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About Smart Cities – Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures Course
Study the concept of “Smart Cities” as it relates to the administration of urban frameworks. The integration of Smart urban technologies into existing infrastructures has created and will continue to create a wide range of difficulties and possibilities for modern cities. This training will teach you how to integrate cutting-edge smart technology with your city’s aging infrastructure for maximum benefit.
Recent years have seen a dramatic shift in the landscape of urban infrastructure service supply due to developments in information and communication technologies (ICTs). This has piqued the interest of both IT companies and government officials in the concept of “Smart Cities” and their implementation in existing urban environments. ICTs are frequently disruptive innovators of urban infrastructure service supply, but such “Smart technologies” can give enormous opportunities for people and service providers.
This massive open online course will teach you all you need to know about Smart urban infrastructures, including Smart urban transportation and Smart urban energy systems, and how to overcome the obstacles you’ll inevitably encounter. This five-week online course will introduce you to the fundamental concepts behind Smart urban infrastructure management and their practical applications in the fields of transportation and energy.
In other words, you can start learning right away without worrying about missing any qualifications. But if you really want to get something out of this MOOC, you should definitely check out our second MOOC, which is all about the management of urban infrastructures and has received a lot of positive feedback from students.
This course will help you: – Understand the nature of disruptive innovations (smart technologies) in urban infrastructure systems – Study the management of the transition phase from legacy infrastructure systems to smart cities by supporting innovations while avoiding early lock-in – Understand the potential applications of these strategies – Apply these strategies to real-world problems
- Management
- City Planning
- City Management
- Smart City
Course Apply Link – Smart Cities – Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures
Smart Cities – Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures Quiz Answers
Week 1 Quiz Answers
Quiz 1: What did I learn in Block 1?
Q1. As seen in this MOOC, cities can be studied from different perspectives, and as different types of systems, which can be…
- Economic systems
- Technical systems
- Demographic systems
- Political systems
- Social systems
Q2. What are the main layers that are used to conceptualize urban systems in this block?
- Infrastructure layer
- Economic layer
- Service layer
- Green layer
- Institutional layer
Q3. What are the three key metrics used in this course to characterize the performance of urban infrastructure systems?
- Investments
- Sustainability
- Growth
- Quality of life
- Efficiency
- Resilience
Q4. As seen in this block, how does the conceptualization of smart cities differ from the traditional conceptualization of urban systems?
- By the use of electric vehicles
- By the addition of a citizen layer
- Through the merging of the infrastructure and service layers
- By the addition of a data layer
Q5. Which of the following components enables the development of the data layer for Smart Cities?
- Social networks
- Telecommunications infrastructure
- The World Wide Web
- The Internet
Q6. Which of the following definitions best describes digitalization?
- The process of using the outputs of a component of a system to influence the inputs of the same component
- The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) into most aspects of everyday life through the use of new and legacy telecommunication infrastructures and networks
- The interconnection of computers and other digital devices through the Internet
Q7. Which option best described how digitalization is being used to improve value chains?
- Value chains can be eliminated though the substitution of human labour with digital technologies.
- Value chains can become more efficient by reducing the number of services offered in the physical layer.
- Value chains can be closely monitored by customers and managers by being mirrored in the digital layer.
Q8. Which of the following options are not examples of digitalization?
- Smart energy meters
- Smart lightning
- Traffic surveillance systems
- Electric vehicles
- Wind turbines
Q9. According to this MOOC, what are the two main visions for implementing a smart city?
- Users as consumers: In this view, vendors lead the transition, and the smart city is built to increase profits.
- Users as citizens: In this view, the pubic sector leads the transition, and the city is built to serve the citizens.
- Users as leaders: In this view, the citizens lead and govern the transition using digital tools.
Q10. A Socio-Technical system can be defined as…
- A system in which people and
technology, including infrastructures, interact in a reciprocal relationship
within an environment. - A system in which individuals only interact with each other and have no impact on technological components.
- A system in which individuals and technology interact with one another, but does not have boundaries nor relation to its environment.
Q11. Which of the following smart city visions relies on a technology-push approach?
