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About Cannabis, Mental Health, and Brain Disorders Course
The goal of this course on Cannabis, Mental Health, and Brain Disorders is to encourage you to engage in critical thinking regarding the many health impacts of cannabis (also known as marijuana) in the context of a number of mental health and neurocognitive conditions.
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Cannabis, Mental Health, and Brain Disorders Quiz Answers
Week 01: Cannabis, Mental Health, and Brain Disorders Coursera Quiz Answers
Pain Assessment
Which of the following statements about pain assessment are true? Choose all that apply.
- An elderly person with severe dementia cannot tell you he or she is having pain.
- Pain and depression occur at the same time in about 1/3 of all patients.
- When using a numeric rating scale from 0 to 10, 0 indicates no pain and 10 indicates the worst pain possible.
- Patients often guard a body part or walk differently to protect against pain.
- Changes in blood pressure and pulse are better indicators of the amount of pain a person has than what the person reports.
Which of the following statements are true about pain prevalence in the palliative care setting?
- Chronic nonmalignant pain is easily managed with opioids.
- Nearly 40% of cancer patients experience moderate to severe pain at some point during their illness.
- Only 15% of elderly patients in long term care facilities experience pain.
- Uncontrolled pain at the end of life is not a common symptom.
Unrelieved pain can result in . . .?
- Depression
- Disturbed Sleep
- Slowed Rehabilitation
- All of the above
Mary is a 75 year old woman who was diagnosed with colorectal cancer that has spread to her bones. She complains of achy, throbbing pain in her lower back and left hip. What kind of pain is she experiencing?
- Somatic pain
- Neuropathic pain
- Visceral pain
- Psychologic pain
Which of the following words may indicate visceral pain?
- Achy and throbbing
- Squeezing and cramping
- Burning and tingling
- Electrical jolts
____________, intensity , location, duration, aggravating/ allevating factors are five key components to a pain assessment.
Julio tells you he has burning, shooting pain radiating down his right leg. This type of pain is probably?
- Psychologic pain
- Visceral pain
- Somatic pain
- Neuropathic pain
Which of the following are common myths and misconceptions people may have about pain management and its treatment?
- If used too early, pain medicine won’t work later.
- Pain and suffering is inevitable. I just need to bear it.
- I might die quicker if I take too much pain medication.
- I don’t want to bother my healthcare provider with my complaints about pain.
- All of the above
Which of the following is not an example of a physical examination finding for pain?
- Inflammation
- Opioid abuse
- Absent bowel sounds
- Swelling
June has persistent pain due to degenerative joint disease. This pain has lasted for a few years. Her pain would be labeled as . . .?
- Acute pain
- Subacute pain
- Chronic nonmalignant pain
- Chronic malignant pain
Which of the following is not a true statement about persons with substance abuse disorders and their pain experience?
- Alcohol can affect how pain is expressed and can also make opioid therapy less safe.
- The use of cannabis and recreational drugs can influence the pain management plan.
- Smokers have a harder time stopping opioid therapy.
- Substance use is common and should be checked for in all persons with pain.
- Persons with a substance abuse history should never take opioids after surgery.
The process of nociception includes which of the following?
- Transduction – as the pain stimuli is recognized, neurotransmitters that inhibit nociception are released in the spinal cord.
- Perception – the cerebral cortex recognizes, defines, and perceives pain and responds.
- Transmission – neurotransmitters that are released at the time of injury include prostaglandins, histamine, bradykinin, serotonin, and substance P which start an inflammatory response and pain.
- Modulation – Neurons in the brainstem descend to the dorsal horn and release endorphins, serotonin and norepinephrine which promote the transmission of the pain impulse at the dorsal horn.
Uyen is a 78 year-old woman whose only medical problems are osteoarthritis and some memory loss. She received 5 mg of oxycodone 3 hours ago. As you enter her room, she lies quietly in bed, grimaces, and guards her hip as she turns in bed. Your assessment reveals the following information: alert and unsedated, BP = 120/80; HR = 80; R = 18. She rates her pain as 7 and describes it as achy, throbbing and unchanged in 3 hours.
Chose the number that best represents your assessment of Uyen’s pain to be marked on her record.
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Many barriers exist to the effective management of pain in clinical settings. Which of the following are common healthcare provider related barriers?
