Hello Peers, Today we will share all week’s assessment and quiz answers of the Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional course launched by Coursera, free of cost✅✅✅. This is a certification course for every interested student.
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About Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional Course
With massive changes in our world that seem to create the most difficult of circumstances, both personally and professionally, your skills as a critical thinker and problem solver need to be further developed now more than ever.
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Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional Quiz Answers
Week 1: Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional Coursera Quiz Answers
Quiz 1: Identifying Problems Quiz
Question 1: Why do problems go unsolved?
- Because the problem doesn’t really need solving.
- People create quick fixes so they can avoid the problem for a while.
- People actually like problems.
Question 2: Which of these approaches do we need to solve problems?
- Both
- Solution-oriented
- Problem-centered
Question 3
- When do problems happen? (Check all that apply).
- When expectations are clear
- When people agree and work well together
- When miscommunication happens
- When goals are unclear
Question 4
- Why do problems resurface? (Check all that apply).
- When the solution didn’t include all stakeholders .
- The problem didn’t really exist to begin with.
- Because they are not solved or eliminated to begin with.
Question 5
- What is the best way to respond to a problem?
- Ignore it and know that in time It’ll fix itself.
- Assume responsibility and talk with someone about a long term solution.
- Don’t talk to others and try to take care of it myself.
- Avoid the problem and hope someone else fixes it.
Quiz 2: Problem Solving Steps Quiz
Question 1: Which of these is Step 6?
- Advantages & Disadvantages
- Prepare & Recommend
- Engage Feedback
- Reframe
Question 2: Which of these questions are part of identifying the problem? (Select all that apply).
- What’s my role in the problem?
- Who is at fault?
- When is the problem happening?
- Why is it happening?
Question 3: Why is it important to acknowledge your role in the problem? (Select all that apply.)
- Because people are more willing to work with a person who accepts responsibility.
- Because I may not have recognized it before.
- To show that is wasn’t my fault.
- Because I need to show others that I’m not a problem person.
Question 4: Why is reframing the problem into a goal-oriented question so important? (Select all that apply).
- Because it defines a clear path to brainstorming.
- Because people like goals.
- Because it saves time.
- Gets everyone aligned and in agreement.
Question 5: Does the reframe step need to include all those involved in the problem? (Select all that apply.)
- No, because not everybody really understands the problem.
- No because it takes longer to solve the problem.
- Yes, because everyone should get clear on what the new goal is.
- Yes, because it creates buy in on the eventual solution.
Question 6: Which one of these is a Reframed Goal Oriented Question?
- Eva keeps nodding off and falling asleep in meetings, what’s up with that?
- Why doesn’t Eva get more sleep so she can stay engaged in meetings?
- What can we do to ensure that everyone remains engaged in meetings so we can all be more productive?
- If James would have more productive and engaging meetings, Eva would probably stay awake, right?
Week 2: Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional Coursera Quiz Answers
Quiz 1: Module 2 Quiz
Question 1: During a brainstorming session around how to have more consistent communication among the team, Sally suggested having a 1 hour response time to emails. Susan said that would be hard to do given all the meetings she has throughout the day. Then Susan suggested a 24-hour response time instead. And Sally said that was a good idea.
Who violated the “non-judgmental” rule during brainstorming?
- Susan and Sally
- Susan Only
- Sally Only
Question 2: John was intrigued with the idea of brainstorming more than 1 idea, since his idea seemed to make the best sense. As other ideas came to the group, the team really got engaged and seemed to come together. At the end of the session Johns idea had launched so many more detailed suggestions that would make a difference for the success of the solution.
Why was it important that the team continued brainstorming, even though they landed on his first idea? (Check all that apply).
- The team is now learning how to solve problems so they can tackle more in the future without John, if necessary.
- The team now has more buy in to the solution which will help solve the issue.
- It proved to the team once and for all that John always has the best ideas.
Question 3: Jean was leading a group brainstorming for her office and allowed some people to put down some of the ideas. After that the group seemed to shut down and no one wanted to voice any new solutions.
What is this called?
- Stifling
- Blocking
- Filibustering
- Closing
Question 4: Laney wanted help from her team on solving a supply room issue and asked for some suggestions. The 4 others on the team said they had their own issues that they would also like some help on. Each team member wrote down the problem on a piece of paper and they rotated the paper, each writing down a suggestion. When they got their own paper back, each person had 4 suggestions.
What are the benefits of this brainstorming process? (Check all that apply).
- All ideas were shared without judgement.
- It saved time by not having to discuss each problem
- All ideas were documented without having to take notes.
Question 5: Why is it important to choose at least 3 solutions before deciding?
