- About The Coursera
- About More Chinese for Beginners Course
- More Chinese for Beginners Quiz Answers
- Week 01
- Week 02
- 1.Tell true or false according to the video
- 2. Tell what he/she/they are doing according to the pictures.(You can type in Pinyin or Chinese characters)
- 3.Ask for some help with the words given(you can type in Pinyin or characters)
- 1.Match
- 2.Tell true or false according to the video
- 3.Fill in the blank with the appropriate word
- 1.Tell true or false according to the video.
- Week 03
- Week 04
- Week 05
- Week 06
- Conclusion
Hello Peers, Today we are going to share all week’s assessment and quizzes answers of the More Chinese for Beginners course launched by Coursera totally free of cost✅✅✅. This is a certification course for every interested student.
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About The Coursera
Coursera, India’s biggest learning platform launched millions of free courses for students daily. These courses are from various recognized universities, where industry experts and professors teach in a very well manner and in a more understandable way.
Here, you will find More Chinese for Beginners Exam Answers in Bold Color which are given below.
These answers are updated recently and are 100% correct✅ answers of all week, assessment, and final exam answers of More Chinese for Beginners from Coursera Free Certification Course.
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About More Chinese for Beginners Course
This is a beginner’s advanced Chinese course.
The vocabulary of the learners will grow in the areas of personal information, daily activities, food and drink, health, and expressions like “hello,” “agree,” “compare,” “complain,” “prohibit,” “experience,” “plan,” and “recommend.” Students can speak and listen more fluently while also learning more about Chinese social traditions. The course does not require the students to be familiar with Chinese characters, just like Chinese for beginners.
Background knowledge is advised for students who have studied Chinese for beginners and who have a certain level of English language proficiency.
- Grammar
- Communication
- Chinese Language
- Speech
Course Apply Link – More Chinese for Beginners
More Chinese for Beginners Quiz Answers
Week 01
Q1. a teacher whose surname is Wang
- Wánɡ xiānshenɡ
- Wánɡ lǎoshī
Q2. a man you meet for the first time whose surname is Lin
- Lín xiānshenɡ
- Xiǎo Lín
Q3. a young friend whose surname is Bai
- Bái xiānshenɡ
- Xiǎo Bái
Q4. a father calls his daughter whose name is An Hua
- Xiǎo Ān
- Xiǎo Huá
Q5. a young girl you meet for the first time whose name is He Lili
- Hé xiǎojiě
- Xiǎo Hé
- Lìli
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 2 hKrFmyJ5EeaEhA5mDe1Caw feab6a8a62c3a9513c431407fea4c9d4](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/hKrFmyJ5EeaEhA5mDe1Caw_feab6a8a62c3a9513c431407fea4c9d4___.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=MHCCwxoVW8j68R7VIB-y3qiFAZ2cB13g0Cz0ttukY_0)
- shūshu
- tónɡxué
- āyí
- tónɡshì
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 3 1pDqnONIEeW hK2gi BIw 4da6addb472fc432b32d9509132c3777 1 2](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/1pDqnONIEeW--hK2gi_BIw_4da6addb472fc432b32d9509132c3777_1-2_____.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=UHBHw9ktTQ8tAtWiSRn6gWojORJ7ziK9TYZAF69dwHM)
- shūshu
- tónɡxué
- āyí
- tónɡshì
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 4 knFiU](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/knFiU-NJEeWOVQ68c1xy2w_c062f0e54cc81a19717c4da953c3d7e8___.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=ANOH5IqAq9N4rtQbZxNxnl_aESmKEwUbX2r4ZJjdSEA)
- shūshu
- tónɡxué
- āyí
- tónɡshì
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 5 rV2gZeNJEeWOVQ68c1xy2w ae775095777e3bd3518d9f23dfb84e48 1 2](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/rV2gZeNJEeWOVQ68c1xy2w_ae775095777e3bd3518d9f23dfb84e48_1-2_____.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=trhIvleDzY_NeUkX-J5XAxyYtIGuq-tzlV2nk9sYFcs)
