HubSpot Reporting Assessment Answers 2021 | Free Certification Course(💯Correct)

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Here, you will find HubSpot Reporting Quiz Answers in Bold Color which are given below. These answers are updated recently and are 100% correct✅ answers of HubSpot Academy Free Reporting Certification Course.

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HubSpot Reporting Certification Exam Answers 2021

Q.1 – Fill in the blank:  ______ enables companies to identify new business opportunities, predict future trends, and optimize current operational efforts.

(A) Intuition

(B) Data

(C) Competitive intelligence

(D) Observation

Q.2 – True or false? The majority of people are willing to continue communications with a brand, even if they receive irrelevant promotions.

(A) True

(B) False

Q.3 – Fill in the blanks: Tail winds are to ________ : as headwinds are to _________. Forces, friction. Friction, force.Ships, force.

(A) Forces, friction.

(B) Friction, force.

(C) Ships, force.

(D) Ships, friction.

Q.4 – The Golden Circle is a framework invented by Simon Sinek that helps organizations:

(A) set and track ambitious business goals.

(B) visualize their long-term, mid-term, and short-term goals.

(C) explore their brand identity beyond just the products they offer. 

(D) prioritize their different business goals.

Q.5 – Why is having a strong sense of purpose important for a business? Select all that apply.

(A) It will help you and your team navigate uncertainty.

(B) It will help you discover potential risks, redundancies, and/or experience gaps in your strategies.

(C) It will ensure you’re meeting your customers’ needs and help you build off each offer to create a single brand message.

(D) It will help you step into your customer’s shoes and see them as people, not just metrics, so that you can improve the lives of those you serve.

Q.6 – Fill in the blank: SWOT analysis is ________

(A) a program and strategy you implement to speed up your flywheel.

(B) the result of a company’s efforts to gather and analyze information about its industry, business environment, competitors, and competitive products and services.

(C) a technique used entirely for visualization purposes, to envision the impact of forces and friction on a flywheel.

(D) used to identify an organization’s strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Q.7 – Fill in the blank: Competitive intelligence is ________.

(A) used to identify an organization’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as its opportunities and threats.

(B) the name of the strategy you use to actively slow down and sabotage your competitor’s flywheels.

(C) the result of a company’s efforts to gather and analyze information about its industry, business environment, competitors, and competitive products and services.

(D) a technique used entirely for visualization purposes, to envision the impact of forces and friction on a flywheel.

Q.8 – What happens during operational planning?

(A) Operational planning breaks down the long-term goals of the strategic plan into short-term goals and activities.

(B) Operational planning focuses on long-term goals, which align with your purpose, mission, and vision, and outline the direction of the business in the next three to five years.

(C) Operational planning is a goal-setting system that helps to ensure that efforts are focused on the same important issues throughout the organization.

(D) Operational planning is the result of a company’s efforts to gather and analyze information about its industry, business environment, competitors, and competitive products and services.

Q.9 – What happens during strategic planning?

(A) Strategic planning helps you organize your data points used to gauge your company’s performance relative to a goal.

(B) Strategic planning breaks down the long-term goals of the strategic plan into short-term goals and activities.

(C) Strategic planning is a goal-setting system that helps to ensure that efforts are focused on the same important issues throughout the organization.

(D) Strategic planning focuses on long-term goals, which align with your purpose, mission, and vision, and outline the direction of the business in the next three to five years.

Q.10 – SMART goals are:

(A) Source, Measurable, Attractive, Relevant, and Timely

(B) Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely

(C) Sustainable, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely

(D) Source, Medium, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely

Q.11 – Fill in the blank: When making data-driven decisions, objectives are statements ________.

(A) that define the qualitative outcome of your goal.

(B) that define the quantitative outcome of your goal.

(C) you use to benchmark and monitor the progress toward your key result.

(D) you use to benchmark the performance of every individual contributor.

Q.12 – Fill in the blank: Integrations are ___________.

(A) the way your data is structured by the software you use.