- Patient’s fear of side effects
- Lack of availability of pain medications in a pharmacy
- Nurse concern about causing side effects when giving pain medications
- Inadequate staff knowledge about pain assessment
- Family caregiver concern about addiction
Ursula is a 78 year-old woman whose only medical problems are osteoarthritis and some memory loss. She received 5 mg of oxycodone 3 hours ago. As you enter her room, she smiles at you and continues talking and joking with her daughter. Your assessment reveals the following information: alert and unsedated, BP = 120/80; HR = 80; R = 18. She rates her pain as 7 and describes it as achy, throbbing and unchanged in the last 3 hours.
Choose the number that best represents your assessment of Ursula’s pain to be marked on her record.
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Week 02: Cannabis, Mental Health, and Brain Disorders Coursera Quiz Answers
Non-Pharmacological Pain Treatment Assessment
Select the statement(s) about complementary and alternative therapies that is (are) true. Select all that apply.
- Alternative therapies are used in place of conventional medical therapies.
- Complementary and alternative medicine therapies that lack adequate evidence should be discouraged because they place patients at risk of adverse problems.
- Alternative therapies are used together with conventional medical therapies.
- Complementary therapies are used in place of conventional medical therapies.
- Complementary therapies are used together with conventional medical therapies.
- The terms complementary and alternative therapies mean the same thing.
- Complementary and alternative medicine therapies may or may not have strong evidence to support their usage. The key is to find out what works for the patient.
Which of the following is not listed as an integrative health domain as defined by the National Center for Integrative Health?
- Mind-Body medicine
- Alternative medical systems
- Manipulative and mind-body based.
- Energy therapies
- Holistic approaches
Which true statements apply to exercise therapy? Select all that apply.
- Physical therapists help restore balance, coordination, flexibility and strength so that movement, blood and nerve flow are not compromised.
- Walking has been shown to keep joints flexible and increase pain.
- Range of motion exercises, both active and passive, should be practiced daily.
- If there is pain associated with passive range of motion, that is understandable. It takes time to work through the pain.
- Ultrasound therapy, usually used by physical therapists, uses high frequency sound waves to help muscle strains.
Which of the following statements about traditional body-based therapies are not true? Select all that apply.
- Reflexology may reduce pain and anxiety, and promote sleep in the palliative care setting.
- Heat therapy works best on damaged, superficial inflamed tissues.
- Massage therapy is effective for patients with advanced cancer and is reimbursed by health insurance coverage 90% of the time.
- Ice therapy is more likely than heat to make muscles feel better.
Which of the following are true statements that address safety issues when using complementary and alternative therapies? Select all that apply.
- Acupuncture, if not done properly, can cause a collapsed lung, central nervous system injury, and/or infection.
- Topical agents applied to an open wound are helpful in relieving nerve pain by causing numbness.
- Standardization of the preparation of aromatherapies used is lacking.
- Medical cannabis, while only legal in some states, has well documented parameters for prescribing, administration, and side effect profile.
- Fentanyl patches may cause unintentional overdose if not administered properly.
Energy therapies include . . . Select all that apply.
- Mindfulness
- Therapeutic touch
- Reiki
- Qi Gong
For persons to be successful in using integrative therapies, they should be assessed for:
- Support from family caregiver
- Ability to pay for the therapy
- Capacity to concentrate
- All of the above
- Willingness to try
- Physical function and capability to participate
_____________ is one of the top 10 integrative health approaches used among US adults to improve function and reduce chronic pain. (Fill in the blank using one of the therapies below).
- Yoga
- Massage
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
- Acupressure
Which of the following is not an example of a mind-body therapies?
- Reflexology
- Music therapy
- Distraction
- Relaxation
- Mindfulness
Which true statements apply to mind-body therapies?
- Distraction puts pain in the background so that persons can focus instead on other activities they enjoy.
- Relaxation therapy options include deep breathing, calming one muscle at a time, and picturing positive or peaceful places.
- CBT can help a person change their thinking, including beliefs or attitudes they may or may not know they hold about pain.
- Being mindful means paying close attention to what’s happening in the past, present, and future, including how pain has felt, feels now, and concerns for the future.
There are many reasons why people with serious, life-limiting illness and pain try complementary and alternative therapies, including:
- Conventional therapy, like pain medicines, doesn’t seem to work anymore.
- There are too many side effects with pain medications.
- I feel more “in control” of my life.
- Natural pain relief allows me to focus on my spiritual and emotional well-being.