- shūshu
- tónɡxué
- āyí
- tónɡshì
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 6 1 na NZEeWOVQ68c1xy2w 59bcedf44317bce9521826cf8d300e9f 1 3](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/1--na-NZEeWOVQ68c1xy2w_59bcedf44317bce9521826cf8d300e9f_1-3__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=q49ggmVu7OH6k7muJcuU2LvqK9edrWMYcTfdxrdcclo)
- lǎoshī
- xuéshenɡ
- jǐnɡchá
- yīshēnɡ
- zhíyuán
- pénɡyou
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 7 KL 6QeNaEeWufRJaRfO1AQ 85ba6d74be181191f2ceeff99f632b3f 1 3](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/KL_6QeNaEeWufRJaRfO1AQ_85ba6d74be181191f2ceeff99f632b3f_1-3__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=GS3ZMME2N8YDt-b_MK-p6LmJe32HHiR22yZwIVZsqgg)
- lǎoshī
- xuéshenɡ
- jǐnɡchá
- yīshēnɡ
- zhíyuán
- pénɡyou
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 8 aWhojuNaEeW hK2gi BIw b963ccb23730d800d1ae564466dac7ee 1 3](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/aWhojuNaEeW--hK2gi_BIw_b963ccb23730d800d1ae564466dac7ee_1-3__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=CUtxuQcnnMKcS3szWNyjfdZf9COSgE7Od5LxG-27tWU)
- lǎoshī
- xuéshenɡ
- jǐnɡchá
- yīshēnɡ
- zhíyuán
- pénɡyou
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 9 t 5bfuNaEeW hK2gi BIw a8b7c92668cffec10db6175bd0071385 1 3](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/t_5bfuNaEeW--hK2gi_BIw_a8b7c92668cffec10db6175bd0071385_1-3__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=z-Nzawxjfkhq-WOqWxjn_fp_zD6A4twZ5dK9yRr6oBg)
- lǎoshī
- xuéshenɡ
- jǐnɡchá
- yīshēnɡ
- zhíyuán
- pénɡyou
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 10 9NgOQONaEeW hK2gi BIw d5e66a5dc22ef74bf39828837cd54eee 1 3](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/9NgOQONaEeW--hK2gi_BIw_d5e66a5dc22ef74bf39828837cd54eee_1-3__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=YDDQUBC8Z_cikF5lsxtX4iB4ODVyU0QMbuOfbHVeOqw)
- lǎoshī
- xuéshenɡ
- jǐnɡchá
- yīshēnɡ
- zhíyuán
- pénɡyou
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 11 JobdwONbEeWuUgrcWIxPhQ d3f1b3ea94fc6137bf51be2cf0fcec27 1 3](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/JobdwONbEeWuUgrcWIxPhQ_d3f1b3ea94fc6137bf51be2cf0fcec27_1-3__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=ovugW6nURQE_PojbRJ8ynNmf6UhJhcUH7xK4mSrr9yA)
- lǎoshī
- xuéshenɡ
- jǐnɡchá
- yīshēnɡ
- zhíyuán
- pénɡyou
2.Choose the correct position(among (A)(B)(C)(D)) of the given word.
Q1. yě: Lánlan de bàba shì yīshēnɡ, (A) mínɡminɡ de bàba (B) shì (C) yīshēnɡ (D)。
1 point
- A
- B
- C
- D
Q2. bù: Wǒ bú shì lǎoshī, (A) tā (B) yě (C) shì lǎoshī (D)。
- A
- B
- C
- D
Q3. dōu: (A) Tāmen (B) shì (C) wǒ de pénɡyou (D)。
- A
- B
- C
- D
Q4. yě: Tā bú shì zhè ɡe ɡōnɡsī de zhíyuán, (A) wǒmen (B) dōu (C) bú shì zhè ɡe ɡōnɡsī de zhíyuán (D)。
- A
- B
- C
- D
1.Choose the correct expression accordingly
Q1. 2 buildings
- èr lóu
- èr hào lóu
- liǎnɡ ɡe lóu
Q2. Room 2015
- èrlínɡyīwǔ hào fánɡjiān
- fánɡjiān èrlínɡyāowǔ
- èrlínɡyāowǔ hào fánɡjiān
Q3. 5, Building 1, Green Garden
- Lǜyuán yī lóu wǔ hào
- Lǜyuán yīhào lóu wǔ hào
- wǔhào yī lóu Lǜyuán
Q4. (phone number) 110
- yāoyāolínɡ
- yīyīlínɡ
Week 02
1.Tell true or false according to the video
Q1. Bàba zài kàn zúqiú bǐsài ne。
- True
- False
Q2. Māma zài zuòfàn ne。
1 point
- True
- False
Q3. Gēɡe zài shànɡwǎnɡ liáotiān ne。
- True
- False
Q4.Dìdi zài xuéxí ne。
- True
- False
2. Tell what he/she/they are doing according to the pictures.(You can type in Pinyin or Chinese characters)
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 12 V2MVROQXEeWuUgrcWIxPhQ 82575b74c3cde0ce5055730f405998be 2 1](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/V2MVROQXEeWuUgrcWIxPhQ_82575b74c3cde0ce5055730f405998be_2-1__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=LHai85D8Dt-NLkEo0azfoLAZ4yCgdH0JYZdJMbRunlo)
Reference: Tā zài kànshū ne. (她在看书呢)
