Wireless Communications for Everybody Coursera Quiz Answers 2022 [💯Correct Answer]

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About Wireless Communications for Everybody Course

This course will provide an introduction and history of cellular communication systems that have changed our lives during the recent four decades and will become an essential and inseparable part of human life.

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Wireless Communications for Everybody Quiz Answers

Week 01: Wireless Communications for Everybody Coursera Quiz Answers

Practice Quiz for Introduction and History of Cellular Communication Systems Quiz Answers

Q1. What does BW stand for in communication field?

  • BandWidth
  • BroadWay
  • BodyWeight
  • Business Week

Q2. Which is the wrong one?

  • FDMA: Frequency Division Multiple Access
  • TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access
  • CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access
  • SMS: Social Message Service

Q3. Which are the keywords and key technologies used in 3G cellular systems? (Choose Three)

  • Smartphone
  • CDMA
  • TDMA
  • MMS

Q4. What does LTE stand for?

  • Long Term Evolution
  • Long Transmission Evolution
  • Life Team Effort
  • Live Time Evolution

Q5. Accordign to 3GPP, what is the target data rate for 5G cellular system?

  • 10 Gbps
  • 20 Gbps
  • 30 Gbps
  • 40 Gbps

Graded Quiz for Introduction and History of Cellular Communication Systems Quiz Answers

Q1. Which concept did ‘Bell lab.’ propose in first generation communication system?

  • advanced mobile telephony system

Q2. What does BW stand for in communication field?

  • BandWidth
  • BroadWay
  • BodyWeight
  • Business Week

Q3. Which are the drawbacks of 1G? (Choose Three)

  • Large Size Phone
  • Poor Battery Performance
  • Expensive Service Fee
  • Wireless Communication

Q4. Which is the wrong one?

  • FDMA: Frequency Division Multiple Access
  • TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access
  • CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access
  • SMS: Social Message Service

Q5. What is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN), which is responsible for information and communication technology issues?

  • ITU
  • 3GPP
  • 3GPP2
  • Verizon

Q6. Fill in the blanks of following sentence.

The 2G system was developed to voice service, but the 3G system was focused on ( ~ ) communication.

Q7. Which are the keywords and key technologies used in 3G cellular systems? (Choose Three)

  • Smartphone
  • CDMA
  • TDMA
  • MMS

Q8. What does LTE stand for?

  • Long Term Evolution

Q9. Accordign to 3GPP, what is the target data rate for 5G cellular system?

  • 10 Gbps
  • 20 Gbps
  • 30 Gbps
  • 40 Gbps

Q10. Which one is not a key technology for 5G system?

  • NOMA
  • Many Cell
  • New Waveform
  • TDMA

Q11. Which one is an incorrect keyword for 5G system? See the blank of the following sentence.

The main targets for 5G (by 2020) are spectral efficiency, peak ( a ) massive ( b ), high ( c ) support, and low transmission ( d ).

  • time
  • connectivity
  • mobility
  • delay

Week 02: Wireless Communications for Everybody Coursera Quiz Answers

Graded Quiz Answers

Q1. The amount of information obtained by knowing the result of a random experiment is the same to the amount of (A)_________ on the result. In the case of tossing coin it is maximized when the coin is (B)________ and the corresponding amount of information is (C)___ bit.

  • (A) certainty, (B) fair, (C) 1
  • (A) certainty, (B) fair, (C) 0
  • (A) certainty, (B) unfair, (C) 1
  • (A) uncertainty, (B) fair, (C) 1
  • (A) uncertainty, (B) unfair, (C) 0

Q2. Suppose that the maximum frequency component of a signal is WW [Hz]. According to the sampling theorem, if the sample rate is above or equal to (A)_____, called the Nyquist rate, the original signal can be recovered perfectly.

Representing a continuous value requires (B)_______ number of bits because the resolution is (B)_______. If we increase the resolution of a quantizer, the distortion is (C)_________ but the information rate will be (D)_________.