- Because there may be extenuating circumstances that could sabotage your first solution.
- Because the decision maker may not accept your solution.
- All options are important.
- Because there may not be a budget for your favorite solution.
Question 6: Which of these are typical barriers that can indicate disadvantages?
- All of these can be considered barriers.
- Doesn’t work with culture or values.
- Push back from leadership.
- Budget constraints.
- Human resistance to change.
- Rules, regulations, policies, and/or procedural guidelines.
Question 7: During the Advantages and Disadvantages discussion the team realized that none of the solutions they had brainstormed were going to work. In fact, they realized they were solving the wrong problem to begin with.
What should they do next? (Check all that apply).
- Go back to Step 2 Reframe
- Go back to Step 1 Problem ID.
- Go back to Step 3 Brainstorming.
- Go back to Step 3 Choose 3.
Question 8: Joaquin and his team spent most of the meeting discussing how they were going to cut their budget and add more staff to complete the project mandated by the new guidelines. After they brainstormed a couple ideas, they landed on a solution. Joaquin wrapped up the meeting and headed off to Stephanie to run it past her for approval. Stephanie asked if people would accept that idea and what push back could result? She also asked if anyone might have a negative reaction? Then she asked if it still seemed like a good solution? Needless to say, Joaquin went back to the team for more ideas.
What steps did Joaquin skip?
- Choose 3
- He skipped all of these steps.
- Brainstorming
- Prepare & Recommend
Question 9: Marisela was excited that the team wanted her opinion on how to solve the space issue in the office. She suggested that they look at the suite next door to see if it might work for the group. When Bernard said it was too expensive, Marisela said, how do you know that? What’s the budget? I bet I could get a better price because I know the owner. Bernard shrugged and said, “whatever, it’s a waste of time.”
What went wrong?
- Marisela didn’t know what the price was, so her idea wasn’t valid.
- No one was facilitating to ensure that everyone was remaining non-judgmental, which stopped the flow of ideas.
- Bernard was rightfully pointing out the disadvantages, but Marisela kept pushing.
Question 10: Which of these tools can help you facilitate a great group brainstorming session? (Check all that apply).
- Flip charts, post-its and markers.
- Jamboard.com
- Excel spreadsheet.
- Large conference room with glass walls for post-its.
Week 3: Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional Coursera Quiz Answers
Quiz : Module 3 Quiz
Question 1: Latisha was presenting her idea about how to solve the staffing problem and her boss Ashima said that had been tried before with no improvement. Ashima suggested they go another way and Latisha said with a raised voice, “We’ve tried that too, and I think if we don’t try my idea, we’re going to have a much bigger issue, worse than we have ever seen, and this problem will never go away!”
What kind of response was Latisha exhibiting to Ashima’s feedback?
- Respectful
- Open-minded
- Catastrophizing
Question 2: Vikas was excited to share the teams idea for solving the budget cuts impact? His team had not only come up with a plan that worked with the new budget, but they actually came up with ideas that would improve current processes for more efficiencies. When he finished presenting the new plan to the departments management team, the team asked if they had considered the overall goals of the organization. Although Vikas thought the answer was obvious, he shared the intricacies of how the plan did, indeed, meet the goals.
What kind of response did Vikas exhibit to the managements teams feedback?
- Defensiveness
- Embellishing
- Calm and collected
Question 3: Which of these responses should be AVOIDED when receiving feedback?
We spent a lot of time brainstorming, and this is the only solution that could possibly solve this problem.
- The team really thought this through and we’re confident with our recommendation, of course we’d also like to hear your thoughts.
- Would you please tell me more about your perspective?
- What do you suggest we do differently?
Question 4: Check all the statements that demonstrate appropriate “BE” responses to feedback.
- That might work, but we really think you should do this now.
- What makes you think this won’t work?
- We considered that and here was our rationale around the advantages and disadvantages of that approach.
- We didn’t consult that department, who should we talk to about this?
Question 5: When giving feedback on a solution, which of these statements helps facilitate future problem-solving efforts? (Check all that apply).
- Yes, I approved it as is. Nice work!
- I wouldn’t do that, but whatever you think is best.
- That’s an interesting idea, would you mind explaining your rational a bit?
- Go for it, thanks for working on that. I look forward to your suggestions in the future.
Question 6: When giving feedback on a solution, which of these statements stifles future problem-solving efforts? (Check all that apply).
- Why didn’t you talk to Joe about this since he’s the one with the problem?
- That’s a terrible idea what made you think that would work?
- Before you make your final recommendation, why don’t you talk to finance and see if it’s doable with our current budget?
