Queering Identities: LGBTQ+ Sexuality and Gender Identity Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answer]

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Queering Identities: LGBTQ+ Sexuality and Gender Identity Quiz Answers

Week 02: Queering Identities: LGBTQ+ Sexuality and Gender Identity Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Sex Does Not Equal Gender

Q1. The clothes a person wears is linked to their  ________.

  • Sex
  • Gender expression
  • Sexuality
  • Gender identity

Q2. A person’s decisions about who to build romantic or intimate relationships is linked to their ________.

  • Sex
  • Gender identity
  • Gender expression
  • Sexuality

Q3. The genitals a person has is linked to their ______.

  • Gender identity
  • Sex
  • Sexuality
  • Gender expression

Q4. A person’s attractions to others is linked to their _______.

  • Gender expression
  • Gender identity
  • Sex
  • Sexuality

Q5. The pronouns a person uses for themself is linked to their  ______.

  • Gender expression
  • Gender identity
  • Sexuality
  • Sex

Quiz 02: Terminology and Key Concepts Assessment

Q1. According to the information presented in this module, in today’s society the word “queer” is:

  • A term used by some people as a positive description of their sexuality and/or gender expression.
  • An insulting or derogatory term for someone who doesn’t fit society’s expectations for sexuality and/or gender expression.
  • A term that is most commonly used to describe objects or people that are different from expectations.
  • A derogatory term that people should never use.

Q2. Pick the answer that best explains why sex is not the same as gender.

  • Gender is about genitals, hormones, and chromosomes, and sex is to whom a person is attracted.
  • Sex is about genitals, hormones, and chromosomes, and gender is about things like facial hair, the timbre of a person’s voice, and the amount of breast tissue a person develops.
  • Sex is about genitals, hormones, and chromosomes, and gender is about a person’s internal sense of their identity.
  • Sex is about genitals, hormones, and chromosomes, and gender is about to whom a person is attracted.

Q3. The term “cisgender” is used (mark all that apply):

  • For someone who feels comfortable with society’s expectations for people of their gender.
  • For someone who views their current gender identity as more or less in line with the sex they were assigned at birth.
  • As an insult or derogatory term for people who aren’t transgender or who don’t understand correct terminology or pronouns.
  • Mostly in academic contexts, by people who study the experiences of transgender and nonbinary people.

Q4. “Democracy” can be considered a social construct because:

  • It’s only one of many different ideas about how a society could be structured.
  • It’s impossible to ensure all members of a society have full access to the democratic ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
  • The values of a democracy need to be taught to people and aren’t innate or natural.
  • All democracies eventually become corrupt or are overthrown.

Q5. The term “intersectionality” is:

  • Used only to talk about marginalized identities like being a person of color in a majority-white culture or being an LGBTQ+ person in a majority- straight or cisgender culture.
  • Used as a way to better understand how various identities work together to create access or privilege, or to limit access or privilege.
  • Mostly used by attorneys or legal scholars to describe how the law often isn’t designed to protect people who carry multiple marginalized identities.
  • Primarily used to talk about how race/ethnicity, gender, and sexuality intersect with each other in communities.

Q6. True or false: The term “LGBTQ+” means exactly the same thing as “queer and transgender.”

  • True.
  • False.

Q7. Which of the following can be considered social constructs?

  • Penises and vaginas
  • Gender identity
  • Breast tissue
  • Pheromones

Q8.You’ve just met someone who uses shkle/shkler/shklers pronouns. You’ve never heard of these pronouns before and you’re not sure how to pronounce them or use them. Which of the following might be appropriate?

  • Whenever you’re talking about the person, just use shkler name instead of using pronouns, to make sure you don’t screw up
  • Use the pronouns you assume shkle used before choosing these new pronouns, because it’s better to be almost right than to mispronounce or misuse someone’s pronouns.
  • Ask shkler to spell and/or pronounce the pronouns for you, to make sure you use them correctly.
  • Search for a pronunciation and usage guide online, to make sure you use them correctly

Q9. According to the information presented in this module, in today’s society the acronym LGBTQ+ (choose all that apply):

  • Stands for Legos, Giraffes, Books, Toys, Quarters, + other things children like.
  • Is an umbrella term for people whose sexuality and/or gender identity place them outside of mainstream, dominant identities.
  • Has changed over time to include more letters and more identities.
  • Is a stable term whose meaning will probably not change to include more identities in the future.

