Hello Peers, Today we will share all week’s assessment and quiz answers of the Singing Popular Music course launched by Coursera, free of cost✅✅✅. This is a certification course for every interested student.
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Coursera, India’s biggest learning platform launched millions of free courses for students daily. These courses are from various recognized universities, where industry experts and professors teach very well and in a more understandable way.
Here, you will find Singing Popular Music Exam Answers in Bold Color below.
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About Singing Popular Music Course
In this course, you’ll learn how to use modern singing techniques like mixing voice and belting. Then you’ll take a cover song and change it so it sounds like you.
Course Apply Link – Singing Popular Music
Singing Popular Music Quiz Answers
Week 01: Singing Popular Music Coursera Quiz Answers
Quiz 1: What Are Your Goals?
Q1. What are your goals for this course? What do you hope to accomplish? What skills do you hope to improve and what are you hoping to learn more about
Q2. If you achieve your goals, where would that leave you? What would be the best, most positive outcome? How would accomplishing your goals make you feel?
Identify your best outcome and take a moment to imagine it as fully as you can.
Q3. What do you believe might be your biggest internal obstacle in achieving your goals? What is it within you that holds you back? It might be an emotion, an irrational belief, or a bad habit. Think more deeply—what is it really?
Identify your main inner obstacle and take a moment to imagine it fully
Q4. Finally, what can you do to overcome your obstacle? Identify one action you can take or one thought you can think to overcome your obstacle.
Make the following plan for yourself:
“If… (obstacle), then I will … (action or thought).”
Quiz 02: Vocal Styles and Tone Quality
Q1. What type of tone/singing is produced when air coming through the sinuses?
- Nasal Tone
- Forced Singing
- Comfortable Singing
- Closed Vowels
Q2. What type of tone/singing is described as relaxed or balanced?
- Nasal Tone
- Forced Singing
- Comfortable Singing
- Open Vowels
Q3. What is another term used to refer to the “break” in a voice (where the vocal folds are transitioning between vocal registers)?
- Bel Canto
- Change
- Legato
- Passaggio
Q4. What is one characteristic mentioned that distinguishes R&B, rock, blues, and gospel singing from other styles?
- Consonants
- Vowel Quality
- Use of Legato
- Use of Staccato
Q5. What part of your chest cavity should you focus breathing into in order to practice proper breathing technique for singing?
- High in top of chest
- In the middle, expanding the ribs
- Low as a belly breath
Q6. What body part used to breathe is pictured below?
- Intercostal Muscle
- Diaphragm
- Trachea
- Lungs
Q7. What body part is circled below?
![Singing Popular Music Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯% Correct Answer] 3 Lt5i6ANUQieeYugDVKInEA f6afec0fb684118975c714dd76501042 L01 Q01 Q7](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/Lt5i6ANUQieeYugDVKInEA_f6afec0fb684118975c714dd76501042_L01_Q01_Q7.png?expiry=1664236800000&hmac=pcMJLILmtui30QR7wa_XNqKycxuKVjZDImhWM4ZjXYg)
- Sternum
- Larynx
- Ribs
- Trachea
Q8. or False: Most contemporary singing styles do not have exact and crisp consonants.
- True
- False
Q9. What contemporary singing style would you hear consonants being closed to a humming sound?
- Country
- Pop
- Jazz
- Theatrical
Q10. True or False: Your Laryngeal muscles are much stronger than your core muscles.
- True
- False
Quiz 03; SELF-ASSESSMENT: Practice Exercise Vowel Shapes
Q1. Did you record yourself practicing at least two of the exercises?
- Yes
- No
Q2. Did you upload a link of your recording to the discussion forums?
- Yes
- No
Q3. Did you listen and provide feedback to at least three of your peers?
- Yes
- No
Q4. Based on the following criteria, how would you assess your rhythmic accuracy?
Beginner (1 Point) | Developing (2 Points) | Proficient (3 Points) | Exceptional (4 Points) | |
Rhythmic Accuracy | Rhythm is rarely in time with the backing track. | Rhythm is in time for half of the performance. | Majority of the performance stays in time with the backing tracks. | Entire performance stays in time with the backing tracks. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Q5. Based on the following criteria, how would you assess your pitch/intonation accuracy?
Beginner (1 Point) | Developing (2 Points) | Proficient (3 Points) | Exceptional (4 Points) | |
Pitch/Intonation Accuracy | Singing does not stay in tune with the backing tracks or incorrect notes are being sung. | Singing is mostly in tune but there are 4-5 incorrect notes or out of tune moments. | Singing is in tune the majority of the time with only 2-3 incorrect notes or out of tune moments. | Singing is in tune throughout. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Q6. Based on the following criteria, how would you assess your breath support?