Question 7: Aiko tasked Riker to deal withthe break room refrigerator which was full of old food and had gotten quite dirty. When Riker suggested that everyone take away all their own food on Fridays and hire a monthly cleaning service, Aiko preferred a solution that didn’t involve paying a company to clean.
- In order to help facilitate a more cost effective solution from Riker, what feedback would be best for Aiko to give him in order to continue the process without shutting down his efforts?
- I like the idea of everyone taking responsibility for their own food on Friday’s, but everyone should pitch in and keep it clean, too!
- I like the idea of everyone cleaning after themselves. Are there any other ideas that would allow us to be more self-sufficient without external resources?
- I like the idea of everyone taking responsibility for their own food on Friday’s, but there’s no way I’m paying for a service to clean.
Question 8: Gabriella and Rafael have been working together for a very short time. When they were tasked to work together and come up with a solution for improving the intake process, the first steps they should take are…
- Do some research and find out more about the problems that currently exist around the intake process including who, what, when, where, why, & how.
- Look at other departments and see how they have improved the intake process.
- Brainstorm ideas about how to speed up the operations.
Question 9: Irina and Lada couldn’t figure out why there were so many errors in the monthly report. After they did a detailed analysis of the problem, they uncovered that there were 2 employees that had been entering data incorrectly. They established that the goal was how to get all employees to enter data correctly. They decided to retrain all 10 employees on the correct way to enter the data which would be time consuming and costly, but at least everyone would be on the same page.
- Which is the best approach from the statements below to arrive at a better plan that would be less time-consuming and costly?
- Take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of each idea before deciding what to do.
- Brainstorm more ideas non-judgmentally.
- Both options are recommended.
We will Update These Answers Soon.
More About This Course
Have you ever tried to find a solution to a problem only to realize you’ve been focusing on the wrong problem from the very beginning? Or you’ve proposed a solution only to have it shut down by your boss or coworkers? How stressful and defeating is that?
With massive changes in our world that seem to create the most difficult of circumstances, both personally and professionally, your skills as a critical thinker and problem solver need to be further developed now more than ever.
By the end of this course, you will have learned and memorized a practical model to solve problems on your own and with others. These 7 critical steps will ensure that you have looked at a problem from every angle and considered multiple solutions. In fact, this dynamic and holistic approach will help you solve problems once and for all!
- Apply critical thinking skills to complex problems.
- Apply a model for solving problems and pose questions to further understand specific problems.
- Critical Thinking
- Decision-Making
- Problem Solving
- Brainstorming
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Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of the Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional Quiz of Coursera and grab some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them know about this excellent training. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also, and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.
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In the past few years, Africa has appeared as a vibrant hub for tunes and celebrity tradition, gaining international recognition and influencing global trends. African audio, with its rich tapestry of genres such as Afrobeats, Amapiano, and highlife, has captivated audiences around the world. Major artists just like Burna Boy, Wizkid, and Tiwa Fierce, ferocious have not just dominated the charts in Africa but they have also made considerable inroads into typically the global music scene. Their collaborations along with international stars plus performances at key music festivals have highlighted the continent’s musical prowess. Typically the rise of digital platforms and cultural media has further more amplified the reach of African music, allowing artists in order to connect with fans across the world and share their unique sounds and tales – https://nouvelles-histoires-africaines.africa/est-ce-que-mhd-va-bientot-se-produire-a-kinshasa/.
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Moreover, African celebrities are significantly using their programs to advocate regarding change and give back to their communities. From Burna Son’s activism around interpersonal justice issues to be able to Tiwa Savage’s efforts in promoting education regarding girls, these public figures are profiting their influence intended for positive impact. These are involved in various philanthropic activities, supporting causes such because healthcare, education, and even environmental sustainability. This specific trend highlights typically the evolving role associated with celebrities in Photography equipment, who are not simply entertainers but also key players in driving social modification and development.
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Britain is a vibrant hub for a rich assortment of cultural events, covering music, cinema, dance, and much more. Music festivals like Reading are well-known, pulling crowds from all over the world to enjoy performances by leading artists across genres. The BBC Proms, a prestigious music festival held every summer, features the best of orchestral music, culminating in the magnificent Last Night of the Proms. In cities like London, live music venues thrive, hosting gigs that cater to every musical taste, from independent groups to top-tier performers – https://euronewstop.co.uk/immerse-yourself-in-the-arts-free-performances-at-the-royal-opera-house.html.
Cinema in the UK is just as engaging, with the BFI London Film Festival standing out as a notable occasion in the film calendar. This prominent event screens a wide selection of films from around the globe, offering a platform for both established filmmakers and emerging talent. Additionally, the Edinburgh International Film Festival presents a unique opportunity to experience innovative and groundbreaking films. The UK’s extensive cinematic tradition is celebrated in historic cinemas like the Electric Cinema in Birmingham and the Prince Charles Cinema in London, where movie enthusiasts can experience both classic and contemporary films.