- The Citizen Vision
- The Vendor Vision
- The Non-Governmental Organisation Vision
- The City Government Vision
Q12. One of the key disruptions caused by digitalization relates to the fact that the value chain information mirrored in the data layer can be used to improve the layer or create new services and business models which allow companies to find new ways to profit. True or false?
- True
- False
Q13. Smart cities can be seen from a…
- political perspective
- technological perspective
- social perspective
- economic perspective
Q14. According to this MOOC, how does digitalization affect non-scalable industries, such as the taxi industry?
- It allows them to develop new business model on which to capitalize
- It turns consumers into prosumers
- It allows them to start scaling up
Q15. According to the lectures, which of the following statements is more accurate about the impact of digitalizaiton on management of cities as socio-technical systems?
- It enables cities to cope with the high complexity and interdependency that characterize urban systems.
- It enables urban dwellers and citizens to connect with one another and develop social activities.
- It allows public authorities to closely monitor and control the activity of all citizens.
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Week 2 Quiz Answers
Quiz 1: What did I learn in Block 2?
Q1. According to this MOOC, what are the three main drivers of the transition towards smart urban energy systems?
- Decentralized generation
- Low electricity costs
- Climate change
- Digitalization
Q2. What percentage of global primary energy is consumed in cities?
- 95%
- 75%
- 25%
- 55%
Q3. According to this MOOC, which key elements drive the smart urban energy transition?
- Alternative urban energy sources
- Energy efficiency
- Off and semi-off grid operations
- New storage technologies
- Automated self-driving vehicles
Q4. According to this MOOC, which of the following actors is not involved in the operation of smart urban energy systems?
- Utilities
- Electricity generators
- Electric vehicle manufacturers
- Transmission systems operators
- Distribution system operators
Q5. Which option best defines price signals?
- The information given to consumers through pricing that signals shifts in supply and demand
- The information given to consumers through pricing that signals change in electricity sources
- The information given to consumers through pricing that signals shifts in electricity providers
Q6. Which of the following actors is the least involved in the management of smart urban energy systems?
- Engineering companies active in construction of power plants
- Distributors
- Prosumers
- Decentralized electricity producers
- Storage operators
Q7. According to this MOOC, who are the main smart energy service customers?
- Distribution and transmission operators
- Buildings
- Commerce & industry
- Households
Q8. Which of the following options best describes smart energy balancing?
- The use of ICTs to optimize the balancing of supply and demand, almost in real time
- The use of ICTs to improve the monthly balance of energy consumed by households and buildings
- The use of ICTs to improve the energy efficiency of households and buildings
Q9. According to this MOOC, who are the customers of demand side management services?
- Buildings
- Households
- Distribution operators
- Commerce & industry
Q10. What are the main challenges for urban managers in the infrastructure layer?
- Allocating legacy costs
- Allocating the costs of a smart urban energy system
- Managing intermittency and grid stability
- Data pricing
Q11. Which of the following is not one of the main smart urban energy system challenges for policymakers in the data layer?
- Developing new applications
- Regulating data access
- Regulating data ownership
- Deciding whether to define data as a good or platform
Q12. From a social perspective, what are the main challenges for policymakers
- Regulating privacy issues
- Deciding whether to define data as a good or a platform
- Defining universal service obligations
- Regulating data access
Q13. Which of the following is a target customer for smart balancing services?
- Distribution operators
- Industries
- Buildings
- Households
Q14. According to this MOOC, what are the three main kinds of smart urban energy services?
- Contract enforcement
- Smart and integrated energy services
- Smart balancing
- Demand side management
Q15. Which of the following is not an example of smart and integrated energy services?
- Using the data layer to optimize the energy consumption of waste recycling facilities
- Using the data layer to facilitate the installation of solar panels and other generation technologies in households
- Using the data layer to provide services that enhance electric mobility
- Using the data layer to help manage energy use in water distribution systems
Week 3 Quiz Answers
Quiz 1: What did I learn in Block 3?
Q1. By the year 2050, what is the rate of urbanization expected to be worldwide?
- 66%
- 55%
- 95%
- 85%
Q2. Which of the following statements is more accurate?
- At first, cars made transportation in cities more efficient. But eventually they became counter productive and lowered efficiencies.