- All of the above
Some patients are not able to take pain treatments as prescribed because of financial difficulties or lack of insurance coverage. How might this barrier affect the person’s pain treatment?
- Patients may have to take a stepped approach to pain medications
- Patients may have to use certain opioids over others
- Patients may need to limit the amount of medication taken over a given time frame (e.g., only provided with 30 pills for a month)
- Patients may have to use non-drug therapies only
- All of the above
1. The sociocultural dimension of the pain experience involves a broad range of factors that influence a person’s pain description, experience, understanding, and response. Which of these are part of the sociocultural dimension?
- Ethnicity
- Marital status
- Gender
- Spirituality
- Financial
- All of the above
Which of the following integrative strategies have strong evidence for use in patients with chronic pain? Select all that apply.
- Aromatherapy
- Healing touch
- Tai chi
- Acupuncture
Which of the following statements are true about Capsaicin? Select all that apply.
- Capsaicin cream may be recommended to treat shingles.
- Capsaicin can only be prescribed by a provider; it is not available over the counter.
- Zostrix is another name for Capsaicin.
- Capsaicin cream side effects (like burning, stinging, or skin redness) are often unbearable for up to 50% of patients.
- Capsaicin is a substance derived from chili peppers that can help to treat pain.
Week 03: Cannabis, Mental Health, and Brain Disorders Coursera Quiz Answers
Medication Management Assessment
Naproxen (Aleve) helps with pain by
- Reducing inflammation
- Calming oversensitive nerves
What is the mechanism of action of Acetaminophen?
- It works by calming overstimulated nerves in the nervous system that are causing pain sensations.
- It works by interrupting the inflammatory pathway. With reduced inflammation, there will be reduced pain.
- it remains unclear to this day.
How many milligrams of acetaminophen can a person safely take in a 24-hour period?
- 2000 milligrams
- 500 milligrams
- 4000 milligrams
- 1000 milligrams
A person you know has been taking 8 doses of a cold medication each day for the last 5 days. Each dose of this medicine has 650 mg acetaminophen in it. She is having chest wall pain from coughing wants to start taking “extra strength Tylenol” too. What is the best advice you can give?
- “I think you are taking more Tylenol than is recommended, so maybe you should cut back on the on cold medication. If you are still hurting, something like ibuprofen might be effective and can be safely added when you’ve maxed out on acetaminophen”
- “If you’re still having pain, I agree that more Tylenol is a good thing”
- “Stay on the cold medication at your current doses and maybe try some ibuprofen”
- “You are taking too much Tylenol already. I guess you will have to suffer in pain
In the last couple of years, healthcare providers have been encouraged to focus more on controlling pain well enough for patients to do typical daily tasks (like grocery shopping) rather than on the self-reported pain intensity score.
- True
- False
We will Update These Answers Soon.
More About This Course
You’ll be able to recognise key characteristics of a number of anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well as major depression, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.
You will have an understanding of the aetiology and risk factors for these disorders, as well as the traditional treatments that are available.
Additionally, you will have an understanding of the influence that various cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD, have on these disorders. The gaining of this knowledge will be beneficial in terms of informing public policy, public health, as well as personal decisions surrounding the usage of cannabis products.
WHAT It Is That You Will Find Out
- Discover the potential effects that cannabis may have on four different types of anxiety disorders (panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, PTSD).
- Find out what the evidence says about the use of cannabis as a treatment for significant depression and schizophrenia.
- Learn about the studies that have been done on the medicinal benefits of cannabis for treating multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injuries.
- Find out what the study says about the use of cannabis to treat Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
- Psychology
- Pharmacology
- Public Health
- Personal Development
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Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of the Cannabis, Mental Health, and Brain Disorders Quiz of Coursera and grab some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing training. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also, and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.
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Fang Jifan의 말에 따르면 오늘은 Gongsheng 학생들에게 큰 기쁨의 날입니다.
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아이디어는 증기가 가져온 힘을 사용하여 금형을 직접 들어 올리고 단조하는 것입니다.
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어떤 사람이든 마음을 다하면 한 가지 일을 진심으로 할 수 있습니다.
Fang Jifan이 주장하고 제출을 거부하는 것은 당연합니다.
Tang Yin, Wang Shouren 및 Xu Jing은 오늘만 들었습니다.
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그는 고개를 들어 Zhu Houzhao를 바라보았습니다. “비행팀의 게시판인가요?”