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 13 ZLqcWOQXEeWOVQ68c1xy2w 928fdd64e7fd80edad5d9a51c76e7b82 2 1](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/ZLqcWOQXEeWOVQ68c1xy2w_928fdd64e7fd80edad5d9a51c76e7b82_2-1___.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=D4xL4qNEHhu2zWc0qH8Cd7NxKddrvW19YO6Z36a0z7g)
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 14 fYGJauQXEeWOVQ68c1xy2w e94c75be1e3cfc3f595e4f74d4d112fe 2 1](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/fYGJauQXEeWOVQ68c1xy2w_e94c75be1e3cfc3f595e4f74d4d112fe_2-1_____.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=co3APSsgQKgWcEIw8sr91QuAz21qXFSgujjEINjm_XA)
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 15](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/4egR9yJxEearJg6UELUegQ_29e95a630a1a3243c5d83bf5842b710a___.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=j2YHrefRwE26qLm17-r0eD0xHNjuhOSOFa3ugaIF0HA)
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 16 mZ70XuQXEeWBDQ73 3lhaw 76ebeff9c9876483131c7fc9ae393f58 2 1](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/mZ70XuQXEeWBDQ73-3lhaw_76ebeff9c9876483131c7fc9ae393f58_2-1__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=wvK_NhoDTsRkVZvyv3Y8Ib7060Yy2zYsaA1V7QTPkBQ)
3.Ask for some help with the words given(you can type in Pinyin or characters)
Nǐnénɡ bānɡ wǒ___________ma?
(study Chinese)
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 17 kSWUyOOrEeWOVQ68c1xy2w d2105edc54a8577a1e71de8986b102fe 2 2](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/kSWUyOOrEeWOVQ68c1xy2w_d2105edc54a8577a1e71de8986b102fe_2-2__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=TUoxWYQcFkt4EwRykiVSFbHK6DOOcA5J1z0pA41W3GY)
- jiǎozi
- miàntiáo
- niúnǎi
- bāozi
- jīdàn
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 18 AvaLLuOsEeWBDQ73 3lhaw 6fce134803ed83e6283fbcf554037116 2 2](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/AvaLLuOsEeWBDQ73-3lhaw_6fce134803ed83e6283fbcf554037116_2-2__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=1AWrmnySlHmV6L5LyBZQRXWfzP5toQHwU1ZekURDth8)
- jiǎozi
- miàntiáo
- niúnǎi
- bāozi
- jīdàn
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 19 MHF1TuOsEeW hK2gi BIw 095657c43c189966052aa3b0fe73efdd 2 2](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/MHF1TuOsEeW--hK2gi_BIw_095657c43c189966052aa3b0fe73efdd_2-2__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=ZyRFTndyNUcL24YAeGvs-85x8-EVW3I9Q0FAgZD-gJM)
- jiǎozi
- miàntiáo
- niúnǎi
- bāozi
- jīdàn
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 20 e wkpOOsEeW hK2gi BIw 0bd0b9b769caef6d58deb96694f8fde7 2 2](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/e_wkpOOsEeW--hK2gi_BIw_0bd0b9b769caef6d58deb96694f8fde7_2-2__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=roGyX4rNKrg6wbHy7h-XA0hq_BiM65s1it-3giUhvNo)
- jiǎozi
- miàntiáo
- niúnǎi
- bāozi
- jīdàn
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 21 yCCh OOsEeWIdgqHxZs34w d2295810c9a5bf4e15bc51d844cd864c 2 2](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/yCCh_OOsEeWIdgqHxZs34w_d2295810c9a5bf4e15bc51d844cd864c_2-2__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=ydlRJ4tWguOgTFQiikHNEj5oIo9exixzcVwRUM-DYu0)
- jiǎozi
- miàntiáo
- niúnǎi
- bāozi
- jīdàn
2.Tell true or false according to the video
Q1. Xiànzài tāmen xiàbān le。
- True
- False
Q2. Tāmen huíjiā chī wǎnfàn。
- True
- False
Q3. Tāmen wǎnfàn chī bāozi
- True
- False
Q4. Tāmen chīwán fàn yǐhòu qù chāoshì。
- True
- False
Q5. Tāmen mínɡtiān bù chī zǎofàn, yīnwèi méiyǒu niúnǎi hé jīdàn。
- True
- False
3.Fill in the blank with the appropriate word
Q1. Wǒ_______chá。
- xiǎnɡ
- yào
- děi
- mánɡ
Q2. Xiànzài wǒ bù nénɡ huíjiā, wǒ______ɡōnɡzuò。
- xiǎnɡ
- yào
- děi
- mánɡ
Q3. Wǒ______zuò yīshēnɡ。(please choose two answers)
- xiǎnɡ
- yào
- děi
- mánɡ
Q4. Tā tài_____le,méiyǒu shíjiān xiūxi。
- xiǎnɡ
- yào
- děi
- mánɡ
1.Tell true or false according to the video.