(B) a series of rules that allow for an application to extract and use information from a piece of software in their own application.

(C) used to connect your software to third-party applications so they can share information.

(D) the more bite-sized data tables your CRM breaks your data into to streamline storage, management, and reporting.

Q.13 – What are APIs?

(A) APIs are a group of technology-based tools that help businesses to operate effectively, market efficiently, and enable sales and service teams to provide an optimal customer experience.

(B) APIs are an all-in-one event software that enables the delivery of unique attendee experiences through intelligent, personalized, and intent-based engagement.

(C) APIs are a series of rules that allow for an application to extract and use information from a piece of software in their own application.

(D) APIs are a full platform of marketing, sales, customer service, and CRM software — plus the methodology, resources, and support — to help businesses grow better.

Q.14 – What are the advantages to native integrations? Select all that apply.

(A) Often include access to support and technical representatives are well-equipped to help you troubleshoot any issues you might face.

(B) Often free or lower-cost compared to hiring a developer to build a custom integration.

(C) Help you connect your software system with any other application or platform on the market.

(D) Don’t require coding experience.

Q.15 – What are the best ways to find out more about APIs and their potential use cases? Select all that apply.

(A) Ask a web developer to look at an API and discuss it with you.

(B) Start connecting systems and coding it on your own. Learning how to fix something is the best way to learn it.

(C) Do the research on your own.

(D) Check out the HubSpot API documentation to see how you can build applications and integrations using data from HubSpot.

Q.16 – What is the HubSpot App Marketplace?

(A) An app ecosystem that connects you with over 300 integrations and a host of certified app partners to maximize the impact of your tech stack.

(B) An app ecosystem that connects your to thousands of agencies, service providers, tech consultants, and expert professionals who have the credentials and experience to bring your vision to life.

(C) An app ecosystem is a group of technology-based tools that help businesses to operate effectively, market efficiently, and enable sales and service teams to provide an optimal customer experience.

(D) An online shop where you can buy CDs that enable you to download HubSpot directly to your device.

Q.17 – What are the benefits of running regular tech stack audits? Select all that apply.

(A) Save employees time

(B) Save money on apps

(C) Maintain a single source-of-truth for data

(D) Consolidate apps

Q.18 – What is the HubSpot Solutions Partner Program?

(A) An ecosystem connects you with over 300 integrations and a host of certified app partners to maximize the impact of your tech stack.

(B) An ecosystem is a group of technology-based tools that help businesses to operate effectively, market efficiently, and enable sales and service teams to provide an optimal customer experience.

(C) The world’s largest professional network on the internet.

(D) An ecosystem where you can choose from thousands of agencies, service providers, tech consultants, and expert professionals who have the credentials and experience to bring your vision to life.

Q.19 – On average, how many apps do mid-sized businesses use?

(A) 48

(B) 67

(C) 75

(D) 89

Q.20 – Fill in the blank: Events ___________.

(A) track anytime someone has an interaction to with your website or assets.

(B) are the bite-sized data tables databases split data into to streamline storage, management, and reporting.

(C) are tags you can add to the end of the URLs of your marketing or promotional efforts.

(D) track an output of something that has already happened.

Q.21 – Scenario: You’ve been tasked with debriefing your marketing team on the results of the latest advertising campaign. Your primary goals were to generate new leads and customers for the business. What reporting tools would best help you find the information you’re looking for? Select all that apply.

(A) HubSpot Campaign Analytics

(B) HubSpot Ads

(C) HubSpot Forms

(D) HubSpot Traffic Analytics

Q.22 – Which HubSpot reporting tools would help you best analyze the performance of your HubSpot pages and blog posts over time?

(A) HubSpot Report Builder

(B) HubSpot Website Analytics

(C) HubSpot Traffic Analytics

(D) HubSpot Campaign Analytics

Q.23- Fill in the blank: Data cleansing is the process__________.

(A) of using the size, positioning, and color in your reports and widgets to draw your persona’s attention to critical areas.

