Hello Friends, we come along with the Top 100 Java Programming Multiple Choice Questions and answers which helps you in clearing your basic understanding about Java programming and object oriented programming language.
This quiz will also assist you in cracking any competitive exams or an entrance exams, your interview, etc. This java online quiz will gives you a clarity on the fundamentals of java, feature of java, features of oops, multithreading in java, compiler vs interpreter, etc.
- Which of the following option is not true about the java programming language?
A. Java is a high-level programming language.
B. Java is platform independent.
C. javac is the compiler.
D. Byte code is executed by the CPU.
ANSWER: D - What is byte code in the context of Java?
A. The type of code generated by a Java compiler.
B. The type of code generated by a Java Virtual Machine.
C. It is another name for a Java source file.
D. It is the code written within the instance methods of a class.
ANSWER: A - Which of the following are primitive types?
A. Byte.
B. Integer.
C. String.
D. Float.
ANSWER: A - What is an example of polymorphism?
A. Inner class.
B. Anonymous classes.
C. Method overloading.
D. Method overriding.
- Normally the Java compiler translates source code into
A. machine code.
B. assembly code.
C. Byte code.
D. JVM code.
ANSWER: C - Which of the following is NOT a valid type in Java?
A. void.
B. int.
C. integer.
D. static
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- Which of the following is correct?
A. Java platform is a software-only platform that runs on top of another hardware-based platform.
B. Java platform has two components: JVM, and API.
C. Java technology is a programming language as well as a platform.
D. All of the above.
ANSWER: D - Java programming was developed by_________
A. Sun Microsystems.
B. Microsoft.
C. Oracle.
ANSWER: A - Java applets can run from a Web_________
A. applications.
B. browser.
C. applications.
D. site.
ANSWER: B - _________is a language that follows the interpreted concept.
A. Java.
C. C+
D. Pascal.
- An _________is a location in memory having a value and referenced by an identifier.
A. object.
B. data.
C. information.
D. directory.
ANSWER: A - In an object-oriented system, everything is considered as_________
A. object.
B. material.
C. software.
D. hardware
ANSWER: A - _________is the process of hiding all the internal details of an object from the outside world.
A. Idea.
B. Knowledge.
C. Capsulation.
D. Encapsulation.
ANSWER: D - _________is any kind of knowledge that is exchangeable amongst people, about things, facts, concepts, etc., in some context.
A. Idea.
B. Knowledge.
C. Money.
D. Information.
- The processed data is called as_________
A. information.
B. raw data.
C. field.
D. table
ANSWER: A - A_________ is a set of objects that share a common structure and common behavior.
A. instructions.
B. class.
C. object.
D. material.
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- A class is a blueprint for constructing of_________
A. buildings.
B. applications.
C. objects.
D. tools
ANSWER: C - In network protocols, IPv6 stands for_________
A. Internet Protocol version 6.
B. Information Path v 6.
C. Input Program version 6.
D. Instant Platform v6.
ANSWER: A - _________is a set of rules or language used by computer and networking devices to communicate with one another.
A. Software.
B. Program.
C. Virus.
D. Protocol.
ANSWER: D - A _________use by computer and networking devices such as file and print services.
A. service.
B. hardware.
C. software.
D. connector.
ANSWER: A - _________is one of the inventors of Java.
A. Dannis Ritchie.
B. James Gosling.
C. Bjarne Stroustrup.
D. Balagurusamy
- _________is one of the java features that enables java programs to run anywhere anytime.
A. Objected-Oriented.
B. Multithreaded.
C. Platform-Independent.
D. Dynamic & Extensible.
ANSWER: C - _________is one of the java features that can handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
A. Object-Oriented.
B. Dynamic & Extensible.
C. Platform-Independent.
D. Multithreaded.
ANSWER: D - Runnable is_________
A. Class
B. Method
C. Variable
D. Interface
ANSWER: D - Java interpreter translates _________into machine code.
A. Bitcode.
B. Bytecode( Virtual Machine Code)
C. Machine Code.
D. User Code.
ANSWER: B - Java compiler produces an intermediate code known as_________
A. Bitcode.
B. Machine Code
C. Bytecodes
D. User Code
ANSWER: C - _________tool helps us to find errors in our programs.
A. jhelp.
B. javah.
C. javap.
D. jdb.
ANSWER: D - The_________ includes hundreds of classes and methods grouped into several function packages.