Beginner (1 Point) | Developing (2 Points) | Proficient (3 Points) | Exceptional (4 Points) | |
Breath Support | Singing is unsupported and does not demonstrate proper breathing (takes shallow breaths, loud inhales, unable to sing through a phrase). | Singing is airy but starts with proper breath support. Half way through, singer starts to take shallow breath and struggles to sing through a phrase. | Singing is well supported and singer is able to sing through most phrases, although they begin to tire towards the end. | Singing is well supported and singer uses appropriate breath support throughout, taking deep breaths and sustaining each phrase. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Week 02: Singing Popular Music Coursera Quiz Answers
Quiz 01: Mix Voice in Contemporary Singing
Q1. What is Mix Voice? (Select all that apply)
- The vocal sound produced when two different muscle groups work together within the larynx
- A dark vocal tone
- A vocal quality that combines head voice and chest voice
- A covered placement in the mouth
Q2. What muscle group controls the lower vocal register in the larynx?
- TA muscle group
- CT muscle group
- AM muscle group
- TM muscle group
Q3. What muscle group controls the higher vocal register in the larynx?
- TM muscle group
- CT muscle group
- TA muscle group
- AM muscle group
Q4. True or False: To achieve mix voice when moving from your lower register to your higher register, push your chest voice up as far as possible.
- True
- False
Q5. True or False: A singer may feel the change to mix voice more than a listener will hear it.
- True
- False
Q6. True or False: Drinking a glass of water right before you sing will ensure that your voice is hydrated.
- True
- False
Q7. True or False: The best way to know when to use your mix voice is to practice it.
- True
- False
Q8. True or False: It can be tricky to switch into your mix voice when you are singing in your passaggio area.
1 point
Q9. When identifying your style you should: (Select all that apply
- Identify what or who has influenced your work
- Identify your overall genre or mix
- Identify your sub-genres
- Identify your non-negotiables
Q10. True or False: Style refers more to specific elements that differentiate an individual singer.
- True
- False
Quiz 02: SELF-ASSESSEMENT: Mix Voice Performanc
Q1. Did you record yourself singing a song using mix voice?
- Yes
- No
Q2. Did you upload a link of your recording to the Discussion Forums?
- Yes
- No
Q3. Did you listen and provide feedback to at least one of your peers?
- Yes
- No
Q4. Based on the following criteria, how would you assess your rhythm?
Beginner (1 Point) | Developing (2 Points) | Proficient (3 Points) | Exceptional (4 Points) | |
Rhythm | Rhythm is rarely in time with the backing track. | Rhythm is in time for half of the performance. | Performance stays in time with the backing tracks throughout. | Singer plays with the rhythms for effect. Phrasing is natural and augments the vocal line. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Q5. Based on the following criteria, how would you assess your pitch/intonation accuracy?
Beginner (1 Point) | Developing (2 Points) | Proficient (3 Points) | Exceptional (4 Points) | |
Pitch/Intonation Accuracy | Singing does not stay in tune with the backing tracks or incorrect notes are being sung. | Singing is mostly in tune but there are 4-5 incorrect notes or out of tune moments. | Singing is in tune the majority of the time with only 2-3 incorrect notes or out of tune moments. | Singing is in tune throughout. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Q6. Based on the following criteria, how would you assess your breath support?
Beginner (1 Point) | Developing (2 Points) | Proficient (3 Points) | Exceptional (4 Points) | |
Breath Support | Singing is unsupported and does not demonstrate proper breathing (takes shallow breaths, loud inhales, unable to sing through a phrase). | Singing is airy but starts with proper breath support. Half way through, singer starts to take shallow breath and struggles to sing through a phrase. | Singing is well supported and singer is able to sing through most phrases, although they begin to tire towards the end. | Singing is well supported and singer uses appropriate breath support throughout, taking deep breaths and sustaining each phrase. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Q7. Based on the following criteria, how would you assess your use of mix voice?
Beginner (1 Point) | Developing (2 Points) | Proficient (3 Points) | Exceptional (4 Points) | |
Mix Voice | Singer does not use mix voice but switches sharply between their lower and higher ranges. | Mix voice is used well to sing a strong tone in the middle range but is not used to soften the tone as the singer descends. | Mix voice is used well to blend between the higher and lower vocal ranges. | Mix voice is used well to blend and also effectively adds emotion in a way that is appropriate to the performance. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Week 03: Singing Popular Music Coursera Quiz Answers
Quiz 01: Singing Powerful Styles Healthfully
Q1. What are some ways to describe belting? (Select all that apply)
- Low
- Loud
- Big
- Small
- Soft
- High
Q2. True or False: When you are belting the placement should be towards the back of your mouth.
- True
- False
Q3. What is our definition of neutral/regular singing?
- Singing that loud and in a higher range of your voice.
- Singing that is monotone or does not contain any emotional qualities.
- Singing that is in your lower register that requires less breath support.
- Singing that is not belted, but not too soft.
Q4. Overpushing your voice can happen when: (Select all that apply)
- When you choose a key that is too high for your voice
- When you are using adequate breath pressure
- When your voice is pulled back in the throat
- When your voice is warmed up
Q5. or False: When you are belting, you are not using a lot of voice and air because there is so much pressure against the vocal folds.
- True
- False
Q6. True or False: Belting requires immense physical body strength.
- True
- False
Q7. True or False: Vocal folds are stretched thinner when singing low notes.
- True
- False
Q8. True or False: All belting warm-ups should start with soft, clean tones.