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Важным шагом бурения является выбор типа скважины. В Ленинградской области наиболее распространены два вида: абиссинские скважины и глубинные водозаборы. Абиссинские колодцы применимы для небольших домов и небольших домов, так как глубина их бурения не достигает 15-20 м. Глубинные скважины, которые пробиваются до 200 м и глубже, обладают возможностью к очищенной и воде стабильного качества, идеальной для круглосуточного потребления и обеспечения большого объема воды.
Качество воды в водозаборных источниках Ленинградской области связано от глубинного залегания. Артезианские воды обычно защищены от загрязнений и не требуют серьезной очистки. Однако, при бурении поверхностных горизонтов, в составе воды могут быть примеси, такие как железо и металлы, что нуждается в дополнительной фильтрации для чистоты воды. Нужно понимать, что в разных уголках региона состав водоносных горизонтов сильно различается, поэтому нужно проверять состав воды перед началом потребления.
Кроме водной чистоты, значимым моментом является обслуживание водозабора. Даже самые качественные артезианские скважины должны проходить периодической профилактике и промывке, чтобы не допустить засорения и уменьшения дебита.
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Старые древесные дома — это не только память о прошлом, но и неповторимые архитектурные постройки, которые нуждаются в внимании. Ремонт таких домов предполагает особом подходе, так как консервация исходных элементов конструкции и использование природных материалов являются основной задачей. https://masterpomebeli.ru/svezhie-publikacii/remont-terrasy-i-verand-kak-zashhitit-ot-pogodnyx-uslovij.html – Замена сгнивших строительных элементов, усиление фундамента, обновление оконных рам и кровли — все эти работы должны проводиться с учётом особенностей древесного строительства, чтобы сохранить привлекательность и надёжность дома.
Расширение загородному дому — это ещё одна важная задача, с которой сталкиваются обладатели компактных строений. Чтобы увеличить жилое пространство, можно построить веранду, террасу или даже полноценную дополнительную комнату. При этом необходимо поддерживать гармонию между модернизированными конструкциями и старой частью строения. Применение актуальных конструкционных материалов поможет модернизировать теплоизоляцию и оптимизировать затраты на обогревательные системы, что особенно целесообразно в реалиях непостоянного проживания.
Кроме того, стоит заметить на требование согласования подобных действий с муниципальными властями. Иногда увеличение площади требует получения лицензий и подготовки проектной бумаги. Важно выполнять реконструкционные нормы и инструкции, чтобы снизить возможных проблем в наступающем времени. Специалисты окажут помощь разработать проект, который будет соответствовать не только индивидуальным требованиям, но и всем юридическим и инженерным вопросам.
Таким образом, реконструкция и экспансия летнего дома — это не просто шаги обновления объекта, но и возможность сделать его удобным и практичным. Оберегание традиций срубного строительства и эксплуатация инновационных технологий поспособствуют освежить постройку новый облик, не потеряв его оригинального очарования.
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Ленинградская область известна сложной геологической составом, что формирует процедуру создания скважин на воду особенным в каждом участке. Регион обладает разнообразие слоев и водных структур, которые нуждаются в экспертный подбор при определении позиции и глубины пробивки. Водные ресурсы может находиться как на небольшой глубокости, так и быть на нескольких десятков, что определяет затруднение процесса.
Важнейшим аспектом, влияющих на тип скважины (https://www.fermerbezhlopot.ru/dlya-doma-i-dachi/stoimost-analiza-vody-iz-skvazhiny-aktualnye-ceny-na-laboratornye-i-ekspress-issledovaniya/ ), служит структура почвы и расположение подземной воды. В Ленинградской области чаще всего строят глубинные источники, которые дают доступ к чистой и непрерывной воде из глубинных структур. Такие скважины известны долгим сроком службы и заметным качеством ресурса, однако их бурение нуждается существенных ресурсов и уникального оснащения.
Способы бурения в регионе подразумевает использование современных установок и механизмов, которые могут управляться с трудными породами и избегать возможные обрушения стенок скважины скважины. Важно, что всегда нужно обращать внимание на санитарные требования и правила, так как вблизи отдельных населённых поселений есть охраняемые водные объекты и природные комплексы, что требует особый внимательный подход к буровым работам.
Водные запасы из подземных источников в Ленинградской области характеризуется отличной чистотой, так как она не подвержена от вредных веществ и имеет правильный состав полезных веществ. Это формирует такие скважины необходимыми для частных домовладений и заводов, которые выбирают стабильность и стабильное качество водообеспечения.