- Transportation in cities has become more and more efficient since the introduction of cars, thanks to the benefits this mode of transportation brings.
- Urban transportation quickly became more efficient with the introduction of cars, but has stabilized over the past decades.
Q3. What percentage of global CO2 emissions originate from the urban transportation sector?
- 25 to 30%
- 0 to 5%
- 15 to 20%
Q4. Digitalization is leading transportation systems to a change in paradigm characterized by a shift…
- from car ownership to mobility usership & from fossil fuel vehicles to electric vehicles.
- from car ownership to mobility usership & from transportation to mobility.
- from transportation to mobility & from bicycles to seaways.
Q5. According to this MOOC, what are the two pathways of transition towards smart urban transportation systems?
- Disrupt pathway
- Shift pathway
- Rebuild pathway
- Improve pathway
Q6. According to this MOOC, what are the two main trends under the improve pathway?
- Monitoring of urban transport infrastructures thanks to ITS
- The introduction of self-driving vehicles
- The development of Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
- The use of electric buses
Q7. Which option describes Level 2 of vehicle automation, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation?
- At least two driving assistant systems are present (e.g. cruise control and brake assistance).
- Conditional automation (driving task is completed by an automated system, but it is expected that the driver will respond appropriately when needed).
- One driver assistant system is present (e.g. braking assistance).
Q8. What are two new communication processes that need to be developed in order to ensure the successful introduction of automated vehicles?
- V2I Communication – Vehicles must be able to communicate with surrounding infrastructures.
- V2V Communication – Vehicles must be able to communicate with surrounding vehicles.
- V2CM Communication – Vehicles must be able to communicate with car manufacturers.
- V2G Communication – Vehicles must be able to communicate with the government authorities.
Q9. According to this MOOC, which of the following are key challenges in the service layer for the successful introduction of automated vehicles?
- Institutional changes (driving codes, licenses…)
- Integration of the data infrastructures with the legacy transport infrastructures
- Social acceptance of the new technologies
- Accountability: in case of accidents, who will be held responsible?
Q10. Which of the following options are examples of mobility services that rely on sharing economy processes?
- E-Hailing
- Car sharing
- Car pooling
- Motorcycle taxis
Q11. Which of the following statements regarding Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) and Integrated Mobility Platforms (IMP) is correct?
- MaaS relies on the idea of periodical subscription mobility packages and different service-level agreements between platform operators and mobility services providers, whereas an IMP relies on the Pay-as-you-go mechanism
- MaaS relies on the idea of a Pay-as-you-go mechanism, whereas IMP relies on periodical subscription mobility packages and different service-level agreements between platform operators and mobility service providers
- MaaS and IMP are the same thing, but are named differently based on the context (small city vs big city)
Q12. As seen in this block, which of the following is not an example of an emerging business model in the mobility sector?
- Selling vehicles to final custormer
- Data-centric
- Intermediation platforms
- Pay-as-you-use
Q13. According to this MOOC, which of the following are smart urban mobility challenges in the infrastructure layer for policymakers?
- Land use planning
- Business model development
- Financing the physical transportation infrastructure
- Interconnecting transport modes
Q14. According to this MOOC, in the Smart Mobility domain, which of the following are challenges for policymakers from a political perspective?
- Data regulation
- Land use planning
- Regulating competition
- Business model development
Q15. According to this MOOC, in the Smart Mobility domain, which of the following are challenges for urban managers from a technological perspective?
- Data standards and protocols
- Interconnection of modes
- Maintenance of road pavements
- Addressing the digital divide
Week 4 Quiz Answers
Quiz 1: What did I learn in Block 4?
Q1. What are three key factors that exists in most of complex systems?
- Resilience
- Interdependency
- Irreversibility
- Perpetuality
- Path dependency
Q2. Feed-back loops are defined as…
- processes using the outputs of a component of
a system to serve as input for the same component. - processes that have been improved thanks to the feedback received from an external expert
Q3. What should managers and planners avoid to insure successful transition towards smart cities?
- Silo-thinking
- Flexibility
- Rigidity
Q4. Which of these approaches are necessary to successfully transition towards smart cities, given the complex nature of cities as socio-technical systems?