  • (A) WW, (B) finite, (C) increased, (D) decreased
  • (A) WW, (B) infinite, (C) decreased, (D) increased
  • (A) 2W2W, (B) finite, (C) increased, (D) decreased
  • (A) 2W2W, (B) infinite, (C) increased, (D) decreased
  • (A) 2W2W, (B) infinite, (C) decreased, (D) increased

Q3. For wireless communications, we use an electrical device called antenna which converts an electrical current into a(n) (A)___________ and vice versa. A(n) (A)___________ can propagate a long distance with the speed of light. By doing this, we can deliver information wirelessly.

Mathematically, we can decompose a signal according to its constituent (B)________ components. The power spectrum of a signal indicates the power distribution of the information bearing signal according to (B)________.

Here, the range of non-zero power distribution is called the signal (C)_______ and it determines the speed of change in the signal. Remember that this is one resource we need to pay for transferring information.

If we increase the (D)_______ of the transmit signal, the intensity of the propagated radio wave increases, which implies longer propagation distance and better immunity for non-ideal effects. So, (D)_______ is another resource we need to pay.

  • (A) radio wave, (B) frequency, (C) power, (D) bandwidth
  • (A) radio wave, (B) frequency, (C) bandwidth, (D) power
  • (A) radio wave, (B) time, (C) power, (D) bandwidth
  • (A) acoustic wave, (B) frequency, (C) bandwidth, (D) power
  • (A) acoustic wave, (B) time, (C) power, (D) bandwidth

Q4. The PSD of the thermal noise is (A)_____. The noise power contained within the bandwidth of WW is (B)_____. Using the bandwidth of WW is equivalent to use (C)_____ independent samples. Then, the Shannon capacity is given as (D)_______ when the received signal power is PP.

  • (A) \frac{N_0}{2}2N0​​, (B) \frac{N_0}{2}W2N0​​W, (C) WW. (D) \frac{W}{2}\log_2(1+\frac{2P}{N_0W})2W​log2​(1+N0​W2P​)
  • (A) \frac{N_0}{2}2N0​​, (B) N_0WN0​W, (C) 2W2W. (D) \frac{W}{2}\log_2(1+\frac{P}{N_0W})2W​log2​(1+N0​WP​)
  • (A) \frac{N_0}{2}2N0​​, (B) N_0WN0​W, (C) 2W2W. (D) W\log_2(1+\frac{P}{N_0W})Wlog2​(1+N0​WP​)
  • (A) N_0N0​, (B) N_0WN0​W, (C) WW. (D) \frac{W}{2}\log_2(1+\frac{P}{N_0W})2W​log2​(1+N0​WP​)
  • (A) N_0N0​, (B) 2N_0W2N0​W, (C) 2W2W. (D) W\log_2(1+\frac{P}{N_0W})Wlog2​(1+N0​WP​)

Q5. What is the right order of processing sequence at the transmitter?

  • (Channel Encoding) – (Constellation Mapping) – (Waveform Mapping) – (Up Converting & Power Amp)
  • (Channel Encoding) – (Waveform Mapping) – (Constellation Mapping) – (Up Converting & Power Amp)
  • (Waveform Mapping) – (Constellation Mapping) – (Channel Encoding) – (Up Converting & Power Amp)
  • (Constellation Mapping) – (Waveform Mapping) – (Up Converting & Power Amp) – (Channel Encoding)
  • (Constellation Mapping) – (Channel Encoding) – (Up Converting & Power Amp) – (Waveform Mapping)

Q6. Consider the case where a detection fails but the channel decoder recovers it. The noisy received symbols close to the (A)__________ are very probable to produce bit errors. But, the channel decoder may find that the erroneous bit sequence is not a possible candidate sequence and correct the errors by mapping to the closest (B)________ sequence. Although such mapping can fail either, such probability vanishes as the information bit size k (C)______.

  • (A) original symbols, (B) erroneous, (C) increases
  • (A) original symbols, (B) possible, (C) decreases
  • (A) original symbols, (B) possible, (C) increases
  • (A) boundaries, (B) erroneous, (C) decreases
  • (A) boundaries, (B) possible, (C) increases

Q7. Select the correct answer(s).