ANSWER: A - The java interpreter uses _________ method before any objects are created.
A. Class.
B. Main.
C. Constructor.
D. All the above.
- ________is used for naming classes, methods, variables, etc in a program.
A. Operator.
B. Separator.
C. Identifier.
D. Constructor.
ANSWER: C - _________is a reserved keyword in java.
A. Abstract.
B. Extends.
C. Package.
D. All the above.
ANSWER: D - Java provides an extensive set of classes, arranged in_________
A. package.
B. library file.
C. template class
D. none.
ANSWER: A - The process of converting one data type to another is called_________
A. translating.
B. casting.
C. compiling
D. declaring
ANSWER: B - Java does not support_________
A. operator overloading.
B. global variable.
C. multiple inheritances.
D. all the above
- The program which executes applet is known as_________
A. applet engine
B. virtual machine
D. None of above
ANSWER: A - Which method executes only once?
A. startQ) method
B. init0 method
C. stopQ method
D. destroy(Q) method
ANSWER: B - _________refer to fix a value that does not change during the execution of a program.
A. variables.
B. constants.
C. identifiers.
D. integer.
- _________operators are used to constructing mathematical expression as in algebra.
A. Relational.
B. Mathematical.
C. Arithmetic.
D. Logical.
ANSWER: C - Which constraint must be considered at the time of variable declaration?
A. It should not be keyword.
B. It must not begin with digit.
C. White space not allowed.
D. All the above.
ANSWER: D - The comparisons can be done with help of _________operator.
A. relational.
B. mathematical.
C. arithmetic.
D. assignment.
ANSWER: A - Which of the following is not assignment operator?
C. %=.
D. =.
- _________operator is used to construct conditional expression.
A. Dot(.).
B. instanceof.
C. Ternary(?:).
D. None.
ANSWER: C - Which statement is used to terminate the loop early?
A. Terminate.
B. Continue.
C. Skip.
D. Break.
ANSWER: D - Which statement is used to skip the loop and continue with the next iteration?
A. Continue.
B. Terminate.
C. Skip.
D. Break.
ANSWER: A - _________is a group of contiguous or related data items that share a common name.
A. Variable.
B. Array.
C. Constant.
D. None.
- Which of the following is the correct declaration statement in the java program?
A. int num=new int[5].
B. int num=new num[5].
C. int[] num=new int[5].
D. None.
ANSWER: C - Normally Java programming follows the_________
A. Only compiles.
B. Only interprets.
C. Compiles and then interprets.
D. Interprets & then compiles.
ANSWER: C - JVM stands for_________
A. Java Virtual Method.
B. Java Virtual Machine.
C. Java Variable & Methods.
D. Java Versatile Machine.
ANSWER: B - The range of short variables is_________
A. -128 to 128.
B. -128 to 127.
C. -32768 to 32767.
D. -32768 to 32768.
ANSWER: C - _________is the default access specifier in JAVA.
A. friendly.
B. private.
C. protected.
D. public.
ANSWER: A - _________variables and methods can be called without using the objects.
A. static.
B. final.
C. abstract.
D. none of the above.
ANSWER: A - Which of the following statements is true?
A. Java supports operator overloading.
B. Java supports interfaces.
C. Java supports pointers.
D. Java supports multiple inheritances.
- What keyword is used in Java to define a constant?
A. static.
B. final.
C. abstract.
D. private.
ANSWER: B - If two methods have same name but different parameter list then it is called_________
A. Method overriding.
B. Method overloading.
C. Operator overloading.
D. None of these.
ANSWER: A - The_________ constructor is created when object of particular class is created.
A. Default.
B. Parameterized.
C. Copy.
D. None of these.
- _________inheritance is not supported by JAVA.
A. Multiple.
B. Multi-level
C. Hierarchal.
D. Hybrid.
ANSWER: A - The mechanism of deriving a new class from an old one is called_________
A. Method overriding.
B. Method overloading.
C. Operator overloading.
D. Inheritance.
ANSWER: D - The _________keyword does not allow a method to be overridden in the subclass.
A. public.
B. abstract.
C. final.
D. static.
ANSWER: C - _________Methods must be overridden in the subclass.
A. public.
B. final.
C. abstract.
D. static.
ANSWER: C - The subclass constructor uses the _________keyword to invoke the constructor of the superclass.
A. super.
B. final.
C. static.
D. public.
- _________is a special method in java that enables an object to initialize itself when it is created.