Q1. Xīnɡqīliù tā zǒnɡshì qù yóuyǒnɡ.
- True
- False
Q2. Tā cónɡbù dǎ lánqiú.
- True
- False
Q3. Xīnɡqīliù tāmen bù yìqǐ qù qí zìxínɡchē.
- True
- False
Q4. Xīnɡqītiān tāmen tīnɡ yīnyuèhuì.
- True
- False
Week 03
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 22 AXljxujCEeWOVQ68c1xy2w 0ca189c093846e2f1ea9990f7ca11bb3 3 1](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/AXljxujCEeWOVQ68c1xy2w_0ca189c093846e2f1ea9990f7ca11bb3_3-1__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=Nam4f3alphgM5wMmmzSpBu4buKXJEVbnFXFRLNowu74)
- tián
- suān
- là
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 23 cQvsuOUcEeWOVQ68c1xy2w 0a261035ad688f3409a88f0e3e923ddf 3 1](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/cQvsuOUcEeWOVQ68c1xy2w_0a261035ad688f3409a88f0e3e923ddf_3-1__.png?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=7Sg99-q2KTbr90GZfUVFvrq7LmxDFWNGLYPwW4S8K54)
- tián
- suān
- là
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 24 luOUKuUcEeWBDQ73 3lhaw 24fcaed59cab5b691a2dd050f1cbda60 3 1](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/luOUKuUcEeWBDQ73-3lhaw_24fcaed59cab5b691a2dd050f1cbda60_3-1__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=tCUSRhRnRHDI_M4HEhD_J0ZwIW7nohYnn1UE4XXegrY)
- tián
- suān
- là
2.Fill in the blank with the appropriate word
Q1. This dish is a bit spicy. Zhè ɡe cài_______là。
- hěn
- yǒudiǎnr
- fēichánɡ
Q2. The movie is very interesting. Zhè ɡe diànyǐnɡ_____yǒu yìsi。
- hěn
- yǒudiǎnr
- fēichánɡ
Q3. The weather there is extremely cold in the winter. Dōnɡtiān nàr de tiānqì______lěnɡ。
- hěn
- yǒudiǎnr
- fēichánɡ
3.Describe one of the pictures that you like most with “zuì(the most)” and the word given.(You can type in Pinyin or Chinese characters)
For example:
The given word: hǎo
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 27 R IFT UqEeWIdgqHxZs34w 49ffd4b3965efff7651bdcbd5b85d445 3 4](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/R-IFT-UqEeWIdgqHxZs34w_49ffd4b3965efff7651bdcbd5b85d445_3-4__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=34eC_LAbCiQCGP8HhHG3YDwtAkwnrJdhywdJiYsBgLo)
The answer: Yú zuì hǎo. or 鱼最好
Choose one thing that you think the most interesting and type your answer below.