(B) of detecting and correcting inaccurate records from a table or database.

(C) your business takes to provide sales with the resources they need to effectively sell.

(D) that helps you review and invest in your customer experience in this age of the empowered buyer.

Q.24 – Clean data is ____________. (Select all that apply)

(A) Complete.

(B) Consistent.

(C) Condensed.

(D) Accessible.

Q.25 – What is reporting?

(A) The process of detecting and correcting inaccurate records from a table or database.

(B) The process of compiling and organizing your data into accessible charts and graphs to communicate trends, outliers, and patterns.

(C) The written or spoken summary of the strategic, operating, or financial data of your business.

(D) The process that helps you review and invest in your customer experience in this age of the empowered buyer.

Q.26 – True or false? When presenting your data on a bar chart, it’s effective to alter your axes so your audience only needs to see the necessary information.

(A) True

(B) False

Q.27 – Which tools are NOT part of the HubSpot reporting suite?

(A) HubSpot Report Builder

(B) HubSpot Workflows

(C) HubSpot Traffic Analytics

(D) HubSpot Dashboards

Q.28 – Fill in the blank: The purpose of funnel reports is to analyze:___________.

(A) your object data, including contacts, companies, deals, tickets, activities, products, or feedback submissions.

(B) key interactions that led to either conversions or revenue generated for your business. 

(C) the conversion rates between lifecycle or deal stages.

(D) how ineffective flywheels are as a business model.

Q.29 – What negative impact(s) can silos have on your organization? How can silos negatively impact your organization? Select all that apply.

(A) Reduce overall operational efficiency

(B) Lower team morale

(C) Contribute to the demise of a productive company culture

(D) Add force to your flywheel

Q.30 – True or false? HubSpot invented the flywheel.

(A) True

(B) False

Q.31 – What is another name for negative feedback loops?

(A) Positive Feedback Loops

(B) Friction

(C) Voice of the Customer Optimization

(D) Force

Q.32 – Fill in the blank: A positive feedback loop describes the process of __________.

(A) an organization listening to complaints or grievances to improve its products or customer service.

(B) visualizing the momentum gained by implementing a series of replicable successes.

(C) a company listening to employees’ complaints or grievances, and using that feedback to improve internal structure and workplace satisfaction.

(D) departments sharing information with each other to prevent data silos from forming.

Q.33 – What does your business do in the attract stage of the inbound methodology?

(A) You build lasting relationships with people by providing insights and solutions that align with their pain points and goals.

(B) You use your expertise to create content and conversations that start meaningful relationships with the right people.

(C) You manage the handoff of a customer or account from sales to service.

(D) You provide an outstanding experience that adds real value, and empowers people to reach their goals and become promoters of your company.

Q.34 – In an A/B test, what are you testing?

(A) A/B testing is a type of marketing experiment where you test two or more versions of assets against different segments of your audience over a set period of time.

(B) A/B testing is a type of marketing experiment where you test up to five variations of a website asset against different segments of your audience, continuously.

(C) A/B testing is a type of marketing experiment where you surface a variation of an asset that embodies your brand.

(D) A/B testing is a type of marketing experiment where you create two different websites, featuring very different brand voices.

Q.35 – True or false? You can test both large and small elements in your marketing with A/B testing.

(A) True

(B) False

Q.36 – Fill in the blank: HubSpot counts a page view every time:___________.

(A) three or more pages have been loaded on your website.

(B) a click on one of your custom coded events occurs.

(C) a form is submitted on one of your HubSpot pages.

(D) the HubSpot tracking code is loaded.

Q.37 – Fill in the blank: Exit rate shows the percentage of sessions _________.

(A) that started on a particular page.

(B) started and ended after 30 minutes of inactivity.

(C) who land on a particular page on your website and then leave.

(D) that ended on a particular page.

Q.38 – When a contact has an original source of “other campaigns” in HubSpot, that means the contact first accessed your site through:

(A) Your paid social ads campaigns.