Queering Identities: LGBTQ+ Sexuality and Gender Identity Week 03 Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: The Fiction of the Gender Binary Assessment

Q1. Which of the following are examples of the gender binary?

  • When babies are born, a medical professional usually looks at their genitals and uses that to determine whether they are female or male.
  • When children reach puberty, hormonal changes lead to a combination of increased facial hair, increased development of breast tissue, and onset of menstruation.
  • Many generic letters begin with “Dear Sir or Madam.”
  • None of these.

Q2. Which of the following best defines “cisnormativity”?

  • A society’s beliefs, practices, and systems that treat being cisgender as more normal and preferred over being transgender.
  • The fact that it’s more common, and therefore more normal, for a person to be cisgender than to be transgender.
  • Personal beliefs that being transgender is sinful or a sign of mental illness.
  • All of the above.

Q3. According to the videos in this module, which of the following best describes the relationship between misogyny and transphobia?

  • Transphobia and misogyny are similar because they’re both about hatred and prejudice against people because of their gender, but transphobia and misogyny are not related to each other.
  • Transphobia and misogyny mean almost the same thing: Both are examples of hatred and prejudice against people because of their gender.
  • Transphobia and misogyny are two different forms of prejudice, but they’re connected because they reinforce the gender binary and rely on assumptions that maleness and masculinity are superior to femaleness and femininity.
  • Although both are examples of hatred and prejudice against people because of their gender, transphobia is relevant to the topics covered in this course.

Q34. True or false: Because drag involves dressing up as the opposite gender, only cisgender people can truly be drag performers.

  • True.
  • False.

Q5. Changing your name and using different pronouns is primarily connected to…

  • social transition
  • medical transition
  • legal transition

Q6. Requesting a new passport or visa is primarily connected to…

  • social transition
  • medical transition
  • legal transition

Q7. Shaving your face is primarily connected to a…

  • social transition
  • medical transition
  • legal transition

Q8. Wearing lipstick or other cosmetics is primarily connected to a…

  • social transition
  • medical transition
  • legal transition

Q9. Coming out to family members or friends is primarily connected to a…

  • social transition
  • medical transition
  • legal transition

Q10. Taking testosterone or estrogen is primarily connected to a,,,

  • social transition
  • medical transition
  • legal transition

Q11. Getting breast augmentation surgery is primarily connected to a…

  • social transition
  • medical transition
  • legal transition

Q12. True or false: A person who transitions only socially and legally is no less transgender than a person who transitions socially, legally, and medically.

  • True.
  • False

Q13. True or false: For transgender people who access all 3 categories of transition, the most common order is social transition first, then medical transition, and finally legal transition

  • True.
  • False.

Q14. Which of the following are examples of legal transition for transgender people?

  • Requesting a new passport, driver’s license, or visa
  • Suing a school for refusing to allow them access to the restroom that aligns with their gender identity.
  • Requesting a court order to change their legal name.
  • Getting a doctor’s letter of support for beginning hormone therapy.

Q15. True or false: A transgender person can be heterosexual, or straight.

  • True.
  • False.

Q16. True or false: A transgender person can identify as cisgender.

  • True.
  • False.

Queering Identities: LGBTQ+ Sexuality and Gender Identity Week 04 Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Sexual Difference? Assessment

Q1. True or false: The “biological paradigm” assumes that a person’s genitals typically correlate with a person’s internal sense of their gender

  • True.
  • False.

Q2. The existence of intersex people (mark all that apply):

  • Is a new discovery that is helping us to better understand the variety of bodies that exist in the world.
  • Is proof that being transgender may have a biological basis for some people.
  • Helps to demonstrate that the two sex categories of male and female aren’t sufficient to account for the wide variety of bodies that exist in human society.
  • Has not yet been proven scientifically.