- Flexibility
- Holistic approach
- High-speed transition
- Long-term perspective
Q5. Which of the following factors can be seen as a key driver of the dynamicity of a system?
- Decisions of the actors and the relationship between them
- Limited number of elements that interact with each other in the system
- Independence of elements from each other
Q6. Which of the following options best describes the S curve?
- A curve that shows the historical use of vehicles.
- A curve that shows the global rate of urbanization.
- A curve that shows the demographic transition of a city or country.
- A curve that shows the evolution of innovations over time.
Q7. What are the main issues faced when adopting a crowd-sensing approach to data collection?
- The development of innovative business models to reward data-gatherers
- Having enough sensors for all potential data-gatherers
- Paying attention to the redundancy and reliability of the data collected
Q8. According to this MOOC, which of the following questions pertaining the data layer transition must be addressed by industry stakeholders?
- Who will own the data?
- Which data standards will be used?
- Where will the data be stored?
- How will the data be priced?
Q9. According to this MOOC, which of the following questions pertaining the data layer transition must be addressed by city authorities?
- Who will own the data?
- How will the data be priced?
- Will there be restrictions on data accessibility?
- Where will the data be located?
Q10. What is the right sequencing of questions regarding the definition and development of the data layer, based on the lectures in this block?
- Data transparency
- Data storage
- Data standards
- Data pricing
- Data storage
- Data standards
- Data pricing
- Data transparency
- Data standards
- Data pricing
- Data transparency
- Data storage
Q11. According to this MOOC, what is a main requirement to ensure proper identification and access in the data layer?
- Modern devices
- Regulations
- Technical interoperability
Q12. According to this MOOC, what are some examples of stakeholders who could already own the data generated in smart cities?
- Owners of data generating devices
- Individual users
- Urban think tanks
- Telecommunications operators
- United Nations
Q13. When referring to the necessity of a holistic approach in managing the transition in socio-technical systems, which of the below dimensions are of most importance?
- Technological
- Social
- International
- Environmental
- Economic
- Political
Q14. Why is there a clash between traditional infrastructure regulation and in-development data regulation ?
- Because traditional infrastructure regulation is closely linked to the territory while data regulation does not yet have a territorial dimension.
- There are no clashes between traditional infrastructure regulation and data regulation.
- Because traditional infrastructure regulation is linked to the national territory while data regulation is linked to the urban territory.
Q15. What is the primary advantage of AI (Artificial Intelligence) for the management of urban systems?
- It requires more human intervention and thus has intellectual benefits.
- It allows the collection of more precise and reliable data.
- It enables permanent control loops, that is to say AI-enabled systems can automatically adapt to different situations and minimize human intervention.
Week 5 Quiz Answers
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Quiz 1: What did I learn in Block 5?
Q1. According to this MOOC, what are the three main challenges in the service layer to transition towards smart cities?
- Quality
- Service integration
- Data generation
- Universal services obligation
Q2. What are the indicators by which the Universal Services Obligations are measured?
- Durability
- Flexibility
- Accessibility
- Sustainability
- Quality
- Affordability
Q3. What are the three questions raised in relation to the affordability of Universal Services Obligations?
- Equity
- The use of digital payment methods
- The use of social tariffs
- The use of subsidies
Q4. Among the providers for these basic services, competition exists; however, there is a trend towards the concentration of the market shares. This leads the way to monopolies, which could significantly improve service quality. True or false?
- True
- False
Q5. Which of the following statements are incorrect?
- Liability issues are further exacerbated by the digital (and therefore intangible) nature of some services.
- The digital divide does not further exacerbate liability issues.
Q6. According to this MOOC, what are the two main alternatives for political priorities when planning a transition towards a smart city?
- The development of infrastructure
- Reducing the bandwidth of internet connection
- Increasing the penetration rate of smart phones in society
- Smart city promotion
Q7. Which of the following statements best describes the digital divide?
- A divide between the parts of the public and private sectors where political priorities have been set for a smart city transition and the others
- A divide between the parts of the city that have already adopted smart city solutions and the parts that are not yet reached by them
- A divide between the younger and richer parts of the population, who have more access to digital technology, and the rest
Q8. According to this MOOC, what is a key risk of setting smart city infrastructure development as a political priority?