(B) Your tracking URLs.

(C) Your email campaigns.

(D) A search engine, like Google or Bing.

Q.39 – What is sales enablement?

(A) The methodology that prioritizes the needs, challenges, goals, and interests of individual buyers.

(B) The process of selling web-based software to clients.

(C) The approach your business takes to provide sales with the resources they need to effectively sell.

(D) The process of designing and conducting experiments to optimize and improve the results of a target area.

Q.40 – Fill in the blank: A service level agreement (SLA) is an agreement between __________.

(A) your marketing and sales on the definitions of MQL and SQL

(B) a service provider and its customer that guarantees a certain output.

(C) your customer and business on how quality your product is.

(D) your marketing and sales team where you agree on what metrics matter most to your business.

Q.41 – When would you use a contact create attribution report?

(A) To understand which marketing and sales activities are generating revenue for your business.

(B) To analyze your object data, including contacts, companies, deals, tickets, activities, products, or feedback submissions.

(C) To analyze the conversion rates between lifecycles or deal stages.

(D) To analyze the interactions that led to conversions on your website.

Q.42 – What happens in the engage stage of the inbound methodology?

(A) You attract visitors with useful content and eliminate barriers as they try to learn about your company.

(B) You explain the momentum gained by implementing a series of replicable successes.

(C) You make it easy to shop and buy from you by enabling buyers to engage with you on their preferred timeline and channels.

(D) You help, support, and empower customers to reach their goals.

Q.43 – Which of the following is an example of a lagging indicator?

(A) Meetings scheduled

(B) Deals won/lost

(C) Demos or sales presentations

(D) Referral requests

Q.44 – Why are leading indicators considered “manageable” metrics?

(A) They measure the efficiency of sales managers.

(B) Sales managers can actively influence them with their teams.

(C) They help salespeople “manage” up to their managers.

(D) They’re aspirational, but it’s expected that the team will hit at least 70% of the goals they set with them.

Q.45 – Fill in the blanks: You can analyze the performance of ____, ____, and ____ in the Sales Content Analytics.

(A) documents, tasks, sequences

(B) sequences, playbooks, tasks

(C) sequences, templates, playbooks

(D) documents, templates, sequences

Q.46 – True or false? The create date property on your deal records in HubSpot is auto-populated for you.

(A) True

(B) False

Q.47 – Customer support surveys in HubSpot track which customer sentiment metric?

(A) Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

(B) Customer Effort Score (CES)

(C) Net Promoter Score (NPS)

(D) Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Q.48 – True or false? It is possible for non-SaaS companies to track renewal rate.

(A) True

(B) False

Q.49 – Which of the following are steps you can take to start to align your customer service and marketing teams? Select all that apply.

(A) Get critical with usage and activation metrics

(B) Create an SLA

(C) Run a churn and renewal analysis

(D) Run consistent smarketing meetings

Q.50 – How is dashboard building like gold panning?

(A) Trick question. Dashboard building is not like gold panning.

(B) Gold panning requires a geologist or prospector with a certain skill set, and dashboards should only be designed by data analysts with formal training.

(C) Building a dashboard means giving your audience a block of information. They’ll need to do the work to extract the useful pieces from it.

(D) You don’t want to give your audience a dense block of information. Instead, you need to massage your data to ensure your extracting the real gold — actionable insight!

Q.51 – When would you build a dashboard with the F-shaped reading pattern in mind?

(A) If you are planning to build a dashboard that contains a lot of reports.

(B) If you are planning to build a dashboard that contains only a few reports.

(C) You should always build dashboards with the F-shaped reading pattern in mind.

(D) You should never build dashboards with the F-shaped reading pattern in mind.

Q.52 – True or false? When designing dashboards, you should design them using a visual hierarchy.

(A) True

(B) False

Q.53 – What are blink tests used for?