A. constructor.
B. destructor.
C. static.
D. final.
ANSWER: A - _________defines only abstract methods and final fields.
A. Interface.
B. Final class.
C. Abstract class.
D. Class.
ANSWER: A - The _________keyword is used to inherit among classes.
A. extend.
B. extends.
C. implement.
D. implements.
ANSWER: B - We cannot create a subclass of _________class.
A. abstract.
B. public.
C. static.
D. final.
ANSWER: D - All syntax errors are known as _________errors.
A. Run-time.
B. Exception.
C. Logical.
D. Compile-time.
ANSWER: D - Use of undeclared variables is the type of error.
A. Logical.
B. Exception.
C. Run-time.
D. Compile-time.
ANSWER: D - Divided an integer by zero – is the example of_________ type of error.
A. Compile-time.
B. Run-time.
C. Logical.
D. Exception.
ANSWER: B - Converting invalid string to a number is the _________type of error.
A. Run-time.
B. Exception.
C. Logical.
D. Compile-time.
- Among the multiple classes, the keyword should not be class_________
A. name.
B. variable.
C. object.
D. function.
ANSWER: A - _________is caused when a conversion between string and number fails.
A. Null Pointer Exception.
B. Number Format Exception.
C. IO Exception.
D. Security Exception.
ANSWER: B - JIT meaning
A. java in time
B. join in time
C. just in time
D. None of the above
ANSWER: C - _________presents a uniform, easy-to-use, object-oriented interface between the program and the
input/output devices.
A. Stream.
B. Output.
C. Input.
D. Reader.
ANSWER: A - Character streams can be used to read and write _________Unicode characters.
A. 4-bit.
B. 16-bit.
C. 2-bit.
D. 8-bit.
ANSWER: B - Which package is used for creating and implementing applets?
A. java. lang.
B. java.util.
C. java.applet.
D. java.awt.
ANSWER: C - The _________method is used to find the nth no. of the character of given string s1.
A. sL.index(n).
B. sl.substring(n).
C. sl.length().
D. sl.charAt(n).
- The _________parameter is used to specify the applet class name.
A. classname.
B. code.
C. name.
D. codebase.
ANSWER: B - _________is a valid parameter to set the background color as red.
A. setColor(RED).
B. Color = RED.
C. Color.RED.
D. new Color(RED).
ANSWER: C - Through the applet life cycle, _________state occurs only once.
A. running.
B. idle.
C. born.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: C - _________is a passive control.
A. Text field
B. Lable.
C. Button,
D. None of these.
- _________is a single-line edit control.
A. Text field.
B. Lable.
C. Button.
D. Text area.
ANSWER: A - In _________component, we can select multiple items.
A. Option Button.
B. Choice.
C. List.
D. None of these
ANSWER: C - In List, if no item is selected then the method get selected index() returns_________
B. 1
C. -1
- To implement pop-up style single content selection, _________ component is used.
A. Text area.
B. Button.
C. List.
D. Choice.
- _________is a multi-line edit control.
A. Text field
B. TextArea.
C. label
D. Button.
ANSWER: B - Which type of inheritance is not supported by java?
A. Single
B. Multiple
C. Multilevel
D. Hierarchical
ANSWER: B - Super is the predefined
A. Keyword
B. Method
C. Keyword and Method
D. None of above
ANSWER: C - Execution of the program always begins with_________
A. Main method
B. class contains the main method
C. parent class
D. default package
ANSWER: A - JDBC application must import _________package.
A. io.
C. event.
D. util.
ANSWER: B - The paint method accepts _________types of argument.
A. graphics.
B. graphic.
C. drawing.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: A - What is byte code in the context of Java?
A. The type of code generated by a Java compiler.
B. The type of code generated by a Java Virtual Machine.
C. It is another name for a Java source file.
D. It is the code written within the instance methods of a class.
ANSWER: A - What is garbage collection in the context of Java?
A. The operating system periodically deletes all of the java files available on the system.
B. Any package imported in a program and not used is automatically deleted.
C. When all references to an object are gone, the memory used by the object is automatically reclaimed.
D. The JVM checks the output of any Java program and deletes anything that doesn’t make sense.
- What output is displayed as the result of executing the following statement? System.out.println (“// Looks like a comment.”);
A. // Looks like a comment.
B. The statement results in a compilation error.
C. Looks like a comment.
D. No output is displayed.
ANSWER: A - In order for a source code file, containing the public class Test, to successfully compile, which of the following must be true?