- When the infrastructure is in place, the smart city may not necessarily follow.
- Making the infrastructures first will certainly results in a situation that people will not vote for the ruling political party in the next election cycle.
- Politicians might become obsessed with technology and spend less time and energy to campaign for their parties.
Q9. How can we ensure that the smart city services providers are not cream-skimming the infrastructure?
- By making them re-invest all their profits into new smart city services.
- By preventing them to invest part of their profits into environmental projects.
- By making them re-invest a portion of their profits in the infrastructure layer.
Q10. According to this MOOC, from an environmental perspective, what are the transition challenges for urban managers ?
- Deciding how central the environment will be to the
- Incentivizing the use of fossil fueles
- Life cycle considerations
Q11. What are the three steps to roll-out the use of big data analytics in cities?
- Define a smart city strategy from a business point of view
- Develop the appropriate ecosystem
- Develop an IT road-map
- Define smart city strategy from a business point of view
- Develop an IT road-map
- Develop the appropriate eco-system
- Develop an ecosystem
- Develop an IT road-map
- Define the smart city strategy
Q12. How are big data analytics differentiated from traditional data analytics?
- Traditional data analytics rely on records, databases and ERP, while big data analytics rely only on unstructured user-centered data.
- Traditional data analytics rely on unstructured user-centered data, while big data analytics rely only on records, databases and ERP.
- Traditional data analytics rely on records, databases and ERP, while big data analytics rely on the combination of traditional data with unstructured user-centered data.
Q13. What percentage of the data gathered is not directly exploitable (considered “dark-data”)?
- 20%
- 40%
- 50%
- 80%
Q14. Which of the following technologies can be used to analyze “dark-data”?
- Advanced analytics
- Quantum computing
- Artificial intelligence
- Cognitive computing
- Natural language processing
- Internet of Things
- Mechanical Automation
- Machine learning
Q15. Which technological development can be considered as an efficient way to gather data from different channels?
- Cloud solutions
- Hard-drive transmission
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Quiz 2: Final Exam
Q1. What are the key trends that have encouraged a shift towards decentralized electricity generation?
- Aesthetic dimensions of decentralized energy production units in houses
- The improvement of storage technologies
- Renewable energy alternatives, such as solar and wind, which can be deployed on small scales
Q2. From an economic perspective, what are the main challenges in smart urban energy systems for urban managers ?
- Deciding on the data standards
- Creating new business models
- Allocating the costs of a smart urban energy system
- Determining the pricing of the data
Q3. According to this MOOC, which of the following are smart urban mobility challenges in the service layer for urban managers?
- Design of congestion pricing schemes
- Business model development
- Addressing the digital divide
- Preventive maintenance of the bus fleet
Q4. In the context of automated vehicles, which of the following scenarios is the most likely to occur in urban transportation systems?
- Automated vehicles will compete against public transportation systems, and offer users door to door services.
- Public transportation will undoubtedly remain the backbone of urban transportation systems, and the last and first miles might be operated by automated vehicles.
- A combination of the other two scenarios is most likely.
Q5. According to this MOOC, why is it important to have flexibility when transitioning into a smart city?
- Keeping the options open avoids the chance of lock-in into premature technologies that could fail in the future.
- Flexibility allows cities to adopt a maximum number of innovations.
- Flexibility ensures that all innovations are pre-tested before being implemented in the real system.
Q6. According to this MOOC, what are the requirements for properly interconnecting the telecommunications infrastructures through the communications network?
- Technical interoperability
- Standards
- Diffusion of modern devices
- Providing free WiFi in the urban public spaces
Q7. According to this MOOC, what are the five dimensions that must be considered when transitioning to smart cities?
- Social
- Legal/Political
- Technological
- International
- Environmental
- Economic
Q8. According to this MOOC, what are the main infrastructure challenges in the smart city transition?
- Standards
- Political priorities
- Loyalty to one technology vendor
- Financing
Q9. According to this MOOC, which of the following options best describes the main consequence of digitalization?