  • If we divide the area into many cells and use one base station per each cell, much more power is required.
  • If users in different cells reuse the same frequency channels, the required bandwidth becomes much reduced.
  • Supporting many users in a large area by only one transmitter is the power efficient way.
  • Cellular structure is bandwidth-efficient way to support many users in a large area but is not power-efficient.

Q8. The base station selects one among the predetermined (A)______ based on the (B)_______ and transferring information by using it. This is called (C)______.

  • (A) AMC (B) MCS (C) CQI
  • (A) AMC (B) CQI (C) MCS
  • (A) MCS (B) AMC (C) CQI
  • (A) MCS (B) CQI (C) AMC
  • (A) CQI (B) MCS (C) AMC

Q9. In frequency division multiple access (FDMA), (A)______ channels are allocated by dividing frequency

In time division multiple access (TDMA), (B)______ channels are allocated by dividing time.

In code division multiple access (CDMA), typically (C)______ codes are allocated to users so that each user can use the whole time and bandwidth.

  • (A) orthogonal (B) orthogonal (C) orthogonal
  • (A) orthogonal (B) orthogonal (C) quasi-orthogonal
  • (A) orthogonal (B) quasi-orthogonal (C) orthogonal
  • (A) quasi-orthogonal (B) orthogonal (C) quasi-orthogonal
  • (A) quasi-orthogonal (B) quasi-orthogonal (C) quasi-orthogonal

Q10. Compare the two-user rate region of CDMA, FDMA, and TDMA.


Week 03: Wireless Communications for Everybody Coursera Quiz Answers

Graded Quiz Answers

Q1. Which action is better to cope with the so called “cocktail effect”?

  • Shutdown every transmission
  • Scheduling of transmission (e.g., round-robin way of transmission, allowing only some group of transmitters to transmit, etc)

Q2. In a single channel radio network, as the number of communicating pairs increases, it is impossible to support every pair. Which is the better solution for such overwhelming interference scenario?

  • Shrink the communication distance (such as multi-hop relay)
  • Make every node “move” randomly and wait for the source node to be close to its destination node.

Q3. Why does the cellular system look like as of today?

  • To handle large amount of interference
  • To save the power consumption of mobile terminals

Q4. What are the drawbacks to have stationary access points in the wireless network?

  • Increasing transmission power of mobile terminals.
  • Frequent handover (switching to a new access point) as mobile terminals move around the service area.

Q5. Increasing the base station density will increase the capacity of the cellular system?

  • Yes, if the number of mobile terminals is fixed and their demand is fixed.
  • Yes, even if the number of mobile terminals and their demand increase.

Q6. Select the two most unique features for the next generation cellular system (5G).

  • Ultra-dense base stations
  • mmWave transmission
  • Long-distance transmission
  • Frequent handover

Q7. The uplink power control is a typical example of radio resource management. When in the two-user case, is it optimal to shut off one of the users?

  • The target SIR is too high.
  • One mobile is too close to the base station.

Q8. In the distributed power control (DPC) algorithm, who measures the SIR (signal to interference), and reports it to whom?

  • The base station measures it and report to the mobile terminal.
  • The mobile terminal measures it and report to the base station.

Q9. To balance between fairness and throughput-maximization, which objective could be used in packet scheduling?

  • Maximize the minimum throughput of users
  • Proportional fairness

Q10. What is the most important gain from the packet scheming in the cellular system?

  • Increasing “average” data rate of each user.
  • Save the power consumption of base stations.

Week 04: Wireless Communications for Everybody Coursera Quiz Answers

Graded Quiz Answers

Q1. Which correctly names the types of antennas shown below?