A. It must have a package statement.
B. It must be named Test.java.
C. It must import java. lang.
D. It must declare a public class named Test.
ANSWER: B - What is the index value of a[3] as the result of the following array declaration?
B. 2.
C. 3.
D. 4.
ANSWER: D - Which of the following are primitive types?
A. Byte.
B. String.
C. Integer.
D. Float.
ANSWER: A - What is an example of polymorphism?
A. Inner class.
B. Anonymous classes.
C. Method overloading.
D. Method overriding.
ANSWER: C - An interface contains_________ methods.
A. non-abstract.
B. implemented.
C. unimplemented.
D. abstract.
ANSWER: C - Which of the following is not a wrapper class?
A. String.
B. Integer.
C. Boolean.
D. Character.
- Which of the following methods are methods of the String class?
A. delete( ).
B. append().
C. reverse( ).
D. replace( ).
ANSWER: D - The process of creating an exact copy of the existing object is called
A. cloning
B. overloading
C. overriding
D. coping
ANSWER: A - What is the name of the method used to schedule a thread for execution?
A. int0.
B. start().
C. run(Q.
D. resume().
ANSWER: B - Which of the following are true about the Error and Exception classes?
A. Both classes extend Throwable.
B. The Error class is final and the Exception class is not.
C. The Exception class is final and the Error is not.
D. Both classes implement Throwable.
ANSWER: A - Which method may cause a thread to stop executing?
A. wait(.
B. notify0.
C. sleepQ.
D. notify Ald.
ANSWER: C - Which of the following statements are true?
A. UTF characters are all 8-bits.
B. UTF characters are all 16-bits.
C. UTF characters are all 24-bits.
D. Unicode characters are all 16-bits.
ANSWER: D - How can you change the current working directory using an instance of the File class called FileName?
A. FileName.chdir(“DirName”).
B. FileName.cd(“DirName”).
C. FileName.cwd(“DirName”).
D. The File class does not support directly changing the current directory.
ANSWER: D - What tags are mandatory when creating HTML to display an applet?
A. name, height, width.
B. code, name.
C. codebase, height, width.
D. code, height, width.
- Executable applet is_________A. .applet file
B. java html
C. java file
D. .class file
ANSWER: D - What is the preferred way to handle an object’s events in Java 2?
A. Override the objects handleEvent( ) method.
B. Add one or more event listeners to handle the events.
C. Have the object override its processEvent( ) methods.
D. Have the object override its dispatchEvent( ) methods.
ANSWER: B - The code below draws a line. What color is the line? g.setColor(Color.red.green.yellow.red.cyan);
g.drawLine(0, 0, 100,100);
A. Red.
B. Yellow.
C. Cyan.
D. Black.
ANSWER: C - What code would you use to construct a 24-point bold serif font?
A. new Font(Font.SERIF, 24,Font.BOLD);
B. new Font(“SERIF”, Font.BOLD,24);
C. new Font(“BOLD “, 24,Font.SERIF);
D. new Font(Font.SERIF, “BOLD”, 24);
ANSWER: B - Which of the following are passed as an argument to the paint( ) method?
A. A Canvas object.
B. A Graphics object.
C. An Image object.
D. A Paint object.
ANSWER: B - Which of the following methods are invoked by the AWT to support paint and repaint operations?
A. paintc().
B. repaint( ).
C. draw().
D. redraw( ).
ANSWER: A - Which Component method is used to access a component’s immediate Container?
A. getVisible().
B. getImmediate.
C. getParent().
D. getContainer.
- Which method is used to set the text of a Label object?
A. setText().
B. setLabel( ).
C. setTextLabel( ).
D. setLabelText( ).
ANSWER: A - Which constructor creates a TextArea with 10 rows and 20 columns?
A. new TextArea(10, 20).
B. new TextArea(20, 10).
C. new TextArea(new Rows(10), new columns(20)).
D. new TextArea(200).
ANSWER: A - Which method is method to set the layout of a container?
A. startLayout( ).
B. initLayout( ).
C. layoutContainer( ).
D. setLayoutt ).
ANSWER: D - Which method can’t be overridden?
A. super
B. static
C. final
D. println
ANSWER: C - Which layout should you use to organize the components of a container in a tabular form?