(A) To measure what information a visitor takes away from a page having looked at it for just 5–7 seconds

(B) To arrange and organize elements on your dashboard so that visitors naturally gravitate toward the most important elements first

(C) In the realm of psychology, they’re used to test how much working memory capacity you’re using when viewing a web page.

(D) To measure what information a visitor takes away from a page having looked at it for just 3–5 seconds

Q.54 – What role does the hero play in your storytelling with data?

(A) They make your data story relatable to your audience.

(B) They elicit emotions and connect with the audience through relatable experiences.

(C) They leave your audience with a call-to-action.

(D) They help you prove to your audience why your company is better than your competitors.

Q.55 – What is backwards planning?

(A) A statistical technique which tells us how strongly the pair of variables are linearly related and change together.

(B) A way to evaluate a decision based on things you didn’t know before making the decision.

(C) A presentation design technique where you envision your audience as potential stakeholders and “pitch” them a story.

(D) A method of designing educational curriculum by setting goals for the learner before choosing the instructional methods and forms of assessment.

Q.56 – Proving a case with data consists of which of the following parts? Select all that apply.

(A) Making a claim

(B) Creating a prediction

(C) Presenting qualitative or quantitative evidence

(D) Including supplemental business context

Q.57 – True or false? Correlation does not equal causation.

(A) True

(B) False

Q.58 – Fill in the blank: If a person already has their mind made up and they are only paying attention to the data that supports this decision, this is an example of __________ bias.

(A) confirmation bias

(B) curse of knowledge

(C) selection bias

(D) hindsight bias

Q.59 – Which of the following are some best practices to consider when writing your data story? Select all that apply.

(A) Use the word “I,” as frequently as possible to consistently present yourself as the thought leader.

(B) Provide the context your audience needs to act.

(C) Use headings and lists for scannability.

(D) Using consistent repetition to drive your point home

Q.60 – What are some common pitfalls with presenting data in a slide deck? Select all that apply.

(A) Too many slides

(B) Too much information on the slides

(C) Slides that are too busy

(D) Too many visualizations

Q.61 – True or False? Word-of-mouth is not a good channel for small to medium-sized businesses to invest in.

(A) True

(B) False

Q.62 – How do effective goals differ from efficient goals?

(A) An efficient goal helps produce innovative, high-quality results. An effective goal helps you and your team be more productive and resources.

(B) An efficient goal helps you and your team be more productive and resources. An effective goal helps produce innovative, high-quality results.

(C) Efficient and effective goals are the same thing.

(D) An effective goal is inbound. An efficient goal is outbound.

Q.63 – Fill in the blank: Data literacy is the ability to __________.

(A) design accessible charts and graphs to communicate trends, outliers, and patterns.

(B) read, write, and communicate data in context.

(C) eliminate silos from your organization.

(D) read data in context.

Q.64 – Fill in the blank: An iPaaS solution is a __________.

(A) series of rules that allow for an application to extract and use information from a piece of software in their own application.

(B) graphic that shows just how many companies are vying for your attention.

(C) cloud-based platform that connects various applications, systems, and technologies within the cloud or on-premise.

(D) group of technology-based tools that help businesses to operate effectively, market efficiently, and enable sales and service teams to provide an optimal customer experience.

Q.65 – What are the two factors you must consider when having a developer build a custom integration? Select all that apply

(A) Resources

(B) Time

(C) Experience

(D) Scale

Q.66 – Fill in the blank: Objects are _____________.

(A) metrics that track anytime someone has an interaction to with your website or assets, such as page views, form submissions, or email clicks.

(B) the bite-sized data tables databases split data into to streamline storage, management, and reporting.

(C) a material thing that can be seen and touched.

(D) a series of rules that allow for an application to extract and use information from a piece of software in their own application.

Q.67 – What are the long-term effects of bad data? Select all that apply.

(A) Sabotaging your competitors by marketing your business as more successful.

(B) Costing your business between 15–25% of revenue a year.

(C) Negatively impact any lead nurturing processes in place — impacting sales and marketing teams alike.

