Supply Chain Management A Learning Perspective Coursera Quiz Answer [💯Correct Answer]

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Supply Chain Management A Learning Perspective Answer

Week- 2
Introduction to Value, Value Creation, and Supply Chain Management

Question 1
Fill in the blank.

1 point

  • Product
  • Value
  • Flexibility
  • Income
  • Profit

Question 2
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

The goal of firm is (______) by providing products and services to the customers through optimally managing processes, resources, and capabilities.

1 point

  • Knowledge transition
  • Innovation
  • Social welfare
  • Value creation
  • Service

Question 3
Which is NOT included in the fundamental building blocks?

1 point

  • Profitability
  • Capabilities
  • Resource
  • Process

Question 4
Which is NOT one of the primary activities of value chain as proposed by Porter?

1 point

  • Operations
  • Marketing
  • R&D
  • Services
  • Logistics

Question 5
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

(______) is a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the functions of procurements of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished goods, and the distribution of these finished goods to customers.

1 point

  • Marketing
  • Operations
  • Supply Chain
  • Process
  • Manufacturing

Question 6
Which is NOT one of the major players in the supply chain system?

1 point

  • University
  • Supplier
  • Distributor
  • Customer
  • Manufacturer

Question 7
Fill in the blank.

1 point

  • Employee-driven
  • Customer-driven
  • Efficiency-driven
  • Responsiveness-driven
  • Market-driven

Question 8
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

(______) refers to the integration of new product innovation and SCM.

1 point

  • R&D
  • Network
  • Value life Cycle
  • Product life cycle
  • Logistics


Management Capabilities

Question 1
Which one is NOT included in the firm’s three major capabilities?

1 point

  • Integrating capability
  • Controllability
  • Analytic capability
  • Flexibility

Question 2
Which is the least relevant concept to the capability that enables to overcome a tradeoff relationship between controllability and flexibility?

1 point

  • Globalization
  • Experimentation
  • Cross-functional teamwork
  • Customer integration
  • Supplier integration

Question 3
True or False

Most of customers can observe the firm’s process-level capability.

1 point

  • False
  • True

Question 4
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

(__________) is the firm’s ability to cope with uncertainties, both internal and external. It refers to firm’s ability to change or react, incurring few penalties in time, effort, cost, or performance, as well as to respond effectively to changing circumstances.

1 point

  • Flexibility
  • Agility
  • Absorptive capacity
  • Combinative capability
  • Controllability

Question 5
Which is the least relevant concept to firm’s controllability?

1 point

  • Maximizing productivity
  • Minimizing cost
  • Maximizing accuracy
  • Meeting the specification demanded by the customer
  • None of the above

Question 6
True or False

Integrating capability is often embodied not only in overall operations effectiveness but also in new product innovation.

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 7
Fill in the blank

1 point

  • Chain of capability
  • Responsiveness
  • System capability
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Integrating capability

Question 8
Which one is NOT included in the basic capability of the firm?

1 point

  • Safety environments
  • Work ethics
  • Manufacturing experiences
  • Lead-time
  • Process knowledge

Week- 4

Learning Perspective

Question 1
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

(______) as the process of :

– Identifying and understanding the complex cause-and-effect relationship between critical factors in operations.

– Generating operations knowledge based on that understanding.

– Applying the knowledge to solving problems in operations to enhance the operations performance.

– Gathering and analyzing the outcomes of problem solving.

– Systemizing the analysis results to further improve the capability of identifying and understanding the cause-and-effect relationship.

1 point

  • Operations learning
  • R&D
  • Procurement
  • Order fulfillment
  • Supply chain management

Question 2
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

(______) means that the organization tries to fix the symptoms without tackling more fundamental causes of the problem.

1 point

  • Double-loop learning
  • Action learning
  • Single-loop learning
  • Dynamic learning
  • Integrated learning

Question 3
Which CONCEPT is the most related with the words below.

– Problem solving

– Long-term oriented

– Fixing root causes

– Fundamental

1 point

  • Single-loop learning
  • Double-loop learning
  • Integrated learning
  • Action learning
  • Dynamic learning

Question 4
True or False

To make better performance, a company should direct its effort to only double-loop learning.

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 5
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

(_______) is an organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights.

1 point

  • Supply Chain
  • Bureaucratic organization
  • Learning organization
  • Sales department
  • Traditional organization

Question 6
Which is NOT included in the building blocks for learning organizations?

1 point

  • Low level of external communication
  • Experimentation with new approaches
  • Systematic problem solving
  • Learning from their own experience and past history
  • Learning from the experiences and best practices of others

Question 7
Fill in the blank.

1 point

  • Infrastructure
  • System objectives
  • Learning propensity
  • Investment
  • Top management

Question 8
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

“Stage of Learning”

(_______) –> Behavioral –> Performance improvement

– It means that members of the organization are exposed to new ideas, expand their knowledge, and begin to think differently.