- Rapid development in the capacity to analyze and visualize data
- An increase in household bandwidth
- The rapid decrease of the number of connected devices
Q10. According to this MOOC, which of the following are examples of demand side management?
- Using storage to smooth over intermittencies in energy generation
- Using your smart phone to control the lights in your house
- Giving financial incentives to reduce consumption during peak hours
- Introducing brand appliances in households and buildings
Q11. According to this MOOC, what are some characteristics of the shift in the habits of city dwellers?
- Ability to choose from a wide range of options and receive recommendations throughout all steps of the process
- Interest in spending more times with friends and family
- Desire to concentrate all services and remove the burden of choice
- Desire for customized solutions to their daily needs
Q12. Fill in the blanks:
Cities are composed of interdependent sub-systems, in which the changes in one subsystem may affect the performance of others. As such, the combination of the (1) of all subsystems results in the performance of the city. Additionally, these systems present high (2): every change or decision made in a socio-technical system is dependent on changes and decisions that were made in the past. Lastly, there is an element of (3) to these systems; the impacts of decisions made and changes introduced in the past are (4) and cannot be undone.
- (1) performance
- (2) path-dependency
- (3) irreversibility
- (4) long-lasting
- (1) efficiency
- (2) interdependency
- (3) complexity
- (4) quick
- (1) effectiveness
- (2) complexity
- (3) time-dependence
- (4) long-lasting
Q13. According to this MOOC, which of the following are examples of additional urban subsystems in which a smart city transition could also be implemented?
- Topography
- Eco-Tourism
- Water and waste
- Green infrastructures
- Housing
Q14. What are examples of technologies used to analyze “Big Data”?
- Smart phones
- Machine learning
- Internet of Things
- Artificial intelligence
Q15. Which of the following are examples of data generating devices?
- Cameras
- Smart phones
- Sensors
- Servers
Q16. According to this MOOC, what is the main trend enabling the transition towards a smart city?
- Digitalization
- Social networks
- Globalization
- Terrorism
Q17. According to this MOOC, which industries are most affected by digitalization?
- Fragmented industries
- Non-scalable industries
- Information asymmetric industries
- Energy intensive industries
- Information intensive industries
Q18. Which of the following is not a prerequisite for the development and transition towards smart cities?
- Governing the urban institutions and establishing the rules of the new smart city system
- Management of the new services layer
- Independent views of each of the urban infrastructures (silo-thinking)
- Management and governance of the data layer
- Management and governance of the old legacy infrastructures with the new smart ones
Q19. Which of the following best defines a prosumer?
- A consumer whose demand is uncertain and calculated using probabilities
- An individual that both consumes and generates electricity
- An individual who is also a professional in the energy sector
Q20. What are the three kinds of data that can be generated by smart energy systems?
- Grid behavior
- User behavior
- Generator data
- Bandwidth consumption
Q21. According to this MOOC, which two options best describe the different views of the smart energy data layer?
- Integrated View: This view is held by electricity utilities that have generation data and want to provide services based on it. Under this view, data is considered a good.
- Decentralized view: Under this view, data is provided by the most powerful actors across all layers of energy systems.
- Data Platform View: Under this view, data is fed by generators and then used by service providers to develop different services for different customers.
- Public Data View: Under this view, data is only provided and managed by the public sector.
Q22. What are the three drivers of the transition towards smart mobility systems?
- Urbanization
- Climate change
- Digitalization
- Globalization
Q23. Under the improve pathway, what is the main challenge for the infrastructure layer?
- The integration of the new data infrastructure into the legacy infrastructures
- Developing new
- System optimization
- Ensuring data security
Q24. According to this MOOC, what are examples of transportation schemes that enable the shift pathway?
- Integrated ticketing systems (smart cards)
- Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)
- Integrated mobility platforms
- The use of segways
Q25. Which of the following statements is more accurate?
- Technological innovations usually reach maturity quicker than social or institutional innovations.
- Social and environmental innovations usually reach maturity quicker than technological innovations.
Q26. According to this MOOC, which of the following elements of the ‘smart city’ notion is most likely to be addressed on a national or supranational level?
- Data privacy and security
- Data storage technology
- Location of access points for free WiFi in the city
Q27. According to this MOOC, what are the three main aspects of services integration?