(D) Getting buy-in from key stakeholders to invest more in automation tools powered by machine learning

Q.68 – Fill in the blank: The purpose of the HubSpot reports library is to help you: ___________.

(A) Decide what metrics should appear on your dashboard by offering several standard reports designed by subject matter experts in marketing, sales, and services to answer industry-specific questions.

(B) Analyze the conversion rates between lifecycles or deal stages.

(C) Dig into trends and determine which initiatives are creating the highest return on investment.

(D) Measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by providing HubSpot information about visitors accessing your site through the URL.

Q.69 – Fill in the blank: A data silo is when a group of raw data is __________.

(A) shared among departments and teams.

(B) accessible by only one department and isolated from the rest of the organization

(C) audited for the purpose of detecting and correcting inaccurate records from a table or database

(D) only communicated to the entire organization three months after it’s gathered

Q.70 – How can managers prevent silos from occurring at an organization?

(A) Managers cannot prevent silos from occurring at an organization. They are inevitable.

(B) By creating their own set of goals, independent of other departments, for their team to align behind.

(C) By creating a culture transparency and collaboration by aligning their teams under shared vision and set of goals.

(D) By only communicating with their team when it’s necessary to prevent information overload.

Q.71 – Fill in the blank: If you create a psychologically-safe working environment at your organization, team members are more likely to __________.

(A) speak less openly and argue against the ideas of other teams and departments.

(B) speak openly and contribute their ideas freely.

(C) take less risks around each other, leading to a culture that provides more consistent results.

(D) take needless risks, leading to bigger wins but also greater losses.

Q.72 – A/B testing is available in which HubSpot tools? Select all that apply.

(A) CTAs

(B) Sequences

(C) Workflows

(D) Email

Q.73 – What type of data do analytics platforms like HubSpot log where visitors are coming from?

(A) Source data

(B) Engagement data

(C) Website data

(D) Conversion data

Q.74 – Fill in the blank: UTM parameters _____________.

(A) are bite-sized data tables databases split data into to streamline storage, management, and reporting.

(B) are tags you can add to the end of the URLs of your marketing or promotional efforts.

(C) tracks an output of something that has already happened. 

(D) are buttons you put on your site to encourage your audience to take a desired action.

Q.75 – What data do entrances show?

(A) Every time the HubSpot tracking code is loaded on your website.

(B) The number of sessions ended on a particular page.

(C) The number of sessions on your site that were initiated on a particular page.

(D) You where your visitors are coming from before visiting your site.

Q.76 – If a contact has the original source of referrals in HubSpot, that means the contact first accessed your site from:

(A) A link on a different website

(B) Your pay-per-click ads

(C) Directly typing your URL into their browser

(D) A search engine like Google or Bing

Q.77 – If a contact has the original source of “offline sources” in HubSpot, that means the contact was first added to your database through:

(A) Your tracking URLs

(B) An import, an API, or manually

(C) Your pay-per-click ads

(D) A link on another website

Q.78 – Fill in the blank: The purpose of smarketing meeting is to ___________.

(A) Bring your sales and marketing teams together to collaborate on a shared project and solve problems.

(B) Compare marketings performance against that of sales to determine who gets the larger cut of the next quarterly budget.

(C) Create an open forum where both marketers and sales reps make suggestions to the teams in product to determine which products get built for customers next.

(D) Use post-its to map out your entire customer journey and flywheel.

Q.79 – What is the purpose of a multi-touch revenue attribution report in HubSpot?

(A) To analyze the conversion rates between lifecycles or deal stages.

(B) To understand which marketing and sales activities are generating revenue for your business.

(C) To analyze the interactions that led to conversions on your website.

(D) To analyze your object data, including contacts, companies, deals, tickets, activities, products, or feedback submissions.

Q.80 – Which of the following are examples of revenue metrics? Select all that apply.

(A) Year-over-year growth

(B) Deals won/lost

(C) Revenue by product line

(D) MQL to SQL conversion rate

Q.81 – Which of the following is an example of a leading indicator?