1 point

  • Cognitive
  • Reactive
  • Investment
  • Feedback
  • Observing

Week-  5

Quality Management

Question 1
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

(______) is one aspect of quality, which is specifically related to meeting the specification (e.g., size) of the product.

1 point

  • Reliability
  • Conformance
  • Durability
  • Performance
  • Features

Question 2
Which is the least relevant concept to the order-winning attribute?

1 point

  • Aesthetics
  • Perceived quality
  • Durability
  • Features
  • Serviceability

Question 3
True or False

Quality is the uni-dimensional concept, mainly focusing on improving performance of the product.

1 point

  • False
  • True

Question 4
Which is the least relevant description to ‘Quality is Free’?

1 point

  • Investment in the quality improvement incurs long term costs.
  • Cost of investment in the quality is compensated by internal payback (i.e., increased process efficiency and decreased cost)
  • Cost of investment in the quality is compensated by market payback (i.e., increased customer perception)
  • There could be time discrepancy between cost and benefit realization when managers invest in the quality improvement.
  • Cost of investment in the quality improvement is compensated in the long term.

Question 5
True or False

Cost of internal quality failure is much higher than cost of external quality failure. Therefore, managers should reduce the cost of internal quality failure as much as possible.

1 point

  • False
  • True

Question 6
Which type of error is relevant to the following description?

A manager judges that the system is in the out-of-control state and believes that the root cause of the problem should be identified when in fact it is in the in-control state.

1 point

  • Type II error
  • Type I error

Question 7
Which one is the least correct description regarding the ‘Quality-Learning’ dynamics below?

1 point

  • (A) – Continuous learning
  • (A) – double-loop learning oriented
  • (B) – involving single-loop learning only
  • (B) – Current learning
  • (B) – includes implementation

Question 8
Select the major dimension(s) of the total quality management (TQM)

1 point

  • Both technical and organizational dimensions
  • Technical dimension only
  • Organizational dimension only
  • None of the above

Week- 6

New Product Innovation

Question 1
Which is the least relevant statement to ‘New Product Innovation’?

1 point

  • Value life cycle refers integration of NPI and SCM.
  • NPI is essential condition for sustainable competitive advantage.
  • Reducing the NPI lead-time is one of key success factors in time-based competition.
  • Fast NPI is important in achieving competitive advantage.
  • NPI is not related with service industry.

Question 2
Which method is NOT for reducing the project (e.g., new product development) lead-time?

1 point

  • Flexible NPD process
  • Cross-functional team
  • Concurrent engineering
  • Sequential approach

Question 3
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

Under (______), the company starts the design stage even before it completes the concept development stage. Similarly, building a prototype can start before the design or even before the concept stage is done.

1 point

  • Cross-functional approach
  • Sequential approach
  • Just in time
  • Traditional approach
  • Total quality management

Question 4
True or False

Flexible new product innovation process is always beneficial in any condition. Therefore, the company should try to take it for competitive advantage.

1 point

  • False
  • True

Question 5
Which is NOT one of the advantages of flexible new product innovation approach?

1 point

  • Reducing risk exposure period
  • Reducing communication load
  • Improving problem solving capability
  • Improving product quality
  • Reducing the product lead-time

Question 6
Which is NOT one of the disadvantages of flexible new product innovation approach?

1 point

  • Increasing resource waste
  • Increasing employee exhaustion
  • Increasing communication load
  • Increasing accountability
  • Increasing coordination cost

Question 7
When is it better to use the CFT approach?

1 point

  • A
  • B

Question 8
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

“Three Stages of Change”

1 point

  • Structural support
  • Penalty
  • Restructuring process
  • Infrastructural support
  • Incentive alignment

Week- 7

Supply Chain Strategy I: Structural and Infrastructural Dimensions

Question 1
Which one is the most correct description regarding ‘infrastructural dimension’ of supply chain management?

1 point

  • It is related with physical products/materials
  • One of good analogies for it would be a ‘computer hardware’
  • It involves investment in physical facilities, materials, and systems
  • It involves ‘intangible, invisible, implicit’ factors such as communication, information, and collaboration

Question 2
Which element of ‘structural dimension’ of supply chain management is most related to the following description?

Geographic placement of supply chain (value function) functions or activities

Involving a commitment of resources to a long-term plan

Long-term and strategic factors should be considered to enhance efficiency and responsiveness

1 point

  • Inventory
  • Configuration (Location)
  • Logistics (Transportation)
  • Connection (Production; Matching)

Question 3
True or False

Inventory decision of a firm has NO impact to innovation and problem solving capability of the firm.

1 point

  • False
  • True

Question 4
Which is the least correct description of the ‘Push’ deployment strategy?