T1jBoZ0GEeawrQrJUtdkvA 437ac0688d6858dcd01ca2d68f59eadf 1
  • A: Whip B: PCB C: Feedhorn D: Monopole E: Dipole
  • A: Chip B: Dipole C: Microstrip D: Cassegrain E: Monopole
  • A: Monopole B: Dipole C: PCB D: Feedhorn E: Cassegrain
  • A: Whip B: Monopole C: PCB D: Dipole E: Cassegrain

Q2. What cannot be the antenna gain for the directed antenna below in dBi?

iG0udJ0GEeav5QpTGIv Pg 236cc9aa2a407aa3f0161a2823d26c94 2
  • 5 dBi
  • 3 dBi
  • 8 dBi
  • 10 dBi

Q3. Given the antenna configuration shown below, if we want to send the signal from the Tx to the Rx, which of the following should have high value for good performance? (S is the S-parameter) (Choose two)

  • S11
  • S31
  • S32
  • S21

Q4. If antenna gain of 10 dBi was achieved using a single antenna, what would be the ideal gain of an array of antennas under identical conditions if the signal power was boosted by 100 times?

  • 50 dBi
  • 1000 dBi
  • 20 dBi
  • 30 dBi
  • 15 dBi

Q5. Which of the statements is erroneous? (Choose two)

  • The directivity of an antenna is determined by the beamwidth.
  • Circular array and linear array generate identical radiation patterns.
  • Radiation pattern can be only controlled by amplitude distribution.
  • With very closely spaced receiver antennas (perfectly correlated channels) for SIMO (single-input-multiple-output), an array gain of 3dB can be achieved.
  • Array gain can be used to reduce signal interference to other users.

Q6. For a perfectly uncorrelated (multipath) channel with 2 Tx antennas and 2 Rx antennas, how many paths can we exploit at maximum?

  • 2
  • 1
  • 8
  • 4
  • 6
  • 7.

Q7. If we have a 2 by 2 MIMO system with modulation scheme of 2 bps/Hz per symbol, what is the achievable maximum spectral efficiency?

  • 8 bps/Hz
  • 2 bps/Hz
  • 1 bps/Hz
  • 4 bps/HZ

Q8. Which of the statements is erroneous? (Choose two)

  • Diversity can be achieved in space, time, and frequency.
  • Tx diversity can be the same as Rx diversity.
  • Multi-user MIMO can only be formed when a base station and a user both have multiple antennas at their sides.
  • Diversity gain can be made by antenna selection.
  • Alamouti coding is a type of antenna selection

Q9. Which of the following does not achieve maximum sum rate?

7W6np50IEea3xA6aRYG05g 7cbb5c599953ddde48dd24127a980428 9 10
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D

Q10. Which of the following is a non-degraded channel?

BFgiXZ0JEeaVChLw2Vaaug f74193b2347d5a77ba3079895db5c7f5 9 10
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D

Week 05: Wireless Communications for Everybody Coursera Quiz Answers

Graded Quiz Answers

Q1. Which of the following statements is not correct about LTE OFDM?

  • OFDM is a parallel transmission method using multiple subcarriers.
  • 1200 subcarriers with 15KHz subcarrier spacing are used when the system bandwidth is 20MHz.
  • The OFDM symbol length, which is the inverse of the system bandwidth, is 50ns when the system bandwidth is 20MHz. 
  • The cyclic prefix helps to keep the orthogonality among the multiple subcarriers in most typical practical cellular environments.

Q2. Which of the following statements is not correct about LTE MCS?

  • BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, and 64QAM can be used for each subcarrier in an OFDM symbol.
  • Turbo code with various code rates is used as the channel code in LTE.
  • Each LTE MCS is mapped to its own channel quality information index.    
  • The data rate of an LTE MCS is determined by the modulation order.

Q3. Select the most appropriate one for the procedure of LTE H-ARQ.    

  • (CQI report) → (Scheduling) → (Data transmission) → (ACK or NACK) → (Retransmission if NACK)
  • (Data transmission) → (Scheduling) → (CQI report) → (ACK or NACK) → (Retransmission if NACK)
  • (Scheduling) → (CQI report) → (Data transmission) → (ACK or NACK) → (Retransmission if NACK) 
  • (CQI report) → (Data transmission) → (Scheduling) → (ACK or NACK) → (Retransmission if NACK)

Q4. Which of following statements is not correct about LTE frame structure and multiple access?