(A) Churn rate

(B) Calls made

(C) Average days to close

(D) Number of new customers

Q.82 – If 90–100% of your salespeople are hitting quota, you should look into your metrics. Which of the following may be a reason for such high quota results?

(A) Your business is growing.

(B) Your sales quotas may be too high.

(C) You have too many sales reps on your sales team.

(D) Your sales quotas may be too low.

Q.83 – Which of the following behaviors from sales reps could lead to steep drop-offs between deal stages? Select all that apply.

(A) Qualifying only MQLs sent over from marketing

(B) Negotiating poorly

(C) Laziness

(D) Giving bad demos

Q.84 – Customer satisfaction surveys in HubSpot track which customer sentiment metric?

(A) Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

(B) Customer Effort Score (CES)

(C) Net Promoter Score (NPS)

(D) Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Q.85 – Which customer sentiment metric is the strongest predictor of future purchase behavior?

(A) Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

(B) Customer Effort Score (CES)

(C) Net Promoter Score (NPS)

(D) Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Q.86 – How do you calculate customer lifetime value?

(A) You’ll need to audit the expenses of all of your customer success efforts. Once you add all expenses into one sum, you can divide that value by your total number of customers to get your average customer lifetime value.

(B) Multiply your average purchase value by your average purchase frequency rate. Then take that value and multiply it by your average customer lifetime value.

(C) Divide the number of customers who renewed their subscription by the number of users who are up for renewal. Then, multiply your result by 100 to determine your customer lifetime value

(D) Multiply your total number of active customers by your average revenue per user.

Q.87 – If you still don’t know the type of information your team or stakeholders value, what should you do?

(A) Ask them to provide feedback

(B) Rely on what they’ve asked for in the past

(C) Revise your reporting personas

(D) Check their calendars to determine who they’ve been meeting with and what they might care about

Q.88 – Fill in the blank: The cognitive load theory states that __________.

(A) the more force you add to the flywheel, the faster your business will grow.

(B) learning falters when it demands too much working memory capacity.

(C) data literacy is only a skill set available for right-minded people.

(D) those highly skilled at reading data have a larger working memory and will not struggle to unpack what a dashboard is saying.

Q.89 – What is the curse of knowledge bias?

(A) The error of evaluating a decision based on things you didn’t know before making the decision.

(B) The bias caused by assuming people have the same background knowledge as you, causing you to use terms that are only familiar to someone with your own background.

(C) The bias that occurs when coming to a conclusion based on data. You assume that you probably could have guessed this information all along and you forget the data you used to come to that conclusion.

(D) The bias that results when you are so tied to your own beliefs that your end up blatantly ignoring data and only going with their own beliefs to make a decision

Q.90 – Which of the following are elements you can add to your presentation to make your data story more relatable? Select all that apply.

(A) The careful placement of a sidekick (who represents you) to add humor and much needed sage advice to the “hero” of the story.

(B) A villain that your audience members are inclined to dislike. Base this off a real-life competitor to make the villain feel more tangible.

(C) The intentional use of tone, words, and delivery, all catered to this specific audience for maximum impact.

(D) Conflict in your story that your audience can connect with

Q.91 – What is the purpose of visualizations when telling a story with data? Select all that apply.

(A) To convey your data in an easy-to-understand visual

(B) To add credibility to your story

(C) To mislead your audience

(D) To showcase your knowledge of your reporting personas

Q.92 – When using pyramid goals, it’s important to have omissions because they:

(A) remind you and your team of the customers you’re solving for with your purpose.

(B) enable you and your team to prioritize the top milestones you want to achieve in the year.

(C) are the top five objectives your company is trying to accomplish for the year. 

(D) outline your ultimate goal, objective, or outcome

Q.93 – What is a tech stack?

(A) A cloud-based platform that connects various applications, systems, and technologies within the cloud or on-premise.

(B) A series of rules that allow for an application to extract and use information from a piece of software in their own application.

