will allow you to distinguish between real problems and goals while dealing with ill-defined issues.
  3. Recognize analytical problem-solving strategies and put them into practice
  4. Recognize and implement creative approaches to the solution of problems.
  5. Determine the ways in which creativity is utilized within your industry as well as the types of difficulties that are most prevalent in it.
  6. In a real-life setting, demonstrate your ability to solve problems and generate creative ideas that you’ve learned, and reflect on your own learning processes.


Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of the Problem-Solving Skills for University Success Quiz of Coursera and grab some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing training. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also, and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.

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