The given word: yǒuyìsi
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 30 92qyp UqEeW hK2gi BIw 65f50818fd9ef93e4898e243a39685ad 3 4](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/92qyp-UqEeW--hK2gi_BIw_65f50818fd9ef93e4898e243a39685ad_3-4___.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=WtvKERc3XK0o56vobLB3V0z0OqvKx7I2uw451-pQEDI)
The given word: hǎochī
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 32 xULsSOUrEeW hK2gi BIw 61edc94d4d6469608b9eae5bb1089a7f 3 4](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/xULsSOUrEeW--hK2gi_BIw_61edc94d4d6469608b9eae5bb1089a7f_3-4__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=RR_dmPBpnn9FUeT5TraoSIXFWbbHslYZsprH6RLma5U)
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 33 oXHOOeUsEeWBDQ73 3lhaw 9fe4e0176be196d1c36a778c89d40119 3 4](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/oXHOOeUsEeWBDQ73-3lhaw_9fe4e0176be196d1c36a778c89d40119_3-4__.jpg?expiry=1656115200000&hmac=4fEAb-XY9zBcpoIi7BXZKLlicze2uxdIWTgJrgTibvc)
This one is about the season, not about the Great Wall. Choose one season that you think the most beautiful and type your answer below.
The given word: piàoliɑng
Week 04
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- diànyǐnɡ
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- diànyǐnɡ
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- diànyǐnɡ
- diànnǎo
- dēnɡ
- diànshì
- bīnɡxiānɡ
- diànhuà
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- diànyǐnɡ
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- dēnɡ
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- diànhuà
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1 point
- diànyǐnɡ
- diànnǎo
- dēnɡ
- diànshì
- bīnɡxiānɡ
- diànhuà
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- diànyǐnɡ
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- bīnɡxiānɡ
- diànhuà
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- yīfu
- diànnǎo
- shǒujī
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- zìxínɡchē
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- yīfu
- diànnǎo
- shǒujī
- bāo
- zìxínɡchē
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- yīfu
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- yīfu
- diànnǎo
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- yīfu
- diànnǎo
- shǒujī
- bāo
- zìxínɡchē
Week 05
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- tóu
- dùzi
- yǎnjinɡ
- jiǎo
- tuǐ
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- tóu
- dùzi
- yǎnjinɡ
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- tuǐ
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Q1. dà
- university
- big
- primary school
- small, little
- middle school
- middle, center
Q2. zhōng
- university
- big
- primary school
- small, little
- middle school
- middle, center
Q3. xiǎo
- university
- big
- primary school
- small, little
- middle school
- middle, center
- university
- big
- primary school
- small, little
- middle school
- middle, center
Q5. xiǎoxué
- university
- big
- primary school
- small, little
- middle school
- middle, center
Week 06
![More Chinese for Beginners Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 | All Weeks Assessment Answers [💯Correct Answer] 51 ngcb33](https://networkingfunda.com/ezoimgfmt/d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/6LQXt-bUEeWBDQ73-3lhaw_f1f3e154d017d80a20ed13671f1c9c4f___.jpg?expiry=1656374400000&hmac=MuUQEE_KT-SmYNVOHDwdl6UjjTrjZK1RsPcjcU4ibaU&ezimgfmt=rs:890x566/rscb33/ng:webp/ngcb33)
- zuò fēijī
- zuò huǒchē
- zǒulù
- qí zìxínɡchē
- kāichē
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- zuò fēijī
- zuò huǒchē
- zǒulù
- qí zìxínɡchē
- kāichē
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- zuò fēijī
- zuò huǒchē
- zǒulù
- qí zìxínɡchē
- kāichē
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- zuò fēijī
- zuò huǒchē
- zǒulù
- qí zìxínɡchē
- kāichē
zuò huǒchē
- zuò fēijī
- zuò huǒchē
- zǒulù
- qí zìxínɡchē
- kāichē
2.Rearrange the following words accordingly(Please answer with ‘abc’)
Q1. Aug. 14, 2016
a.shísì hào b. èrlínɡyīliù nián c. bā yuè
Q2. 3 o’clock in the afternoon on Dec.7
a. xiàwǔ b. sān diǎn c.qī hào d.shí’èr yuè
Q3. 10 o’clock in the morning on Saturday
a.zǎoshanɡ b.shí diǎn c.xīnɡqīliù
1.Choose the correct questions for the answers.(not according to the video.)
Q1. yí ɡe xiǎoshí
- shénme shíhou
- duōchánɡ shíjiān
1.Choose the correct direction in Chinese
Q1. West
- dōnɡbian
- nánbian
- běibian
- xībian
Q2. North
- a. dōnɡbian
- nánbian
- běibian
- xībian
Q3. East
- dōnɡbian
- nánbian
- běibian
- xībian
Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of More Chinese for Beginners Quiz of Coursera and grab some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing training. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also, and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.
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