1 point

  • Physical products flow downstream
  • Make-to-order system
  • Information (including market demand) flows downstream
  • Excessive inventory

Question 5
Which one represents the most intensive form of coordination?

1 point

  • C
  • D
  • B
  • A

Question 6
Which is the least relevant to inventory?

1 point

  • Cost
  • Innovation
  • Problem Solving
  • Perception

Question 7
Select the most appropriate word for box A in the chart below.

1 point

  • Coordination
  • Economies of scale
  • Mass Customization
  • Responsiveness

Question 8
Which is NOT a possible cause of mismatch between supply and demand?

1 point

  • Stable demand
  • Inability to develop new products valued by customers at the right time
  • Technological changes
  • Competition

Week- 8

Supply Chain Strategy II: Coordination for Value Creation

Question 1
True or False

Coordination between supply chain partners enables the firm to achieve both efficiency-driven and responsiveness-driven value.

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 2
Which is NOT one of the critical issues in coordination between supply chain partners?

1 point

  • How to share the benefit
  • How to prevent leakage of proprietary technology/information
  • How to measure the performance improvement
  • How to forge sustainable relationship
  • How to squeeze the supplier’s margin to improve buyer’s margin

Question 3
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

There is a phenomenon called (______) where the information distortion grows exponentially as the information moves upstream in a supply chain.

1 point

  • Total quality management
  • Bullwhip effect
  • Learning effect
  • Just in time
  • Vendor managed inventory

Question 4
Fill in the blank.

1 point

  • Information quality
  • Cost
  • The number of gatekeepers
  • Distance from information source
  • Inventory

Question 5
What happens when uncertainty increases?

1 point

  • Decreasing inventory level
  • Increasing inventory level
  • Increasing learning from problem solving
  • Increasing innovation speed
  • Decreasing inventory management cost

Question 6
What is the concept described below?

– One of key coordination mechanisms

– Supplier manages the inventory at the customer’s premise

1 point

  • Statistical process control
  • Total quality management
  • Bullwhip effect
  • Vendor-managed inventory (VMI)
  • Just in time

Question 7
Which is NOT one of the vendors’ advantages of VMI?

1 point

  • Increasing sales
  • Increasing relationship with customer
  • Decreasing inventory cost
  • Increasing direct access to demand information

Question 8
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

(______) is delaying the ‘product differentiating point’. This strategy requires maintaining the ‘common platform’ for a long time. To implement this, ‘channel capability’ and modularity principles are required.

1 point

  • Postponement
  • Bullwhip effect
  • Just in time
  • Total quality management
  • Vendor managed inventory

Week- 9

Supply Chain Globalization and Sustainability

Question 1
In the globalization process, select the most appropriate timing for a firm to consider the motivation of globalization (e.g., globalization due to market saturation? globalization for risk diversification? globalization for learning and innovation?

1 point

  • Pre-entry
  • Entry
  • Post-Entry
  • Exit

Question 2

Fill in the blank.

1 point

  • A: Reinforce determining factors, B: Succeed?
  • A: Reinforce determining factors, B: Fail?
  • A: Analyze determining factors, B: Fail?

Question 3

Select the period which has the highest risk of collapse

1 point

  • C
  • A
  • B

Question 4
True or False

NGO, competing value chains and governments in the foreign countries can be also a part of sustainability stakeholders of the firm

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 5
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

(_______) emphasizes firm’s effort to make decisions in a way to be sustainable not just from the firm’s own perspective, but from the perspectives of the entire value chain participants including internal stakeholders like managers and employees and external stakeholders like suppliers, vendors, distributors, customers, communities, governments, non-governmental organizations, and even those in other countries, i.e., in the global market

1 point

  • Make to Stock System
  • Value Chain Sustainability
  • Total Quality Management
  • Globalization

Question 6
Select the element which is the most relevant to the concept of economic sustainability.

1 point

  • Preservation and improvement of culture
  • Carbon footprint
  • Improving human conditions such as education, job skills and quality of life
  • Current profit with reserved resources for future economic activities

Question 7
Select the sustainability level in terms of operational priority which is the most relevant to the following description.

Although its manufacturing process is in good shape and not generating any harmful substances to sustainability, the company invests actively in research to develop newer processes to be more consistent with and supportive of its sustainability effort.

1 point

  • Preventive activities
  • Corrective activities
  • Innovating activities

Question 8
Select the dimension to consider in managerial decision making which is the most relevant to the following description.

(______) is stimulated by communication, controversy, and concurrency among the members of the organization. Without frequent communication among the relevant members of an organization and/or between members of different organizations like supplier, partners, and customers, (______) cannot be engendered. Connectivity and collaboration are also the important factors to cultivate (______) in the firm.

1 point

  • Creativity
  • Commitment
  • Calculus

Week- 10

Final Exam

Question 1
Fill in the blank.