AGENCANTIK says Thank you, all the information above is very helpful
Hongzhi 황제는 마치 Fang Jifan을 가르치려는 것처럼 반쯤 웃으며 Fang Jifan을 바라 보았습니다.
에그벳 계열
이 우울한 오두막에는 무심한 얼굴들이 있다.
홍지황제는 이를 악물었다: “나는 정말 바보야…”
북 오브 데드
저우 왕조 초기부터 소위 봉인은 실제로 가족 스타일의 봉인이었습니다.
문 프린세스
좋아, 지금은 그게 다야. 가방을 싸면 궁전으로 보내줄게. “
블랙 맘바
이 말을 듣고 장 여왕은 앞으로 나아가 “그럼 첩이 고소 할 것입니다 …”라고 말했습니다.
블랙 맘바
학자에게는 책이 없으면 시야를 넓힐 수 없습니다.
프라그마틱 무료 슬롯
저는 주당 3위안 미만인 수천만 주를 매입했습니다.
AGENCANTIK says incredible article I’ve ever seen
이 순간 그는 웃고 있었지만 그의 얼굴은 편안했습니다.
슬롯 게임
그러나 Fang Jifan은 석탄 채굴에서 유통까지 시작하고 싶다면 처음에는 모든 것이 어렵다는 것을 알고 있었습니다.
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잇따른 끔찍한 소식이 무언가를 암시하는 것 같습니다.
슬롯 무료
“폐하, 저는 이것이 좋은 일이라고 생각합니다. 좋은 일입니다.”
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하루 생산량이 500,000근으로 약 200톤에 불과합니다.
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어쨌든 양측이 보기에는 전쟁부의 잘못이다.
에그벳 도메인
Daming은 외부 법원에서 여성 공무원을 선발하지 않았습니까?
오공 슬롯
최근 Ma Wensheng은 점점 더 대중의 비판 대상이되었습니다.
AGENCANTIK says wow such a good post !
꽁 머니 슬롯
갑자기 왕아오의 눈물이 흘러내렸다.
더 트위티 하우스
지난 저택은 이미 수도의 영향을 받아 애도하는 사람이 많습니다.
톰 오브 매드니스
그는 매우 공격적으로 고개를 숙이는 Zhu Houzhao를 돌아보았다.
슬롯 무료 게임
“…” Wang Zhen이 말했습니다. “전하, 그는 죽었습니다.”
오공 슬롯
주무(周夫)는 숨이 차고 눈시울이 붉어져 안방으로 달려갔다.
토토 먹튀
국자감의 희생주인 류혜문은 충격에서 정신을 차렸다.
“아.” 류진은 급히 달려가 서둘러 떠났다.
토토 벳
Xishan New City의 가격은 하락세가 없을 뿐만 아니라 날이 갈수록 상승했습니다.
슬롯 카지노
그의 눈은 아무리 봐도 이상하게도 수시로 왕부시를 응시하고 있다.
프라그마틱 무료 슬롯
그는 눈에 안경을 벗고 싶었습니다.
트리플 슬롯
“황태자와 Fang Jifan이 Xishan에서 학교를 운영하는 것은 매우 효과적인 것 같습니다.”
무료 슬롯 게임
이 질문을 했을 때 모든 관리들은 침묵을 지켰다.
마종 웨이즈
Zhu Houzhao는 미소를 지으며 말했습니다. “아버지, 어디에, 어디에, 내 아들은 단지…”
79 슬롯
Datong을 구출하기 위해 베이징 캠프를 보낼 것인지 여부는 모든 사람들의 쟁점이되었습니다.
미스터 슬롯
Xiao Jing은 딸꾹질을하고 잠시 침묵했습니다. “왜?”
슬롯 무료
게다가 그들은 긴 전쟁을 위해 충분한 식량을 비축했습니다.
합법 스포츠 토토 사이트
Zhu Houzhao는 오랫동안 이야기했고 그는이 느낌을 매우 좋아했습니다.
무료 프라그마틱
“어쨌든 한번 해봐야겠네요. 황태자 전하께서 열심히 하셔야 할 것 같습니다.”
프라그마틱 슬롯
Fang Jifan은 이러한 빨간 테이프에 관심이 없습니다.
퀸즈 슬롯
Fang Jifan은 도울 수 없었지만 “전하, 배고프세요? “라고 말했습니다.
하바네로 슬롯
Hongzhi 황제는 점차 마음에 청사진을 갖기 시작했습니다.
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