A. CardLayout.
B. BorderLayout.
C. FlowLayout.
D. GridLayout.
ANSWER: D - There are _________types of Comments in Java.
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. four.
ANSWER: D - Java enables the creation of cross-platform programs by compiling into an intermediate representation
called Java
A. byte code.
B. firewall.
C. tetra code.
D. view code.
ANSWER: A - All statements in Java end with_________
A. colon.
B. semicolon.
C. hyphen.
D. dot.
- _________is a feature that allows one interface to be used for a general class of actions.
A. Class.
B. Inheritance.
C. Polymorphism.
D. Interface.
ANSWER: C - The term _________refers to a class’s direct ancestor or to any of its ascendant classes.
A. subclass.
B. superclass.
C. class hierarchy.
D. class instance.
ANSWER: B - A single-line comment begins with a _________and ends at the end of the line.
B. //.
D. **.
ANSWER: B - _________code segments must be implemented for an event handler.
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four.
ANSWER: C - A class is declared by the use of the_________ keyword.
A. object.
B. class.
C. instance.
D. method.
ANSWER: B - The new operator dynamically allocates _________for an object and returns a reference to it.
A. classes.
B. variables.
C. memory.
D. none of these above.
ANSWER: C - Hot java is_________
A. System software
B. Web browser
D. Java environment
ANSWER: B - In general, there are_________ ways that a computer language can pass an argument to a subroutine.
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. four.
- finalize( ) is only called just prior to_________
A. initialization.
B. runtime.
C. garbage collection.
D. destruction.
ANSWER: C - The data, or variables, defined within a class are called _________variables.
A. object.
B. class.
C. instance.
D. schema.
ANSWER: C - In this example class-var = new classname( ); The class name followed by parentheses specifies the_________for the class.
A. objects.
B. constructor.
C. variables.
D. memory.
ANSWER: B - You would use the _________ operator to create a single instance of a named class.
A. new.
B. dot.
C. equal.
ANSWER: A - What is the default thread at the time of starting the program?
A. Main Thread.
B. Thread Group.
C. Child Thread.
D. Child Thread.
ANSWER: A - What is the use of valueOf( ) method?
A. It converts data from its internal format into a human-readable form.
B. It converts integer values to strings.
C. It converts the string to an int value.
D. It converts a string to a float value.
ANSWER: D - What is the part in executing a Java program and its purposes?
A. Java Compiler.
B. Java Interpreter.
C. Java Pre-processor.
D. Directive Pre-processor.
- What is the unit for 1000 in the below statement? ob.sleep(1000)
A. Long milliseconds.
B. Double milliseconds.
C. Int milliseconds.
D. Float milliseconds.
ANSWER: A - The smallest individual unit in the java program is known as_________
A. string
B. literal
C. token
D. operator
139, Which of the function is used to convert String to Number in java program?
A. toNumber().
B. conString().
C. valueOf(.
D. toString(.
- The class that inherits is called a_________ .
A. superclass.
B. subclass.
C. instance class.
D. instantiate class.
ANSWER: B - A subclass is also called as_________
A. inner class.
B. nested class.
C. derived class.
D. hidden class.
ANSWER: C - Which of the following classes are not available in the java.lang package?
A. Stack.
B. Object.
C. Math.
D. String.
ANSWER: A - Which of the following method not belong to the String class?
A. lengthQ.
B. reverse().
C. compareTo().
D. equals().
ANSWER: B - What default value is used for the variable of type char, if it is not assigned a value?
A. “uffft’.
B. \u0000′.
C.”” (space).
D. \u0001′.
- The methods wait and notifyQ are defined in_________.
A. java.lang.Object.
B. java.lang.Runnable.
C. ava.lang.Object.
D. java.lang. Thread.
ANSWER: C - When we implement the Runnable interface, we must define the _ method.
A. run().
B. start).
C. init0
D. mainQ).
ANSWER: A - The keywords reserved but used in the initial version of JAVA are
A. union.
B. const.
C. inner.
D. goto.
ANSWER: A - A function is _________.
A. an entity that receives inputs and outputs.
B. a way of storing values.
C. a sequence of characters enclosed by quotes.
D. a kind of computer.
ANSWER: A - Java uses to represent character
A. ASCTI code
B. Unicode
C. Byte code
D. None of the above
ANSWER: B - Threads can be created by extending the class.
A. new.
B. operator.
C. thread.
D. super thread.
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