- True
- False
Q9. The term “vocal types” refers to: (Select all that apply)
- Vocal Registers
- Vocal Range
- Vocal Agility
- Vocal Quality
Q10. Fill in the blank: When we talk about having a flexible instrument, we are describing how well the muscle groups _______________ with each other.
- create tension
- interact
- exercise
Quiz 02 :SELF-ASSESSMENT: Using Powerful Singing Performance
Q1. Did you record yourself singing a song using a mix of belting and neutral singing?
- Yes
- No
Q2. Did you upload a link of your recording to the Discussion Forums?
- Yes
- No
Q3. Did you listen and provide feedback to at least one of your peers?
- Yes
- No
Q4. Based on the following criteria, how would you assess your rhythm?
Beginner (1 Point) | Developing (2 Points) | Proficient (3 Points) | Exceptional (4 Points) | |
Rhythm | Rhythm is rarely in time with the backing track. | Rhythm is in time for half of the performance. | Performance stays in time with the backing tracks throughout. | Singer plays with the rhythms for effect. Phrasing is natural and augments the vocal line. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Q5. Based on the following criteria, how would you assess your pitch/intonation accuracy?
Beginner (1 Point) | Developing (2 Points) | Proficient (3 Points) | Exceptional (4 Points) | |
Pitch/Intonation Accuracy | Singing does not stay in tune with the backing tracks or incorrect notes are being sung. | Singing is mostly in tune but there are 4-5 incorrect notes or out of tune moments. | Singing is in tune the majority of the time with only 2-3 incorrect notes or out of tune moments. | Singing is in tune throughout. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Q6. Based on the following criteria, how would you assess your breath support?
Beginner (1 Point) | Developing (2 Points) | Proficient (3 Points) | Exceptional (4 Points) | |
Breath Support | Singing is unsupported and does not demonstrate proper breathing (takes shallow breaths, loud inhales, unable to sing through a phrase). | Singing is airy but starts with proper breath support. Half way through, singer starts to take shallow breath and struggles to sing through a phrase. | Singing is well supported and singer is able to sing through most phrases, although they begin to tire towards the end. | Singing is well supported and singer uses appropriate breath support throughout, taking deep breaths and sustaining each phrase. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Q7. Based on the following criteria, how would you assess your use of powerful singing?
Beginner (1 Point) | Developing (2 Points) | Proficient (3 Points) | Exceptional (4 Points) | |
Powerful Singing | Singer does not use powerful singing. | Powerful Singing sections sound too constricted or too forceful. | Powerful Singing Sections sound relaxed and controlled but is used at least once in an area that is too high. | Powerful Singing is produced healthily and effectively adds emotion in a way that is appropriate to the performance. |
- Beginner
- Developing
- Proficient
- Exceptional
Week 04: Singing Popular Music Coursera Quiz Answers
Quiz 01 : Developing Your Sound
Q1. What scale can you use as a good place to start improvising?
- Harmonic Minor Scale
- Major Scale
- Whole-tone Scale
- Minor Pentatonic Scale
Q2. True or False: Riffing is a form of improvisation.
- True
- False
Q3. True or False: Improvisation is a common element in the Pop/Rock vocalist style.
- True
- False
Q4. True or False: Improvisation is a common element in the R&B vocalist style.
- True
- False
Q5. What is the term used in Jazz improvisation to identify the main melody?
- The top
- The beginning
- The front
- The head
Q6. What are some elements you can practice to increase your comfort with improvisation? (Select all that apply)
- Practice locking into the groove of a song
- Practice the major and minor pentatonic scales
- Practice stepping away from the melody in small bits
- Practice choosing syllables to improvise on
Q7. True or False: Including a cover song in your set as an unknown artist is not a good idea.
- True
- False
Q8. When making a cover song your own, it is important to: (Select all that apply)
- Copy the riffs the vocalists uses in the recording
- Research the original version
- Spend time getting to know the song
Q9. True or False: A cover song must be performed in the original key.
- True
- False
Q10. True or False: Improvising in a Soul style should use more space in the vowel production.
- True
- False
We will Update These Answers Soon.
More About This Course
You’ve been learning from the greats, practicing your singing, and building your vocal technique. Now is the time to take your singing career to the next level so you can shine as a vocalist. Learning to sing popular music gives you the skills you need to find your own voice style and sing in a healthy way.
The first part of the course is about devices that can help you sound better or change it, such as vowel quality, tone production, and breathing techniques.
From there, you’ll learn how to use modern singing techniques like mixing voice and belting. Then you’ll take a cover song and change it so it sounds like you. When you finish this course, you will be able to sing confidently and in a healthy way in the style you want. You will also know how to change your singing to fit other modern styles.
- Find the right way to breathe while singing and practise doing it.
- Find out what your head voice, mix voice, and chest voice are and how to use them when you sing.
- Find out how to sing or belt powerfully in a healthy way.
- Add improvisational techniques to the way you sing.
- Popular Music
- Breathing Techniques
- Belting
- Music
- Singing
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Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of the Singing Popular Music Quiz of Coursera and grab some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing training. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also, and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.
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