- Data integration
- Integrating and coordinating new and old services
- Communicating the service level agreements with the representatives of the civic society
- Coordinating services across systems
Q28. What is the main accessibility challenge for smart city services?
- The digital divide
- Different brands of smart phones used by citizens
- The slow development of smart services
Q29. What are social tariffs?
- Tariffs that are differentiated based on a customer’s income or ability to pay.
- Offering a uniform tariff to all groups of citizens, regardless of their race, economic class or gender.
- Money given by the public sector to operators to lower the prices of services.
Q30. According to this MOOC, if cities choose to finance new smart city infrastructure through the private sector, what must they do?
- Just focus on Public-Private-Partnership solutions as the best possible option.
- Create the necessary conditions to make this option attractive to the private sector.
- Focus on marketing the city by using the “smart city” brand
- Develop a financial center to host the companies that invest in the city.
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I mastered more interesting things on this weight reduction issue. A single issue is that good nutrition is extremely vital any time dieting. A tremendous reduction in junk food, sugary foodstuff, fried foods, sugary foods, red meat, and bright flour products could be necessary. Retaining wastes parasitic organisms, and poisons may prevent goals for fat loss. While certain drugs quickly solve the condition, the terrible side effects will not be worth it, and they also never present more than a short lived solution. It is just a known undeniable fact that 95 of dietary fads fail. Many thanks sharing your opinions on this web site.
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What I have seen in terms of computer system memory is that there are features such as SDRAM, DDR and the like, that must fit the features of the motherboard. If the computer’s motherboard is fairly current and there are no operating system issues, changing the storage space literally normally requires under an hour or so. It’s one of several easiest computer upgrade methods one can envision. Thanks for revealing your ideas.
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Also I believe that mesothelioma is a unusual form of cancer malignancy that is often found in all those previously exposed to asbestos. Cancerous tissue form from the mesothelium, which is a protecting lining that covers most of the body’s internal organs. These cells generally form from the lining with the lungs, tummy, or the sac which encircles the heart. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
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I additionally believe that mesothelioma is a extraordinary form of cancer malignancy that is often found in individuals previously familiar with asbestos. Cancerous cells form inside mesothelium, which is a safety lining that covers the majority of the body’s internal organs. These cells usually form inside lining on the lungs, abdominal area, or the sac that encircles one’s heart. Thanks for discussing your ideas.
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Thanks for your publication. One other thing is that individual American states have their own personal laws that will affect people, which makes it quite hard for the our elected representatives to come up with a new set of rules concerning foreclosure on property owners. The problem is that every state offers own laws and regulations which may have impact in an undesirable manner in relation to foreclosure insurance policies.
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Thanks for your write-up. I would also love to opinion that the very first thing you will need to carry out is find out if you really need credit improvement. To do that you will have to get your hands on a replica of your credit rating. That should not be difficult, since the government makes it necessary that you are allowed to receive one cost-free copy of your actual credit report yearly. You just have to inquire the right individuals. You can either read the website for your Federal Trade Commission as well as contact one of the leading credit agencies specifically.
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Your unique approach to addressing challenging subjects is like a breath of fresh air. Your articles stand out with their clarity and grace, making them a pure joy to read. Your blog has now become my go-to source for insightful content.
Your storytelling prowess is nothing short of extraordinary. Reading this article felt like embarking on an adventure of its own. The vivid descriptions and engaging narrative transported me, and I eagerly await to see where your next story takes us. Thank you for sharing your experiences in such a captivating manner.
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Your blog is a true gem in the vast expanse of the online world. Your consistent delivery of high-quality content is truly commendable. Thank you for consistently going above and beyond in providing valuable insights. Keep up the fantastic work!
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Your writing style effortlessly draws me in, and I find it nearly impossible to stop reading until I’ve reached the end of your articles. Your ability to make complex subjects engaging is indeed a rare gift. Thank you for sharing your expertise!
Your storytelling prowess is nothing short of extraordinary. Reading this article felt like embarking on an adventure of its own. The vivid descriptions and engaging narrative transported me, and I eagerly await to see where your next story takes us. Thank you for sharing your experiences in such a captivating manner.
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