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Get rid of all kinds of Herpes and virus infections, Diabetes, Hepatitis A B C, Menopause and HIV with Natural Roots and Herbs, i was once infected with HERPES and after using Dr UMA Herbal Medicine for couple of weeks i couldn’t trace it anymore, i even went for checkup and my test came out Negative. Get your cure today from this wonderful herbalist, Dr. UMA.
You can also reach doctor UMA on WhatsApp,
+2347035619585 or Email dr.umaherbalcenter@gmail.com.
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I have been suffering from (HERPES) disease for the last four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulate all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man DR ONOMEN and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to DR onomen telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the DR assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email DR onomen on dronomenherbalhome@gmail.com sir i am indeed grateful for the help i will forever recommend you to my friends!!! with your lovely Email Address dronomenherbalhome@gmail.com or you can also call him on this number +2347026907113 OR WHATSAPP HIM WITH SAME NUMBER +2347026907113
Dr Onomen can as well cure the following disease virus
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Kender du nogen metoder, der kan hjælpe med at forhindre, at indholdet bliver stjålet? Det ville jeg sætte stor pris på.
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gruppe? Der er mange mennesker, som jeg tror virkelig ville
Děkuji|Ahoj všem, obsah, který je na této stránce k dispozici.
Tak Hej der til alle, det indhold, der findes på denne
Life is always beautiful especially when you have got good health’ I have be in pain For almost 2 years had. genital herpes and I was devastated and sad luckily I was directed to a very kind herbal man who helped me cure the damn virus and today. I am free from herpes. and very healthy’ all thanks to Dr.Aba and you can get to know him by contacting his emil address on dr.abaherbalhome@gmail.com
ocenili váš obsah. Dejte mi prosím vědět.
I have been diagnosed of genital Herpes for 3years and lived in pain with the knowledge that I wasn’t going to ever be well again I contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of money but my condition never got better I was determined to get my life back so one day I saw several post about Dr Aba the herbalist how he’s used natural herbal roots and herbs to cure this particular virus. immediately I contacted Aba on his email address dr.abaherbalhome@gmail.com we spoke on the issue I told him all that I went through and he told me not to worry everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine. and send it to me through ups delivery including a tree root which he said was very important and told me how to use it.. after 14days of usage the Pain, itching, and sores were gone after about 2months, am the happiest woman on earth now. This testimony is real. Thanks to Dr aba God bless you. you can reach him on his WhatsApp number on +2348107155060.
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Get rid of all kinds of Herpes and virus infections, Diabetes, Hepatitis A B C, Menopause and HIV with Natural Roots and Herbs, i was once infected with HERPES and after using Dr UMA Herbal Medicine for couple of weeks i couldn’t trace it anymore, i even went for checkup and my test came out Negative. Get your cure today from this wonderful herbalist, Dr. UMA.
You can also reach doctor UMA on WhatsApp
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Its a great pleasure for me to write this testimony about how i got my Genital Herpes cured a month ago. i have been reading so many comments of some people who were cured from various diseases by Dr Aba but i never believed them. I was hurt and depressed so I was too curious and wanted to try DR. Aba then i contacted him through his email, he assured me 100% that he will heal me, i pleaded with him to help me out. My experience with him was great, he healed me just as he promised. he sent me his medication and ask me to go for a medical check up after two weeks of usage. i agreed with him i took this medication and went for a check up, to my greatest surprise my result was negative, i am really happy that i am cured and healthy again. I have waited for 3weeks to be very sure i was completely healed before writing this testimony. I did another blood test one week ago and it was still Herpes negative. so i guess its time i recommend anyone going through the same way. reach him .through his email address: dr.abaherbalhome@gmail.com OR call, add him on Whatsapp +2348107155060. .
Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!
I am here to say a very big thanks to dr aba for making me a complete woman again, i was infected with Herpes for 2 years. I have been seriously praying to God and searching for a cure. I came here last month to search for solution to my problem and i saw comments of people talking about different doctors and God directed me to choose dr aba and i contacted Him, he sent me a medicine and directed me on how i will take the medicine for 14 days, i did so and went for a test and my result came out as Negative. i am so happy, i shared tears of happiness and i have taken it upon myself to always testify about how God used dr aba to solve my problem. I am a clean woman now, without any virus, if you are. infected with any disease like HIV, AIDS,CANCER, HERPES or any other disease you can also be happy like me by contacting dr aba through his Email: dr.abaherbalhome@gmail.com or whatsapp him +2348107155060.