Q3. True or False: Chromosomal or genetic testing is the only way to definitively diagnose an intersex condition

  • True.
  • False.

Q4. The debate over whether intersex and transgender athletes should be permitted to compete:

  • Is the first time in history that people have argued about whether people other than cisgender men should be allowed to compete in athletic competitions.
  • Has primarily focused on the genitalia and reproductive organs of trans and intersex athletes.
  • Primarily focuses on transgender women and intersex women.
  • Is only a hypothetical debate, since no intersex or transgender athletes have competed at the highest levels in their sports.

Q5. True or false: Most people develop unconscious beliefs and biases about innate differences between boys/men and girls/women.

  • True.
  • False.

Q6. A social constructionist approach to sex and gender assumes

  • That there exist real differences between the bodies of people who are assigned female at birth and the bodies of people who are assigned male at birth.
  • That although a person’s biological sex is unchanging and predetermined before birth, a person’s gender develops over time.
  • That sex and gender mean essentially the same thing.
  • That gender identity isn’t real.

Q7. The “born that way” narrative:

  • Is the belief that all gay men love pop stars like Lady Gaga.
  • Is the belief that everybody is born cisgender, but some people become transgender as they start to understand themselves better.
  • Is a belief that people are born with a sexual orientation or sexuality.
  • Is a belief that people cannot change any aspect of who they are.

Q8. True or false: Since the “born that way” narrative is used to justify homophobia and transphobia, queer and transgender people should stop using this narrative as an explanation for their identities.

  • True.
  • False.

Q9. According to the information presented in this course so far, the best way to describe the relationship between sex and gender identity is:

  • Sex is what we’re given by others when we’re born; gender identity is how we come to understand who we are over time.
  • Sex is about genitals; gender identity is about who we’re attracted to.
  • Sex is about who we’re attracted to; gender identity is about the words we use to describe our own internal sense of who we are.
  • Sex and gender identity are more or less identical.

Q10. According to the information presented in this course so far, the relationship between gender identity and sexuality can best be described as:

  • Gender identity and sexuality are completely separate, and stop trying to trick me into thinking they’re related!
  • Gender identity is the way we describe our internal sense of who we are, and also the way others describe their internal sense of who they are. Sexuality is about who we’re attracted to, and we label our sexuality based on our own gender identity and the gender identities of the people we’re attracted to.
  • Gender identity and sexuality are more or less identical.
  • I’m not sure.

Queering Identities: LGBTQ+ Sexuality and Gender Identity Week 05 Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: A Sexual History Assessment

Q1. True or false: The concept of “lesbian” did not exist before the 1700s

  • True.
  • False.

Q2. Which of the following statements best describes the connection between the industrial revolution and the invention of homosexuality?

  • Increased pollution led to the birth of more babies who were gay or lesbian.
  • People living in cities had contact with more people beyond their immediate family and had access to new kinds of social and sexual activity, including same-gender social and sexual activity.
  • Literacy rates increased, and people began to create new words to describe their experiences and identities.
  • Enslaved people were used to sustain increased labor demands, and they brought with them alternative cultural norms and behaviors–including same-gender sexual activity.

Q3. True or false: If it’s true that homosexuality is a social construct, then it’s also true that heterosexuality is a social construct.

  • True.
  • False.

Q4. True or false: If it’s true that homosexuality is a social construct, then that means that same-gender attraction isn’t “real” or doesn’t actually exist.

  • True.
  • False.

Q5. The homophile movement of the mid-20th century can best be described as:

  • An effort to actively affirm and empower people who experienced same-gender sexual or romantic attraction.
  • An effort to recruit more people to the homosexual lifestyle.
  • An effort to focus only on gay men and exclude the experiences of lesbians.
  • None of these

Q6. Which of the following LGBQ+-focused initiatives would be considered assimilationist?

  • Passing a law that allows people to indicate their gender with an ‘x’ on their passport or visa.
  • Passing a law that allows same-gender couples to marry.
  • Developing an LGBTQ+ marketing campaign that uses the slogan “LGBTQ+ people: We’re just like you.”
  • Developing an LGBTQ+ advertising campaign that uses the slogan “Queer people: We’re just like you.”