(C) A group of technology-based tools that help businesses to operate effectively, market efficiently, and enable sales and service teams to provide an optimal customer experience.

(D) A technology for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers

Q.94 – When you need to see small or incremental changes in your data over time, what is the best chart to use?

(A) Area graphs

(B) Pie charts

(C) Bar charts

(D) Line charts

Q.95 – What are the disadvantages to using pie charts? Select all that apply.

(A) Pie charts do not showcase changes over time well.

(B) Pie charts are not available in the HubSpot Report Builder.

(C) Pie charts do not give you enough white space to accurately represent your data with notes.

(D) Pie charts make it difficult to analyze data sets of equal or similar value.

Q.96 – Fill in the blank: The purpose of the HubSpot analytics tools is to: ___________.

(A) dig into trends and determine which initiatives are creating the highest return on investment.

(B) help you decide what metrics should appear on your dashboard by offering several standard reports to answer industry-specific questions.

(C) measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by providing HubSpot information about visitors accessing your site through the URL.

(D) analyze your object data, including contacts, companies, deals, tickets, activities, products, or feedback submissions.

Q.97 – Fill in the blank: The silo mentality is ___________.

(A) when the management of a customer or account moves from one team or department to another.

(B) a process where an organization listens to complaints or grievances to improve its products or customer service.

(C) a process where a company listens to employees’ complaints or grievances, instead of their customers and uses that feedback to improve its products or customer service.

(D) a mindset present when certain departments or sectors do not wish to share information with others in the same company.

Q.98 – Fill in the blank: Growth hacking is the process of __________.

(A) experimenting to explore observations and answer questions.

(B) identifying the best strategies to cut superficial costs and make your position within your organization appear to be crucial.

(C) running experiments aimed at building and maintaining a company’s customer base.

(D) grooming your at-home garden and trimming back any unnecessary stalks or growth.

Q.99 – Which of the following is NOT a step when running a marketing experiment?

(A) Revise your test

(B) Determine your objective

(C) Create a prediction

(D) Interpret your results

Q.100 – What do sessions track?

(A) Every time the HubSpot tracking code is loaded on your website.

(B) The percentage of visitors who land on a particular page on your website and then leave.

(C) The number of visitors on your site that were initiated from a content offer.

(D) All of the interactions a visitor has across your site until they have been inactive for 30 minutes or more.

Q.101 – What happens in the delight stage of the inbound methodology?

(A) You make it easy to shop and buy from you by enabling buyers to engage with you on their preferred timeline and channels.

(B) You attract visitors with useful content and eliminate barriers as they try to learn about your company.

(C) You help, support, and empower customers to reach their goals.

(D) You explain the momentum gained by implementing a series of replicable successes.

Q.102 – Customer loyalty surveys in HubSpot track which customer sentiment metric?

(A) Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

(B) Customer Effort Score (CES)

(C) Net Promoter Score (NPS)

(D) Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Q.103 – Which of the following are inputs you could use for your customer health score? Select all that apply.

(A) Customer success rate

(B) Recent survey results

(C) Product usage data

(D) Support case incident rate

Q.104 – What is a cadence?

(A) A buzzword used by tech companies to sound smart

(B) Any rhythmic sequence of words or sound

(C) A formal name for the 1:1s you have with your manager every week or month

(D) How often you should send a dashboard to your team, depending on their needs

Q.105 – When would you build a dashboard with the Z-shaped reading pattern in mind?

(A) If you are planning to build a dashboard that contains a lot of reports.

(B) If you are planning to build a dashboard that contains only a few reports.

(C) You should always build dashboards with the Z-shaped reading pattern in mind.

(D) You should never build dashboards with the Z-shaped reading pattern in mind.


With Assurance, this article will be beneficial for you to find all Quiz/Exam answers of HubSpot Reporting Free Certification Course, which is accessible for free of cost✅✅ on HubSpot Academy and grab some superior knowledge which will definitely help you to become pro in your career. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing Free Course Certification. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.

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