  • The basic resource unit is 1ms in time and 12 subcarriers in frequency.
  • In downlink, orthogonal frequency division multiple access is used.    
  • In uplink, every user transmits with the same transmission power.
  • In uplink, single carrier frequency division multiple access is used.

Q5. Which of the Tx structure is appropriate for the following scheme of SFBC (Space-Frequency-Block-Coding) ?




Q6. Which of the following statements does not correspond to LTE-Advanced key items?

  • Uplink diversity utilizing up to 4 antennas.
  • Further enhancement of downlink MU-MIMO (R10 main issue).
  • Peak spectrum efficiency of 20 bps / Hz for downlink, and 30 bps / Hz for uplink. 
  • Extension of downlink diversity to 8 antennas.
  • Coordinated multipoint transmission/reception, called CoMP.

Q7. Which of the following is incorrect? 

  • A: Transmit diversity (TM2)
  • B: Closed loop spatial multiplexing (TM3)
  • C: CL rank = 1 (TM6)
  • D: Open loop spatial multiplexing (TM4)

Q8. What is the main reason to have open loop power control?

  • Fast set-up for initial power level.
  • Fast support of moving users.

Q9. Why is PF scheduler “proportionally” fair?

  • It prioritizes less received   users.
  • It always gives more chances to users closer to the base station.

Week 06: Wireless Communications for Everybody Coursera Quiz Answers

Graded Quiz Answers

Q1. Which of the following best describes the advantage of circuit switching?

  • It provides a reliable communication channel.
  • It efficiently handles bursty traffic.
  • It doesn’t waste bandwidth.

Q2. Choose the one that best describes the disadvantage of circuit switching.

  • Connection setup delay
  • Best-effort delivery
  • Out-of-order delivery

Q3. Which of the following best describes the advantage of packet switching?

  • Data forwarding mechanism is simple.
  • Per-packet overhead is low.
  • It allows multiplexing.

Q4. Which of the following directly communicates with UE (user equipment) in LTE network?

  • eNodeB
  • SGW
  • MME
  • PGW

Which of the following acts as an interface between the external Internet and LTE network?Q5.

  • eNodeB
  • SGW
  • MME
  • PGW

Q6. What is the name of the process that connects a moving UE from one eNodeB to the other eNodeB without service disconnection?

  • Handover
  • Anchoring
  • Cell coverage

Q7. Which of the following is the name of the process that translates domain names into IP addresses?

  • IP address allocation
  • DNS resolution
  • Initial attachment

Q8. Choose the term that represents saving requested web pages for subsequent use.

  • Proxying
  • Caching
  • Load balancing

Q9. Which of the following is NOT related to traffic reduction in LTE network?

  • Handover
  • DNS resolution
  • Proxy forwarding

Q10. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using LTE and WiFi together?

  • It better supports user mobility.
  • It provides more bandwidth hence, better throughput.
  • It reduces operating costs.

More About This Course

This course will provide an introduction and history of cellular communication systems that have changed our lives during the recent four decades and will become an essential and inseparable part of human life.

The basic ideas of wireless communication theory are explained in a way that is easy for people who aren’t majoring in it to understand. Then, we’ll talk about how these ideas are put into practice and how multimedia services can be delivered in real-world LTE cellular systems so that learners can stay connected and have fun together.

Learners who finish this course will be able to: 1. Know what a cellular system is and how it has changed over time

  1. The very basics of how radio can be used to send information effectively
  2. How such principles are realized in LTE systems.
  3. How people can connect to LTE systems and how multimedia services can be delivered


Hopefully, this article will be useful for you to find all the Week, final assessment, and Peer Graded Assessment Answers of the Wireless Communications for Everybody Quiz of Coursera and grab some premium knowledge with less effort. If this article really helped you in any way then make sure to share it with your friends on social media and let them also know about this amazing training. You can also check out our other course Answers. So, be with us guys we will share a lot more free courses and their exam/quiz solutions also, and follow our Techno-RJ Blog for more updates.

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