Q7. Which of the following are examples of heteronormativity?

  • Workplace policies that offer women 12 weeks of parental leave and men 6 weeks of parental leave.
  • Workplace policies that offer men and women 12 weeks of parental leave.
  • The popular Disney movie genre, in which princesses fall in love with princes and live happily ever after.
  • Gender-segregated college residence halls that separate people into “men’s” and “women’s” dorms and prohibit opposite-gender overnight guests.

Q8. Which of the following are examples of cisnormativity?

  • The practice of assigning newborn babies a sex based on their genitals.
  • The fact that most actors, singers, and comedians are cisgender.
  • The existence of gender-segregated (men’s and women’s) restrooms.
  • Survey questions that ask people to identify their gender as “male” or “female.”

Q9. Which of the following accurately describe “queer theory”?

  • Queer theory is a contested term; not all who practice queer theory agree on how to best define it.
  • Queer theory is a plan for increasing the numbers of LGBTQ+ identified people in society.
  • Queer theory tries to separate sexuality and gender from other social identities including race/ethnicity, disability status, age, class, and so on.
  • Queer theory is boring and useless

Queering Identities: LGBTQ+ Sexuality and Gender Identity Week 06 Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Queering Issues Assessment

Q1. The pronouns a person uses for themself is linked to their  ______.

  • Gender identity
  • Gender expression
  • Sex
  • Sexuality

Q2. True or false: When transgender people transition medically (using hormones or surgery), one possible side effect of medical transition is an increased rate of urinary tract infections and kidney infections.

  • True
  • False

Q3. Your company has a new employee, Ty, who identifies as a transgender man. Ty uses he/him/his pronouns but is often read as female. Your company currently has only gender-segregated (men’s and women’s) multi-stall restrooms. Which of the following strategies would ensure the company complies with the OSHA principle that “all employees, including transgender employees, should have access to restrooms that correspond to their gender identity”?

  • Ask Ty to use the women’s restroom unless he starts to be perceived as male more often than he is perceived as female.
  • Install a single-stall, all-gender restroom for Ty (and other employees) to use.
  • Renovate the restrooms so they are all multi-stall, all-gender restrooms.
  • Make no changes to the restrooms but make sure all employees are aware that they have a right to use the restroom that aligns with their gender identity.
  • Ignore the issue completely and hope it doesn’t become a problem.

Q4. True or false: Becoming a parent is always a heteronormative activity, no matter what gender or sexual identities the parents have.

  • True
  • False

Q5. True or false: Religious institutions have played a significant role in stigmatizing, excluding, and oppressing LGBTQ+ people.

  • True
  • False

Q6. True or false: No formal religion currently welcomes LGBTQ+ community members.

  • True
  • False

Q7. From a queer perspective, an abstinence-only approach to sex education is problematic because:

  • LGBTQ+ people cannot practice abstinence.
  • It reflects a heteronormative approach to sexual activity.
  • Pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections are social constructs.
  • Queer people cannot get pregnant

Q8. Traditional approaches to sex education reinforce cisnormativity in the following ways:

  • They assume that all boys have penises and all girls have vaginas.
  • They assume that boys become interested in sex earlier than girls do.
  • They assume that most people are heterosexual or straight.
  • They assume that girls need different information about sex and sexual activity than boys do.

Q9. True or false: A queer approach to sex ed would avoid talking about risks associated with sexual activity.

  • True
  • False

We will Update These Answers Soon.

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About Queering Identities: LGBTQ+ Sexuality and Gender Identity Course

You will learn about the history of LGBTQ identities, experiences, and activism in this class. We’ll look at the most important events in LGBTQ history around the world. We’ll also look into the local histories of queer and transgender people and communities. Finally, we’ll think about how LGBTQ histories have shaped larger conversations about civil rights, equality, and justice.


Hopefully, this article will help you find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers for the Coursera Queering Identities: LGBTQ+ Sexuality and Gender Identity Quiz, allowing you to acquire a greater understanding with minimal effort. If this article has helped you, share it on social media and tell your friends about this great training.

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