1 point

  • Value
  • Product
  • Capability

Question 2
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

We can define the (______) from the customer’s perspective. The (______) is a function of utility and cost.

1 point

  • Value
  • Product
  • Capability

Question 3
Fill in the blank.

1 point

  • Flexibility
  • Profit
  • Efficiency

Question 4
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

(______) is managing the functions of procurements of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished goods, and the distribution of these finished goods to customers.

1 point

  • Marketing
  • New product innovation
  • Supply chain management

Question 5
Fill in the blank.

1 point

  • Integrating capability
  • Globalization
  • Just in Time

Question 6
Select the firm’s capability which is the most relevant to the following description.

Its primary objective is to achieve superb efficiency that minimizes cost and maximizes accuracy and productivity. It often requires the ability to meet the specification, thus enabling the firm to tightly control its processes

1 point

  • Integrating capability
  • Controllability
  • Flexibility

Question 7
In the chain of capability, which is the capability that is the most relevant to the following description?

– responsiveness

– lead time

– overall quality

– design

– NPD capability

1 point

  • Process level capability
  • System level capability
  • Basic capability

Question 8
True or False

Incremental innovation/improvement in the process capability has NO relevance with radical innovation/improvement in the system capability

1 point

  • False
  • True

Question 9
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

(______) is an essential part of any creative activity. (______) in operations is defined as a process through which the manufacturing system identifies, analyzes, and internalizes complex cause-and-effect relationships among key factors in operations.

1 point

  • R&D
  • Marketing
  • Learning

Question 10
Select the concept which is the most relevant to the following figure.

1 point

  • Single-loop learning
  • Double-loop learning
  • Integrated learning

Question 11
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

A (______) is an organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights.

1 point

  • Hierarchical organization
  • Learning organization
  • Matrix organization

Question 12
True or False

Features, serviceability and aesthetics are included in the eight dimensions of quality

1 point

  • False
  • True

Question 13
Which is the most appropriate function regarding costs due to quality failure in the graph below?

1 point

  • A
  • B
  • C

Question 14
Select the concept which is the most relevant to the following dynamics.

1 point

  • Quality is Free
  • Statistical Process Control
  • Mass Customization

Question 15
Fill in the blank.

(_______) is the cause that incurs process variability systematically.

1 point

  • Assignable cause
  • Common cause
  • Random cause

Question 16
True or False

Value life cycle refers to the integration of new product innovation and SCM.

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 17
What is the advantage of CFT approach in NPD?

1 point

  • Reducing lead-time
  • Reducing communication load
  • Reducing complexity

Question 18
What is the advantage of sequential approach in NPD?

1 point

  • Simplicity
  • Reducing lead-time
  • Improving problem solving ability

Question 19
True or False

One of important role of CFT approach is minimizing the mismatch between ‘flexibility to solve problems’ and ‘management attention allocation pattern’.

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 20
True or False

Regarding the design factors of SCM, the structural dimension includes configuration, connection, inventory and logistics decisions while the infrastructural dimension includes coordination

1 point

  • False
  • True

Question 21
Select the type of uncertainty which is the most relevant to each stage in the graph below.

1 point

  • A: Supply Uncertainty, B; Process Uncertainty, C: Demand Uncertainty
  • A: Supply Uncertainty, B: Demand Uncertainty, C: Process Uncertainty
  • A: Demand Uncertainty, B: Supply Uncertainty, C: Process Uncertainty

Question 22
What is the primary purpose of inventory?

1 point

  • Problem solving and innovation
  • Buffer against uncertainty
  • Cost efficiency

Question 23
Select the fundamental condition(s) for sustainable SC coordination.

1 point

  • C
  • A
  • B

Question 24
Which is one of the internal supply chain partners?

1 point

  • Suppliers
  • Employees
  • Distributors

Question 25
When defining information quality, the distance between information source and decision point refers to both physical and psychological distance.

1 point

  • False
  • True

Question 26
What is the customers’ advantage of VMI?

1 point

  • Increasing sales
  • Increasing inventory cost
  • Increasing inventory level

Question 27
Select the most appropriate word missing in the sentence below.

(______) is one of the methods for mass customization. (______) is delaying the product differentiating point and maintaining ‘commonality’ as long as possible.

1 point

  • Postponement
  • Total quality management
  • Vendor managed inventory

Question 28
True or False

2nd or lower tier suppliers of the firm are NOT generally included in the sustainability stakeholders of the firm

1 point

  • False
  • True

Question 29
Which is the least relevant concept to dynamic learning?

1 point

  • Cause and effect analysis
  • Updating knowledge
  • Focusing on the short-term learning/performance only

Question 30
What are the major sustainability areas in the framework of value system sustainability?

1 point

  • Social, Economic, Natural
  • Social, Natural
  • Natural, Economic


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